Ester 7:1-10
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
dijamu(TB)/perjamuan(TL) <08354> [banquet. Heb. drink.] |
Judul : Haman dihukum mati Perikop : Est 7:1-10 untuk dijamu Kej 40:20-22; Mat 22:1-14 [Semua] |
titah ........ bertanyalah ... raja(TB)/titah baginda(TL) <0559 04428> [the king said.] |
minum anggur, Est 1:10; [Lihat FULL. Est 1:10] setengah kerajaan Est 5:3; [Lihat FULL. Est 5:3] akan dipenuhi. |
nyawa(TB/TL) <05315> [let my life.] bangsa(TB/TL) <05971> [my people.] |
mendapat kasih Est 2:15; [Lihat FULL. Est 2:15] |
terjual ........... dijual(TB)/dijual(TL) <04376> [we are sold.] dipunahkan(TB)/dibinasakan(TL) <08045> [to be destroyed, etc. Heb. that they should destroy, and kill, and cause to perish.] terjual .... dijual .... Jikalau seandainya .... dijual(TB)/dijual(TL) <0432 04376> [But if we.] malapetaka(TB)/penganiaya(TL) <06862> [the enemy.] |
dan dibinasakan. Est 3:9; Est 4:7; [Lihat FULL. Est 4:7] [Semua] |
niat(TB)/berniat(TL) <04390> [Who is he.] niat(TB)/berniat(TL) <04390> [that durst, etc. Heb. whose heart hath filled him.] |
Penganiaya(TB)/orang(TL) <0376> [The adversary. Heb. The man adversary. this wicked.] ketakutan(TB)/terkejut(TL) <01204> [was afraid.] di hadapan(TB)/hadapan(TL) <06440> [before. or, at the presence of.] |
panas hatinya(TB)/kehangatan(TL) <02534> [in his wrath.] Haman(TB)/Hamanpun(TL) <02001> [Haman.] melihat(TB)/diketahuinya(TL) <07200> [for he saw.] |
dengan panas Kej 34:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:7]; Est 1:12; [Lihat FULL. Est 1:12]; Ams 19:12; 20:1-2 [Semua] ke taman 2Raj 21:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 21:18] mendatangkan celaka |
katil(TB)/gerai(TL) <04296> [the bed.] ruangan ........................ istanaku(TB)/bilik .......................... istanaku(TL) <01004> [before me. Heb. with me. they covered Haman's.] When a criminal was condemned by a Roman judge, he was delivered to the serjeant with these words: {I, lictor, caput obnubito arbori infelici suspendito,} "Go, sergeant, cover his head, and hang him on the accursed tree." |
pada katil Est 1:6; [Lihat FULL. Est 1:6] Ester berbaring. dalam istanaku Kej 34:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:7] oranglah muka Est 6:12; [Lihat FULL. Est 6:12] |
Harbona(TB)/Kharbona(TL) <02726> [Harbonah.] [Harbona. one of the chamberlains.] tiang(TB)/kayu(TL) <06086> [Behold.] tiang(TB)/kayu(TL) <06086> [gallows. Heb. tree. who had spoken.] Sulakan ... pada tiang(TB)/Gantungkanlah(TL) <08518> [Hang him thereon.] |
Sembah Harbona, hasta tingginya. tiang itu. Ul 21:22-23; [Lihat FULL. Ul 21:22]; [Lihat FULL. Ul 21:23]; Mazm 7:15-17; 9:17; Ams 11:5-6; Ams 26:27; [Lihat FULL. Ams 26:27]; Mat 7:2; [Lihat FULL. Mat 7:2] [Semua] |
raja(TB)/baginda(TL) <04428> [Then was the king's.] |
Kemudian Haman disulakan pada tiang untuk Mordekhai. Maka surutlah |