TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Kejadian 20:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mencegah(TB)/kutegahkan(TL) <02820> [withheld.]

dosa(TB/TL) <02398> [sinning.]

menjamah(TB/TL) <05060> [to touch.]


telah mencegah

1Sam 25:26,34 [Semua]

terhadap Aku;

Kej 13:13; [Lihat FULL. Kej 13:13]; Mazm 41:5; 51:6 [Semua]

Kejadian 20:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Negeb(TB)/selatan(TL) <05045> [A.M. cir. 2107. B.C. cir. 1897. from.]

Kadesh(TB)/Kades(TL) <06946> [Kadesh.]

Gerar(TB/TL) <01642> [Gerar.]

Gerar was a city of Arabia Petr‘a, under a king of the Philistines, 25 miles from Eleutheropolis beyond Daroma, in the south of Judah. From ch. 10:19, it appears to have been situated in the angle where the south and west sides of Canaan met, and to have been not far from Gaza. Jerome, in his Hebrew Traditions on Genesis, says, from Gerar to Jerusalem was three days' journey. There was a wood near Gerar, spoken of by Theodoret; and a brook, (ch. 26:26,) on which was a monastery, noticed by Sozomen.


Judul : Abraham dan Abimelekh

Perikop : Kej 20:1-18


Kej 12:10-20; 26:1-11 untuk Kej 20:1-18

dari situ

Kej 18:1

Tanah Negeb

Kej 12:9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:9]


Kej 14:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:7]

dan Syur.

Kej 16:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:7]

Ia tinggal

Kej 26:3

di Gerar

Kej 26:1,6,17 [Semua]

1 Samuel 25:32-34

TSK Full Life Study Bible


David overlooks the rich and seasonable present of Abigail, though pressed with hunger and wearied with travel; but her advice, which disarmed his rage, and calmed his revenge, draws forth these high and affectionate gratulations. These were his joyful and glorious trophies; not over his enemies, but over himself.



Kej 24:27; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:27]



terpujilah .... terpujilah(TB)/kepujianlah .... kepujianlah(TL) <01288> [blessed.]

menahan(TB)/menegahkan(TL) <03607> [which hast.]

mencari keadilan(TB)/menuntut(TL) <03467> [avenging.]


hutang darah

1Sam 25:26


mencegah(TB)/menegahkan(TL) <04513> [kept me back.]

segera(TB/TL) <04116> [hasted.]

tinggal hidup(TB)/tinggal(TL) <03498> [there had.]


pada Nabal

1Sam 25:26; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 25:26]

1 Samuel 25:39

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Terpujilah(TB)/puji(TL) <01288> [Blessed.]

membela(TB)/memperbantahkan(TL) <07378> [pleaded.]

mencegah hamba-Nya ........... hambanya(TB)/ditegahkannya hambanya(TL) <05650 02820> [kept his servant.]

membalikkan(TB)/dibalasnya(TL) <07725> [hath returned.]

mengambil .... isterinya ............ isterinya(TB)/mengambil(TL) <03947 0802> [to take her.]

It is probable that David had heard that Saul, to cut off his pretensions to the throne, had married Michal to Phalti; and this justified him in taking Abigail, it not being then unlawful for a man to have several wives. This conduct of David's corresponds with the manner in which the Oriental princes generally form their matrimonial alliances. "The king of Abyssinia," says Mr. Bruce, "sends an officer to the house where the lady lives, who announces to her that it is the king's pleasure she should remove instantly to the palace. She then dresses herself in the best manner, and immediately obeys. Thenceforward he assigns her an apartment in the palace, and gives her a house elsewhere in any part she chooses."

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