Aiguptos <125>

Aiguptov Aiguptos

Asal Mula:of uncertain derivation
Jenis Kata:n pr loc (noun proper locative)
Dalam Yunani:aigupton 11, aigupton] 1, aiguptou 8, aiguptov 1, aiguptw 4
Dalam TB:Mesir 15, tanah Mesir 10
Dalam AV:Egypt 24
Definisi : ou mesir
Egypt = "double straits"

1) a country occupying the northeast angle of Africa
2) metaph. Jerusalem, for the Jews persecuting the Christ and his
followers, and so to be likened to the Egyptians treating the Jews

of uncertain derivation: KJV -- �yptus, the land of the Nile: KJV -- Egypt.
Ibrani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:bangsa Mesir (FAYH)
Masir (KL1870, SB, BABA)
Mesir (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH, WBTC, ENDE, KL1863, SB)
Misraim (FAYH)
Misraim (Mesir) (FAYH)
Mitsir (LDKR)
Negeri Mesir (FAYH)
orang Mesir (FAYH)
Sungai Mesir (FAYH)

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Lihat definisi kata "Aiguptos" (Mesir) dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab

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