TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yeremia 6:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dengarlah(TB/TL) <08085> [hear.]

Yeremia 31:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


beritahukanlah(TB)/masyhurkanlah(TL) <05046> [declare.]

menyerakkan(TB)/mencerai-beraikan(TL) <02219> [He.]

menjaganya(TB)/ditunggui-Nya(TL) <08104> [and keep.]


tanah-tanah pesisir

Yes 49:1; Yes 66:19; [Lihat FULL. Yes 66:19]; Yer 25:22; [Lihat FULL. Yer 25:22] [Semua]

telah menyerakkan

Im 26:33; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:33]

akan mengumpulkannya

Ul 30:4; [Lihat FULL. Ul 30:4]; Yes 11:12; [Lihat FULL. Yes 11:12]; Yer 50:19 [Semua]

seperti gembala

Yes 40:11; Yeh 34:12 [Semua]

Yeremia 50:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Beritahukanlah(TB)/Masyhurkanlah(TL) <05046> [Declare.]

naikkanlah(TB)/dirikanlah(TL) <05375> [set up. Heb. lift up.]

Babel(TB)/Babil(TL) <0894> [Babylon.]

Bel(TB/TL) <01078> [Bel.]

Merodakh(TB/TL) <04781> [Merodach.]

Berhala-berhalanya(TB)/berhalanya(TL) <06091> [her idols.]

Xerxes, after his return from his unsuccessful expedition into Greece, partly out of religious zeal, being a professed enemy to image worship, and partly to reimburse himself after his immense expenses, seized the sacred treasures, and plundered or destroyed the temples and idols of Babylon, thereby accomplishing the prophecies of Isaiah and Jeremiah. (Isa 21:9; 46:1. Jer 50:2; 51:44, 47, 52.) What God declares, "I will punish Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth that which he has swallowed," was also literally fulfilled, when the vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar had brought from Jerusalem and placed in the temple of Bel, Da 1:2, were restored by order of Cyrus, Ezr 1:7, and again carried to Jerusalem. Bp. Newton, Dis. X.


dan kabarkanlah,

Ul 30:4; [Lihat FULL. Ul 30:4]; Yer 4:16 [Semua]

naikkanlah panji-panji

Mazm 20:6; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 20:6]; Yes 13:2; [Lihat FULL. Yes 13:2] [Semua]

telah direbut,

Yer 50:9; Yer 51:31 [Semua]

dewa Bel

Yes 21:9; [Lihat FULL. Yes 21:9]; Yes 46:1; [Lihat FULL. Yes 46:1] [Semua]

menjadi malu,

Mazm 97:7; Yer 51:52 [Semua]


Yer 50:38; Yes 46:6; Yer 51:47 [Semua]

menjadi malu, dewa-dewanya

Im 26:30; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:30]

Yesaya 34:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mendekat .................... terpancar(TB)/hampir .................... terbit(TL) <07126 06631> [Come.]

This and the following chapter, as Bp. Lowth observes, form one distinct prophecy; an entire, regular, and beautiful poem, consisting of two parts; the first containing a denunciation of Divine vengeance against the enemies of the people or church of God; the second describing the flourishing state of that church consequent upon those judgments. The event foretold is represented as of the highest importance, and of universal concern; all nations are called upon to attend to the declaration of it; and the wrath of God is denounced against all the nations who had provoked to anger the Defender of the cause of Zion. By a figure frequently occurring in the prophetical writings, the cities and people mentioned here, who were remarkably distinguished as the enemies of the people of God, are put for those enemies in general.

bumi(TB)/duniapun(TL) <0776> [let the.]

isinya(TB/TL) <04393> [all that is therein. Heb. the fulness thereof.]


Judul : Hukuman atas bangsa-bangsa

Perikop : Yes 34:1-17

bangsa-bangsa, dengarlah,

Yes 33:13; [Lihat FULL. Yes 33:13]

suku-suku bangsa!

Yes 41:1; 43:9 [Semua]

Baiklah bumi

Ul 4:26; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:26]; Mazm 49:2 [Semua]

dari padanya.

Mazm 24:1


TIP #16: Tampilan Pasal untuk mengeksplorasi pasal; Tampilan Ayat untuk menganalisa ayat; Multi Ayat/Kutipan untuk menampilkan daftar ayat. [SEMUA]
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