TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Samuel 3:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kausembunyikan ................ menyembunyikan(TB)/melindungkan ............... melindungkan(TL) <03582> [I pray thee.]

Allah(TB/TL) <0430> [God.]

lebih lagi(TB)/dipertambahinya lagi(TL) <03254> [more also. Heb. so add. thing. or, word.]


Janganlah kausembunyikan

1Raj 22:14; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 22:14]; Yer 23:28; 38:14; 42:4 [Semua]

lebih lagi

Rut 1:17; [Lihat FULL. Rut 1:17]

1 Samuel 25:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Beginilah ...... bahkan lebih lagi ... dipertambahkannya(TB)/Demikianlah .......... dipertambahkannya(TL) <03541 03254> [So and more.]

Nothing can justify this conduct of David, which was rash, unjust, and cruel in the extreme. David himself condemns it, and thanks God for being prevented from executing this evil. (ver. 32-34.)

kutinggalkan hidup(TB)/menghidupi(TL) <07604> [if I leave.]

seorang laki-laki(TB/TL) <08366> [any that pisseth, etc.]

This seems to have been a proverbial expression among the Israelites; and may with the utmost propriety be read "any male."


lebih lagi

Rut 1:17; [Lihat FULL. Rut 1:17]

seorang laki-laki

1Raj 14:10; 21:21; 2Raj 9:8 [Semua]

1 Samuel 25:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Maon(TB/TL) <04584> [Maon.]

perusahaan Karmel Karmel ................... Karmel ........ Karmel(TB)/pencariannya(TL) <04639 03760> [possessions were. or, business was. Carmel.]

Not the famous mount Carmel, in the north of Canaan, and in the tribe of Asher; but a city, on a mountain of the same name, in the south of Judah, which seems to have given name to the surrounding territory. Eusebius and Jerome inform us, that there was in their time a town called Carmelia, ten miles east from Hebron, where the Romans kept a garrison, whose position well agrees with this Carmel.

laki-laki ......... Orang(TB)/seorang ........... orang(TL) <0376> [man.]

tiga ribu .... ribu seribu .... seribu(TB)/tiga ribu ..... seribu(TL) <0505 07969> [three thousand.]

pengguntingan bulu(TB)/mengguntingi(TL) <01494> [shearing.]

This was a very ancient custom, and appears to have been always attended with festivity. The ancient Romans, however, used to pluck off the wool from the sheep's backs; and hence a fleece was called {vellus,} a {vellendo,} from plucking it off. Pliny says, that in his time sheep were not shorn every where, but in some places the wool was still plucked off.

Karmel ................... Karmel(TB)/Karmel ........................... Karmel(TL) <03760> [Carmel.]


Judul : Daud, Nabal dan Abigail

Perikop : 1Sam 25:2-44

di Maon,

Yos 15:55; [Lihat FULL. Yos 15:55]

sangat kaya:

2Sam 19:32

pada pengguntingan

Kej 31:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:19]

1 Samuel 3:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Berbicaralah(TB)/berfirman(TL) <01696> [Speak.]

1 Samuel 3:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


muda(TB/TL) <05288> [the child.]

firman(TB/TL) <01697> [the word.]


Judul : Samuel dipanggil Tuhan

Perikop : 1Sam 3:1-21

menjadi pelayan

1Sam 2:11; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 2:11]

Tuhan jarang;

Mazm 74:9; Rat 2:9; Yeh 7:26 [Semua]


Am 8:11

1 Samuel 19:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


terafim(TB)/patung(TL) <08655> [an image. Heb. teraphim.]

tenunan(TB)/kulit(TL) <03523> [a pillow.]

Rather, "the net-work of goat's hair at its (the Teraphim's) pillow;" for the {kevir,} (whence the Chaldee and Syriac {kavreetho,} a honey-comb, from its net-like form), seems to have been a kind of mosquito-net, which, says Dr. Shaw, is "a close curtain of gauze, used all over the East, by people of fashion, to keep out the flies." That they had such anciently cannot be doubted. Thus when Judith had beheaded Holofernes in his bed, (ch. 13:9, 15) "she pulled down the canopy (or the mosquito net, [ ,] from [ ,] a gnat, or mosquito, whence our word canopy) wherein he did lie in his drunkenness, from the pillars."


mengambil terafim

Kej 31:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:19]

1 Samuel 19:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Saul ................. Saul(TB)/Saul .................. Saul(TL) <07586> [And Saul.]

Saul's enmity now burst forth, in the avowed purpose of putting David to death; and nothing less than the especial interposition of Providence could have saved David's life, when every officer about the king's person, and every soldier, had positive orders to dispatch him.


Judul : Saul mencoba membunuh Daud

Perikop : 1Sam 19:1-24

kepada Yonatan,

1Sam 18:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 18:1]

harus dibunuh.

1Sam 18:9

Kisah Para Rasul 2:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


yang diserahkan(TB)/salibkan(TL) <1560> [being.]

<2983> [ye have.]


dan rencana-Nya,

Yes 53:10; Kis 3:18; 4:28 [Semua]

kamu salibkan

Mat 16:21 Luk 24:20; Kis 3:13 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 19:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kamu menerima(TB)/menerima(TL) <2983> [Have ye.]

kami ... pernah mendengar(TB)/dengar(TL) <191> [We have.]


Roh Kudus,

Yoh 20:22; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 20:22]



Kisah Para Rasul 20:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ia merebahkan diri(TB)/turunlah merebahkan(TL) <1968> [and fell.]

ribut(TB)/bergaduh(TL) <2350> [Trouble.]


muda itu,

1Raj 17:21; 2Raj 4:34 [Semua]

masih hidup.

Mat 9:23,24 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 20:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


itu(TB/TL) <1565> [those.]

banyak(TB)/langsunglah(TL) <4183> [given.]

[Cir. A.M. 4064. A.D. 60.]

tanah Yunani(TB)/Gerika(TL) <1671> [Greece.]

That is Greece properly so called, bounded on the west by Epirus, on the east by the Aegean sea, on the north by Macedonia, and on the south by the Peloponnesus. In its largest acceptation it also comprehended all Macedonia, Thessaly, Epirus, Peloponnesus, and the near by islands.

Kisah Para Rasul 6:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


makin bertambah(TB)/tatkala .... bertambah-tambah(TL) <4129> [when.]

timbullah(TB)/bangkitlah(TL) <1096> [there.]

orang-orang Yahudi yang berbahasa Yunani(TB)/peranakan(TL) <1675> [Grecians.]

orang-orang Ibrani(TB)/Ibrani(TL) <1445> [Hebrews.]

mereka(TL) <846> [their.]

sehari-hari(TB)/pemeliharaan(TL) <2522> [the daily.]


Judul : Tujuh orang dipilih untuk melayani orang miskin

Perikop : Kis 6:1-7

makin bertambah,

Kis 2:41; [Lihat FULL. Kis 2:41]

orang-orang Yahudi

Kis 9:29

kepada janda-janda

Kis 9:39,41; 1Tim 5:3 [Semua]

dalam pelayanan

Kis 4:35

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