TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Hakim-hakim 2:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berfirman(TB/TL) <0559> [I also said.]

allah(TB)/berhalanya(TL) <0430> [their gods.]


dari depanmu,

Yos 23:13

menjadi musuhmu

Bil 33:55; [Lihat FULL. Bil 33:55]

menjadi jerat

Kel 10:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 10:7]


Hakim-hakim 4:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dikerahkannyalah(TB)/sebab ... dihimpunkan(TL) <02199> [gathered. Heb. gathered by cry, or proclamation. nine.]

keretanya .... kereta besi ..... besi(TB)/ratanya .... rata besi(TL) <07393 01270> [chariots of iron.]

Probably chariots armed with iron scythes, projecting from the axle on each side, by which the infantry might be easily cut down or thrown into confusion. The ancient Britons are said to have had such chariots.


ratus kereta

Yos 17:16; [Lihat FULL. Yos 17:16]

sungai Kison.

Hak 4:7; [Lihat FULL. Hak 4:7]; Hak 5:19 [Semua]

Hakim-hakim 8:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible



di Sukot

Hak 8:14

memberikan roti

1Sam 25:11

kepada tentaramu?

Hak 8:15


Hakim-hakim 10:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tahun ............ tahun(TB)/tahun ...... tahun(TL) <08141> [that year.]

diinjak(TB)/menyengsarakan(TL) <07533> [oppressed. Heb. crushed.]


di Gilead.

Yos 12:2; [Lihat FULL. Yos 12:2]

Hakim-hakim 11:31

TSK Full Life Study Bible


maka .... keluar(TB)/keluar(TL) <03318> [whatsoever, etc. Heb. that which cometh forth, which shall come forth. shall surely.]

mempersembahkannya(TB)/mempersembahkan(TL) <05927> [and I will. or, or I will, etc.]

{Weh„ƒleetheehoo “lah,} rather, as Dr. Randolph and others contend, "and I will offer Him (or to Him, i.e., Jehovah) a burnt offering;" for {hoo} may with much more propriety be referred to the person to whom the sacrifice was to be made, than to the thing to be sacrificed. Unless understood in this way, or as the marginal reading, it must have been the vow of a heathen or a madman. If a dog, or other uncleaned animal had met him, he could not have made it a burnt offering; or if his neighbour's wife, sons, etc., his vow gave him no right over them.


korban bakaran.

Kej 8:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 8:20]; Im 1:3; Hak 13:16 [Semua]

Hakim-hakim 11:39

TSK Full Life Study Bible


melakukan ..... nazar(TB)/disampaikan(TL) <06213 05088> [did with.]

That Jephthah did not sacrifice his daughter, but consecrated her to the service of God in the tabernacle, in a state of celibacy, will we imagine be evident from the following consideration:--1. Human sacrifices were ever an abomination to Jehovah, of which Jephthah could not be ignorant; and consequently he would neither have made such a vow, nor carried it into execution. 2. We are expressly told (ver. 29) that Jephthah was under the influence of the Spirit of God, which would effectually prevent him from embruing his hands in the blood of his own child. 3. He had it in his power to redeem his daughter, (Le 27:4;) and surely his only child must have been of more value than thirty shekles. 4. Besides, who was to perform the horrid rite? Not Jephthah himself, who was no priest, and in whom it would have been most unnatural and inhuman; and the priests would certainly have dissuaded him from it. 5. The sacred historian informs us, that she bewailed her virginity, that she knew no man, and that the Israelitish women went yearly to comfort or lament with her.

nazar(TL) <05088> [to his vow.]

adat(TB/TL) <02706> [custom. or, ordinance.]



Hakim-hakim 14:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


makan(TB)/makanan(TL) <0398> [Out of the eater.]

dapat(TB)/mendapat(TL) <03201> [they could.]


keluar manisan.

Hak 14:18

Hakim-hakim 15:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ditangkapnya tiga ... tiga(TB)/ditangkapnya ... tiga(TL) <07969 03920> [caught three.]

Dr. Kennicott and others contend, that for {shƒlim,} "foxes," we should read {sh”ƒlim,} "handfuls," or sheaves of corn. But, 1. The word {lachad,} rendered caught, never signifies simply to get or take but always to catch, seize, or take by assault or stratagem. 2. Though the proposed alteration is sanctioned by seven MSS., yet all the versions are on the other side. 3. Admitting this alteration, it will be difficult to prove that the word {sh”ƒl} means either a sheaf or a handful of corn in the ear, and straw. It occurs but thrice in Scriptures (1 Ki 20:10. Isa 40:12. Eze 13:9): where it evidently means as much as can be contained in the hollow of the hand; but when handfuls of grain in the shock, or sheaves are intended, very different words are used. See Ru 2.15, 16, etc. 4. It is not hinted that Samson collected them alone, or in one day; he might have employed many hands and several days in the work. 5. The word {shƒl} properly denotes the jackal, which travellers describe as an animal in size between the wolf and fox, gregarious, as many as 200 having been seen together, and the most numerous of any in eastern countries; so that Samson might have caught many of them together in nets.

obor ......... obor(TB)/damar .......... damar(TL) <03940> [firebrands. or, torches.]


anjing hutan,

Kid 2:15

sebuah obor

Kej 15:17; [Lihat FULL. Kej 15:17]

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