epistrepho <1994>

epistrefw epistrepho

Asal Mula:from 1909 and 4762
Referensi:TDNT - 7:722,1093
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:epestrafhte 1, epestreqa 1, epestreqan 2, epestreqate 1, epestreqen 2, epistrafeiv 3, epistrafhtw 1, epistrefein 2, epistrefete 1, epistrefousin 1, epistreqai 2, epistreqantev 1, epistreqate 1, epistreqatw 3, epistreqav 6, epistreqei 1, epistreqh 3, epistreqw 1, epistreqwsin 3
Dalam TB:berbalik 11, kembali 4, berpaling 3, ia kembali 3, kamu berbalik 2, berpalinglah 1, aku berpaling 1, Aku akan kembali 1, Ia berpaling 1, sudah insaf 1, kamu telah kembali 1, mereka berbalik 1, sadarlah 1, membuat berbalik 1, kembalilah mereka 1, yang berbalik 1, kembalilah 1, setelah berpaling 1
Dalam AV:turn 16, be converted 6, return 6, turn about 4, turn again 3, misc 4
Definisi : (aorist pasif epestrafh, partisip epistrafeiv) intransitif: (termasuk medium dan aorist pasif) berpaling kembali, berbalik, bertobat; transitif: membuat orang berbalik
berbalik, menoleh ke belakang, kembali
1) transitively
1a) to turn to
1a1) to the worship of the true God
1b) to cause to return, to bring back
1b1) to the love and obedience of God
1b2) to the love for the children
1b3) to love wisdom and righteousness
2) intransitively
2a) to turn to one's self
2b) to turn one's self about, turn back
2c) to return, turn back, come back

from 1909 and 4762; to revert (literally, figuratively or morally): KJV -- come (go) again, convert, (re-)turn (about, again).
see GREEK for 1909
see GREEK for 4762
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