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Yehezkiel 29

1 Penghukuman kepada Firaun karena pengkhianatannya terhadap Israel.

8 Penghancuran Mesir.

13 Pemulihannya setelah 40 tahun.

17 Mesir upah Nebukadnezar.

21 Israel akan dipulihkan.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

29:1 · [A.M. 3415. B.C. 589.]


Judul : Nubuat melawan Mesir

Perikop : Yeh 29:1-16

Tuhan kepadaku:

Yeh 29:17; Yeh 26:1; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 26:1] [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: MESIR.

29:2 · tujukanlah(TB/TL) <07760> [set.]

· Firaun(TB/TL) <06547> [Pharaoh.]

This was Pharaoh-hophra, or Apries, who, Herodotus informs us, agreeably to the character given him by the prophet, "proudly and wickedly boasted of having established his kingdom so securely, that it was not in the power of any God to dispossess him of it."

· Mesir ......... Mesir(TB)/Mesir .......... Mesir(TL) <04714> [against all.]


tujukanlah mukamu

Yeh 25:2; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 25:2]

raja Mesir

Yer 25:19; [Lihat FULL. Yer 25:19]

seluruh Mesir.

Yes 19:1-17; Yer 46:2; Yeh 30:1-26; 31:1-18; 32:1-32 [Semua]

29:3 · Firaun(TB/TL) <06547> [I am.]

· besar(TB/TL) <01419> [the great.]

· sungaimu ........ Nil(TB)/muaranya ...... Sungaiku(TL) <02975> [My river.]


hai Firaun,

Yer 44:30

Mesir, buaya

Mazm 68:31; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 68:31]; Mazm 74:13; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 74:13]; Yeh 32:2 [Semua]

Sungai Nil

Yer 46:8; [Lihat FULL. Yer 46:8]

29:4 · mengenakan(TB)/Sebab ... Aku ... membubuh(TL) <05414> [I will put.]

· ikan .................. ikannya(TB)/ikan ................. ikan(TL) <01710> [the fish.]


mengenakan kelikir

2Raj 19:28; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 19:28]; Ayub 40:21; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 40:21] [Semua]

pada sisikmu

Yeh 38:4

29:5 · melemparkan(TB)/Kuempaskan(TL) <05203> [I will leave.]

· padang ... di padang(TB)/padang(TL) <07704 06440> [open fields. Heb. face of the field. I have.]


akan dipungut

Yer 8:2; [Lihat FULL. Yer 8:2]

di udara.

Yer 7:33; [Lihat FULL. Yer 7:33]; Yer 34:20; Yeh 31:13; 32:4-6; 39:4 [Semua]

29:6 · mengetahui(TB)/diketahui(TL) <03045> [know.]

· tongkat(TB/TL) <04938> [a staff.]


ibarat tongkat

2Raj 18:21; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 18:21]

29:7 · memegang(TB)/dipegangnya(TL) <08610> [they took.]

· terkulai(TB)/patahlah(TL) <07533> [thou didst.]


patah terkulai

2Raj 18:21; Yes 36:6 [Semua]

semua terhuyung-huyung.

Yer 17:5; Yeh 17:15-17 [Semua]

29:8 · mendatangkan(TB/TL) <0935> [I will.]

· melenyapkan(TB)/menumpas(TL) <03772> [cut.]


dan binatang

Yeh 25:13; 32:11-13 [Semua]


29:9 · tanah(TB/TL) <0776> [the land.]

· berkata(TB/TL) <0559> [because.]


Sungai Nil

Yer 46:8; [Lihat FULL. Yer 46:8]

yang membuatnya,

Yeh 30:7-8,13-19 [Semua]

29:10 · membuat(TB)/menjadikan(TL) <05414> [I will.]

· kerobohan .... sunyi(TB)/kerobohan batu(TL) <02721 02723> [utterly waste. Heb. wastes of waste. from the tower of. from Migdol to.]

· Siene(TB/TL) <05482> [Syene. Heb. Seveneh.]

Now Essuan, situated at the southern extremity of Egypt, (as Migdol was at the northern,) on the confines of Ethiopia, near the tropic of Cancer, and about lat. 24 degrees N. long 32 degrees E.


menjadi lawanmu

Yer 21:13; [Lihat FULL. Yer 21:13]

tanah Mesir

Kel 3:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:22]

sunyi sepi

Yer 46:19; [Lihat FULL. Yer 46:19]

dari Migdol

Kel 14:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:2]

sampai Siene,

Yeh 30:6

tanah Etiopia.

Yes 18:1; Yeh 30:4 [Semua]

29:11 · manusiapun manusiapun(TB)/Kaki .... manusiapun ........ kaki(TL) <0120 07272> [foot of man.]

· empat puluh(TB)/empat(TL) <0705> [forty.]


puluh tahun.

Yeh 32:13

29:12 · sunyi .... tengah-tengah .......... sunyi tengah-tengah ... tengah(TB)/kerusakan ..................... rusak(TL) <08077 08432> [desolate in.]

· menyerakkan(TB)/menghamburkan(TL) <06327> [and I will scatter.]

We learn from Berosus that Nebuchadnezzar sent several captive Egyptians to Babylon; and from Megasthenes, that he transplanted others to Pontus; and it is probable, that at the dissolution of the Babylonian empire, about forty years after, Cyrus permitted them to return to their native country.


sunyi sepi

Yes 34:10; [Lihat FULL. Yes 34:10]

semua negeri.

Yer 46:19; [Lihat FULL. Yer 46:19]; Yeh 30:7,23,26 [Semua]

29:13 · akhir(TB)/kesudahan(TL) <07093> [At the.]

29:14 · Patros(TB)/Pateros(TL) <06624> [Pathros.]

· [Pathrusim.]

· asal(TB)/asalnya(TL) <04351> [habitation. or, birth. base. Heb. low.]


keadaan Mesir

Yes 11:11; [Lihat FULL. Yes 11:11]; Yeh 30:14 [Semua]

menjadi kerajaan

Yes 19:22; [Lihat FULL. Yes 19:22]; Yer 46:26 [Semua]

yang lemah.

Yeh 17:14

29:15 · lemah(TB)/kecil(TL) <08217> [the basest.]

· memerintah(TB)/memerintahkan(TL) <07287> [rule.]


atas bangsa-bangsa

Za 10:11

29:16 · kepercayaan(TB)/harapnya(TL) <04009> [the confidence.]

· mengingatkan(TB)/diperingatkannya(TL) <02142> [bringeth.]

· mengetahui(TB)/diketahuinya(TL) <03045> [but.]


menjadi kepercayaan,

2Taw 32:10

yang mengingatkan

Bil 5:15; [Lihat FULL. Bil 5:15]

meminta pertolongan.

Rat 4:17; [Lihat FULL. Rat 4:17]

Tuhan Allah.

Yes 20:5; Yes 30:2; [Lihat FULL. Yes 30:2]; Hos 8:13 [Semua]

29:17 · [A.M. 3432. B.C. 572.]


Judul : Mesir menjadi upah Nebukadnezar

Perikop : Yeh 29:17-21

Tuhan kepadaku:

Yeh 29:1; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 29:1]; Yeh 24:1; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 24:1]; Yeh 30:20; 40:1 [Semua]

29:18 · Nebukadnezar(TB/TL) <05019> [Nebuchadrezzar.]

· keras(TB)/payah(TL) <01419> [a great.]

Nebuchadnezzar was thirteen years employed in the siege. During this long siege, the soldiers must have endured great hardships; their heads would become bald by constantly wearing their helmets; and their shoulders be peeled by carrying materials to and from the works.

· untung(TB)/hasil(TL) <07939> [yet.]

St. Jerome asserts, on the authority of the Assyrian histories, that when the Tyrians saw their city must fall, they put their most valuable effects on board their ships, and fled with them to the islands, and their colonies, "so that, the city being taken, Nebuchadnezzar found nothing worthy of his labour."


manusia, Nebukadnezar,

Yer 27:6; 39:1 [Semua]

sudah gundul

Im 13:40; [Lihat FULL. Im 13:40]; Ayub 1:20; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 1:20]; Yer 48:37; [Lihat FULL. Yer 48:37] [Semua]

sudah lecet,

Kej 49:15

29:19 · memberikan(TB)/mengaruniakan(TL) <05414> [I will.]

· mengangkut ..... melakukan perampasan(TB)/dirampasnya ..... dijarah rayahnya(TL) <07997 07998 0962 05375> [take her spoil, and take her pray. Heb. spoil her spoil, and prey her prey.]


Nebukadnezar, raja

Yes 19:4; [Lihat FULL. Yes 19:4]

dan penjarahan

Yeh 26:5; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 26:5]

bagi tentaranya.

Yer 43:10-13; Yeh 30:4,10,24-25; 32:11 [Semua]

29:20 · pahala(TB)/upah(TL) <06468> [labour. or, hire. served.]


tanah Mesir

Yes 43:3; [Lihat FULL. Yes 43:3]

Tuhan Allah.

Yes 10:6-7; 45:1; Yer 25:9; [Lihat FULL. Yer 25:9] [Semua]

29:21 · menumbuhkan(TB/TL) <06779> [I cause.]

· dapat(TB)/membukakan(TL) <06610> [the opening.]

· mengetahui(TB)/diketahui(TL) <03045> [they shall know.]


menumbuhkan tanduk

Mazm 132:17; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 132:17]; Luk 1:69; [Lihat FULL. Luk 1:69] [Semua]

dapat berbicara

Yeh 33:22

Akulah Tuhan.

Yeh 3:27; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 3:27]

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