TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Raja-raja 18:9-12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tahun keempat tahun ..... tahun ..... tahun(TB)/tahun ... keempat ....... tahun(TL) <08141 07243> [A.M. 3281. B.C. 723. the fourth year.]

Salmaneser(TB)/Salmanesar(TL) <08022> [Shalmaneser.]



tahun keempat

Yes 1:1; 36:1 [Semua]


Direbutlah ......... keenam ... keenam ......... direbutlah(TB)/dialahkannya ............................. dialahkan(TL) <03920 08337> [A.M. 3283. B.C. 721. they took it.]


Raja(TB)/raja(TL) <04428> [the king.]

Halah(TB/TL) <02477> [Halah.]

It is thought, with much probability, that Halah, or Chalach, is Ptolemy's Calachene, the northern part of Assyria; that Habor, or Chabor, is the mountain or mountainous country, between Media and Assyria, called by Ptolemy, [Chaboras,] Chaboras; and that Gozan is Gauzanitis of Ptolemy, situated between that mountain and the Caspian sea, and between the two channels of the river Cyrus.



Yes 37:12

orang Madai,

Yeh 16:39; 23:9 [Semua]


mendengarkan suara ... bunyi ................. mendengarkannya(TB)/menurut ........................ dengar(TL) <08085 06963> [they obeyed not.]

Musa(TB/TL) <04872> [Moses.]


melanggar perjanjian-Nya,

2Raj 17:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 17:15]

yang diperintahkan

2Raj 21:8; Dan 9:6,10 [Semua]

yang diperintahkan

1Raj 9:6; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 9:6]

2 Raja-raja 18:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berumur ... puluh lima tahun ......... puluh ... tahun(TB)/umurnya ......... puluh lima tahun ........ likur tahun(TL) <06242 02568 08141 01121> [Twenty and five years old.]

As Ahaz was 20 years old when he began to reign, and died when he had reigned 16 years, his whole age only amounted to 36 years; and as Hezekiah was, at least, entering on his 25th year when he began to reign, then Ahaz must have been under 12 years of age when his son was born! This is not at all impossible: and there are well-attested facts of men having children at as early a period, especially in eastern countries.

Abi(TB)/Abia(TL) <021> [A.M. 3278-3306. B.C. 726-698. Abi.]



sembilan tahun

2Raj 18:13; Yes 38:5 [Semua]

2 Raja-raja 1:14-17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


turun(TB/TL) <03381> [Behold.]

nyawaku(TB/TL) <05315> [let my life.]


takut ..... akan(TB)/takut akan(TL) <06440 03372> [be not afraid of him.]


berfirmanlah Malaikat

2Raj 1:3

janganlah takut

Yes 51:12; 57:11; Yer 1:17; Yeh 2:6 [Semua]


mengirim(TB)/menyuruhkan(TL) <07971> [Forasmuch.]

Baal-Zebub(TB/TL) <01176> [Baal-zebub.]

Literally, "the lord of flies;" or, as the LXX. render, [Baal mwean theon,] Baal the fly god. See note on Ex 8:24.

[on which thou are gone up.]

In the East there is usually at the end of each chamber a little gallery, raised three or four feet above the floor, with a balustrade in front, to which they go up by a few steps: here they place their beds; an allusion to which situation is involved in this declaration of Elijah's, and frequently referred to in the Sacred Scriptures: see Ge 49:4.


mengirim utusan-utusan

2Raj 1:2; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 1:2]

akan bangun

2Raj 1:4


Yoram .......... Yoram(TB)/Yorampun .............. Yoram(TL) <03088> [Jehoram.]

As it is said in ch. 3:1, that he began his reign in the eighteenth of Jehoshaphat, it is supposed that Jehoshaphat admitted his son Jehoram to reign with him eight or nine years before his death. "The second year that Jehoram was Prorex, and the eighteenth of Jehoshaphat."

kedua(TB/TL) <08147> [in the second.]


Maka matilah

2Raj 8:15; Yer 20:6; 28:17 [Semua]

Maka Yoram

2Raj 3:1; 8:16 [Semua]

Yeremia 27:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bangsa ........................ bangsa(TB)/bangsa ........................... bangsa(TL) <01471> [And it.]

There is a peculiar grandeur, as well as propriety, in this method of predicting Nebuchadnezzar's rapid successes. The God of Israel, declaring himself to be the Lord of armies, and the Creator and Owner of the whole earth, with all its inhabitants and productions, and claiming full sovereignty over his creatures, avows his determination, for reasons he does not deign to assign, to give all the countries of the world to the king of Babylon, whom he calls his servant, because he would accomplish an important part of his most righteous designs. They, therefore, who would escape the most dreadful judgments, must submit to the God of Israel, by submitting to Nebuchadnezzar; they must hearken to the prophets of Israel, and not to their own diviners; and they must observe, that Nebuchadnezzar, his son, and his grandson, would whatever opposition should be made, possess the full dominion of all these countries, till the appointed time was expired; and then, these haughty conquerors would in their turn become the prey of other powerful conquerors; all of which was most exactly fulfilled.

bangsa ........................ bangsa(TB)/bangsa ........................... bangsa(TL) <01471> [that nation.]

pedang(TB/TL) <02719> [with the sword.]


akan Kuhukum

Yer 9:16

dengan pedang,

Yer 21:9


Yer 5:12; [Lihat FULL. Yer 5:12]

penyakit sampar,

Yer 14:12; [Lihat FULL. Yer 14:12]


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