TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Kejadian 40:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


buatan(TB)/perbuatan(TL) <04639> [bake-meats. Heb. meat of Pharaoh, the work of a baker, or cook.]

Kejadian 40:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sesudah(TB)/kemudian(TL) <0310> [it came.]

<08248> [the butler.]

{Mashkeh,} from {shakah,} to give drink, is the same as {saky} among the Arabians and Persians, and signifies a cup-bearer.


Judul : Juru minuman dan juru roti

Perikop : Kej 40:1-23

juru minuman

Kej 40:9,13,21; Neh 1:11 [Semua]

juru rotinya

Kej 40:16,20 [Semua]


1 Samuel 17:44

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memberi memberikan(TB) <03212 05414> [Come to me.]

memberikan(TB)/memberi(TL) <05414> [I will give.]

Parallel instances of vaunting occur in some writers of a more recent date:--The conspirators against the emperor Maximinus having slain him, his son, and several of his best friends, threw out their bodies to be devoured by dogs and the fowls of the air. This custom appears to have been frequently threatened; and, however shocking to human feelings, was often carried into effect.


di udara

Kej 40:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 40:19]; Wahy 19:17 [Semua]

di padang.

2Sam 21:10; Yer 34:20 [Semua]

1 Samuel 17:46

TSK Full Life Study Bible


TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [will the Lord.]

menyerahkan ..... tanganku tanganku(TB)/menyerahkan(TL) <05462 03027> [deliver thee. Heb. shut thee up.]

memenggal kepalamu kepalamu ..... juga(TB)/mengerat(TL) <05493 07218> [take thine.]

mayatmu(TB)/bangkai(TL) <06297> [carcases.]

liar .... bumi(TB)/padang ........ bumi(TL) <0776> [all the earth.]


akan menyerahkan

1Sam 14:12; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 14:12]

dan mayat

Ul 28:26; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:26]

seluruh bumi

Yos 4:24; [Lihat FULL. Yos 4:24]; Yes 11:9; [Lihat FULL. Yes 11:9] [Semua]

bahwa Israel

1Raj 18:36; 2Raj 5:8; 19:19; Yes 37:20 [Semua]

1 Samuel 17:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Lembah(TB)/lembah(TL) <06010> [the valley.]

mengatur ... perangnya ... diaturnya(TB)/diaturnya ... perangnya(TL) <06186 04421> [set the battle in array. Heb. ranged the battle.]


Lembah Tarbantin;

1Sam 21:9

1 Samuel 21:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


larilah(TB)/lari(TL) <01272> [fled.]

Akhis(TB/TL) <0397> [Achish. or, Abimelech.]

27:2 Ps 34:1 *title [Semua]

Gat(TB/TL) <01661> [Gath.]

Jerome says there was a large town called Gath, in the way from Eleutheropolis to Gaza; and Eusebius speaks of another Gath, five miles from Eleutheropolis, towards Lydda, (and consequently different from that mentioned by Jerome;) and also of another Gath, between Jamnia and Antipatris. It appears to have been the extreme boundary of the Philistine territory in one direction, as Ekron was on the other, (ch. 7:14; 17:52,) and lay near Mareshah, (2 Ch 11:8. Mic 1:14,) which agrees pretty well with the position assigned it by Jerome. But Reland and Dr. Wells agree with Eusebius; and the authors of the Universal History (b. i. c. 7) place it about six miles form Jamnia, fourteen south of Joppa, and thirty-two west of Jerusalem.


Judul : Daud di Gat

Perikop : 1Sam 21:10-15


1Sam 25:13; 27:2 [Semua]

Yehezkiel 39:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


rebah(TB/TL) <05307> [fall.]

memberikan(TL) <05414> [I will.]

jenis(TB)/sayap(TL) <03671> [sort. Heb. wing. to be devoured. Heb. to devour.]


burung-burung buas

Kej 40:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 40:19]

binatang-binatang buas

Yeh 39:17-20; Yer 25:33; [Lihat FULL. Yer 25:33]; Yeh 29:5; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 29:5]; Yeh 33:27; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 33:27] [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 20:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


aku ... lalai(TB)/kusembunyikan(TL) <5288> [I have.]

seluruh(TB)/segenap(TL) <3956> [all.]


maksud Allah

Kis 20:20; [Lihat FULL. Kis 20:20]

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