TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Imamat 6:8-23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


At this verse the Jews begin the twenty-fifth section of the law, and also, in the best Hebrew Bibles, the sixth chapter, which undoubtedly ought to begin here, as the inspired writer enters upon a new subject; the former part of the book being intended for the instruction of the people relative to the several sacrifices to be brought; but this for the instruction of the priests respecting some particulars of their official services.


Judul : Korban bakaran

Perikop : Im 6:8-13


korban bakaran Korban bakaran(TB)/korban bakaran .... korban bakaran(TL) <05930> [of the burnt.]

perapian(TB)/tinggal(TL) <04169> [because of the burning. or, for the burning.]


korban bakaran.

Im 7:37

api mezbah

Im 6:12


pakaian lenannya baju .... lenan(TB)/baju kain rami ..... rami(TL) <04055 0906> [linen garment.]

dimakan(TB/TL) <0398> [consumed.]

samping(TB)/sisi(TL) <0681> [beside.]


mengenakan pakaian

Kel 39:27; [Lihat FULL. Kel 39:27]

menutup auratnya.

Kel 28:39-42,43; 39:28 [Semua]

mengangkat abu

Im 1:16; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:16]


menanggalkan(TB)/ditanggalkannya(TL) <06584> [put off.]

luar(TB/TL) <02351> [without.]


yang tahir.

Im 4:12; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:12]


Api(TB)/api(TL) <0784> [the fire.]

menaruh kayu .... kayu(TB)/kayu(TL) <06086 01197> [burn wood.]

The efficacy of the priesthood and mediation of Christ is perpetual, and we can never approach to God in his name, by day or night, unseasonably. The ministers of Christ should have the fire of their zeal constantly burning.


menaruh kayu

Im 1:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:7]

segala lemak

Kel 29:13; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:13]

korban keselamatan

Kel 32:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:6]


sajian(TB)/makanan(TL) <04503> [the meat offering.]


Judul : Korban sajian

Perikop : Im 6:14-23

korban sajian.

Im 2:1; [Lihat FULL. Im 2:1]; Bil 6:15; 15:4; 28:13 [Semua]


ingat-ingatannya(TB)/persembahan(TL) <0234> [the memorial.]


seluruh kemenyan

Im 2:1; [Lihat FULL. Im 2:1]

korban sajian

Im 2:9

sebagai bagian

Im 2:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 2:2]


Selebihnya(TB)/lebihnya(TL) <03498> [the remainder.]

beragi(TB)/fatir(TL) <04682> [unleavened.]

dimakan ........ dimakan .............. memakannya(TB)/dimakan ........ dimakan .............. makan(TL) <0398> [shall it.]



Yeh 44:29

dan anak-anaknya;

Im 2:3; [Lihat FULL. Im 2:3]

tidak beragi

Im 2:11; [Lihat FULL. Im 2:11]

yang kudus,

Im 6:26; Kel 29:11; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:11]; Im 10:13; 16:24; 24:9; Bil 18:10 [Semua]

di pelataran

Kel 27:9; [Lihat FULL. Kel 27:9]

Kemah Pertemuan.

Kel 29:31; Im 8:31 [Semua]


dibakar(TB/TL) <0644> [baken.]

Kuberikan(TB)/Kukaruniakan(TL) <05414> [I have.]

maha kudus ........... kesucian ... kesucian(TB)/kesucian ... kesucian(TL) <06944> [it is most holy.]


sebagai bagian

Bil 5:9

korban api-apian-Ku;

Kel 29:28; Im 7:7; 10:16-18 [Semua]

maha kudus,

Im 6:29; Kel 40:10; Im 10:12; 21:22; 24:9; Bil 18:9,10 [Semua]


laki-laki(TB/TL) <02145> [the males.]

ketetapan(TB)/hukum(TL) <02706> [It shall.]

kena(TB)/menjamah(TL) <05060> [every one.]

{Kol asher yiggÆ’ bahem yikdash,} "all (whether person or thing) that toucheth them shall be (or must be) holy;" that is, the priests must not eat of these oblations when under any ceremonial defilement, and the sacred utensils used about them must not be employed for any other purpose, or in any other way.


haruslah memakannya;

Im 6:29; Im 2:3; 7:6; Bil 18:9-10 [Semua]

suatu ketetapan

Bil 5:9

kamu turun-temurun;

Kej 9:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 9:12]

menjadi kudus.

Kel 30:29; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:29]


persembahan(TB/TL) <07133> [the offering.]

This oblation, which the Jews call a {mincha} of initiation, seems to have been required of the high priest alone "on the day in which he was anointed," and from that time, every morning and evening, as long as he continued in office, and then in like manner of his successor; for, by "the sons of Aaron," may be understood his descendants and successors in the high priesthood, in their generations.

hari(TB/TL) <03117> [in the day.]

The word {beyom} signifies not only in the day, but from that day forward; for it was a daily oblation, and for them and their successors, a statue for ever.

sepersepuluh(TB)/sepersepuluhan(TL) <06224> [the tenth.]

sajian(TB)/makanan(TL) <04503> [a meat offering.]


ia diurapi:

Kel 28:41; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:41]

sepersepuluh efa

Kel 16:36; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:36]


Bil 5:15; 28:5 [Semua]

korban sajian

Kel 29:2; Im 23:13; Bil 4:16 [Semua]



atas panggangan

Im 2:5


diurapi(TB)/disirami dengan minyak(TL) <04899> [is anointed.]

Seluruhnya(TB)/sama(TL) <03632> [wholly.]


Dan imam

Kel 28:41; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:41]; Kel 29:30; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:30] [Semua]


Im 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:9]


seluruhnya(TB)/dibakar(TL) <03632> [shall be.]

The meat offering of the people was eaten by the priests, who typically bore and expiated their sins; but as no priest, being a sinner, could make atonement for himself, his meat offering must not be eaten, but wholly burnt on the altar, which was a typical transfer of his guilt to the great antitype who actually bore and expiated it.

dimakan(TB/TL) <0398> [it shall not be.]

TIP #23: Gunakan Studi Kamus dengan menggunakan indeks kata atau kotak pencarian. [SEMUA]
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