TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Raja-raja 25:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sekadar .... tiap-tiap banyaknya selama(TB)/tiap-tiap hari ... banyaknya ...... umur(TL) <03117 01697> [a daily rate.]

tiap-tiap hari selama hidupnya ..... hidupnya(TB)/tiap-tiap hari ........ umur hidupnya(TL) <03117 02416> [all the days of his life.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE TWO BOOKS OF KINGS. The events detailed in these books are highly interesting and important. The account of the wisdom, magnificence, and extended commerce of Solomon; the rash and impolitic conduct of Rehoboam; the disobedient prophet; the widow of Zarephath; Elijah and the prophets of Baal; Ben-hadad's pride and defeat; Elijah's assumption into heaven; Elisha's succession to his ministry, and the series of illustrious miracles he performed; the panic flight of the Syrians; the history of Ben-hadad and Hazael; and the predicted death of Ahab and Jezebel, and their children, are all pregnant with instruction, and have furnished themes for frequent dissertation. We perceive in these impressive histories the characters and qualities of men painted with the utmost fidelity, and the attributes of God displayed with great effect: we contemplate the exact accomplishment of God's promises and threatenings, the wisdom of his dispensations, and the mingled justice and mercy of his government. The particulars and circumstances are sketched out with a brief and lively description, and the imagination lingers with pleasure in filling up the striking outlines presented to our view. The authenticity of these books is attested by the prophecies they contain, which were subsequently fulfilled; by the citation of our Saviour and his Apostles; by their universal reception by the Jewish and Christian churches; and by the corresponding testimonies of profane authors and ancient sculptures.


selama hidupnya.

Kej 43:34; Est 2:9; 9:22; Yer 28:4 [Semua]

2 Raja-raja 9:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pesan(TB)/kabar(TL) <01697> [I have an errand.]

2 Raja-raja 12:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengadakan perhitungan(TB)/berkira-kira(TL) <02803> [they reckoned.]

bekerja(TB)/mengerjakan(TL) <06213> [for they dealt.]


dengan jujur.

2Raj 22:7; 1Kor 4:2 [Semua]

2 Raja-raja 22:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perhitungan(TB)/dikira-kira(TL) <02803> [Howbeit.]

kepercayaan ... bekerja ... jujur(TB)/kepercayaan(TL) <0530 06213> [they dealt faithfully.]


dengan jujur.

2Raj 12:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 12:15]

2 Raja-raja 12:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible

2 Raja-raja 25:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengganti(TB)/ditukar(TL) <08132> [changed.]

makan roti ... ayapan(TB)/santap ayapan(TL) <03899 0398> [he did eat bread.]


hadapan raja

2Sam 9:7; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 9:7]

2 Raja-raja 22:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


rumah itu.

2Raj 12:11-12 [Semua]

2 Raja-raja 12:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Berkatalah ..... imam ... imam(TB)/titah ...... imam(TL) <0559 03548> [A.M. 3148. B.C. 856. said to the priests.]

uang ............ uang ...... uang tebusan ........... uang(TB)/uang ............. uang ........ uang ....... uang(TL) <03701> [the money.]

kudus(TB)/disucikan(TL) <06944> [dedicated things. or, holy things. Heb. holiness.]

uang ............ uang ...... uang tebusan ........... uang(TB)/uang ............. uang ........ uang ....... uang(TL) <03701> [even the money.]

[that every may is set at. Heb. of the souls of his estimation.]

uang ............ uang ...... uang tebusan ........... uang(TB)/uang ............. uang ........ uang ....... uang(TL) <03701> [and all the money.]

dorongan(TB)/dari(TL) <05927> [cometh, etc. Heb. ascendeth upon the heart of a man.]


Segala uang

2Raj 22:4

sebagai persembahan

Bil 18:19

pencatatan jiwa,

Kel 30:12; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:12]

dorongan hati

Kel 25:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:2]; Kel 35:29; [Lihat FULL. Kel 35:29] [Semua]

2 Raja-raja 5:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Abana ... Parpar(TB/TL) <06554 071> [Abana and Pharpar. or, Amana.]

This river is evidently the Barrada, or Barda, as the Arabic renders, the Chrysorrhoas of the Greeks, which taking its rise in Antilibanus, runs eastward towards Damascus, where it is divided into three streams, one of which passes through the city, and the other two through the gardens; which reuniting at the east of the city, forms a lake about five or six leagues to the south-east, called Behairat el Marj, or, Lake of the Meadow. Pharpar was probably one of the branches.

lebih baik(TB) <02896> [better.]


segala sungai

Yes 8:6

dengan panas

Ams 14:17,29; 19:11; 29:11 [Semua]

2 Raja-raja 12:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible

2 Raja-raja 12:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyerahkan ... uang uang(TB)/diserahkannya uang(TL) <03701 05414> [gave the money.]

membayarkannya(TB)/mengupah(TL) <03318> [laid it out. Heb. brought it forth.]

2 Raja-raja 25:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bersumpahlah(TB/TL) <07650 0582> [sware to them.]

menjadi baik(TB)/selamat(TL) <03190> [and it shall be.]

2 Raja-raja 2:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


orang .... orang-orang tangkas(TB)/orang ... berani(TL) <02428 01121> [strong men. Heb. sons of strength. the Spirit.]

[some mountain. Heb. one of the mountains.]


ia diangkat

Kis 8:39

oleh Roh

1Raj 18:12; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 18:12]

2 Raja-raja 16:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pagi(TB/TL) <01242> [the morning.]

raja .............. bakaran .... korban bakaran ..... bakaran ..... korban bakaran ... bakaran ...... korban bakaran ........... bakaran ................ korban bakaran(TB)/raja ............................. baginda(TL) <04428 05930> [the king's burnt.]

urusanku(TB)/menyelidik(TL) <01239> [for me to enquire by.]


bakaran pagi

Kel 29:38-41 [Semua]

adalah urusanku.

1Sam 9:9

TIP #25: Tekan Tombol pada halaman Studi Kamus untuk melihat bahan lain berbahasa inggris. [SEMUA]
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