TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ulangan 8:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


gandum(TB/TL) <02406> [wheat.]

jelainya(TB)/jagung(TL) <08184> [barley.]

pohon anggur(TB)/pokok anggur(TL) <01612> [vines.]

pohon zait(TB)/minyak zait(TL) <02132 08081> [oil olive. Heb. olive tree of oil.]


dan jelainya,

Kel 9:31; [Lihat FULL. Kel 9:31]

pohon anggur,

Kej 9:31; [Lihat FULL. Kej 9:31]

pohon ara

Bil 13:23; 1Raj 4:25; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 4:25] [Semua]

dan madunya;

Ul 32:12; Mazm 81:17 [Semua]

Ulangan 32:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dadih(TB)/Minyak sapi(TL) <02529> [Butter.]

Basan(TB)/Bazan(TL) <01316> [of Bashan.]

lemak ............... terbaik(TB)/lemak ............... lemaknya(TL) <02459> [the fat.]

darah(TB/TL) <01818> [blood.]


dari Basan

Bil 21:33; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:33]

dengan gandum

Mazm 65:10; 81:17; 147:14 [Semua]

buah anggur

Kej 49:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 49:11]

Ulangan 32:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Judul : Nyanyian Musa

Perikop : Ul 32:1-43

Pasanglah telingamu,

Mazm 49:2; Mi 1:2 [Semua]

hai langit,

Yer 2:12

ucapan mulutku.

Ul 4:26; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:26]

Kisah Para Rasul 5:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Mengapa(TB)/Apakah(TL) <5101> [How.]

bersepakat ........ yang baru mengubur(TB)/bersepakat .......... menanamkan(TL) <4856 2290> [have.]

untuk mencobai(TB)/mencobai(TL) <3985> [to tempt.]

orang-orang(TB)/kaki(TL) <4228> [the feet.]


Roh Tuhan?

Kis 5:3

Kisah Para Rasul 5:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ia menahan sebagian(TB)/disebelahkannya(TL) <3557> [kept.]

<846> [his.]


diletakkannya(TB) <5087> [laid.]


penjualan itu

Yos 7:11

depan kaki

Kis 4:35,37 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 2:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Frigia(TB)/Perigia(TL) <5435> [Phrygia.]

Pamfilia(TB)/Pampilia(TL) <3828> [Pamphylia.]

Mesir(TB/TL) <125> [Egypt.]

Libia(TB/TL) <3033> [Libya.]

Kirene(TB)/Kireni(TL) <2957> [Cyrene.]

pendatang-pendatang(TB)/keluaran(TL) <1927> [strangers.]

<2453> [Jews.]



Kis 16:6; 18:23 [Semua]

dan Pamfilia,

Kis 13:13; 14:24; 15:38 [Semua]

dengan Kirene,

Mat 27:32; [Lihat FULL. Mat 27:32]

Ezra 3:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


uang uang(TB)/diberikannyalah uang(TL) <03701 05414> [gave money.]

tukang(TB/TL) <02796> [carpenters. or, workmen. meat.]

Yafo(TB/TL) <03305> [Joppa]

Joppa, now Jaffa or Yaffa, one of the most ancient sea-ports in the world, is situated in a fine plain on the shore of the Mediterranean, between Jamnia south and Caesarea of Palestine north, 150 stadia from Antipatris, according to Josephus, 30 miles south of Caesarea, 12 miles north of Ashdod, 9 miles west of Ramla, and 40 miles west of Jerusalem, according to modern authorities; and in lat. 32 degrees 50' long. 65 degrees 40' according to Ptolemy. It is still a considerable town, containing about 4,000 or 5,000 souls, and occupying a circular eminence close to the seaside, with a citadel on the summit; the bottom of the hill being surrounded by a wall 12 or 14 feet high, and two or three feet thick. The environs are occupied by extensive gardens.

diizinkan(TB)/izin(TL) <07558> [according.]


tukang kayu,

1Taw 22:15

kayu aras

1Taw 14:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 14:1]

dari Libanon

Yes 35:2; 60:13 [Semua]


Ezr 1:2-4; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 1:2] s/d 4 [Semua]

Kisah Para Rasul 12:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sangat marah .................. Belastus(TB)/Belastus(TL) <2258 2371> [was highly displeased. or, bare an hostile mind intending war. Tyre.]

Maka ........... tetapi(TL) <1161> [but.]

[the king's chamberlain. Gr. that was over the king's bed-chamber. because.]


Judul : Herodes mati

Perikop : Kis 12:20-23

dan Sidon.

Mat 11:21; [Lihat FULL. Mat 11:21]

bahan makanan

1Raj 5:9,11; Yeh 27:17 [Semua]

TIP #03: Coba gunakan operator (AND, OR, NOT, ALL, ANY) untuk menyaring pencarian Anda. [SEMUA]
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