dioko <1377>

diwkw dioko

Asal Mula:a prolonged (and causative) form of a primary verb dio (to flee cf the base of 1169 and 1249)
Referensi:TDNT - *:*,177
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:dediwgmenoi 1, diwcyhsontai 1, diwke 2, diwkeiv 6, diwkete 3, diwkomai 1, diwkomenoi 2, diwkonta 1, diwkontav 1, diwkontev 1, diwkontwn 1, diwkw 2, diwkwmen 1, diwkwn 3, diwkwntai 1, diwkwsin 1, diwxatw 1, diwxete 1, diwxhte 1, diwxousin 3, diwxwsin 1, ediwken 1, ediwkon 3, ediwxa 2, ediwxan 3, ediwxen 1
Dalam TB:dianiaya 6, menganiaya 5, kauaniaya 3, engkau menganiaya 3, aku telah menganiaya 2, mengejar 2, usahakanlah 2, kejarlah 2, aniaya 1, Berusahalah 1, aku mengejarnya 1, aku dianiaya 1, akan menderita aniaya 1, aku menganiaya 1, aku mengejar 1, berlari-lari 1, Kejarlah 1, ia memburu 1, mereka dianiaya 1, mereka menganiaya 1, penganiaya 1, telah dianiaya 1, mereka aniaya 1, mereka akan menganiaya 1, berusaha menganiaya 1, kamu ikut 1, kita mengejar 1, berusaha mendapatkannya 1
Dalam AV:persecute 28, follow after 6, follow 4, suffer persecution 3, misc 3
Definisi : mengejar (memburu Why 12.23); menganiaya; berlari-lari kepada; mengusahakan; ikut (luk 17.23)
menganiaya, mengejar, berusaha
1) to make to run or flee, put to flight, drive away
2) to run swiftly in order to catch a person or thing, to run after
2a) to press on: figuratively of one who in a race runs
swiftly to reach the goal
2b) to pursue (in a hostile manner)
3) in any way whatever to harass, trouble, molest one
3a) to persecute
3b) to be mistreated, suffer persecution on account of something
4) without the idea of hostility, to run after, follow after: someone
5) metaph., to pursue
5a) to seek after eagerly, earnestly endeavour to acquire

a prolonged (and causative) form of a primary verb dio (to flee; compare the base of 1169 and 1249); to pursue (literally or figuratively); by implication, to persecute: KJV -- ensue, follow (after), given to, (suffer) persecute(-ion), press forward.
see GREEK for 1169
see GREEK for 1249
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