Kidung Agung 6:12--7:5
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
sadar(TB)/kudapati(TL) <03045> [Or ever I was aware. Heb. I knew not. soul.] menempatkan ..... kereta(TB)/dinaikkan .... rata(TL) <07760 04818 05993> [made me like the chariots of Amminadib. or, set me on the chariots of my willing people.] |
Kembalilah kembalilah ..... kembalilah kembalilah(TB)/Kembalilah kembalilah .... Kembalilah kembalilah(TL) <07725> [return.] melihat ...... melihat(TB)/memandang ...... memandang(TL) <02372> [What.] Sulam .............. Sulam(TB)/Sulamit ............... Sulamit(TL) <07759> [Shulamite.] tari-tarian(TB)/menari(TL) <04246> [As.] perang(TB)/berangkap-rangkapan(TL) <04264> [two armies. or, Mahanaim.] |
Judul : Puteri-puteri YerusalemMempelai laki-laki kepada mempelai perempuan Perikop : Kid 6:13 melihat tari-tarian Kel 15:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 15:20] Catatan Frasa: KEMBALILAH, YA GADIS SULAM. |
langkah-langkahmu(TB)/langkahmu(TL) <06471> [thy feet.] berwatak luhur(TB)/raja(TL) <05081> [O prince's.] Lengkung(TB)/lengkung(TL) <02542> [the joints.] karya(TB)/perbuatan(TL) <04639> [the work.] |
sandal-sandal itu, puteri |
Pusarmu(TB)/Pinggangmu(TL) <08326> [navel.] anggur campur(TB)/minuman(TL) <04197> [liquor. Heb. mixture. thy belly.] |
buah dadamu, |
Lehermu(TB/TL) <06677> [neck.] gading(TB/TL) <08127> [ivory.] matamu(TB/TL) <05869> [thine eyes.] That is, "Thine eyes are dark, deep, clear, and serene, as the fish-pools in Heshbon. " Hesybon(TB)/Hezbon(TL) <02809> [Heshbon.] hidungmu(TB/TL) <0639> [thy nose.] That is, "Thy nose is as finely formed as the tower of Lebanon." menara .............. menara(TB/TL) <04026> [the tower.] Damsyik(TB/TL) <01834> [Damascus.] |
menara gading, Mazm 144:12; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 144:12] di Hesybon, gunung Libanon, Kid 5:15; [Lihat FULL. Kid 5:15] Catatan Frasa: TELAGA DI HESYBON ... BATRABIM. |
Kepalamu ...... kepalamu(TB)/Kepala ......... rambutmu(TL) <07218> [head.] Karmel(TB/TL) <03760> [Carmel. or, crimson.] rambut(TB)/anyaman(TL) <01803> [the hair.] raja(TB/TL) <04428> [the king.] tertawan(TB)/ikal-ikal(TL) <0631> [held. Heb. bound.] |
bukit Karmel, |