phulasso <5442>
fulassw phulasso
Pelafalan | : | foo-las'-so |
Asal Mula | : | probably from 5443 through the idea of isolation |
Referensi | : | TDNT - 9:236,1280 |
Jenis Kata | : | v (verb) |
Dalam Yunani | : | efulaxa 3, efulaxamhn 1, efulaxate 1, efulaxen 1, fulassein 2, fulassesyai 2, fulassesye 2, fulassh 2, fulassomenov 1, fulassontev 2, fulassonti 1, fulassou 1, fulassousin 1, fulasswn 2, fulaxai 2, fulaxate 1, fulaxei 2, fulaxh 1, fulaxhv 1, fulaxon 2 |
Dalam TB | : | menjaga 4, waspadalah 3, memelihara 2, telah kuturuti 2, melakukannya 1, memeliharakan 1, kuturuti 1, ia akan memeliharanya 1, Aku telah menjaga 1, Peliharalah 1, camkanlah 1, memperhatikan 1, kamu menurutinya 1, mengawalnya 1, peliharalah 1, penjagaan 1, tetap memelihara 1, waspada 1, menyelamatkan 1, menurutinya 1, yang memeliharanya 1, menjaganya 1, menjauhkan diri 1, menahan 1 |
Dalam AV | : | keep 23, observe 2, beware 2, keep (one's) self 1, save 1, be ... ware 1 |
Jumlah | : | 30 |
Definisi | : |
menjaga, mengawal; menuruti, mematuhi, mengikuti; memelihara, melindungi, membela; medium waspada terhadap, menghindari; memantang (menghindari makanan yang telah dipersembahkan ke berhala); mematuhi, menuruti (Mrk 10.20)
memperhatikan, menjaga, melindungi; menghindari, menjaga (middle) 1) to guard 1a) to watch, keep watch 1b) to guard or watch, have an eye upon: lest he escape 1c) to guard a person (or thing) that he may remain safe 1c1) lest he suffer violence, be despoiled, etc. to protect 1c2) to protect one from a person or thing 1c3) to keep from being snatched away, preserve safe and unimpaired 1c4) to guard from being lost or perishing 1c5) to guard one's self from a thing 1d) to guard i.e. care for, take care not to violate 1d1) to observe 2) to observe for one's self something to escape 2a) to avoid, shun flee from 2b) to guard for one's self (i.e. for one's safety's sake) so as not to violate, i.e. to keep, observe (the precepts of the Mosaic law) Sinonim : Lihat Definisi 5874 probably from 5443 through the idea of isolation; to watch, i.e. be on guard (literally of figuratively); by implication, to preserve, obey, avoid: KJV -- beward, keep (self), observe, save. Compare 5083. see GREEK for 5443 see GREEK for 5083 |
Ibrani Terkait | : | שמע <08085>; שמר <08104>; נצר <05341>; חיח <01961>; זחר <02095>; חיח <02421>; פקדון <06487>; צפח <06822>; נתר <05425>; עצר <06113>; עשח <06213> |
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