hegeomai <2233>

hgeomai hegeomai

Asal Mula:middle voice of a (presumed) strengthened form of 71
Referensi:TDNT - 2:907,303
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:hgeisyai 1, hgeisye 2, hgeisywsan 1, hghmai 2, hghsamenov 2, hghsamhn 2, hghsasye 1, hghsato 3, hgoumai 3, hgoumenoi 2, hgoumenoiv 1, hgoumenon 1, hgoumenouv 2, hgoumenov 3, hgoumenwn 1, hgountai 1
Dalam TB:menganggap 4, kuanggap 3, pemimpin 3, anggap 2, menganggapnya 2, aku merasa 2, Aku menganggap 1, anggaplah 1, Ia menganggap 1, ia menganggap 1, Anggaplah 1, kuasa 1, pemimpin-pemimpinmu 1, terpandang 1, pemimpin-pemimpin 1, menjunjung 1, yang menganggap 1, yang berbicara 1
Dalam AV:count 10, think 4, esteem 3, have rule over 3, be governor 2, misc 6
Definisi : menganggap; memimpin (o h. pemimpin; o h. tou logou juru bicara utama Kis 14.12)
menganggap, memimpin; o` h`Ã… pemimpin; o` h`Ã… tou/ lo,gou pembicara
1) to lead
1a) to go before
1b) to be a leader
1b1) to rule, command
1b2) to have authority over
1b3) a prince, of regal power, governor, viceroy, chief, leading
as respects influence, controlling in counsel, overseers or
leaders of the churches
1b4) used of any kind of leader, chief, commander
1b5) the leader in speech, chief, spokesman
2) to consider, deem, account, think

Sinonim : Lihat Definisi 5837

middle voice of a (presumed) strengthened form of 71; to lead, i.e. command (with official authority); figuratively, to deem, i.e. consider: KJV -- account, (be) chief, count, esteem, governor, judge, have the rule over, suppose, think.
see GREEK for 71
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