TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yesaya 2:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


masuk(TB/TL) <0935> [And they.]

tanah .............. bumi(TB)/tanah ................... bumi(TL) <06083 0776> [earth. Heb. dust. for fear.]

bangkit(TB/TL) <06965> [when he.]


dalam gua-gua

Hak 6:2; [Lihat FULL. Hak 6:2]; Yes 7:19 [Semua]

di tanah

Hak 6:2; [Lihat FULL. Hak 6:2]; Ayub 30:6; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 30:6]; Luk 23:30; Wahy 6:15 [Semua]

terhadap kedahsyatan

Ul 2:25; [Lihat FULL. Ul 2:25]

semarak kemegahan-Nya,

Mazm 145:12; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 145:12]

menakut-nakuti bumi.

Yes 2:21; Ayub 9:6; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 9:6]; Yes 14:16; [Lihat FULL. Yes 14:16]; Ibr 12:26 [Semua]

Yesaya 37:38

TSK Full Life Study Bible


allahnya(TB)/berhalanya(TL) <0430> [his god.]

Ararat(TB/TL) <0780> [Armenia. Heb. Ararat.]

Esarhadon(TB)/Esar-Hadon(TL) <0634> [Esar-haddon.]

Esar-haddon, called Asar-addinus in the Canon of Ptolemy, was the third son of Sennacherib; and having reigned twenty-nine years over the Assyrians, he took advantage of the anarchy and confusion which followed the death of Mesessimordacus, and seized upon Babylon; which he added to his former empire, and reigned over both for thirteen years; when he was succeeded by his son Saosduchinus, A.M. 3336, B.C. 668.


dalam kuil

Yes 37:14; [Lihat FULL. Yes 37:14]

tanah Ararat.

Kej 8:4; Yer 51:27 [Semua]

Kemudian Esarhadon,

2Raj 17:24; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 17:24]

menjadi raja

Yes 9:3; [Lihat FULL. Yes 9:3]; Yes 10:26; Yes 14:25; [Lihat FULL. Yes 14:25] [Semua]

Yesaya 43:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bangsa-bangsa(TB)/kafir(TL) <01471> [all the.]

memberitahukan(TB)/memberitahu(TL) <05046> [who among.]

benar(TB)/dibenarkan(TL) <06663> [that they may.]


Biarlah berhimpun

Yes 41:1; [Lihat FULL. Yes 41:1]; Yes 45:20; 48:14 [Semua]

dapat memberitahukan

Yes 41:26; [Lihat FULL. Yes 41:26]

Yesaya 44:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membuat ............. menggarisinya(TB)/mereka(TL) <08388> [he marketh.]

ditempatkan(TB)/tinggal tetap(TL) <03427> [that it may.]


Tukang kayu

Yes 41:7; [Lihat FULL. Yes 41:7]

seorang laki-laki

Mazm 115:4-7 [Semua]

dalam kuil.

Hak 17:4-5; [Lihat FULL. Hak 17:4]; [Lihat FULL. Hak 17:5] [Semua]

Yesaya 44:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mempertimbangkannya ....... hatinya(TB)/menaruh hatinya(TL) <03820 07725> [considereth in his heart. Heb. setteth to his heart.]

dewa kekejian(TB)/kebencian(TL) <08441> [an abomination.]

kayu kering ........ kayu(TB)/sepuntung kayu(TL) <06086 0944> [the stock of a tree. Heb. that which comes of a tree.]


atau pengertian

Yes 44:18-19; Yes 5:13; 27:11; 45:20 [Semua]

atas baranya

Yes 44:15

dewa kekejian?

Ul 27:15; [Lihat FULL. Ul 27:15]

kayu kering?

Yes 40:20

Yesaya 66:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menguduskan(TB)/menyucikan(TL) <06942> [sanctify.]

mengikuti seseorang ..... tengah-tengahnya(TB)/mengikut satu ... di tengah-tengahnya(TL) <0310 0259 08432> [behind one tree in the midst. or, one after another. eating.]


untuk taman-taman

Yes 1:29; [Lihat FULL. Yes 1:29]

daging babi

Im 11:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:7]

serta tikus,

Im 11:29

akan lenyap

Mazm 37:20; Yes 1:28 [Semua]

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