TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Keluaran 12:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menjalani(TB)/melalui(TL) <05674> [will pass through.]

membiarkan(TB)/diberi-Nya(TL) <05414> [and will not.]


untuk menulahinya;

Yes 19:22

melihat darah

Kel 12:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:7]; Wahy 7:3 [Semua]

akan melewati

Kel 12:13; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:13]

membiarkan pemusnah

Kej 16:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:7]; Yes 37:36; Yer 6:26; 48:8; 1Kor 10:10; Ibr 11:28 [Semua]

Keluaran 12:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


[A.M. 2513. B.C. 1491. An. Exod. Isr. 1. Abib or Nisan.]


menjadi permulaan

Kel 12:18; Kel 13:4; 23:15; 34:18; 40:2; Ul 16:1 [Semua]


Kisah Para Rasul 10:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pada hari berikutnya(TB)/pada(TL) <1887> [the morrow.]



This city, once an obscure fortress called Strato's Tower, was built and superbly decorated by Herod the Great and called C‘sarea, in honour of Augustus C‘sar, to whom he dedicated it in the 28th year of his reign. It was situated on the shore of the Mediterranean, between Joppa and Dora, with a haven, rendered by Herod the most convenient on the coast: according to Ibn Idris and Abulfeda, 30 miles from Jaffa or Joppa, 32 from Ramlay, and 36 from Acco or Ptolemais; and, according to Josephus, 600 stadia, or 75 miles from Jerusalem, though the real distance is probably not more than 62 miles. Nothing now remains of the former splendour of C‘sarea: the supposed sites of the ancient edifices are mere mounds of indefinable form; the waves wash the ruins of the mole, the tower, and the port; the whole of the surrounding country is a sandy desert; and not a creature except beasts of prey, resides within many miles of this silent desolation.

ia telah memanggil(TB)/menghimpunkan(TL) <4779> [and had.]


di Kaisarea.

Kis 8:40; [Lihat FULL. Kis 8:40]

Kisah Para Rasul 10:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Di(TB)/di(TL) <1722> [Cir. A.M. 4045. A.D. 41. in.]

seorang perwira(TB)/penghulu(TL) <1543> [a centurion.]

pasukan Italia(TB)/Italia(TL) <2483> [Italian.]

The Italian band, or rather cohort, [speira <\\See definition 4686\\>,] (a regiment sometimes consisting of from 555 to 1,105 infantry), is not unknown to the Roman writers, (See Tacitus;) and Gruter gives an inscription in which it is mentioned, which was found in the Forum Sempronii, on a fine marble table.


Judul : Kornelius memanggil Petrus

Perikop : Kis 10:1-8

Di Kaisarea

Kis 8:40; [Lihat FULL. Kis 8:40]

Kisah Para Rasul 21:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berangkat(TB)/naik(TL) <305> [and went.]


Judul : Pertemuan Paulus dengan Yakobus di Yerusalem

Perikop : Kis 21:15-26

ke Yerusalem.

Kis 19:21; [Lihat FULL. Kis 19:21]

Yesaya 10:6-7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


murtad ....... umat(TB)/munafik .......... bangsa(TL) <02611 05971> [against.]

memerintahkannya(TB)/memberi perintah(TL) <06680> [will I give.]

menginjak-injak(TB)/dipijak-pijakkannya(TL) <07760> [tread them. Heb. lay them a treading.]


yang murtad,

Yes 9:16; [Lihat FULL. Yes 9:16]

akan memerintahkannya

Hab 1:12

sasaran murka-Ku,

2Taw 28:9; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 28:9]; Yes 9:18 [Semua]

dan penjarahan,

Hak 6:4; [Lihat FULL. Hak 6:4]; Yes 5:29; [Lihat FULL. Yes 5:29]; Yes 8:1 [Semua]

untuk menginjak-injak

2Sam 22:43; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 22:43]; Mazm 7:6; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 7:6]; Yes 5:5; [Lihat FULL. Yes 5:5]; Yes 37:26-27 [Semua]


maksudnya(TB)/sangkanya ..... kepikiran(TL) <01819> [he meaneth.]

hatinya .... hatinya(TB)/hatinya ...... hatinya(TL) <03824> [in his heart.]


demikian maksudnya

Kej 50:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 50:20]; Kis 4:23-28 [Semua]

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