Mazmur 106:12-13
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
menyanyikan puji-pujian Kel 15:1-21; Mazm 105:43 [Semua] |
segera ... melupakan terlupalah(TB)/segera ... terlupalah(TL) <04116 07911> [They soon forgat. Heb. They made haste, they forgat.] Three days afterwards, at the waters of Marah. menantikan(TB/TL) <02442> [waited.] |
mereka melupakan Kel 15:24; [Lihat FULL. Kel 15:24] menantikan nasihat-Nya; Kel 16:28; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:28]; Bil 27:21; [Lihat FULL. Bil 27:21] [Semua] |
Ulangan 5:28-29
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katakan ... mengatakannya .... berfirmanlah .......... dikatakan ...... dikatakan ... dikatakannya baik ..... katanya(TB)/firman .................. baiklah(TL) <0559 03190 01696> [they have well said all.] |
itu baik. |
The language of the original is emphatic: {Mee yittain wehayah levavom zeh lahem,} literally, "Who will give that there may be such a heart in them?" They refuse to receive such a heart from me, who then can supply it? begitu(TB/TL) <02088> [O that there.] 32:29,30 Ps 81:13-15 Isa 48:18 Jer 44:4 Eze 33:31,32 Mt 23:37
Lu 19:42 2Co 5:20 6:1 Heb 12:25 [Semua]
berpegang(TB)/memeliharakan(TL) <08104> [keep all:] [that it might:] |
akan Daku segala perintah-Ku, untuk selama-lamanya! Ul 5:33; Ul 4:1,40; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:1]; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:40]; Ul 12:25; 22:7 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: KIRANYA HATI MEREKA SELALU ... TAKUT AKAN DAKU. |
Yesaya 29:13
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Oleh karena(TB)/demikian(TL) <03282> [Forasmuch.] <03374> [their fear.] |
karena bangsa Yer 14:11; Hag 1:2; 2:15 [Semua] dengan bibirnya, Mazm 50:16; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 50:16] dari pada-Ku, Mazm 119:70; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 119:70]; Yes 58:2; Yer 12:2; Yeh 33:31 [Semua] perintah manusia Mat 15:8-9%&; Mr 7:6-7%&; Kol 2:22 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: HATINYA MENJAUH DARIPADA-KU. |
Yehezkiel 33:31
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
rakyat berkerumun orangnya ...... umat-Ku(TB)/banyak orangnya .......... umat-Ku(TL) <03996 05971> [as the people cometh. Heb. according to the coming of the people.] rakyat .... duduk ... hadapanmu ... umat-Ku(TB)/banyak .... duduklah ..... hadapan .... umat-Ku(TL) <06440 05971 03427> [they sit before thee as my people. or, my people sit before thee. and they.] mulutnya(TB)/mulut(TL) <06310> [for with.] kauucapkan ..... melakukannya ............. manis-manis(TB)/diturutnya ........... manis-manis(TL) <05690 06213> [shew much love. Heb. make loves, or jests.] hati(TB)/hatinyapun(TL) <03820> [but their.] |
di hadapanmu Yeh 8:1; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 8:1] mengejar keuntungan Mazm 78:36-37; Yes 29:13; [Lihat FULL. Yes 29:13]; Yes 33:15; [Lihat FULL. Yes 33:15]; Yer 3:10; [Lihat FULL. Yer 3:10]; Yer 6:17; [Lihat FULL. Yer 6:17]; Yeh 22:27; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 22:27]; Mat 13:22; 1Yoh 3:18 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: DUDUK DI HADAPANMU. |
Hosea 11:12
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
dikepung(TB)/mengelilingi(TL) <05437> [compasseth.] Yehuda(TB/TL) <03063> [Judah.] menghilang(TB)/bergoncang(TL) <07300> [ruleth.] Mahakudus(TB)/Yang Mahasuci(TL) <06918> [saints. or, most holy.] |
Dengan kebohongan Hos 4:2; [Lihat FULL. Hos 4:2] Yang Mahakudus Hos 10:13; [Lihat FULL. Hos 10:13] yang setia. |