kathaireo <2507>

kayairew kathaireo

Asal Mula:from 2596 and 138 (including its alternate)
Referensi:TDNT - 3:411,380
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:kayaireisyai 1, kayairountev 1, kayeilen 1, kayelein 1, kayelontev 1, kayelw 1, kayelwn 3
Dalam TB:menurunkan 4, Ia menurunkan 1, akan merombak 1, mematahkan 1, setelah membinasakan 1, kehilangan 1
Dalam AV:take down 4, destroy 2, put down 1, pull down 1, cast down 1
Definisi : (future (masa depan) kayelw; aorist kayeilon, partisip kayelwn) menurunkan; meruntuhkan, merombak, membinasakan; pasif: diturunkan dari, kehilangan (Kis 19.27)
1) to take down
1a) without the notion of violence: to detach from the cross,
one crucified
1b) with the use of force: to throw down, cast down
2) to pull down, demolish
2a) the subtle reasonings (of opponents) likened to a fortress,
i.e. to refute, to destroy

from 2596 and 138 (including its alternate); to lower (or with violence) demolish (literally or figuratively): KJV -- cast (pull, put, take) down, destroy.
see GREEK for 2596
see GREEK for 138
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