TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Raja-raja 17:26-33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


diam(TB)/duduk(TL) <03427> [and placed.]

mengenal hukum ......... kebaktian .............. mengenal hukum ............. kebaktian(TB)/mengetahui ........................... mengetahui(TL) <03045 04941> [know not.]


salah ... imam ..... imam(TB)/seorang ..... imam(TL) <03548 0259> [one of the priests.]


Betel(TB)/Bait-el(TL) <01008> [in Bethel.]

mengajarkan ..... kebaktian berbakti(TB)/diajarnya(TL) <03384 03372> [taught them.]


berhalanya allahnya ............ dibuat(TB)/berhalanya ........... diperbuat(TL) <06213 0430> [made gods.]


di kuil

Im 26:30; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:30]; 1Raj 12:31; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 12:31] [Semua]

bukit-bukit pengorbanan,

Mi 4:5

di kota-kota

Yer 2:28; 11:13 [Semua]


Babel(TB)/Babil(TL) <0894> [Babylon.]

Sukot-Benot(TB/TL) <05524> [Succoth benoth.]

{Succoth benoth,} literally "the tents of the daughters."

Kuta(TB)/Khut(TL) <03575> [Cuth.]

Cuth is probably the Cush watered by the Gihon, or Araxes, now Aras (Ge 2:13,) the ancient country of the Scythians, where we meet with the Quitians, Co‰thians, or Co‰t‘, and Cytheans, and the cities of Cotatis, Cetemane, Cythanum, Cyta, Cethena, etc.

Nergal(TB)/Nerjal(TL) <05370> [Nergal.]

Supposed to denote the solar orb; the emblem of which, according to the Rabbins, was a cock.

Asima(TB/TL) <0807> [Ashima.]

Jarchi says this idol was of the form of a goat.


orang-orang Awa(TB)/Awi(TL) <05757> [the Avites.]

Nibhas(TB)/Nibhaz(TL) <05026> [Nibhaz.]

Supposed to be the same as the Anubis of the Egyptians; and was in form partly a dog and partly a man.

membakar anak-anak ..... anak-anaknya(TB)/membakar anak-anaknya(TL) <08313 01121> [burnt their children.]


bagi Adramelekh

2Raj 19:37

di Sefarwaim.

2Raj 17:24; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 17:24]


mengangkat ... kalangan .... pangkat ........ melakukan(TB)/diangkatlah ......... berbuat ibadat(TL) <06213 07098> [made unto themselves.]

kuil(TB)/rumah(TL) <01004> [the houses.]


dan mengangkat

1Raj 12:31; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 12:31]


<03373> [They feared.]

diangkut(TB)/dipindahkan(TL) <01540> [whom they carried, etc. or, who carried them away from thence.]

The new inhabitants of the land imitated the idolatrous Israelites, by associating their idols with Jehovah, as the objects of worship. The remainder, however, of the verses seem to relate to the Israelites after they were carried captive. They still persevered in idolatry and disobedience; and not being purified, were left to be consumed in the furnace. It is said that the Israelites "did not fear the Lord," yet the heathens, who followed their example, are said "to have feared the Lord." The Israelites did not so much as fear the wrath of Almighty God; but, on the other hand, the poor pagans feared the power of his wrath, and to avert it paid some ignorant worship, according to the wretched instructions given them. As this was an external acknowledgement of his power and Godhead, and a homage paid to him,he was pleased in consequence to withdraw his judgements from them.--SCOTT

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