sunecho <4912>

sunecw sunecho

Asal Mula:from 4862 and 2192
Referensi:TDNT - 7:877,1117
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:sunecei 1, sunecomai 2, sunecomenh 1, sunecomenon 1, sunecomenouv 1, sunecontev 1, sunecousin 1, suneiceto 1, suneiconto 1, sunescon 1, sunexousin 1
Dalam TB:menghimpit 1, mendesak 1, karena 1, Aku didesak 1, menguasai 1, mereka 1, susahnya hati-Ku 1, sepenuhnya dapat memberitakan 1, sambil menutup 1, yang menahan 1
Dalam AV:be taken with 3, throng 1, straiten 1, keep in 1, hold 1, stop 1, press 1, lie sick of 1, constrain 1, be in a strait 1
Definisi : (aorist sunescon) mengepung, mendesak; menutup (telinga); menguasai, memerintah (2Kor 5.14); menawan, menjaga (Luk 22.63); pasif sakit karena; gelisah, sedih, tegang Luk 12.50; Flp 1.23) sibuk dengan, terpikat (Kis 18.5); fobw v. ngeri
menyiksa, menekan keras, menghimpit, mendesak, menderita; susah hati (pasif)
1) to hold together
1a) any whole, lest it fall to pieces or something fall away from it
2) to hold together with constraint, to compress
2a) to press together with the hand
2a) to hold one's ears, to shut the heavens that it may not rain
2b) to press on every side
2b1) of a besieged city
2b2) of a strait, that forces a ship into a narrow channel
2b3) of a cattle squeeze, that pushing in on each side, forcing
the beast into a position where it cannot move so the
farmer can administer medication
3) to hold completely
3a) to hold fast
3a1) of a prisoner
3b) metaph.
3b1) to be held by, closely occupied with any business
3b2) in teaching the word
3b3) to constrain, oppress, of ills laying hold of one and
distressing him
3b4) to be held with, afflicted with, suffering from
3b5) to urge, impel
3b51) of the soul

from 4862 and 2192; to hold together, i.e. to compress (the ears, with a crowd or siege) or arrest (a prisoner); figuratively, to compel, perplex, afflict, preoccupy: KJV -- constrain, hold, keep in, press, lie sick of, stop, be in a strait, straiten, be taken with, throng.
see GREEK for 4862
see GREEK for 2192
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