homologeo <3670>

omologew homologeo

Asal Mula:from a compound of the base of 3674 and 3056
Referensi:TDNT - 5:199,687
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:omologei 2, omologeitai 1, omologhsantev 1, omologhsei 3, omologhsh 2, omologhshv 1, omologhsw 3, omologountev 1, omologountwn 1, omologousin 2, omologw 1, omologwmen 1, omologwn 1, wmologhsav 1, wmologhsen 4, wmologoun 1
Dalam TB:mengaku 6, mengakui 3, aku mengakui 1, diberikan 1, akan mengakuinya 1, akan mengakui 1, Aku akan berterus terang 1, Aku akan mengaku 1, Mereka mengaku 1, kamu mengaku 1, kita mengaku 1, ucapan 1, yang mengaku 1, telah engkau ikrarkan 1, orang mengaku 1, yang mengakui 1, mereka mengakuinya berterus terang 1, katanya 1
Dalam AV:confess 17, profess 3, promise 1, give thanks 1, confession is made 1, acknowledgeth 1
Definisi : mengakui; mengaku; berterus terang; memuliakan (Ibr 13.15)
mengaku, berterus terang, bersumpah, berikrar
1) to say the same thing as another, i.e. to agree with, assent
2) to concede
2a) not to refuse, to promise
2b) not to deny
2b1) to confess
2b2) declare
2b3) to confess, i.e. to admit or declare one's self guilty of
what one is accused of
3) to profess
3a) to declare openly, speak out freely
3b) to profess one's self the worshipper of one
4) to praise, celebrate

from a compound of the base of 3674 and 3056; to assent, i.e. covenant, acknowledge: KJV -- con- (pro-)fess, confession is made, give thanks, promise.
see GREEK for 3674
see GREEK for 3056
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