TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Kejadian 20:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Negeb(TB)/selatan(TL) <05045> [A.M. cir. 2107. B.C. cir. 1897. from.]

Kadesh(TB)/Kades(TL) <06946> [Kadesh.]

Gerar(TB/TL) <01642> [Gerar.]

Gerar was a city of Arabia Petr‘a, under a king of the Philistines, 25 miles from Eleutheropolis beyond Daroma, in the south of Judah. From ch. 10:19, it appears to have been situated in the angle where the south and west sides of Canaan met, and to have been not far from Gaza. Jerome, in his Hebrew Traditions on Genesis, says, from Gerar to Jerusalem was three days' journey. There was a wood near Gerar, spoken of by Theodoret; and a brook, (ch. 26:26,) on which was a monastery, noticed by Sozomen.


Judul : Abraham dan Abimelekh

Perikop : Kej 20:1-18


Kej 12:10-20; 26:1-11 untuk Kej 20:1-18

dari situ

Kej 18:1

Tanah Negeb

Kej 12:9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:9]


Kej 14:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:7]

dan Syur.

Kej 16:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:7]

Ia tinggal

Kej 26:3

di Gerar

Kej 26:1,6,17 [Semua]

Kejadian 20:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Negeb(TB)/selatan(TL) <05045> [A.M. cir. 2107. B.C. cir. 1897. from.]

Kadesh(TB)/Kades(TL) <06946> [Kadesh.]

Gerar(TB/TL) <01642> [Gerar.]

Gerar was a city of Arabia Petr‘a, under a king of the Philistines, 25 miles from Eleutheropolis beyond Daroma, in the south of Judah. From ch. 10:19, it appears to have been situated in the angle where the south and west sides of Canaan met, and to have been not far from Gaza. Jerome, in his Hebrew Traditions on Genesis, says, from Gerar to Jerusalem was three days' journey. There was a wood near Gerar, spoken of by Theodoret; and a brook, (ch. 26:26,) on which was a monastery, noticed by Sozomen.


Judul : Abraham dan Abimelekh

Perikop : Kej 20:1-18


Kej 12:10-20; 26:1-11 untuk Kej 20:1-18

dari situ

Kej 18:1

Tanah Negeb

Kej 12:9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:9]


Kej 14:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:7]

dan Syur.

Kej 16:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:7]

Ia tinggal

Kej 26:3

di Gerar

Kej 26:1,6,17 [Semua]

Kejadian 29:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


cuma-cuma ........ upahmu ... upahmu(TB)/Katakanlah(TL) <05046 04909> [tell me.]


Judul : Yakub menikah Lea dan Rahel

Perikop : Kej 29:15-30

sanak saudaraku,

Kej 29:12

menjadi upahmu.

Kej 30:28,32; 31:7,41 [Semua]

Mazmur 39:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berdiam diri(TB)/mendiami(TL) <02790> [hold.]

menumpang(TB)/seorang dagang(TL) <01616> [for I am.]

nenek moyangku(TB/TL) <01> [as all.]


minta tolong,

Mazm 17:1; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 17:1]

janganlah berdiam

Ul 1:45; [Lihat FULL. Ul 1:45]

air mataku!

2Raj 20:5; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 20:5]

aku menumpang

Im 25:23

aku pendatang

Kej 23:4; [Lihat FULL. Kej 23:4]; Ibr 11:13; [Lihat FULL. Ibr 11:13] [Semua]

nenek moyangku.

Kej 47:9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 47:9]; 1Taw 29:15; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 29:15] [Semua]

Ibrani 11:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ia diam(TB)/menumpang(TL) <3939> [he sojourned.]

tinggal(TB) <2730> [dwelling.]

ahli waris(TB)/waris(TL) <4789> [the heirs.]


di tanah

Kis 7:5

di kemah

Kej 12:8; 18:1,9 [Semua]

waris janji

Ibr 6:17

Ibrani 11:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mereka semua ... telah mati mati(TB)/sekaliannya .... mati(TL) <3956 599> [all died.]

[in faith. Gr. according to faith. not.]

tetapi(TB/TL) <235> [but.]

dan .... dan ......... dan(TB)/serta ..... sambil ...... dan(TL) <2532 3982> [and were.]

yang mengakui(TB)/mengaku(TL) <3670> [confessed.]


yang dijanjikan

Ibr 11:39

dari jauh

Mat 13:17; [Lihat FULL. Mat 13:17]

bumi ini.

Kej 23:4; Im 25:23; Fili 3:20; 1Pet 1:17; 2:11 [Semua]


Ibrani 11:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Iman(TB)/iman(TL) <4102> [faith.]

itulah percaya .......... keyakinan(TB) <2076 5287> [is the.]

dasar(TB)/itulah percaya .......... keyakinan(TL) <5287> [substance. or, ground, or, confidence.]

yang ... harapkan(TB)/diharapkan(TL) <1679> [hoped.]

bukti(TB)/perkara-perkara(TL) <1650> [the evidence.]


Judul : Saksi-saksi iman

Perikop : Ibr 11:1-3

kita harapkan

Ibr 3:6; [Lihat FULL. Ibr 3:6]

kita lihat.

2Kor 4:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Kor 4:18]

Catatan Frasa: IMAN ADALAH.

Pengkhotbah 2:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


meneliti(TB)/menoleh(TL) <06437> [I looked.]

kesia-siaan(TB)/sia-sialah(TL) <01892> [behold.]


menjaring angin;

Pengkh 1:14; [Lihat FULL. Pengkh 1:14]

bawah matahari.

Pengkh 1:3; [Lihat FULL. Pengkh 1:3]

TIP #19: Centang "Pencarian Tepat" pada Pencarian Universal untuk pencarian teks alkitab tanpa keluarga katanya. [SEMUA]
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