Himne Indonesia
Lukas 19:29--23:56
Kidung Jemaat
- Di Larut Malam yang Gelap [KJ.164]
1. Di larut malam yang gelap Sang Jurus'lamat yang resah,
sendiri di kebun senyap berdoa pada BapaNya.
2. Di larut malam yang senyap Almasih sangat takutlah,
sedang muridNya terdekat tak tahu prihatin GuruNya.
3. Di larut malam kemelut Penanggung dosa dunia
penuh sengsara bertelut, bergumul dalam doaNya.
4. Di larut malam yang ngeri malaikat Bapa datanglah,
diutus untuk memberi kekuatan yang dipintaNya.Play - Di Muka Tuhan Yesus [KJ.29]
1. Di muka Tuhan Yesus betapa hina diriku.
Kubawa dosa-dosaku di muka Tuhan Yesus.
Luk 15:21
Luk 22:61-62
Yoh 21:17
2. Di muka Tuhan Yesus tersungkur kar'na dosaku,
kubuka kerinduanku di muka Tuhan Yesus.
Luk 7:38
3. Di muka Tuhan Yesus 'ku insaf akan salahku;
bertobat kini hatiku di muka Tuhan Yesus.
4. Di muka Tuhan Yesus kudapat kasih sayangNya;
hatiku pasrah berserah di muka Tuhan Yesus.Luk 7:47-48
Play - Jurus'lamat Dunia [KJ.165]
1. Jurus'lamat dunia, walau tak bersalah,
bagai maling disergap pada waktu malam
dan dihina, dicela didepan mahkamah,
diludahi, dicerca oleh kaum ulama.
Luk 22:47-53
Luk 22:63-71
2. Waktu fajar merekah,Yesus pun dibawa
ke Pilatus, dan seg'ra tak terbukti salah.
Ke Herodes yang kejam Yesus pun diseret;
Raja dan pengawalnya tak segan mengejek.
Luk 23:1-7
Luk 23:8-12
3. Jam sembilan paginya, balik ke Pilatus,
Tuhan kita disesah oleh kaum serdadu;
Jubah ungu diberi dan mahkota duri;
Olokannya: "Hai tabik, Raja kaum Yahudi!"
Luk 23:13-16
Yoh 19:1-3
4. Palang dihelakanNya pada tengah hari
dan di bukit Golgota Ia pun disalib,
menderita tiga jam; ada yang menghujat.
Matahari pun kelam dan menutup muka.
Yoh 19:17-19
Mat 27:45
5. Pukul tiga yang sepi, Yesus, hampir mati,
berseru: "Eli, Eli, lamma sabakhtani?"
Lalu putus nyawaNya dan di Bait Suci
Tabir koyak terbelah; ada gempa bumi.
Mat 27:46
Mzm 22:2
Mat 27:50-51
6. Waktu menjelang senja, yang kena hukuman
dipatahkan tulangnya agar diturunkan.
Yesus tak demikian, kar'na sudah mati:
Nampak dari lukaNya darah campur air.
Yoh 19:31-37
7. Surya hampir terbenam waktu datang Yusuf
yang termasuk muridNya, minta mayat Yesus;
tubuh diturunkannya, dikapankan lenan
dan di kubur miliknya Yesus dibaringkan.
Yoh 19:38-42
8. Tuhan Yesus, tolonglah kami mendalami
aniaya dan cela yang Engkau alami,
agar kami olehMu meninggalkan dosa
kepadaMu bersyukur, jiwa pun sentosa.Play - Kita, Anak Adam [KJ.156]
1. Kita, anak Adam, insan bercela, lahir dalam dosa dan akibatnya,
kita kehilangan bahagia firdaus dan menjadi takluk pada kuasa maut.
Mzm 51:4-7
Kej 3:23-24
Rm 5:12, 17
2. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
3. Walau berusaha sampai berlelah, tidaklah menolong kita yang lemah,
hanya Tuhan Allah yang Mahakurnia, yang dalam kasihNya mengutus PutraNya.
Ef 2:8-9
4. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!5. Andaikata Kristus tidak menjelma dalam rupa hamba, masuk dunia,
jika bukan Dia menjadi Penebus, maka kita insan binasalah terus.
Flp 2:6-8
6. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
7. Sungguh, kasih Allah sangatlah besar, nyata bagi kita yang t'lah mendengar
bahwa PuteraNya di salib Golgota menghapuskan dosa seluruh dunia.
Yoh 3:16
8. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
9. KepadaMu, Kristus, puji s'lamanya: kau telah disalib bagi dunia,
Kau kekal bertakhta bersama BapaMu; t'rima kami ini di KerajaanMu!
Why 5:12
Mrk 16:19
Luk 23:42
10. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!Play - Saat Sedih [KJ.186]
1. Saat sedih, tak terperi; air mata bercucuran:
Putra tunggal BapaNya kini dikuburkan.
Mrk 15:42-47
2. Terbaringlah di kuburNya Yang mati pada salib,
agar kurnia firdaus diberi kembali.
3. Manusia, dosamulah yang menyebabkan ini:
semestinya kamulah yang rebah disini
4. O, lihatlah di wajahNya bekas keluh nestapa;
patut isi dunia insaf dan meratap.
5. Bahagialah manusia yang sadar merenungkan
bahwa Raja mulia rela dikuburkan.
6. Ya Yesusku, Harapanku, hapuslah air mataku
dan di KerajaanMu ingat akan daku!
Why 7:17
Luk 23:42
Play - Tercurah Darah Tuhanku [KJ.35]
There is a Fountain Filled with Blood
1. Tercurah darah Tuhanku di bukit Golgota;
yang mau bertobat, ditebus, terhapus dosanya,
terhapus dosanya, terhapus dosanya
yang mau bertobat, ditebus, terhapus dosanya.
Za 13:1
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Penyamun yang di sisiNya di b'ri anugerah;
pun aku yang penuh cela dibasuh darahNya,
dibasuh darahNya, dibasuh darahNya,
pun aku yang penuh cela dibasuh darahNya.
Luk 23:40-43
3. Ya Anakdomba, darahMu tak hilang kuasanya,
sehingga s'lamat umatMu dan suci s'lamanya,
dan suci s'lamanya, dan suci s'lamanya,
sehingga s'lamat umatMu dan suci s'lamanya.
4. Sejak kupandang salibMu dengan iman teguh,
kasihMulah kupuji t'rus seumur hidupku,
seumur hidupku, seumur hidupku,
kasihMulah kupuji t'rus seumur hidupku.
5. Dan jika nanti lidahku tak lagi bergerak,
tetap kupuji kuasaMu di sorgaMu kelak,
di sorgaMu kelak, di sorgaMu kelak,
tetap kupuji kuasaMu di sorgaMu kelak.Play - Tuhan Tidak Lupa [KJ.390]
1. Tuhan tidak lupa akan orang yang penat,
orang yang berduka dan pikulannya berat.
Yes 49:15
Mat 11:28
2. Tuhan tidak lupa bila orang berseru;
Ia memberikan pertolongan yang perlu.
Mzm 4:4
Mzm 9:13
Mzm 107
Mzm 120:1
3. S'lalu angkat muka dan berharap padaNya.
Tuhan tidak lupa akan anak-anakNya.Luk 21:28
Play - Ya Yesus, Tolonglah [KJ.28]
Lord Jesus, Think on Me /
Mnooeo Khriste
1. Ya Yesus, tolonglah, hapuskan dosaku
dan dari nafsu dunia lepaskan hambaMu.
Tit 2:12
Tit 3:3-5
2. Ya Yesus, dengarlah seruan hatiku,
lengkapi aku yang lemah sebagai laskarMu.
Ef 6:11
3. Ya Yesus, yang menang, sertai hambaMu
b'ri di sengsara dan perang percaya yang teguh.
4. Ya Yesus, pimpinlah, tetaplah Kau dekat,
supaya ke neg'ri baka jalanku tak sesat.
Mzm 73:23
5. Ya Yesus, lihatlah serangan seteru,
lumpuhkanlah senjataNya dengan kuasaMu.
1 Ptr 5:8
6. Ya Yesus Penebus, berilah akhirnya
kesukaanMu yang kudus di negeri baka.Luk 23:42-43
Play - Yesus, Kau Kehidupanku [KJ.179]
1. Yesus, Kau kehidupanku, Kau penumpas mautku;
pada salib Kau dipaku sampai mati gantiku;
agar aku mendapati hidup baru yang abadi.
Syukur hati tak henti kepadaMu kuberi.
Yoh 11:25
Mrk 15:15
Yes 53:5-7
1 Ptr 2:22-24
2. Yesus, Kau telah memikul fitnah, siksa terbesar;
Kau ditambat dan dipukul, walau hidupMu benar,
Agar aku tak binasa, s'lamat dari rantai dosa.
Syukur hati tak henti kepadaMu kuberi.
Mrk 15:16-37
Luk 23:47
Rm 6:18
3. Tinggi hatiku t'lah pupus oleh kelembutanMu;
oleh matiMu Kauhapus rasa pahit matiku.
Oleh nista yang Kautanggung 'ku yang hina jadi agung.
Syukur hati tak henti kepadaMu kuberi.Mat 11:29
1 Kor 15:56
4. T'rima kasih, Jurus'lamat, atas pengorbananMu:
atas sakitMu yang sangat, atas pahit matiMu.
Atas luka, atas bilur, atas salib yang Kaupikul
Syukur hati tak henti kepadaMu kuberi.Yes 53:5
Play - Yesus, Tuhanku, Apakah Dosaku [KJ.167]
1. Yesus, Tuhanku, apakah dosaMu, hingga hukuman bagiMu berlaku?
Durhaka apa sudah dituduhkan padaMu Tuhan?
Mi 6:3
Mat 27:4
Luk 23:22, 47
2 Kor 5:21
2. Kau didera, dihina kaum prajurit, Kau dicerca, dib'ri mahkota duri
dan minumMu pada kayu salib anggur yang pahit.
Mat 27:26-31
Mat 27:34
3. Apa sebabnya Kauterima siksa? Tak lain kar'na dosa manusia:
aku sendiri dan kesalahanku jadi bebanMu!
Yes 53:3-7
1 Ptr 2:22-24
4. Siapa menduga jalan hukum ini: bahwa Gembala mengurbankan diri,
jadi tebusan domba yang bersalah terhadap Allah.
Yoh 10:11-18
Yoh 15:13
1 Yoh 3:16
5. Kau harus mati walau tak berdosa, orang bersalah hidup dan sentosa.
Bebaskanlah kami yang t'lah mengaminkan Kau disalibkan.
Rm 5:6-10
6. Kasih sempurna, rahmat tak terhingga, Kau menjalani siksa maut hina.
Aku terbawa dunia sukacita, kau menderita!
7. Raja abadi, apa kulakukan, agar kasihMu dapat kumasyhurkan?
Apa yang layak aku persembahkan jadi imbalan?
8. Tiada yang sanggup untuk mengimbangi rahmat kasihMu suci dan ilahi.
Baik berusaha maupun beribadah, takkan setara!
9. Namun yang tinggal berkenan padaMu hanyalah bila kusalibkan nafsu;
hati yang hancur yang hendak bertobat tidak Kautolak.
Mzm 51:19
10. Kar'na 'ku tahu aku tak berkuasa dan agar jangan aku putus asa,
b'ri Roh KudusMu memerintah aku ikut jejakMu!
1 Ptr 2:21
11. Jadikan daku taat dan setia demi namaMu yang mahamulia,
agar kupikul salibMu ke muka tanpa berduka.
Mrk 8:34
12. Walau karyaku tak bersifat jasa, namun, ya Tuhan, Kau senantiasa
mau menerima persembahan hati dan Kauberkati.
13. Ya Tuhan Yesus yang di takhta Allah, Kau yang terpuji untuk selamanya;
aku pun ikut memberi selalu syukur padaMu!Why 5:12-13
Himne Inggris
Lukas 19:29--23:56
[Luk 19:37] God’s Mighty Wonders
Our mighty God works mighty wonders—
What joy, to seem them all around!
Men’s idols fall before His thunders,
Their altars crumbling to the ground.
He breaks the fetters, frees the slaves,
His fallen children still He saves.His mighty Word goes forth to conquer,
Its power destroys the forts of doubt.
The warriors bold yield up their armor
To Him Who will not cast them out.
They cleansing find in Jesus’ blood
And laud and magnify our God.Behold the host of brethren nearing
The gates of Heav’n with mighty tread,
With banners waving, singing, cheering,
They hail in joy their Royal Head;
And many more shall own His reign,
His wondrous love the victory gain.O God, be praised! the day is nearing,
When to our ears a voice shall come,
“Look up, the Lord is now appearing,
To gather all His loved ones home!”
O blessèd day of jubilee!
For thee I wait! I wait for thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 19:40] Glory Be To God On High
Glory be to God on high, Alleluia!
Let the whole creation cry, Alleluia!
Peace and blessing He has given, Alleluia!
Earth repeat the songs of heaven, Alleluia!Creatures of the field and flood, Alleluia!
Earth and sea cry “God is good,” Alleluia!
Toiling pilgrims raise the song, Alleluia!
Saints in light the strain prolong, Alleluia!Stars that have no voice to sing Alleluia!
Give their glory to our King, Alleluia!
Silent powers and angels’ song, Alleluia!
All unto our God belong, Alleluia!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 19:40] When, His Salvation Bringing
When, His salvation bringing,
To Zion Jesus came,
The children all stood singing
Hosanna to His Name;
Nor did their zeal offend Him,
But, as He rode along,
He let them still attend Him,
And smiled to hear their song.And since the Lord retaineth
His love for children still,
Though now as King He reigneth
On Zion’s heavenly hill,
We’ll flock around His banner
Who sits upon His throne,
And cry aloud, “Hosanna
To David’s royal Son!”For should we fail proclaiming
Our great Redeemer’s praise,
The stones, our silence shaming,
Would their hosannas raise.
But shall we only render
The tribute of our words?
No; while our hearts are tender,
They too shall be the Lord’s.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 19:41] Did Christ O’er Sinners Weep?
Did Christ o’er sinners weep,
And shall our cheeks be dry?
Let floods of penitential grief
Burst forth from every eye.The Son of God in tears
The wondering angels see:
Be thou astonished, O my soul;
He shed those tears for thee.He wept that we might weep;
Each sin demands a tear;
In heaven alone no sin is found,
And there’s no weeping there.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:4] Father, Bless The Gifts We Bring Thee
Father, bless the gifts we bring Thee;
Give them something kind to do;
May they help someone to love Thee:
Father, may we love Thee, too.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:7] Coming For Me
Jesus the King is coming
Lo, in the eastern sky,
Signs of approaching glory;
Surely redemption draweth nigh.Refrain
Coming, coming,
Coming again for me;
Soon I shall see my Savior,
Like Him I then shall be.Jesus is quickly coming;
’Twill not be very long
Ere we shall hail our Bridegroom
With all the bright, angelic throng.Refrain
Then all who sleep in Jesus,
Waking shall upward rise;
“We who remain,” together
With them caught up to Paradise.Refrain
O what a glorious prospect!
O what a hope divine!
Thru the eternal ages
Jesus will be forever mine.Refrain
Heir to the life immortal,
Joint ruler on His throne,
Partaker of His glory,
Jesus will be my very own.Refrain
Glory to God the Father,
Glory to Christ the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit
For our redemption freely won.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:7] Son Of Man, To Thee I Cry
Son of Man, to Thee I cry;
By the wondrous mystery
Of Thy dwelling here on earth,
By Thy pure and holy birth,
Lord, Thy presence let me see,
Manifest Thyself to me.Son of Man, to Thee I cry;
By Thy bitter agony,
By Thy pangs, to us unknown,
By Thy Spirit’s parting groan,
Lord, Thy presence let me see,
Manifest Thyself to me.Prince of Life, to Thee I cry;
By Thy glorious majesty,
By Thy triumph o’er the grave,
Meek to suffer, strong to save,
Lord, Thy presence let me see,
Manifest Thyself to me.Lord of Glory, God Most High,
Man exalted to the sky,
With Thy love my bosom fill,
Prompt me now to to Thy will;
Then Thy presence let me see,
Manifest Thyself to me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:7] Through The Ages Saints Have Wondered
Through the ages saints have wondered
When the promised day will be,
When in power and brightest glory
Our returning Lord we’ll see;
Searching the Scripture for signs of the times:
Plague, earthquake, famine, false Christs and shrines;
War and commotion, and signs in the sky;
So lift up your heads, redemption then is nigh!But the scoffers mock the promise,
Walking in their lust and pride,
Saying, “Where, then, is your savior?
Nothing changes—he has lied.”
Prophecy fails not! He knew they would speak
Against His Word, deceiving the weak.
Yes, we know Jesus is faithful and true,
Preparing our mansion, making all things new.At the time appointed, angels
Will the silver trumpet peal;
In the heavens shall the nations
See the Son of Man revealed.
Tombs, graves and oceans, relinquish their hold—
Saints from the four winds, now crowned with gold;
Those making merry, now shaking with dread,
For He has returned to judge the quick and dead.But we know not of the hour,
When His promise He will keep;
Therefore must we keep awatching,
Lest our Lord find us asleep.
For all will see Him, with scales and a sword,
Dispensing justice, sure as His Word;
Prepare to meet Him, with lamp in your hand,
The Bridegroom is coming—rise and greet the Lamb!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:12] We Knelt Before Kings
We knelt before kings; we bent before lords;
For theirs were the crowns, and theirs were the swords:
But times of the bending and bowing are past,
The day of the people is dawning at last!We cringed before gold; we deified wealth;
We laid on its altar the life and the health
Of manhood and womanhood, and childhood and youth;
Its lordship is doomed in this day of the truth.The strength of the state we’ll lavish on more
Than massing of wealth and making of war;
We’re learning at last, though the lesson comes late,
The making of man is the task of the state.Great Day of Jehovah! prophets and seers
Have sung of thy coming thousands of years;
Thank God for each sign that the dark night is past;
The day of the people is dawning at last.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:27] Blessing And Honor And Glory And Power
Blessing and honor and glory and power,
Wisdom and riches and strength evermore
Give ye to Him Who our battle hath won
Whose are the kingdom, the crown, and the throne.Into the heav’n of the heav’ns hath He gone,
Sitteth He now in the joy of the throne,
Weareth He now of the kingdom the crown,
Singeth He now the new song with His own.Soundeth the Heaven of the heavens with His Name;
Ringeth the earth with His glory and fame;
Ocean and mountain, stream, forest, and flower
Echo His praises and tell of His power.Past are the darkness, the storm, and the war,
Come is the radiance, that sparkles afar,
Breaketh the gleam of the day without end,
Riseth the Sun that shall never descend.Ever ascendeth the song and the joy;
Ever descendeth the love from on high;
Blessing and honor and glory and praise,
This is the theme of the hymns that we raise.Life of all life, and true Light of all light,
Star of the dawning unchangingly bright,
Sun of the Salem whose light is the Lamb,
Theme of the ever new, ever glad psalm!Give we the glory and praise to the Lamb;
Take we the robe and the harp and the palm;
Sing we the song of the Lamb that was slain,
Dying in weakness, but rising to reign.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:27] Eternal Rest
Time’s clock is striking the hour,
Jesus will soon descend,
Clothed in the garments of power,
The reign of sin to end.
Then will this anthem be ringing
Like to a mighty flood,
Then ’round the throne we’ll be singing,
Glory and praise to God.Refrain
Glory, glory to God!
Thus will the ransomed sing;
Glory, glory to God,
The everlasting King!
Praise Him, alleluia!
To that eternal sphere
We are waiting
For our translating;
The time is near.In those bright mansions supernal,
Death cannot enter there;
Ages on ages eternal
His likeness we shall bear.
There will the once brokenhearted
Rest in the spirit know;
Sorrow forever departed,
Gladness shall overflow.Refrain
Sighing forever is ended,
Foes shall oppress no more;
Voices in worship are blended
To Him Whom all adore.
Bathed in the light soft and tender,
Sealed for eternity,
Praise to the Lamb we will render—
Worthy of praise is He.Refrain
Beautiful, wonderful story!
Jesus Himself the Light;
There in the kingdom of glory
Never shall fall the night.
Now I am singing of heaven,
While here I wage the strife;
Then will the victors be given
Crowns of eternal life.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:27] Hope Of The Ages, The
Jesus comes, He comes in glory,
Echoes through the ages hoary
Blessèd hope and thrilling story,
Hallelujah! Jesus comes!Refrain
Hope of all the ages past,
King of kings, He comes at last.
Up, ye saints of God awaking!
See the morning light is breaking!
Hallelujah! Jesus comes!Jesus comes, the dead are waking,
Earth with mortal pangs is quaking;
Stars are falling, heavens shaking,
Hallelujah! Jesus comes!Refrain
Jesus comes, in clouds descending,
Sins restraining, sorrow ending,
Broken ties forever mending,
Hallelujah! Jesus comes!Refrain
Jesus comes, all things restoring,
Cry aloud, His grace imploring,
Bow the knee, the King adoring,
Hallelujah! Jesus comes!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:27] When Jesus Comes In Glory
When Jesus comes in glory,
As Lord and King of kings,
O what a wondrous story
The blessèd Bible brings;
His face will shine like sunlight,
His head be white as snow,
His eyes like flaming firelight,
His feet like brass aglow.His voice like rushing waters
Will reach with mighty sound
Into the deepest quarters
Of all creation round;
And at this wondrous greeting
The dead in Christ shall rise,
Their Lord and Savior meeting,
In glory to the skies.And we who are believing,
And His appearing love,
Shall know we are receiving
His glory from above;
His resurrection power
Will raise us to the place
Where we that wondrous hour
Shall see Him face to face.O hasten Thine appearing,
Thou Bright and Morning Star!
Lord, may we soon be hearing
The trumpet sound afar;
Thy people are all yearning
To be Thy raptured bride,
And at Thine own returning
Be caught up at Thy side.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:33] Awake, Thou Careless World, Awake!
Awake, thou careless world, awake!
That final judgment day will surely come;
What Heav’n hath fixed time cannot shake,
Time never more shall sweep away thy doom.
Know, what the Lord Himself hath spoken
Shall come at last and not delay:
Though Heav’n and earth shall pass away,
His steadfast Word can ne’er be broken.Awake! He comes to judgment, wake!
Sinners, behold His countenance
In beauty terrible, and quake
Condemned beneath His piercing glance.
Lo! He to whom all power is given,
Who sits at God’s right hand on high,
in fire and thunder draweth nigh,
To judge all nations under Heaven.Awake! thou careless world, awake!
For none can tell how soon our God shall please
That suddenly that day should break?
No human wisdom fathoms depths like these.
O guard thee well from lust and gree;
For as the bird is in the snare,
Or ever of its foe aware,
So comes that day with silent speed.Yet He in love delayeth long
The final day, and grants us space
To turn away from sin and wrong,
And mourning seek in time His help and grace.
He holdeth back that best of days,
Until the righteous shall approve
Their faith and hope, their constant love;
So gentle us-ward are His ways!But ye, O faithful souls, shall see
That morning rise in love and joy,
Your Savior comes to set you free,
Your Judge shall all your bonds destroy:
He, the true Joshua, then shall bring
His people with a mighty hand
Into their promised father-land,
Where songs of victory they shall sing.Rejoice! the fig tree shows her green,
The springing year is in its prime,
The little flowers afresh are seen,
We gather strength in this great time;
The glorious summer draweth near,
When all this body’s earthly load,
In light that morning sheds abroad,
Shall was as sunshine pure and clear.Arise, and let us night and day
Watch for our Lord, and study o’er His Word,
And in the Spirit ever pray,
That we be ready when His call is heard;
Arise, and let us haste to meet
The Bridegroom standing at the door,
That with the angels evermore
We too may worship at His feet.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 21:33] Praise God For His Word
Praise God for His Word! from its pages divine
Came the light of His love to this poor heart of mine:
I had wandered afar in the byways of sin,
When the light of His truth to my heart entered in.Refrain
Praise God for His grace which its pages unfold!
For the story of love which will never grow old!
For the light on life’s pathway which streams from its pages!
Praise God for His Word, blessèd Book of the Ages!Praise God for His Word; for the heavenly light
It is sending afar into sin’s darksome night;
For the hope which it gives, where before was despair,
For the Heaven revealed, and the way leading there!Refrain
Praise God for His Word! not a promise shall fail;
Whatsoe’er may oppose, still its truth will prevail:
’Tis the Word of our God and fore’er must endure;
Earth and Heaven may pass, but it standeth secure.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:19] According To Thy Gracious Word
According to Thy gracious word,
In meek humility,
This will I do, my dying Lord,
I will remember Thee.Thy body, broken for my sake,
My bread from Heaven shall be;
The testamental cup I take,
And thus remember Thee.Gethsemane can I forget?
Or there Thy conflict see,
Thine agony, and bloody sweat,
And not remember Thee?When to the cross I turn mine eyes,
And rest on Calvary,
O Lamb of God, my sacrifice,
I must remember Thee;Remember Thee, and all Thy pains
And all Thy love to me;
Yea, while a breath, a pulse remains,
Will I remember Thee.And when these failing lips grow dumb
And mind and memory flee,
When Thou shalt in Thy kingdom come,
Jesus, remember me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:19] Because Thou Hast Said
Because Thou hast said, “Do this for My sake,”
The mystical bread we gladly partake;
We thirst for the Spirit that flows from above,
And long to inherit Thy fullness of love.’Tis here we look up and grasp at Thy mind,
’Tis here that we hope Thine image to find;
The means of bestowing Thy gifts we embrace;
But all things are owing to Jesus’ grace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:19] Do This; Remember Me!
Our Lord and His disciples at table were as one,
And Jesus thought of the morrow, His work here nearly done.
With one last night together, they knew not what would be,
But Jesus had one final word:
“Do This; Remember Me!”Thanksgiving to the Father, an ancient feast made new.
Christ said, “This is My body, My body giv’n for you.”
The holy bread was broken and shared with Jesus’ plea
That His words not be forgotten:
“Do This; Remember Me!”He took the cup of blessing, the blood of Jesus shed
That all might know forgiveness, received when Jesus bled.
Salvation now available to all on bended knee
Who repent and follow His command:
“Do This; Remember Me!”Yes, Christ’s command continues to all who serve His Name
To go and make disciples, that all would sing His fame.
And gathered at one table His holy church shall see
Our Master is still calling:
“Do This; Remember Me!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:19] For The Bread, Which Thou Hast Broken
For the bread, which Thou hast broken;
For the wine, which Thou hast poured;
For the words, which Thou hast spoken—
Now we give Thee thanks, O Lord.By this pledge that Thou dost love us,
By Thy gift of peace restored,
By Thy call to Heaven above us,
Hallow all our lives, O Lord.With our sainted ones in glory,
Seated at our Father’s board,
May the Church that waiteth for Thee
Keep love’s tie unbroken, Lord.In Thy service, Lord, defend us,
In our hearts keep watch and ward;
In the world where Thou dost send us
Let Thy kingdom come, O Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:19] How Happy Are Thy Servants, Lord
How happy are Thy servants, Lord,
Who thus remember Thee!
What tongue can tell our sweet accord,
Our perfect harmony?Who Thy mysterious supper share,
Here at Thy table fed,
Many, and yet but one we are,
One undivided bread.One with the living bread divine
Which now by faith we eat,
Our hearts and minds and spirits join,
And all in Jesus meet.So dear the tie where souls agree
In Jesus’ dying love!
Then only can it closer be,
When all are joined above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:19] If Human Kindness Meets Return
If human kindness meets return,
And owns the grateful tie;
If tender thoughts within us burn
To feel a friend is nigh;
O shall not warmer accents tell
The gratitude we owe
To Him Who died, our fears to quell,
Our more than orphan’s woe!While yet His anguished soul surveyed
Those pangs he would not flee,
What love His latest words displayed,
“Meet and remember me!”
Remember Thee! Thy death, Thy shame
Our sinful hearts to share!
O memory, leave no other name
But His recorded there.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:19] Jesus, Master, Hear Me Now
Jesus, Master, hear me now,
While I would renew my vow,
And record Thy dying love;
Hear, and help me from above.Feed me, Savior, with this bread,
Broken in Thy body’s stead;
Cheer my spirit with this wine,
Streaming like that blood of Thine.And as now I eat and drink,
Let me truly, sweetly think,
Thou didst hang upon the tree,
Broken, bleeding, there—for me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:19] Now The Silence
Now the silence, now the peace,
Now the empty hands uplifted;
Now the kneeling, now the plea,
Now the Father’s arms in welcome;
Now the hearing, now the power,
Now the vessel brimmed for pouring;
Now the body, now the blood,
Now the joyful celebration;
Now the wedding, now the songs,
Now the heart forgiven, leaping;
Now the Spirit’s visitation,
Now the Son’s epiphany;
Now the Father’s blessing,
Now, now, now.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:19] Sing, My Tongue, The Savior’s Glory
Sing, my tongue, the Savior’s glory,
Of His flesh the mystery sing,
Of the blood, all price exceeding,
Shed by our immortal King,
Destined, for the world’s redemption,
From a noble womb to spring.Of a pure and spotless virgin,
Born for us, His love to show,
He, as man, with man conversing,
Stayed, the seeds of truth to sow;
Then He closed in wondrous fashion,
This His life on earth below.On the night of that Last Supper,
Seated with His chosen band,
He, the paschal victim eating,
First fulfills the law’s command;
Then as food to all His brethren
Gives Himself with His own hand.Christ, the Word made Flesh, by speaking,
Earthly bread to flesh He turns;
Wine becomes His blood so precious—
Unconceived in human terms!
Hearts sincere perceive this marvel;
Faith its lessons quickly learns.Down in adoration falling,
This great sacrament we hail;
Over ancient forms of worship
Newer rites of grace prevail;
Faith tells us that Christ is present
When our human senses fail.To the everlasting Father,
And the Son Who made us free,
And the Spirit, God proceeding,
From them each eternally,
Be salvation, honor, blessing,
Might and endless majesty.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:19] Sweet Feast Of Love Divine
Sweet feast of love divine!
’Tis grace that makes us free
To feed upon this bread and wine,
In memory, Lord, of Thee.Here every welcome guest
Waits, Lord, from Thee to learn
The secrets of Thy Father’s breast,
And all Thy grace discern.Here conscience ends its strife,
And faith delights to prove
The sweetness of the bread of life,
The fullness of Thy love.Thy blood that flowed for sin,
In symbol here we see,
And feel the blessèd pledge within,
That we are loved of Thee.But if this glimpse of love
Is so divinely sweet,
What will it be, O Lord, above,
Thy gladdening smile to meet—To see Thee face to face,
Thy perfect likeness wear,
And all Thy ways of wondrous grace
Through endless years declare!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:27] Toil Of Brain, Or Heart, Or Hand, The
The toil of brain, or heart, or hand,
Is man’s appointed lot;
He who God’s call can understand,
Will work and murmur not.
Toil is no thorny crown of pain,
Bound round man’s brow for sin;
True souls, from it, all strength may gain,
High manliness may win.O God! Who workest hitherto,
Working in all we see,
Fain would we be, and bear, and do,
As best it pleaseth Thee.
Where’er Thou sendest we will go,
Nor any question ask,
And what Thou biddest we will do,
Whatever be the task.Our skill of hand, and strength of limb,
Are not our own, but Thine;
We link them to the work of Him
Who made all life divine!
Our brother-friend, Thy holy Son,
Shared all our lot and strife;
And nobly will our work be done,
If molded by His life.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:29] Captains Of The Saintly Band
Captains of the saintly band,
Lights who lighten every land,
Princes who with Jesus dwell,
Judges of His Israel:On the nations sunk in night
Ye have shed the Gospel light;
Sin and error flee away;
Truth reveals the promised day.Not by warrior’s spear and sword,
Not by art of human word,
Preaching but the Cross of shame,
Rebel hearts for Christ ye tame.Earth, that long in sin and pain
Groaned in Satan’s deadly chain,
Now to serve its God is free
In the law of liberty.Distant lands with one acclaim
Tell the honor of your name,
Who, wherever man has trod,
Teach the mysteries of God.Glory to the Three in One
While eternal ages run,
Who from deepest shades of night
Called us to His glorious light.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:40] O Savior! When Thy Loving Hand
O Savior! when Thy loving hand
Has brought us o’er the sea,
Through perils many, safe to land—
The land we longed to see.Oh, help us, for Thy help we need
Each moment more and more
In perils that we scarcely heed,
More deadly, on the shore.Lord, save us! and the Christian name
Oh, help us pure to keep,
On sea or land, alike the same,
Till we in death shall sleep.Then through Thy merits, washed and clean
From sin’s polluting stain,
In raiment white may we be seen
With all Thy saints to reign.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:41] I Stand Amazed In The Presence
I stand amazed in the presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me,
A sinner, condemned, unclean.Refrain
O how marvelous! O how wonderful!
And my song shall ever be:
O how marvelous! O how wonderful!
Is my Savior’s love for me!For me it was in the garden
He prayed: “Not My will, but Thine.”
He had no tears for His own griefs,
But sweat drops of blood for mine.Refrain
In pity angels beheld Him,
And came from the world of light
To comfort Him in the sorrows
He bore for my soul that night.Refrain
He took my sins and my sorrows,
He made them His very own;
He bore the burden to Calvary,
And suffered and died alone.Refrain
When with the ransomed in glory
His face I at last shall see,
’Twill be my joy through the ages
To sing of His love for me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:42] Night, With Ebon Pinion
Night, with ebon pinion, brooded o’er the vale;
All around was silent, save the night wind’s wail,
When Christ, the Man of Sorrows,
In tears, and sweat, and blood,
Prostrate in the garden, raised His voice to God.Smitten for offenses which were not His own,
He, for our transgressions, had to weep alone;
No friend with words to comfort,
Nor hand to help was there,
When the Meek and Lowly humbly bowed in prayer.“Abba, Father, Father, if indeed it may,
Let this cup of anguish pass from Me, I pray;
Yet, if it must be suffered, by Me, Thine only Son,
Abba, Father, Father, let Thy will be done.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:44] Sion’s Daughter, Weep No More
Sion’s daughter, weep no more,
Though thy troubled heart be sore;
He of Whom the psalmist sung,
He Who woke the prophet’s tongue,
Christ, the Mediator blest,
Brings thee everlasting rest.In a garden man became
Heir of sin, and death, and shame;
Jesus in a garden wins
Life, and pardon for our sins;
Through His hour of agony
Praying in Gethsemane.There for us He intercedes;
There with God the Father pleads;
Willing there for us to drain
To the dregs the cup of pain,
That in everlasting day
He may wipe our tears away.Therefore to His Name be giv’n,
Glory both in earth and Heav’n;
To the Father, and the Son,
And the Spirit, Three in One,
Honor, praise and glory be
Now and through eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:46] Lord, Through This Holy Week Of Our Salvation
Lord, through this holy week of our salvation,
Which Thou hast won for us who went astray,
In all the conflict of Thy sore temptation,
We would continue with Thee day by day.We would not leave Thee, though our weak endurance
Make us unworthy here to take our part;
Yet give us strength to trust the sweet assurance
That Thou, O Lord, art greater than our heart.Thou didst forgive Thine own who slept for sorrow,
Thou didst have pity, O have pity now,
And let us watch through each sad eve and morrow
With Thee, in holy prayer and solemn vow.Along that sacred way where Thou art leading,
Which Thou didst take to save our souls from loss,
Let us go also, till we see Thee pleading
In all prevailing prayer upon Thy cross.Until Thou see Thy bitter travail’s ending,
The world redeemed, the will of God complete,
And, to Thy Father’s hands Thy soul commending,
Thou lay the work He gave Thee at His feet.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 22:61] Jesus, Let Thy Pitying Eye
Jesus, let Thy pitying eye
Call back a wandering sheep;
False to Thee, like Peter, I
Would fain, like Peter, weep.
Let me be by grace restored;
On me be all long-suffering shown;
Turn, and look upon me, Lord,
And break my heart of stone.Savior, Prince, enthroned above,
Repentance to impart,
Give me, through Thy dying love,
The humble, contrite heart;
Give what I have long implored,
A portion of Thy grief unknown;
Turn, and look upon me, Lord,
And break my heart of stone.See me, Savior, from above,
Nor suffer me to die;
Life, and happiness, and love
Drop from Thy gracious eye;
Speak the reconciling word,
And let Thy mercy melt me down;
Turn, and look upon me, Lord,
And break my heart of stone.Look, as when Thy languid eye
Was closed that we might live;
“Father,” at the point to die
My Savior prayed, “forgive!”
Surely, with that dying word,
He turns, and looks, and cries, “’Tis done!”
O my bleeding, loving Lord,
Thou break’st my heart of stone!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:32] O Thou From Whom All Goodness Flows
O Thou, from Whom all goodness flows,
I lift my heart to Thee;
In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes,
Dear Lord, remember me.When groaning on my burdened heart
My sins lie heavily,
My pardon speak, new peace impart;
In love remember me.Temptations sore obstruct my way,
And ills I cannot flee:
O give me strength, Lord, as my day;
For good remember me.Distressed with pain, disease, and grief,
This feeble body see;
Grant patience, rest, and kind relief:
Hear and remember me.If on my face, for Thy dear Name,
Shame and reproaches be,
All hail reproach, and welcome shame,
If Thou remember me.The hour is near; consigned to death,
I own the just decree;
“Savior,” with my last parting breath
I’ll cry, “Remember me.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] All Because Of Calvary
All my sins are gone,
All because of Calvary;
Life is filled with song,
All because of Calvary;
Christ my Savior lives,
Lives from sin to set me free;
Some day He’s coming,
O wondrous, blessèd day,
All, yes, all because of Calvary.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] At Calvary
Years I spent in vanity and pride,
Caring not my Lord was crucified,
Knowing not it was for me He died on Calvary.Refrain
Mercy there was great, and grace was free;
Pardon there was multiplied to me;
There my burdened soul found liberty at Calvary.By God’s Word at last my sin I learned;
Then I trembled at the law I’d spurned,
Till my guilty soul imploring turned to Calvary.Refrain
Now I’ve given to Jesus everything,
Now I gladly own Him as my King,
Now my raptured soul can only sing of Calvary!Refrain
Oh, the love that drew salvation’s plan!
Oh, the grace that brought it down to man!
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] Blessed Calvary
I look at the cross upon Calvary,
And oh, what a wonder divine,
To think of the wealth it holds for me—
The riches of Heaven are mine.Refrain
Blessèd Calvary! Precious Calvary!
’Neath thy shadow I’ll ever abide.
Blessèd Calvary! Precious Calvary!
’Twas there Jesus suffered and died.I find at the cross blessèd victory,
And grace for each step of my way.
To the fount of God’s love is flowing free,
And sweeter it grows day by day.Refrain
The cross is my hope for eternity,
No merit have I of my own;
The shed blood of Christ my only plea—
My trust is in Jesus alone.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] Calvary
On Calvr’y’s brow my Savior died,
’Twas there my Lord was crucified;
’Twas on the cross He bled for me,
And purchased there my pardon free.Refrain
O Calvary! dark Calvary!
Where Jesus shed His blood for me;
O Calvary! blest Calvary!
’Twas there my Savior died for me.’Mid rending rocks and dark’ning skies,
My Savior bows His head and dies;
The op’ning veil reveals the way
To Heaven’s joys and endless day.Refrain
O Jesus, Lord, how can it be,
That Thou shouldst give Thy life for me,
To bear the cross and agony
In that dread hour on Calvary!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] Come To Calvary’s Holy Mountain
Come to Calvary’s holy mountain,
Sinners, ruined by the Fall;
Here a pure and healing fountain
Flows to you, to me, to all,
In a full, perpetual tide,
Opened when our Savior died.Come in poverty and meanness,
Come defiled, without, within;
From infection and uncleanness,
From the leprosy of sin,
Wash your robes and make them white;
Ye shall walk with God in light.Come in sorrow and contrition,
Wounded, impotent, and blind;
Here the guilty free remission,
Here the troubled peace, may find.
Health this fountain will restore;
He that drinks shall thirst no more.He that drinks shall live forever;
’Tis a soul renewing flood.
God is faithful; God will never
Break His covenant of blood,
Signed when our Redeemer died,
Sealed when He was glorified.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] I Remember Calvary
Where He may lead me I will go,
For I have learned to trust Him so,
And I remember ’twas for me,
That He was slain on Calvary.Refrain
Jesus shall lead me night and day,
Jesus shall lead me all the way,
He is the truest Friend to me,
For I remember Calvary.O I delight in His command,
Love to be led by His dear hand;
His divine will is sweet to me,
Hallowed by bloodstained Calvary.Refrain
Onward I go, nor doubt nor fear,
Happy with Christ my Savior near,
Trusting that I some day shall see,
Jesus my Friend of Calvary.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] Lead Me To Calvary
King of my life, I crown Thee now,
Thine shall the glory be;
Lest I forget Thy thorn crowned brow,
Lead me to Calvary.Refrain
Lest I forget Gethsemane,
Lest I forget Thine agony;
Lest I forget Thy love for me,
Lead me to Calvary.Show me the tomb where Thou wast laid,
Tenderly mourned and wept;
Angels in robes of light arrayed
Guarded Thee whilst Thou slept.Refrain
Let me like Mary, through the gloom,
Come with a gift to Thee;
Show to me now the empty tomb,
Lead me to Calvary.Refrain
May I be willing, Lord, to bear
Daily my cross for Thee;
Even Thy cup of grief to share,
Thou hast borne all for me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light
Lord Jesus Christ, my Life, my Light,
My Strength by day, my Trust by night,
On earth I’m but a passing guest
And sorely with my sins oppressed.Far off I see my Fatherland,
Where through Thy blood I hope to stand.
But ere I reach that paradise,
A weary way before me lies.My heart sinks at the journey’s length,
My wasted flesh and little strength;
My soul alone still cries in me:
“Lord, take me home, take me to Thee!”Oh, let Thy sufferings give me power
To meet the last and darkest hour!
Thy blood refresh and comfort me;
Thy bonds and fetters make me free.Oh, let Thy holy wounds for me
Clefts in the rock forever be
Where as a dove my soul can hide
And safe from Satan’s rage abide.And when my spirit flies away,
Thy dying words shall be my stay.
Thy cross shall be my staff in life,
Thy holy grave my rest from strife.Lord, in Thy nail prints let me read
That Thou to save me hast decreed
And grant that in Thine opened side
My troubled soul may ever hide.Since Thou hast died, the Pure, the Just,
I take my homeward way in trust.
The gates of Heav’n, Lord, open wide
When here I may no more abide.And when the last great day shall come
And Thou, our Judge, shalt speak the doom,
Let me with joy behold the light
And set me then upon Thy right.Renew this wasted flesh of mine
That like the sun it there may shine
Among the angels pure and bright,
Yea, like Thyself in glorious light.Ah, then I’ll have my heart’s desire,
When, singing with the angels’ choir,
Among the ransomed of Thy grace,
Forever I’ll behold Thy face!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] My Lord, My Love, Was Crucified
My Lord, my Love, was crucified,
He all the pains did bear;
But in the sweetness of His rest
He makes His servants share.How sweetly rest Thy saints above
Which in Thy bosom lie;
The Church below doth rest in hope
Of that felicity.Thou, Lord, who daily feed’st Thy sheep,
Mak’st them a weekly feast;
Thy flocks meet in their several folds
Upon this day of rest.Welcome and dear unto my soul
Are these sweet feasts of love;
But what a Sabbath shall I keep
When I shall rest above!I bless Thy wise and wondrous love,
Which binds us to be free;
Which makes us leave our earthly snares,
That we may come to Thee.I come, I wait, I hear, I pray,
Thy footsteps, Lord, I trace;
I sing to think this is the way
Unto my Savior’s face.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] On The Cross Of Calvary
On the cross of Calvary,
Jesus died for you and me;
There He shed His precious blood,
That from sin we might be free.
O the cleansing stream does flow,
And it washes white as snow!
It was for me that Jesus died
On the cross of Calvary.Refrain
On Calvary! On Calvary!
It was for me that Jesus died
On the cross of Calvary.O what wondrous, wondrous love
Brought me down at Jesus’ feet!
O such wondrous, dying love
Asks a sacrifice complete!
Here I give myself to Thee,
Soul and body, Thine to be;
It was for me Thy blood was shed
On the cross of Calvary.Refrain
Take me, Jesus, I am Thine,
Wholly Thine, forevermore;
Blessèd Jesus, Thou art mine,
Dwell within forevermore;
Cleanse, O cleanse my heart from sin,
Make and keep me pure within!
It was for this Thy blood was shed
On the cross of Calvary.Refrain
Clouds and darkness veiled the sky
When the Lord was crucified;
It is finished! was His cry
When He bowed His head and died.
With this cry from Calv’ry’s tree
All the world may now go free;
It was for this that Jesus died
On the cross of Calvary.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] That Man Of Calvary
Fairest of all the earth beside,
Chiefest of all unto Thy bride,
Fullness divine in Thee I see,
Beautiful Man of Calvary!Refrain
That Man of Calvary
Has won my heart from me,
And died to set me free,
Blest Man of Calvary!Granting the sinner life and peace,
Granting the captive sweet release,
Shedding His blood to make us free,
Merciful Man of Calvary!Refrain
Giving the gifts obtained for men,
Pouring out love beyond our ken,
Giving us spotless purity,
Bountiful Man of Calvary!Refrain
Comfort of all my earthly way,
Jesus I’ll meet Thee some sweet day;
Center of glory Thee I’ll see,
Wonderful Man of Calvary!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:33] When I See My Savior
When I see my Savior, hanging on Calvary,
Bearing there for sinners bitterest agony.
Gratitude o’erwhelms me, makes mine eyes grow dim,
All my ransomed being captive is to Him.I can see the blood drops, red ’neath His thorny crown,
From the cruel nail wounds now they are falling down;
Lord, when I would wander from Thy love away,
Let me see those blood drops shed for me that day.“Why hast thou forsaken?” List to that sad, sad moan!
Oh, His heart was broken, suffering there alone;
Broken then that mortals ne’er need cry in vain
For God’s love and comfort, in the hour of pain.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:34] Blessed Redeemer (christiansen)
Up Calvary’s mountain, one dreadful morn,
Walked Christ my Savior, weary and worn;
Facing for sinners death on the cross,
That He might save them from endless loss.Refrain
Blessèd Redeemer! Precious Redeemer!
Seems now I see Him on Calvary’s tree;
Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading,
Blind and unheeding—dying for me!“Father forgive them!” thus did He pray,
E’en while His lifeblood flowed fast away;
Praying for sinners while in such woe
No one but Jesus ever loved so.Refrain
O how I love Him, Savior and Friend,
How can my praises ever find end!
Through years unnumbered on Heaven’s shore,
My tongue shall praise Him forevermore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:34] Father, Forgive, The Savior Said
“Father, forgive,” the Savior said
He saw, that as the Jews abused
“They know not what they do”;
His heart was moved when thus He prayed
For me, my friends, and you.
And crucified His flesh,
So He, by us, would be refused,
And crucified afresh.Through love of sin, we long were prone
To act as Satan bid;
But now, with grief and shame we own,
We knew not what we did.We knew not the desert of sin,
Nor Whom we thus defied;
Nor where our guilty souls had been,
If Jesus had not died.We knew not what a law we broke,
How holy, just and pure!
Nor what a God we durst provoke,
But thought ourselves secure.But Jesus all our guilt foresaw,
And shed His precious blood
To satisfy the holy law,
And make our peace with God.My sin, dear Savior, made Thee bleed,
Yet didst Thou pray for me!
I knew not what I did, indeed,
When ignorant of Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:34] Forgive Them, O My Father
“Forgive them, O my Father,
They know not what they do.”
The Savior spoke in anguish,
As sharp iron nails went through.
No word of anger spoke He
To them that shed His blood,
But prayer and tenderest pity
Large as the love of God.For me was that compassion,
For me that tender care;
I need His wide forgiveness
As much as any there.
It was my pride and hardness
That hung Him on the tree;
Those cruel nails, O Savior,
Were driven in by me.And often I have slighted
Thy gentle voice that said:
Forgive me too, Lord Jesus,
I knew not what I did.
O depth of sweet compassion!
O love divine and true!
Save Thou the souls that slight Thee,
And know not what they do.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:34] Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes
Jesus, in Thy dying woes,
Even while Thy lifeblood floes,
Craving pardon for Thy foes;
Hear us, holy Jesus.Savior, for our pardon sue,
When our sins Thy pangs renew,
For we know not what we do:
Hear us, holy Jesus.O may we, who mercy need,
Be like Thee in heart and deed,
When with wrong our spirits bleed:
Hear us, holy Jesus.Jesus, pitying the sighs
Of the thief, who near Thee dies,
Promising him paradise;
Hear us, holy Jesus.May we, in our guilt and shame,
Still Thy love and mercy claim,
Calling humbly on Thy Name:
Hear us, holy Jesus.O remember us who pine,
Looking from our cross to Thine;
Cheer our souls with hope divine:
Hear us, holy Jesus.Jesus, loving to the end
Her whose heart Thy sorrows rend,
And Thy dearest human friend:
Hear us, holy Jesus.May we in Thy sorrows share,
And for Thee all peril dare,
And enjoy Thy tender care:
Hear us, holy Jesus.May we all Thy loved ones be,
All one holy family,
Loving for the love of Thee,
Hear us, holy Jesus.Jesus, whelmed in fears unknown,
With our evil left alone,
While no light from Heav’n is shown:
Hear us, holy Jesus.Though no Father seem to hear,
Though no light our spirits cheer,
Tell our faith that God is near:
Hear us, holy Jesus.Jesus, in Thy thirst and pain,
While Thy wounds Thy lifeblood drain,
Thirsting more our love to gain:
Hear us, holy Jesus.Thirst for us in mercy still;
All Thy holy work fulfill;
Satisfy Thy loving will:
Hear us, holy Jesus.May we thirst Thy love to know;
Lead us in our sin and woe
Where the healing waters flow:
Hear us, holy Jesus.Jesus, all our ransom paid,
All Thy Father’s will obeyed,
All Thy suff’rings perfect made:
Hear us, holy Jesus.Save us in our soul’s distress,
Be our help to cheer and bless,
While we grow in holiness:
Hear us, holy Jesus.Jesus, all Thy labor vast,
All Thy woe and conflict past,
Yielding up Thy soul at last:
Hear us, holy Jesus.When the death shades round us lower,
Guard us from the temper’s power,
Keep us in that trial hour:
Hear us, holy Jesus.May Thy life and death supply
Grace to live and grace to die,
Grace to reach the home on high:
Hear us, holy Jesus.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:34] O Word Of Pity, For Our Pardon Pleading
O word of pity, for our pardon pleading,
Breathed in the hour of loneliness and pain;
O voice, which through the ages interceding,
Calls us to fellowship with God again.O word of comfort, through the silence stealing,
As the dread act of sacrifice began;
O infinite compassion, still revealing
The infinite forgiveness won for man.O word of hope to raise us nearer heaven,
When courage fails us and when faith is dim;
The souls for whom Christ prays to Christ are given,
To find their pardon and their joy in Him.O Intercessor, who art ever living
To plead for dying souls that they may live,
Teach us to know our sin which needs forgiving,
Teach us to know the love which can forgive.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:38] On My Heart Imprint Thine Image
On my heart imprint Thine image,
Blessèd Jesus, King of Grace,
That life’s riches, cares and pleasures
Have no power Thee to efface.
This the superscription be:
Jesus, crucified for me,
Is my Life, my hope’s Foundation,
And my Glory and Salvation.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:42] Jesus, Thou Art The Sinner’s Friend
Jesus, Thou art the sinner’s Friend;
As such I look to Thee;
Now, in the fullness of Thy love,
O Lord, remember me.Remember Thy pure Word of grace,
Remember Calvary’s tree,
Remember all Thy dying groans,
And then remember me.Thou wondrous Advocate with God,
I yield my soul to Thee;
While Thou art pleading on the throne,
Dear Lord, remember me.Lord, I am guilty, I am vile,
But Thy salvation’s free;
Then, in Thine all abounding grace,
Dear Lord, remember me.Howe’er forsaken or despised,
Howe’er oppressed I be,
Howe’er forgotten here on earth,
Do Thou remember me.And when I close my eyes in death,
And human help shall flee,
Then, then, my dear redeeming God,
O then remember me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:42] Lord, When Thy Kingdom Comes
“Lord, when Thy kingdom comes, remember me”;
Thus spake the dying lips to dying ears;
O faith, which in that darkest hour could see
The promised glory of the far off years!No kingly sign declares that glory now,
No ray of hope lights up that awful hour;
A thorny crown surrounds the bleeding brow,
The hands are stretched in weakness, not in power.Yet hear the word the dying Savior saith,
“Thou too shalt rest in Paradise today”;
O words of love to answer words of faith!
O words of hope for those who live to pray!Lord, when with dying lips my prayer is said,
Grant that in faith Thy kingdom I may see;
And, thinking on Thy cross and bleeding head,
May breathe my parting words, “Remember me.”Remember me, but not my shame or sin;
Thy cleansing blood hath washed them all away;
Thy precious death for me did pardon win;
Thy blood redeemed me in that awful day.Remember me, yet how canst Thou forget
What pain and anguish I have caused to Thee,
The cross, the agony, the bloody sweat,
And all the sorrow Thou didst bear for me?Remember me, and, ere I pass away,
Speak Thou th’assuring word that sets us free,
And make Thy promise to my heart, “Today
Thou too shalt rest in Paradise with Me.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] Dying Robber Raised His Aching Brow, The
The dying robber raised his aching brow
To claim the dying Lord for company;
And heard, in answer to his trembling bow,
The promise of the King: Thou—even thou—
Today shalt be in Paradise with me.We, too, the measure of our guilt confess,
Knowing Thy mercy, Lord, our only plea;
That we, like him, through judgment and distress,
For all the weight of our unworthiness
May win our way to Paradise with Thee.But so bewildered is our failing heart,
So dim the luster of Thy royalty,
We hardly know Thee, Lord, for what Thou art,
Till we begin to take the better part
And lose ourselves in Paradise with Thee.Then lift our eyes, dear Lord, from this poor dross,
To see Thee reigning in humility,
The King of love; that, wresting gain from loss,
We, too, may climb the ladder of the cross,
To find our home in Paradise with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] Father Of Spirits, Whose Divine Control
Father of spirits, whose divine control
Doth bind the soul and body into one;
Thou wilt restore this body now undone;
For once it was the mansion of a soul,
Where dwelt the glowing wisdom of Thy Son.Thou, Maker of the body, dost ordain
That this Thine image, molded by Thy will,
Our every hope in glory shall fulfill;
So, till the body Thou dost build again,
Thou wilt preserve the spirit freed from ill.In that blest region shall this spirit dwell
Where flowers undying bloom on every side:
For lo, we trust Thy Word, O Crucified,
When in Thy triumph over death and hell,
The thief forgiven took Thee for his Guide.Our brother goeth by the shining way,
That ever to the faithful open lies:
Lord, train Thy servant now in Paradise,
And bless him in his fatherland, we pray,
Till Thou shalt bid his body to arise.Our sister goeth by the shining way,
That ever to the faithful open lies:
Lord, train Thy servant now in Paradise,
And bless her in her fatherland, we pray,
Till Thou shalt bid her body to arise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] Hand That Was Nailed To The Cross, The
The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe,
In love reaches out to the world below;
’Tis beckoning now to the souls that roam,
And pointing the way to the heav’nly home.Refrain
The hand of my Savior I see,
The hand that was wounded for me;
’Twill lead me in love to the mansions above,
The hand that was wounded for me!E’en now I can see, through a mist of tears,
That hand still outstretched o’er the gulf of years,
With healing and hope for my sin sick soul,
One touch of its finger will make me whole!Refrain
The hand that wrought wonders in days of old,
Holds treasure more precious than gems or gold,
The price of redemption from sin and shame,
The gift of salvation through Jesus’ Name.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] It Is Finished! Blessed Jesus
It is finished! Blessèd Jesus,
Thou hast breathed Thy latest sigh,
Teaching us the sons of Adam
How the Son of God can die.Lifeless lies the broken body,
Hidden in its rocky bed,
Laid aside like folded garment:
Where is now the Spirit fled?In the gloomy realms of darkness
Shines a light unknown before,
For the Lord of dead and living
Enters at the open door.See! He comes, a willing Victim,
Unresisting hither led;
Passing from the cross of sorrow
To the mansions of the dead.Lo! the heavenly light around Him
Ad He draws His people near;
All amazed they stand rejoicing
At the gracious words they hear.For Himself proclaims the story
Of His own incarnate life,
And the death He died to save us,
Victor in that awful strife.Patriarch and priest and prophet
Gather round Him as He stands,
In adoring faith and gladness,
Hearing of the piercèd hands.Oh, the bliss to which He calls them,
Ransomed by His precious blood,
From the gloomy realms of darkness
To the paradise of God!There in lowliest joy and wonder
Stands the robber at His side,
Reaping now the blessèd promise
Spoken by the Crucified.Jesus, Lord of dead and living,
Let Thy mercy rest on me;
Grant me, too, when life is finished,
Rest in paradise with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] Saints Of God! Their Conflict Past, The
The saints of God! their conflict past,
And life’s long battle won at last,
No more they need the shield or sword,
They cast them down before their Lord:
O happy saints! forever blest,
At Jesus feet’ how safe your rest!The saints of God! their wand’rings done,
No more their weary course they run,
No more they faint, no more they fall,
No foes oppress, no fears appall:
O happy saints! forever blest,
In that dear home how sweet your rest!The saints of God! life’s voyage o’er,
Safe landed on that blissful shore,
No stormy tempests now they dread,
No roaring billows lift their head:
O happy saints! forever blest,
In that calm haven of your rest!The saints of God their vigil keep,
While yet their mortal bodies sleep,
Till from the dust they too shall rise
And soar triumphant to the skies:
O happy saints! rejoice and sing:
He quickly comes, your Lord and King!O God of saints! to Thee we cry;
O Savior! plead for us on high;
O Holy Ghost! our Guide and Friend,
Grant us Thy grace till life shall end;
That with all the saints our rest may be
In that bright paradise with Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:45] Behold The Savior Of Mankind
Behold the Savior of mankind
Nailed to the shameful tree!
How vast the love that Him inclined
To bleed and die for thee!Though far unequal our low praise
To Thy vast sufferings prove,
O Lamb of God, thus all our days,
Thus will we grieve and love.Hark, how He groans, while nature shakes,
And earth’s strong pillars bend;
The temple’s veil in sunder breaks,
The solid marbles rend.“’Tis done!” The precious ransom’s paid,
“Receive My soul,” He cries!
See where He bows His sacred head!
He bows His head, and dies!But soon He’ll break death’s envious chain,
And in full glory shine:
O Lamb of God! was ever pain,
Was ever love, like Thine?Thy loss our ruin did repair;
Death by death is slain;
Thou wilt at length exalt us where
Thou dost in glory reign.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:45] Lord, Remove The Veil Away
Lord, remove the veil away,
Let us see Thyself today:
Thou Who camest from on high,
For our sins to bleed and die,
Help us now to cast aside
All that would our hearts divide;
With the Father and the Son,
Let Thy living Church be one.Oh, from earthly cares set free,
Let us find our rest in Thee;
May our toils and conflicts cease
In the calm of Sabbath peace;
That Thy people here below
Something of the bliss may know,
Something of the rest and love,
In the Sabbath-home above.Give our souls the spotless dress
Of Thy perfect righteousness;
So at length each welcome guest
Then shall enter to the feast,
Take the harp and raise the song,
All Thy ransomed ones among;
Earthly cares and sorrows o’er,
Joys to last forevermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:46] And Now, Beloved Lord, Thy Soul Resigning
And now, belovèd Lord, Thy Soul resigning,
Into Thy Father’s arms with conscious will,
Calmly, with reverend grace, Thy head inclining,
The throbbing brow and laboring breast grow still.Freely Thy life Thou yieldest, meekly bending
E’en to the last beneath our sorrows’ load,
Yet strong in death, in perfect peace commending,
Thy Spirit to Thy Father and Thy God.My Savior, in mine hour of mortal anguish,
When earth grows dim, and round me falls the night,
O breathe Thy peace, as flesh and spirit languish,
At that dread eventide let there be light.To Thy dear cross turn Thou my eyes in dying;
Lay but my fainting head upon Thy breast;
Those outstretched arms receive my latest sighing;
And then, oh! then, Thine everlasting rest.O love! o’er mortal agony victorious,
Now is Thy triumph! now that cross shall shine
To earth’s remotest age revered and glorious,
Of suffering’s deepest mystery the sign.The present, past and future here are blending,
Moment supreme in this world’s history,
Mid darkness, opening graves, and mountains rending,
New light is dawning on humanity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:46] Into Thy Gracious Hands I Fall
Into Thy gracious hands I fall,
And with the arms of faith embrace;
O King of glory, hear my call!
O raise me, heal me by Thy grace!Arm me with Thy whole armor, Lord,
Support my weakness with Thy might;
Gird on my thigh Thy conquering sword,
And shield me in the threatening fight.From faith to faith, from grace to grace,
So in Thy strength shall I go on,
Till heaven and earth flee from Thy face,
And glory end what grace begun.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:46] Wide Open Are Thy Hands
Wide open are Thy hands,
Paying with more than gold
The awful debt of guilty men,
Forever and of old.
Ah, let me grasp those hands,
That we may never part,
And let the power of their blood
Sustain my fainting heart.Wide open are Thine arms,
A fallen world to embrace;
To take to love and endless rest
Our whole forsaken race.
Lord, I am sad and poor,
But boundless is Thy grace;
Give me the soul transforming joy
For which I seek Thy face.Draw all my mind and heart
Up to Thy throne on high,
And let Thy sacred cross exalt
My spirit to the sky.
To these, Thy mighty hands,
My spirit I resign;
Living, I live alone to Thee,
Dying, alone am Thine.Play source: Cyberhymnal
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