TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ulangan 31:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


seratus(TB/TL) <03967> [I am an.]

The life of Moses, the great prophet of Jehovah and lawgiver of the Jews, was exactly the same in length as the time Noah employed in preaching righteousness to the antediluvian world. These one hundred and twenty years were divided into three remarkable periods. Forty years he lived in Egypt, in the court of Pharaoh, acquiring all the learning and wisdom of the Egyptians (Ac 7:20, 23); forty years he sojourned in Midian, in a state of preparation for his great and important mission (Ac 7:29, 30); and forty years he guided, led, and governed the Israelites under the express direction and authority of God: in all 120 years.

dapat giat ..... keluar(TB)/boleh(TL) <03201 03318> [I can no more.]

kauseberangi(TB)/menyeberang(TL) <05674> [Thou shalt not.]


puluh tahun;

Kel 7:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 7:7]

dapat giat

Bil 27:17; 1Raj 3:7 [Semua]

Sungai Yordan

Ul 3:23,26; [Lihat FULL. Ul 3:23]; [Lihat FULL. Ul 3:26] [Semua]

Ulangan 31:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible




Judul : Yosua sebagai pengganti Musa

Perikop : Ul 31:1-8

1 Samuel 8:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible



segala bangsa-bangsa

1Sam 8:5; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 8:5]

1 Samuel 18:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menjauhkan(TB)/dijauhkan(TL) <05493> [removed.]

berada(TB)/keluar(TL) <03318> [he went out.]

Saul was sensible that the Lord was departed from him; while he perceived, with evident sorrow of heart, that the Lord had given David peculiar wisdom, and that he was with him to prosper all his undertakings. This increased the disquietude of his malevolent mind, and his dread of David as a prevailing rival: he therefore removed him from his presence. This impolitic step, however, served the more to ingratiate David with the people, by affording him the opportunity of leading them forth to victory over their enemies.


di depan

Bil 27:17

segala gerakan

2Sam 5:2

1 Samuel 18:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hari hari ... membawa(TB)/diambil(TL) <03947 03117> [took him.]

1 Samuel 5:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Dagon ...... Dagon(TB)/Dagon ..... Dagon(TL) <01712> [of Dagon.]


sisi Dagon.

Hak 16:23; [Lihat FULL. Hak 16:23]; Yes 2:18; 19:1; 46:1 [Semua]

1 Samuel 5:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


merampas(TB)/diambil(TL) <03947> [took.]

Eben-Haezer(TB)/Eben-Haezar(TL) <072> [Eben-ezer.]

Asdod(TB/TL) <0795> [Ashdod.]

Ashdod, called Azotus by the Greeks, was one of the five satrapies of the Philistines, and a place of great strength and consequence. It was situated near the Mediterranean, between Askelon and Jamnia, thirty-four miles north of Gaza, according to Diodorus Siculus, and the Antonine and Jerusalem Itineraries. It is now called Shdood; and Dr. Richardson says they neither saw nor heard of any ruins there. "The ground," he observes, "around Ashdod is beautifully undulating, but not half stocked with cattle. The site of the town is on the summit of a grassy hill; and, if we are to believe historians, was anciently as strong as it was beautiful."



Judul : Tabut Tuhan di Asdod dan Ekron

Perikop : 1Sam 5:1-12

dari Eben-Haezer

1Sam 4:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 4:1]

ke Asdod.

Yos 11:22; [Lihat FULL. Yos 11:22]; Yos 13:3; [Lihat FULL. Yos 13:3] [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 3:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kisah Para Rasul 3:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


harus(TB)/diusung(TL) <5225> [lame.]

orang itu(TB) <3739> [whom.]

<3588> [which.]

untuk meminta(TB)/meminta(TL) <154> [to ask.]


sejak lahirnya

Kis 14:8

pintu gerbang

Luk 16:20

meminta sedekah

Yoh 9:8

Kisah Para Rasul 1:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ketika(TB)/sedang(TL) <5613> [while.]

dua(TB/TL) <1417> [two.]


berpakaian putih

Yoh 20:12; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 20:12]

Yohanes 10:3-4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


penjaga ... pintu(TB)/penunggu(TL) <2377> [the porter.]

domba-domba ....... domba-dombanya(TB)/domba .......... dombanya(TL) <4263> [the sheep.]

dan ..... dan ........ dan(TB)/dan ........ maka ........... lalu(TL) <2532 2564> [and he.]

dan ..... dan ........ dan menuntunnya ke luar ......... membawa(TB)/dan ........ maka ........... lalu membawa(TL) <2532 1806> [and leadeth.]


mendengarkan suaranya

Yoh 10:4,5,14,16,27 [Semua]

ke luar.

Yoh 10:4,5,14,16,27 [Semua]


ia berjalan(TB)/berjalanlah(TL) <4198> [he goeth.]

karena(TB)/sebab(TL) <3754> [for.]


mengenal suaranya.

Yoh 10:3; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 10:3]

Yohanes 10:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pintu(TB)/Pintu(TL) <2374> [the door.]

masuk .... masuk .... dan ia akan masuk dan masuk dan(TB)/dan ...... serta(TL) <2532 1525> [and shall.]


Catatan Frasa: AKULAH PINTU.

TIP #21: Untuk mempelajari Sejarah/Latar Belakang kitab/pasal Alkitab, gunakan Boks Temuan pada Tampilan Alkitab. [SEMUA]
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