TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Raja-raja 12:1-21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ketujuh(TB/TL) <07651> [the seventh.]

Yoas(TB/TL) <03060> [Jehoash.]



Judul : Yoas memperbaiki Rumah Tuhan

Perikop : 2Raj 12:1-21


2Taw 24:1-14; 24:23-27 dengan 2Raj 12:1-21

Yehu, Yoas

2Raj 11:2



yang benar

Ul 12:25; [Lihat FULL. Ul 12:25]; 2Sam 8:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 8:15] [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: YOAS.



bukit-bukit pengorbanan

1Raj 3:3; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 3:3]; 2Raj 18:4; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 18:4] [Semua]


Berkatalah ..... imam ... imam(TB)/titah ...... imam(TL) <0559 03548> [A.M. 3148. B.C. 856. said to the priests.]

uang ............ uang ...... uang tebusan ........... uang(TB)/uang ............. uang ........ uang ....... uang(TL) <03701> [the money.]

kudus(TB)/disucikan(TL) <06944> [dedicated things. or, holy things. Heb. holiness.]

uang ............ uang ...... uang tebusan ........... uang(TB)/uang ............. uang ........ uang ....... uang(TL) <03701> [even the money.]

[that every may is set at. Heb. of the souls of his estimation.]

uang ............ uang ...... uang tebusan ........... uang(TB)/uang ............. uang ........ uang ....... uang(TL) <03701> [and all the money.]

dorongan(TB)/dari(TL) <05927> [cometh, etc. Heb. ascendeth upon the heart of a man.]


Segala uang

2Raj 22:4

sebagai persembahan

Bil 18:19

pencatatan jiwa,

Kel 30:12; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:12]

dorongan hati

Kel 25:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:2]; Kel 35:29; [Lihat FULL. Kel 35:29] [Semua]


imam(TB)/imam-imam(TL) <03548> [Let the priests.]

memperbaiki(TB)/dibaikinya(TL) <02388> [let them repair.]


untuk memperbaiki

2Raj 22:5


tahun ... puluh tiga zaman(TB)/usianya ...... puluh tiga tahun(TL) <06242 08141 07969> [three and twentieth year. Heb. twentieth year and third year. the priests.]


raja Yoas ... Yoas(TB)/raja Yoas(TL) <03060 04428> [king Jehoash.]

Yoyada(TB/TL) <03077> [Jehoiada.]

perbaiki kerusakan ..... pecah-pecahan ............... kerusakan ...... rusak(TB)/membaiki(TL) <02388 0919> [Why repair ye.]


mengambil sebuah peti(TB)/oleh ...... sebuah peti(TL) <03947 0259 0727> [took a chest.]

samping(TB)/pada(TL) <0681> [beside.]

imam ......................... imam(TB)/imam ............................... imam(TL) <03548> [the priests.]

pintu(TB)/ambang pintu(TL) <05592> [door. Heb. threshold.]

Ps 84:10 *marg:


penjaga pintu

2Raj 25:18; Yer 35:4; 52:24 [Semua]

segala uang

Mr 12:41; Luk 21:1 [Semua]


raja(TB)/baginda(TL) <04428> [the king's.]

panitera(TB)/jurutulis(TL) <05608> [scribe. or, secretary. put up. Heb. bound up.]

beserta ..... membungkus(TB)/lalu ....... pundi-pundi(TL) <06696> [in bags.]

Sir J. Chardin informs us, "it is a custom of Persia always to seal up bags of money; and the money of the king's treasure is not told, but is received by bags sealed up." These are what are called in the East purses; each of which, as Maillet informs us, contains money to the amount of 1,500 livres, or about 63Å“. of our money. The money thus collected for the reparation of the temple, seems, in like manner, to have been reckoned in bags of equal value to each other; as we can scarcely imagine the placing it in bags would otherwise have been mentioned. The value of a Jewish purse is unknown; but the bags mentioned in ch. 5:23, amounted to a talent.


datanglah panitera

2Sam 8:17; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 8:17]


menyerahkan ... uang uang(TB)/diserahkannya uang(TL) <03701 05414> [gave the money.]

membayarkannya(TB)/mengupah(TL) <03318> [laid it out. Heb. brought it forth.]


tukang-tukang tembok(TB)/tukang batu(TL) <01443> [masons.]

pengeluaran(TB)/dibelanjakan(TL) <03318> [was laid out. Heb. went forth.]


tukang-tukang pemahat

2Raj 22:5-6 [Semua]


dibuat(TB)/diperbuat(TL) <06213> [there were not.]

That is, there were no vessels made for the service of the temple till all the outward repairs were completed; but, when this was done, "they brought the rest of the money before the king and Jehoiada, whereof were made vessels of gold and silver," (2 Ch 24:14,) to replace those which had been taken away by Athaliah and her sons.

pasu(TB)/pinggan(TL) <05592> [bowls.]

nafiri(TB/TL) <02689> [trumpets.]


perkakas emas

1Raj 7:48-51; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 7:48] s/d 51 [Semua]


mengadakan perhitungan(TB)/berkira-kira(TL) <02803> [they reckoned.]

bekerja(TB)/mengerjakan(TL) <06213> [for they dealt.]


dengan jujur.

2Raj 22:7; 1Kor 4:2 [Semua]


uang ... penebus .... uang(TB)/uang .... salah ... uang(TL) <03701 0817> [trespass money.]


penebus salah

Im 5:14-19 [Semua]

penghapus dosa

Im 4:1-35 [Semua]

adalah bagian

Im 7:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 7:7]


Hazael ......... Hazael(TB)/Hazael ............. Hazael(TL) <02371> [A.M. 3164. B.C. 840. Hazael.]

Gat(TB/TL) <01661> [against Gath.]

Kemudian ... berniat ........ mukanya(TB)/berpalinglah ... mukanya(TL) <07760 06440> [set his face.]

Yerusalem(TB)/Yeruzalempun(TL) <03389> [to Jerusalem.]


majulah Hazael,

2Raj 8:12


mengambil .... kudus .... kesucian .............. kudusnya .......... benda yang disucikan(TB)/Tetapi oleh ...... diambil(TL) <03947 06944> [took all the hallowed.]

He dearly bought, by such unhallowed means, a peace which was of short duration; for the next year Hazael returned, and Jehoash having no more treasures, was obliged to hazard a battle, which he lost, and the principal part of his nobility, so that Judah was totally ruined, and Jehoash soon after slain in his bed by his own servants.

maka(TB)/undurlah(TL) <05927> [went away. Heb. went up.]



1Raj 15:18; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 15:18]; 2Taw 21:16-17; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 21:16]; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 21:17] [Semua]

Hazael menyerang

1Raj 15:21; 2Raj 15:20; 19:36 [Semua]


Selebihnya(TB)/tinggal(TL) <03499> [the rest.]


Pegawai-pegawainya(TB)/hambanyapun(TL) <05650> [his servants.]

rumah Milo ...... Milo(TB)/rumah Milo(TL) <04407 01004> [the house of Millo. or, Beth-millo.]



2Raj 14:5

lalu membunuh

2Raj 14:19; 15:10,14,25,30; 21:23; 25:25 [Semua]

rumah Milo

Hak 9:6

Catatan Frasa: MEMBUNUH YOAS.


<03108> [Jozachar.]

This person is called Zabad in Chronicles, and Shimeath his mother is said to be an Ammonitess; and Jehozabad is said to be the son, not of Shomer, but of Shimrith, a Moabitess. Who the fathers of these two persons were we know not; they were probably foreigners and aliens. Some suppose that they belonged to the king's chamber, and therefore could have easy access to him.

[Zabad. Shomer.]

[Shimrith. Amaziah his son.]

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