sunistao <4921>

sunistaw sunistao or (strengthened) sunistanw sunistano or sunisthmi sunistemi

Pelafalan:soon-is-tah'-o soon-is-tan'-o soon-is'-tay-mee
Asal Mula:from 4862 and 2476 (including its collat. forms)
Referensi:TDNT - 7:896,1120
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:sunesthken 1, sunesthsate 1, sunestwsa 1, sunestwtav 1, sunistanein 1, sunistanomen 1, sunistanontev 2, sunistanontwn 1, sunistanw 1, sunistanwn 1, sunistasyai 1, sunisthmi 1, sunisthsin 3
Dalam TB:menunjukkan 3, memuji 1, kamu telah membuktikan 1, dipuji 1, aku menyatakan 1, memuji-muji 1, memujikan 1, yang berdiri di 1, puji 1, menyerahkan 1, yang memujikan 1
Dalam AV:commend 10, approve 2, consist 1, make 1, stand 1, stand with 1
Definisi : dan sunistanw (aorist sunesthsa; perfek sunesthka, partisip sunestwv) transitif: memuju-muji, memperkenalkan (org kepada orang lain); memberi bukti, menunjukkan; intransitif: bersatu, ada, mendapat tempatnya (Kol 1.17); terbentuk (2Ptr 3.5); berdiri bersama atau dekat dengan (Luk 9.322)
berdiri di dekat, menunjukkan, memuji-muji, menyatakan, ada
1) to place together, to set in the same place,to bring or band together
1a) to stand with (or near)
2) to set one with another
2a) by way of presenting or introducing him
2b) to comprehend
3) to put together by way of composition or combination, to
teach by combining and comparing
3a) to show, prove, establish, exhibit
4) to put together, unite parts into one whole
4a) to be composed of, consist

from 4862 and 2476 (including its collateral forms); to set together, i.e. (by implication) to introduce (favorably), or (figuratively) to exhibit; intransitively, to stand near, or (figuratively) to constitute: KJV -- approve, commend, consist, make, stand (with).
see GREEK for 4862
see GREEK for 2476
Ibrani Terkait:חתם <02856>; יקש <03369>; כון <03559>; שלח <07971>; מקוח <04723>; פקד <06485>; צוח <06680>; קחל <06950>; עבד <05647>; עמד <05975>; אסר <0631>

Cari juga "sunistao" dan tampilkan dalam [TB] dan Alkitab paralel.
Lihat definisi kata "sunistao" () dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab

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