TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yosua 13:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


negeri(TB)/tanah(TL) <0776> [the land.]

wilayah(TB)/jajahan(TL) <01552> [borders.]

Gesur(TB)/Gesuri(TL) <01651> [Geshuri.]


orang Filistin

Kej 10:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:14]; Hak 3:31; [Lihat FULL. Hak 3:31] [Semua]

orang Gesur,

Yos 12:5; [Lihat FULL. Yos 12:5]

Yosua 13:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bet-Haram(TB)/Bait-Haram(TL) <01027> [Beth-aram.]

A city near mount Peor, and not far from the entrance of the Jordan into the Dead Sea; rebuilt and called Livias by Herod, in honour of Livia, wife of Augustus.

Bet-Nimra(TB)/Bait-Nimra(TL) <01039> [Beth-nimrah.]

Sukot(TB/TL) <05523> [Succoth.]

Kineret(TB)/Kinerot(TL) <03672> [Chinnereth.]




Bet-Haram, Bet-Nimra,

Bil 32:3; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:3]


Kej 33:17; [Lihat FULL. Kej 33:17]

dan Zafon,

Hak 12:1; Mazm 48:3 [Semua]

danau Kineret,

Bil 34:11; [Lihat FULL. Bil 34:11]

Yosua 14:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Gilgal(TB/TL) <01537> [Gilgal.]

Kaleb(TB/TL) <03612> [Caleb.]

Kenas(TB)/Kenizi(TL) <07074> [Kenezite.]

tahu(TB)/mengetahui(TL) <03045> [Thou knowest.]

abdi(TB)/hamba(TL) <0376> [the man.]

Kadesh-Barnea(TB)/Kades-Barnea(TL) <06947> [Kadesh-barnea.]


Judul : Hebron diberikan kepada Kaleb

Perikop : Yos 14:6-15

di Gilgal.

Ul 11:30; [Lihat FULL. Ul 11:30]

bin Yefune,

Bil 13:6; 14:30 [Semua]

abdi Allah

Ul 33:1; [Lihat FULL. Ul 33:1]

tentang aku

Bil 14:38; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:38]


Bil 13:26

Yosua 16:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


keluarlah(TB)/Arakian(TL) <03318> [fell. Heb. went forth. the water.]


Judul : Bagian untuk Efraim dan Manasye

Perikop : Yos 16:1--17:18

padang gurun,

Yos 8:15; [Lihat FULL. Yos 8:15]

ke Betel,

Yos 12:9; [Lihat FULL. Yos 12:9]


Yosua 17:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Manasye(TB/TL) <04519> [Manasseh.]

Beth-shean, the Scythopolis of the Greek and Roman writers, was situated in the plain of Jordan, west of that river, 120 furlongs (south) from Tiberias, according to Josephus, and 600 furlongs (north) from Jerusalem. (2 Mac 12:29.) It was the largest city of the Decapolis, and the only one on that side of Jordan. It is now called Bisan, 8 hours or 24 miles from Tiberias; and described by Dr. Richardson, exclusive of its ruins, as a "collection of miserable hovels, containing 200 inhabitants." .# 1Sa 31:10,12


Yibleam(TB)/Yibeleam(TL) <02991> [Ibleam.]


Dor(TB/TL) <01756> [Dor.]

Dor, according to Eusebius, was situated on the Mediterranean, nine miles from C‘sarea Palestine, towards Carmel. The village of Tortura, four leagues north of C‘sarea, is supposed to nearly occupy it site.

En-Dor(TB)/Endor(TL) <05874> [Endor.]

Taanakh(TB)/Taanah(TL) <08590> [Taanach.]

Megido(TB/TL) <04023> [Megiddo.]


daerah Isakhar

Yos 17:10

yakni Bet-Sean

Yos 17:16; Hak 1:27; 1Sam 31:10; 2Sam 21:12; 1Raj 4:12; 1Taw 7:29 [Semua]

kotanya, Yibleam

2Raj 9:27

penduduk Dor

Yos 11:2; [Lihat FULL. Yos 11:2]

penduduk En-Dor

1Sam 28:7; Mazm 83:11 [Semua]

penduduk Taanakh

Yos 12:21; [Lihat FULL. Yos 12:21]

penduduk Megido

1Raj 9:15

daerah bukit

Yeh 48:4

Yosua 17:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


undian ... satu .... saja undi(TB)/satu ....... undi(TL) <01486 0259> [one lot.]

banyak(TB/TL) <07227> [a great.]


memberkati aku?

Bil 26:28-37 [Semua]

Yosua 19:47

TSK Full Life Study Bible


daerah(TB)/perhinggaan(TL) <01366> [the coast.]

Lesem .... Lesem ............... Lesem ... menamai Lesem(TB)/Lesem .................. Lesem ... dinamainya(TL) <03959 07121> [called Leshem.]



Karena daerah

Hak 18:1

kota Lesem.

Hak 18:7,14 [Semua]

dan menamai

Ul 3:14; [Lihat FULL. Ul 3:14]

bapa leluhur

Hak 18:27,29 [Semua]

Yosua 22:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tidak setia

Ul 7:3; [Lihat FULL. Ul 7:3]; 1Sam 13:13; 15:11 [Semua]

demikian memberontak

Ul 12:13-14 [Semua]

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