dogma <1378>

dogma dogma

Asal Mula:from the base of 1380
Referensi:TDNT - 2:230,178
Jenis Kata:n n (noun neuter)
Dalam Yunani:dogma 1, dogmasin 2, dogmata 1, dogmatwn 1
Dalam TB:keputusan-keputusan 1, ketentuan-ketentuan hukum 1, ketentuannya 1, ketetapan-ketetapan 1, suatu perintah menyuruh 1
Dalam AV:decree 3, ordinance 2
Definisi : tov ketetapan, ketentuan, keputusan; perintah
1) doctrine, decree, ordinance
1a) of public decrees
1b) of the Roman Senate
1c) of rulers
2) the rules and requirements of the law of Moses; carrying a
suggestion of severity and of threatened judgment
3) of certain decrees of the apostles relative to right living

Sinonim : Lihat Definisi 5918

from the base of 1380; a law (civil, ceremonial or ecclesiastical): KJV -- decree, ordinance.
see GREEK for 1380
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