TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Imamat 2:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


persembahan .... sajian ..... persembahan(TB)/persembahan makanan ... persembahan(TL) <07133 04503> [meat offering.]

{Minchah,} from the Arabic {manacha,} to give, especially as a reciprocal gift, a gift, oblation, or eucharistical or gratitude offering, for the bounties of providence displayed in the fruits of the earth. It is termed a meat offering by our translators, because the term meat in their time was the general name for food.

tepung(TB)/tepung halus(TL) <05560> [fine flour.]

menuangkan minyak minyak(TB)/disirami .... minyak(TL) <08081 03332> [pour oil.]

kemenyan(TB/TL) <03828> [frankincense.]


Judul : Korban sajian

Perikop : Im 2:1-16

korban sajian

Kel 29:41; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:41]; Im 6:14-18 [Semua]

itu tepung

Kel 29:2,40; Im 5:11 [Semua]

menuangkan minyak

Bil 15:4; 28:5 [Semua]

ke atasnya.

Kel 29:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:2]; Im 7:12 [Semua]

ke atasnya.

Im 2:2,15,16; Im 24:7; Neh 13:9; Yes 43:23 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: KORBAN SAJIAN.

Bilangan 7:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pinggan(TB)/ceper(TL) <07086> [charger.]

syikal ..... syikal(TB/TL) <08255> [the shekel.]

sajian(TB)/makanan(TL) <04503> [a meat offering.]


satu bokor

Kel 27:3; [Lihat FULL. Kel 27:3]

puluh syikal

Bil 7:85

menurut syikal

Kel 30:13; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:13]; Im 27:3-7 [Semua]

korban sajian;

Im 2:1; Bil 6:15; 15:4 [Semua]

Bilangan 7:19-89

TSK Full Life Study Bible



satu cawan,

Bil 7:14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 7:14]





bin Helon.

Bil 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:9]




bin Syedeur

Bil 1:5; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:5]


Persembahannya ................................... sajian(TB)/persembahannya ......................................... makanan(TL) <07133 04503> [offering.]

pinggan(TB)/ceper(TL) <07086> [charger.]

{K„ƒrah,} in Arabic, {kƒran,} from {kƒra,} to be deep, a large deep dish or bowl. It appears by the metal of which this charger and bowl were made, that they were for the use of the altar of burnt offerings in the outer court; for all the vessels of the sanctuary were of gold. It was probably used for receiving the flesh of the sacrifices upon which the priests feasted, or the fine flour for the meat offerings.

bokor(TB/TL) <04219> [Bowl.]

{Mizrak,} from {zarak,} to sprinkle, a bowl or bason, used in sprinkling the blood of the sacrifice. (Ex 27:23.)


cawan(TB)/ceper(TL) <03709> [spoon.]

{Kaph,} in Syriac, {kaphtho,} a pan or censer, on which the incense was put. Both the metal of which it was made, and that which it contained, shew that it was for the use of the golden altar in the sanctuary.

ukupan(TB)/dupa(TL) <07004> [incense.]


korban(TB/TL) <02077> [And for a sacrifice.]

These sacrifices were more numerous than the burnt offering or the sin offering; because the priests, the princes, and as many of the people as they invited, had a share of them, and feasted, with great rejoicing, before the Lord. This custom, as Mr. Shelden observes, seems to have been imitated by the heathen, who dedicated their altars, temples, statues, etc., with much ceremony.



bin Zurisyadai.

Bil 1:6; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:6]




bani .... bin(TB)/bani ..... bin(TL) <01121> [Son of Reuel.]


bin Rehuel.

Bil 1:14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:14]


Persembahannya ................................... sajian(TB)/persembahannya ......................................... makanan(TL) <07133 04503> [offering.]

diolah ... minyak ........ minyak(TB)/diramas ... minyak(TL) <01101 08081> [mingled with oil.]



ketujuh(TB/TL) <07637> [On the seventh.]

Both Jewish and Christian writers have been surprised that this work of offering went forward on the seventh day (which they suppose to have been a sabbath), as well as on the other days. But, 1. there is no absolute proof that this seventh day of offering was a sabbath. 2. Were it even so, could the people be better employed than in thus consecrating themselves and their services to the Lord? We have already seen that every act was a religious act; and we may rest assured, that no day was too holy for the performance of such acts as are here recorded. Here it may be observed, that Moses has thought fit to set down distinctly, and at full length, the offerings of the princes of each tribe, though, as we have already observed, they were the very same, both in quantity and quality, that an honourable mention might be made of every one apart, and that none might think himself in the least neglected.

Elisama(TB/TL) <0476> [Elishama.]


bin Amihud.

Bil 1:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:10]



Whether there were any prayers made for the gracious acceptance of the sacrifices which should be hereafter offered on the altar, we are not informed; but the sacrifices themselves were of the nature of supplications, and it is probable, that they who offered them, made humble petitions along with them.


bin Amihud.

Bil 1:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:10]



bin Pedazur.

Bil 1:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:10]




bin Gideoni.

Bil 1:11; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:11]




hari hari(TB)/hari ... kesepuluh(TL) <06224 03117> [On the tenth day.]

When the twelve days of the dedication commenced cannot be easily determined; but the computation of F. Scacchus seems highly probable. He supposes, that the tabernacle being erected the first day of the first month of the second year after the departure from Egypt, seven days were spent in the consecration of it, and the altar, etc.; and that on the eight day, Moses began to consecrate Aaron and his sons, which lasted seven days more. Then, on the fourteenth day of that month, was the feast day of unleavened bread; which God commanded to be observed in the first month (ch. 9), and which lasted till the 22nd. The rest of the month, we may well suppose, was spent in giving, receiving, and delivering the laws contained in the book of Leviticus; after which, on the first day of the second month, Moses began to number the people, according to the command in the beginning of this book; which may be supposed to have lasted three days. On the fourth, the Levites were numbered; on the next day we may suppose they were offered to God, and given to the Priests; and on the sixth, they were expiated and consecrated, as we read in the following chapter. On the seventh day, their several charges were assigned them, (ch. 4;) after which, he supposes the princes began to offer, on the eight day of the second month, for the dedication of the altar, which lasted till the nineteenth day inclusively; and on the twentieth day of this month, they removed from Sinai to the wilderness of Paran. (ch. 10:11, 12.)

Ahiezer(TB)/Ahiezar(TL) <0295> [Ahiezer.]


bin Amisyadai.

Bil 1:12; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:12]



hari hari(TB)/hari ... kesebelas(TL) <03117 06249> [eleventh day.]

Dr. Adam Clarke remarks, that the Hebrew form of expression here, and in the 78th verse, has something curious in it; {beyom Æ’shtey Æ’sar yom,} "in the day, the first and tenth day;" {beyom shenim Æ’sar yom,} "in the day, two and tenth day." But this is the idiom of the language; and to an original Hebrew, our almost anomalous words eleventh and twelfth, would appear as strange.

Pagiel(TB/TL) <06295> [Pagiel.]


bin Okhran.

Bil 1:13; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:13]


The oblations and sacrifices enumerated in verses 13 to 88 were simple and plain, though costly and magnificent. On this occasion we find there were offered 12 silver chargers, each weighing 130 shekels; 12 silver bowls, each 70 shekels; 12 golden spoons, each 10 shekels; making the total amount of silver vessels 2,400 shekels, and that of golden vessels, 120 shekels. A silver charger, at 130 shekels, reduced to troy weight, makes 75 oz. 9 dwts. 16 8/31 gr.; and a silver bowl, at 70 shekels, amounts to 40 oz. 12 dwts. 21 21/31 gr. The total weight of the 12 chargers is therefore 905 oz. 16 dwts. 3 3/31 gr.; and that of the 12 bowls, 487 oz. 14 dwts. 20 4/31 gr.; making the total weight of silver vessels 1,393 oz. 10 dwts. 23 7/31 gr. The golden spoons, allowing each to be 5 oz. 16 dwts. 3 3/31 gr., amount to 69 oz. 3 dwts. 13 5/31 gr. Besides these, there were for sacrifice-- Bullocks . . . . . . 12 Rams . . . . . . 12 Lambs . . . . . . 12 Goats . . . . . . 24 Rams . . . . . . 60 He goats . . . . . . 60 Lambs . . . . . . 60 By this we may at once see, that though the place in which they now sojourned was a wilderness as to cities, villages, and regular inhabitants, yet there was plenty of pasturage; else the Israelites could not have furnished these cattle, with all the sacrifices necessary for different occasions, and especially for the passover, which must of itself have required an immense number of lambs, when each family of 600,000 males was obliged to provide one. (ch. 9.)



bin Enan.

Bil 1:15; [Lihat FULL. Bil 1:15]



pentahbisan(TB)/tahbis(TL) <02598> [the dedication.]

pemimpin(TB)/penghulu(TL) <05387> [the princes.]


itu diurapi,

Bil 7:1,10 [Semua]

belas bokor

Bil 4:14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 4:14]

belas cawan

Bil 7:14


ribu(TB/TL) <0505> [two thousand.]

syikal(TB/TL) <08255> [after the shekel.]


menurut syikal

Bil 7:13


menurut syikal

Bil 7:13


korban bakaran

Bil 7:15

korban sajiannya;

Bil 7:13

penghapus dosa.

Bil 7:16


diurapi(TB)/disiram(TL) <04886> [that it was anointed.]


korban keselamatan

Bil 7:17

ekor domba

Kej 32:14

itu diurapi.

Bil 7:1,10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 7:1]; [Lihat FULL. Bil 7:10] [Semua]


berbicara ......... berfirman .................... berfirman(TB)/bersembah ......... berfirman .................... berfirman(TL) <01696> [to speak.]

mendengar ........ tutup pendamaian(TB)/didengarnya ......... tutupan(TL) <08085 03727> [him. that is, God. he heard.]

kedua kerubiun(TB)/kedua ... kerubiun(TL) <03742 08147> [two cherubims.]


Kemah Pertemuan

Kel 40:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 40:2]

dengan Dia,

Kel 29:42; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:42]

atas tutup

Kel 16:34; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:34]; Mazm 80:2; 99:1 [Semua]

tabut hukum

Bil 3:31

Bilangan 15:4-9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sajian(TB)/persembahan makanan(TL) <04503> [a meat.]

seperempat(TB/TL) <07243> [the fourth.]


korban sajian

Im 6:14; [Lihat FULL. Im 6:14]

efa tepung

Kel 16:36; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:36]



korban sembelihan

Im 3:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 3:7]

hin anggur

Im 10:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 10:9]

korban curahan,

Kej 35:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 35:14]



domba jantan,

Im 5:15; [Lihat FULL. Im 5:15]

korban sajian

Bil 28:12; 29:14 [Semua]

persepuluh efa

Im 23:13; [Lihat FULL. Im 23:13]

hin minyak,

Yeh 46:14


korban curahan

Im 23:13; Bil 28:14; 29:18 [Semua]

hin anggur,

Bil 15:5

bagi Tuhan.

Im 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:9]


korban keselamatan(TB)/syukur(TL) <08002> [peace.]


seekor lembu,

Kel 12:5; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:5]; Im 1:5; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:5] [Semua]

suatu nazar

Im 22:18; [Lihat FULL. Im 22:18]

korban keselamatan

Im 3:6; [Lihat FULL. Im 3:6]


lembu(TB/TL) <01241> [with a.]

korban sajian(TB)/persembahan makanan(TL) <04503> [a meat.]


korban sajian

Im 2:1

persepuluh efa

Im 14:10; [Lihat FULL. Im 14:10]

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