TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 29:32

TSK Full Life Study Bible

Bilangan 29:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ketujuh(TB/TL) <07637> [the seventh.]

That is, the month Tisri, the seventh month of their ecclesiastical year, but the first of their civil year, answering to our September. This, which was their new year's day, was a time of great festivity, and ushered in by the blowing of trumpets; whence it was also called the feast of blowing the trumpets. In imitation of this Jewish festival, different nations began the new year with sacrifices and festivity. The ancient Egyptians did so; and the Persians also celebrated their {nawee rooz,} or new year's day, which they held on the vernal equinox, and which "lasted ten days, during which all ranks seemed to participate in one general joy. The rich sent presents to the poor; all were dressed in their holiday clothes; all kept open house; and religious processions, music, dancing, a species of theatrical exhibition, rustic sports, and other pastimes, presented a continued round of varied amusement. Even the dead, and the ideal beings were not forgotten; rich viands being placed on the tops of houses and high towers, on the flavour of which the {Peris,} and spirits of their departed heroes and friends, were supposed to feast." After the Mohammedan conquest of Persia, the celebration of this period sensibly declined, and at last totally ceased, till the time of Jelaladdin (about A.D. 1082), who, coming to the crown at the vernal equinox, re-established the ancient festival, which has ever since been celebrated with pomp and acclamations.

bulan ... bulan .... satu bulan bulan(TB)/bulan ..... sehari bulan(TL) <02320 0259> [the first day of the month.]

The monthly sacrifices were regulated by the new moons; and it is probable that the solemn sacrifices were appointed by God, to prevent the idolatry which was usual among the heathen at this period; who expressed the most extravagant rejoicings on the first appearance of the new moon. Moses, however, used the return of the moon only as one of the most natural and convenient measures of time; and appointed sacrifices to Jehovah, to prevent the Israelites from falling into the idolatries of their heathen neighbours. In the serene climate of Arabia and Judea, its first faint crescent is, for the most part, visible to all.

peniupan serunai(TB)/peniup nafiri(TL) <08643> [blowing.]


Judul : Hari raya Serunai

Perikop : Bil 29:1-6


Im 23:23-25 dengan Bil 29:1-6

sesuatu pekerjaan

Bil 28:18

Bilangan 15:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tidak sengaja.

Bil 15:24; [Lihat FULL. Bil 15:24]

Bilangan 15:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Kuberikan kepadamu

Im 23:10; [Lihat FULL. Im 23:10]

Bilangan 29:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


peraturan(TB)/sepertinya(TL) <04941> [after the manner.]


dengan peraturan;

Bil 29:18; [Lihat FULL. Bil 29:18]

Ayub 42:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ambillah(TB)/ambilkanlah(TL) <03947> [Therefore.]

From this it appears that Job was considered as a priest, not only to his own family, but also to others. For his children he offered burnt offerings, (ch. 1:5,) and now he is to make the same kind of offerings, accompanied with intercession, in behalf of his three friends. This is a full proof of the innocence and integrity of Job.

tujuh lembu muda jantan ... tujuh(TB)/lembu muda tujuh ...... tujuh(TL) <06499 07651> [seven bullocks.]

<03212> [go.]

lalu persembahkanlah(TB)/dipersembahkannya(TL) <05927> [offer.]

hamba-Ku Ayub ............. hamba-Ku Ayub ........................... hamba-Ku Ayub(TB)/Ayub hamba-Ku ........... Ayub hamba-Ku .............................. Ayub hamba-Ku(TL) <0347 05650> [my servant Job shall.]

permintaannyalah(TB)/kelak(TL) <06440> [him. Heb. his face, or person.]

melakukan(TB)/Kuperbuat(TL) <06213> [lest.]


domba jantan

Bil 23:1,29; Yeh 45:23 [Semua]

hamba-Ku Ayub,

Ayub 1:8

korban bakaran

Kej 8:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 8:20]

hanya permintaannyalah

Yak 5:15-16; 1Yoh 5:16 [Semua]

terhadap kamu,

Kej 20:7; Ayub 22:30 [Semua]

hamba-Ku Ayub.

Ayub 42:7; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 42:7]

Catatan Frasa: HAMBA-KU AYUB.

Yehezkiel 45:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tujuh hari hari ............ hari tujuh ...... tujuh ......... tiap-tiap ... hari .... hari .......... hari(TB)/tujuh hari ............ tujuh ...... tujuh .......... tiap-tiap ketujuh hari ............. hari(TL) <03117 07651> [seven days.]

korban bakaran(TB/TL) <05930> [a burnt.]

tujuh ............... tujuh lembu muda jantan ... tujuh(TB)/tujuh ............. tujuh ... lembu muda ... tujuh ........... ketujuh(TL) <07651 06499> [seven bullocks.]


lembu jantan

Bil 22:40; [Lihat FULL. Bil 22:40]; Ayub 42:8; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 42:8] [Semua]

penghapus dosa

Bil 28:16-25 [Semua]

TIP #16: Tampilan Pasal untuk mengeksplorasi pasal; Tampilan Ayat untuk menganalisa ayat; Multi Ayat/Kutipan untuk menampilkan daftar ayat. [SEMUA]
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