Qadesh Barnea` <06947>

enrb vdq Qadesh Barnea`

Pelafalan:kaw-dashe' bar-nay'-ah
Asal Mula:from the same as 06946 and an otherwise unused word (apparently compounded of a correspondent to 01251 and a derivative of 05128) meaning desert of a fugitive
Jenis Kata:n pr loc (noun proper locative)
Dalam Ibrani:enrb 10
Dalam TB:Kadesh-Barnea 10
Dalam AV:Kadeshbarnea 10
Definisi : Kadesh-barnea = "holy" 1) a city in the extreme south of Judah 1a) same as 'Kedesh' and 'Kadesh'
from the same as 6946 and an otherwise unused word (apparently compounded of a correspondent to 1251 and a derivative of 5128) meaning desert of a fugitive; Kadesh of (the) Wilderness of Wandering; Kadesh-Barnea, a place in the Desert: KJV -- Kadesh-barnea.
see HEBREW for 06946
see HEBREW for 01251
see HEBREW for 05128
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Kades-Barnea (BIS, TL)
Kadesh-Barnea (TB)
Kadesy-Barnea (FAYH)

TIP #14: Gunakan Boks Temuan untuk melakukan penyelidikan lebih jauh terhadap kata dan ayat yang Anda cari. [SEMUA]
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