prosecho <4337>

prosecw prosecho

Asal Mula:from 4314 and 2192
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:prosece 1, prosecein 4, prosecete 11, prosecontav 1, prosecontev 3, proseicon 3, proseschken 1
Dalam TB:Waspadalah 4, mengikuti 2, Jagalah 2, waspadalah 2, menerima 1, memperhatikan 1, bertekunlah 1, Ingatlah 1, jagalah 1, mengindahkan 1, sibuk 1, supaya mereka waspada 1, sehingga memperhatikan 1, pertimbangkanlah baik-baik 1, penggemar 1, pernah melayani 1, mereka mengikutinya 1
Dalam AV:beware 7, give heed to 5, take heed to 3, give heed unto 1, take heed 1, take heed unto 1, take heed whereunto + 3739 1, misc 5
Definisi : (aorist prosescon; perfek proseschka) memperhatikan dengan baik-baik, memegang, menyerahkan diri kepada (oinw pollw p. suka minum anggur berlebih-lebih, ketagihan anggur 1Tim 3.8); menjaga, waspada, berhati-hati (p. apo waspada terhadap); melayani sebagai imam (Ibr 7.13)
waspada, berjaga-jaga, mengikuti
1) to bring to, bring near
1a) to bring a ship to land, and simply to touch at, put in
2) to turn the mind to, attend to be attentive
2a) to a person or a thing: of caring for, providing for
3) to attend to one's self, i.e. to give heed to one's self
3a) give attention to, take heed
4) to apply one's self to, attach one's self to, hold or cleave
to a person or a thing
4a) to be given or addicted to
4b) to devote thought and effort to

from 4314 and 2192; (figuratively) to hold the mind (3563 implied) towards, i.e. pay attention to, be cautious about, apply oneself to, adhere to: KJV -- (give) attend(-ance, -ance at, -ance to, unto), beware, be given to, give (take) heed (to unto); have regard.
see GREEK for 4314
see GREEK for 2192
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