ts@ba' (Aramaic) <06634>

abu ts@ba' (Aramaic)

Asal Mula:corresponding to 06623 in the fig. sense of summoning one's wishes, Greek 923 barsabav
Referensi:TWOT - 2953
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Ibrani:abu 4, abuy 3, tybu 1, hybumkw 1, hbuy 1
Dalam TB:dikehendaki-Nya 4, dikehendakinya 4, ingin 1, kehendak-Nya 1
Dalam AV:will 9, his will 1
Definisi : 1) to desire, be inclined, be willing, be pleased 1a) (P'al) 1a1) to desire 1a2) to be pleased 1a3) to will (without hindrance) (of God)
(Aramaic) corresponding to 6623 in the figurative sense of summoning one's wishes; to please: KJV -- will, would.
see HEBREW for 06623
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