TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ester 2:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengangkat(TB/TL) <03947> [who had taken.]


Ester ...................................... Ester(TB)/Ester ................................... Esterpun(TL) <0635> [Esther.]


anak Abihail,

Est 9:29

menghadap raja,

Mazm 45:15

kasih sayang

Kej 18:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 18:3]; Kej 30:27; [Lihat FULL. Kej 30:27]; Est 5:8; 7:3; 8:5 [Semua]

Ester 2:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kasih(TB)/keridlaan(TL) <02617> [favour. or, kindness. in his sight. Heb. before him. so that he set.]

Bishop Patrick observes, that those who suggest that Esther committed a great sin to come at the dignity of queen of Persia, do not consider the custom of those times and countries. Every one that the king took to his bed was married to him, and was his wife of a lower rank, as Hagar was to Abraham.


menjadi ratu

Yeh 16:9-13 [Semua]


Ester 4:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tiap-tiap daerah(TB)/negeri(TL) <04082> [in every province.]

perkabungan ... peraung(TB)/peraung besar(TL) <060 01419> [great mourning.]

It cannot reasonably be doubted, that the mournings, fastings, and weepings of the Jews were attended by constant prayers and supplications; though all mention of them, and of the glorious God whom they worshipped, seems to have been studiously avoided.

ratap(TB)/tangis(TL) <01065> [weeping.]

banyak ... dibentangkan kain kabung ... abu(TB)/banyaklah ... berbaring .... karung ... abu(TL) <03331 08242 0665 07227> [many lay in sackcloth and ashes. Heb. sackcloth and ashes were laid under many.]

Ester 5:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


riang(TB)/sukacita(TL) <08056> [joyful.]

bangkit(TB/TL) <06965> [he stood not up.]

Haman ......... Haman ................... panaslah ... Haman .... bernyala-nyala(TB)/Haman .......... Haman ..................... bernyala-nyala ... Haman(TL) <04390 02001> [he was full.]


Judul : Kemarahan Haman terhadap Mordekhai

Perikop : Est 5:9-14

sangat panaslah

Est 2:21; [Lihat FULL. Est 2:21]; Ams 14:17 [Semua]

kepada Mordekhai.

Est 3:3,5; [Lihat FULL. Est 3:3]; [Lihat FULL. Est 3:5] [Semua]

Ester 9:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berkumpullah(TB)/berhimpunlah(TL) <06950> [gathered.]

berikhtiar(TB)/sengajakan(TL) <01245> [as sought.]

ketakutan(TB)/takut(TL) <06343> [the fear.]


dalam kota-kotanya

Kej 22:17; [Lihat FULL. Kej 22:17]

menghadapi mereka,

Mazm 35:26; 40:15; 70:3; 71:13,24 [Semua]

orang Yahudi

Ezr 8:36; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 8:36]

Ester 10:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kedua ... raja raja(TB)/perdana menteri .... raja(TL) <04428 04932> [next unto king.]

disukai(TB)/kekasih(TL) <07521> [accepted.]

mengikhtiarkan(TB)/disengajakannya(TL) <01875> [seeking.]

REMARKS ON THE BOOK OF ESTHER. This Book, which derives its name from the person whose history it chiefly relates, is termed in Hebrew, [megillƒh <\\See definition 04039\\> 'Ectˆr <\\See definition 0635\\>,] megillath Esther, "the volume of Esther." Concerning its author there are various opinions: some attribute it to Ezra; some to Joachim, the son of Joshua the high priest; others to the men of the great synagogue; and others to Mordecai, which seems the most probable opinion. The events here related probably refer to the time of Artaxerxes Longimanus, who, according to Prideaux, was the Ahasuerus of Esther, agreeably to Josephus, (Ant. 1 xi. c. 6,) the Septuagint version, and the apocryphal additions to this book. The history, therefore, comes in between the sixth and seventh chapters of Ezra, commencing about A.M. 3540, and continuing through a period of twelve years: it relates the royal feast of Ahasuerus; the disgrace of Vashti, (ch. 1:;) the elevation of Esther to the Persian throne; the essential service rendered to the king by Mordecai, in detecting a plot against his life, (ch. 2:;) the promotion of Haman, and his purposed destruction of the Jews, (ch. 3:;) the consequent affliction of the Jews, and the measures pursued by them, (ch. 4:;) the defeat of Haman's plot, through the instrumentality of Esther, against Mordecai, (ch. 5:-7:;) and also the defeat of his general plot against the Jews, (ch. 8:; 9:1-15;) the institution of the feast of Purim to commemorate this deliverance, (ch. 9:16-32;) and the advancement of Mordecai, (ch. 10:;) and though some Christians have hesitated to receive this book into the sacred canon, yet it has always been received by the Jews, not only as perfectly authentic, but also as one of the most excellent of their sacred books. That it is a genuine and faithful description of a real fact, the observation of the feast of Purim, to the present day, is a sufficient evidence; since it is impossible, and in fact inconceivable, that a nation should institute, and afterwards continue to celebrate without interruption, through every generation of that people, in a long succession of ages, in whatever places they may have sojourned, this solemn annual festival, merely because one of their nation had written an agreeable fable or romance. It has been remarked, as an objection to this book, that the name of God no where occurs in it: His superintending providence, however, is frequently illustrated. It is shewn, indeed, in every part of the work; disconcerting evil designs, and producing great events, by means seemingly inadequate. It also presents an interesting description of mortified pride, and of malice baffled to the destruction of its possessors; and exhibits a very lively representation of the vexations and troubles, the anxieties, treachery, and dissimulation of a corrupt court.


orang kedua

Dan 5:7

di bawah

Kej 41:43

raja Ahasyweros,

Kej 41:40

orang sebangsanya.

Neh 2:10; Yer 29:4-7; Dan 6:4 [Semua]

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