TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Hakim-hakim 19:1-9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


raja(TB/TL) <04428> [when there.]

pegunungan(TB/TL) <02022> [mount.]

seorang(TB)/perempuan(TL) <0802> [a concubine. Heb. a woman, a concubine, or, a wife, a concubine.]

Betlehem-Yehuda(TB/TL) <01035> [Beth-lehem-judah.]


Judul : Seorang Lewi dan gundiknya

Perikop : Hak 19:1-30

pegunungan Efraim

Hak 19:16,18 [Semua]

dari Betlehem-Yehuda.

Rut 1:1

Catatan Frasa: PADA ZAMAN ITU.

Catatan Frasa: SEORANG GUNDIK.


serong(TB) <02181> [played.]

[four whole months. or, a year and four months. Heb. days, four months.]


<03212> [went.]

perempuan .... membujuk(TB)/hendak membujuk(TL) <01696> [speak.]

membawanya kembali balik(TB)/hatinya(TL) <03820 07725> [friendly unto her. Heb. to her heart.]

kembali(TB)/balik(TL) <07725> [to bring.]

bujangnya(TB)/hambanya(TL) <05288> [his servant.]


makan, minum

Hak 19:6,8; Kel 32:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:6] [Semua]


Segarkanlah(TB)/Kuatkanlah(TL) <05582> [Comfort. Heb. Srengthen.]

sekerat(TB)/sepotong(TL) <06595> [with a morsel.]


Segarkanlah dirimu

Hak 19:8; Kej 18:5 [Semua]


hatimu(TB/TL) <03820> [let thine heart.]

[until afternoon. Heb. till the day declined.]

Merely that they might avoid the heat of the day, which would have been very inconvenient in travelling.


hatimu gembira.

Hak 16:25; [Lihat FULL. Hak 16:25]


matahari ........... matahari(TB)/siang ............ haripun(TL) <03117> [the day.]

turun menjelang(TB)/olehmu(TL) <07503> [draweth, etc. Heb. is weak. the day groweth to an end. Heb. it is the pitching time of the day, Jer 6:4.]

That is, it was near the time in which travellers ordinarily pitched their tents, to take up their lodging for the night. In the latter part of the afternoon, eastern travellers begin to look out for a place for this purpose. So Dr. Shaw observes, "Our constant practice was to rise at break of day, set forward with the sun, and travel to the middle of the afternoon; at which time we began to look out for encampments of Arabs; who, to prevent such parties as ours from living at free charges upon them, take care to pitch in woods, valleys, or places the least conspicuous."

besok(TB)/esok(TL) <04279> [to morrow.]

rumahmu(TB)/kemahmu(TL) <0168> [home. Heb. to thy tent.]

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