TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Hakim-hakim 3:8-9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bangkitlah(TB)/berbangkitlah(TL) <02734> [A.M. 2591. B.C. 1413. An. Ex. Is. 78. was hot.]

menjual(TB)/dijual-Nya(TL) <04376> [he sold.]

Kusyan-Risyataim .......... Kusyan-Risyataim(TB)/Kusyan-Risyatayim ......... Kusyan-Risyatayim(TL) <03573> [Chushan-rishathaim.]

Aram-Mesopotamia(TB)/Mesopotami(TL) <0763> [Mesopotamia. Heb. Aram-naharaim.]

{Aram-naharayim,} "Syria of the two rivers," or Mesopotamia, "between the rivers," is a famous province situated between the Tigris and Euphrates. It is called by Arabian geographers, {Maverannaher,} "the country beyond the river;" and is now called Diarbek.


Ia menjual

Hak 2:14; Mazm 44:13; Yes 50:1; 52:3 [Semua]

kepada Kusyan-Risyataim,

Hak 3:10

raja Aram-Mesopotamia

Kej 24:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:10]


berserulah(TB/TL) <02199> [A.M. 2599. B.C. 1405. An. Ex. Is. 86. cried.]

membangkitkan(TB)/dibangunkan(TL) <06965> [raised up.]

penyelamat(TB)/seorang pembantu ..... melepaskan(TL) <03467> [deliverer. Heb. saviour. Othniel.]


Lalu berserulah

Hak 3:15; Hak 6:6,7; 10:10; 1Sam 12:10; Mazm 106:44; 107:13 [Semua]

seorang penyelamat

Ul 28:29; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:29]; Neh 9:27 [Semua]

yakni Otniel,

Yos 15:17; [Lihat FULL. Yos 15:17]

Hakim-hakim 3:12-15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


melakukan ..... jahat ................... melakukan .... jahat ..... jahat(TB)/berbuat .... jahat ....................... berbuat .... jahat(TL) <06213 07451> [A.M. 2662. B.C. 1342. An. Ex. Is. 148. did evil.]

TUHAN ....... TUHAN ................ TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ...... Tuhan ..................... Tuhan(TL) <03068> [and the Lord.]

raja(TB/TL) <04428> [the king.]


Judul : Ehud

Perikop : Hak 3:12-30

mata Tuhan;

Hak 2:11,14; [Lihat FULL. Hak 2:11]; [Lihat FULL. Hak 2:14] [Semua]

raja Moab,

1Sam 12:9


Amon(TB)/Ammon(TL) <05983> [Ammon.]

Kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892> [the city.]


bani Amon

Kej 19:38; [Lihat FULL. Kej 19:38]; Hak 10:11 [Semua]

bani Amalek

Kej 14:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:7]

Pohon Korma

Hak 1:16; [Lihat FULL. Hak 1:16]


takluk(TB)/takluklah(TL) <05647> [served.]


raja Moab.

Yer 48:1


berseru ... TUHAN Tuhan TUHAN ... Tuhan(TB)/berserulah(TL) <02199 03068> [A.M. 2679. B.C. 1325. An. Ex. Is. 166. cried unto.]

orang Benyamin(TB)/Benyamin(TL) <01145> [a Benjamite. or, the son of Jemini. left-handed. Heb. shut of his right hand.]

This Hebrew phrase intimates that, either through disease or disuse, he made little or no use of the right hand, but of his left only, and so was the less fit for war, because he would most likely wield a dagger awkwardly: yet God chose this left-handed man to be the minister of his retributive justice. It was God's right hand that gained Israel the victory, Ps 44:3; not the right hand of the instruments he employed.

mengirimkan upeti ....... bingkisan(TB)/disuruhkan ....... bingkisan(TL) <07971 04503> [sent a present.]


seorang penyelamat

Hak 3:9; [Lihat FULL. Hak 3:9]

yakni Ehud,

Hak 3:16; Hak 4:1 [Semua]

yang kidal.

Hak 20:16; 1Taw 12:2 [Semua]

mengirimkan upeti

Hak 3:17,18; 2Sam 8:2,6; 1Raj 4:21; 2Raj 17:3; Est 10:1; Mazm 68:30; 72:10; 89:23; Pengkh 2:8; Yes 60:5; Hos 10:6 [Semua]

TIP #18: Centang "Hanya dalam TB" pada Pencarian Universal untuk pencarian teks alkitab hanya dalam versi TB [SEMUA]
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