Amsal 4:5-7
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Perolehlah hikmat hikmat(TB)/Tuntutlah ... hikmat tuntutlah(TL) <07069 02451> [Get wisdom.] menyimpang(TB)/undur(TL) <05186> [neither.] |
Perolehlah hikmat, Ams 2:12; [Lihat FULL. Ams 2:12]; Ams 3:13-18 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: PEROLEHLAH HIKMAT, PEROLEHLAH PENGERTIAN. |
kasihilah(TB)/kasihlah(TL) <0157> [love.] |
akan dipeliharanya, akan dijaganya. Ams 2:11; [Lihat FULL. Ams 2:11] |
Permulaan hikmat ... terutamalah hikmat(TB)/hikmat .......... hikmat(TL) <02451 07225> [Wisdom is.] kauperoleh(TB)/segala sesuatu yang padamu(TL) <07075> [with.] pengertian(TB)/pengetahuan(TL) <0998> [get understanding.] |
yang kauperoleh perolehlah pengertian. |
Amsal 7:4
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Katakanlah(TB/TL) <0559> [Say.] saudaraku(TB/TL) <0269> [Thou.] |
Amsal 8:5
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
tak berpengalaman, Ams 1:22; [Lihat FULL. Ams 1:22] tuntutlah kecerdasan, |
Amsal 16:16
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
mendapat pengertian mendapat perak. Ayub 28:15; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 28:15]; Ams 3:13-14; [Lihat FULL. Ams 3:13]; [Lihat FULL. Ams 3:14] [Semua] |
Amsal 17:16
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
uang(TB)/pembelian(TL) <04242> [a price.] budi(TB)/akal budi(TL) <03820> [seeing.] |
membeli hikmat, |
Ulangan 4:5-6
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
The people had been often ready to conclude that Moses taught them by his own authority; but at the close of his life he solemnly assured them that he had instructed them exactly as the Lord had commanded him, neither more, nor less, nor otherwise. This is a most express declaration that he was divinely inspired, and utterly incompatible with his integrity of character, if he was not. Scott. |
telah mengajarkan Mazm 71:17; 119:102; Yer 32:33 [Semua] dan peraturan Kel 18:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 18:20] yang diperintahkan Im 27:34; [Lihat FULL. Im 27:34] kamu masuki |
kebijaksanaanmu(TB)/budi(TL) <02451> [this is your.] besar(TB/TL) <01419> [Surely.] |
Lakukanlah menjadi kebijaksanaanmu Ul 30:19-20; 32:46-47; Mazm 19:8; 119:98; Ams 1:7; 2Tim 3:15 [Semua] adalah umat Ayub 1:1; 28:28; Mazm 111:10; Ams 2:5; 3:7; 9:10; Pengkh 12:13; Yeh 5:5 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: LAKUKANLAH ITU DENGAN SETIA. Catatan Frasa: BANGSA-BANGSA. |
Ulangan 4:1
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
ketetapan(TB)/hukum(TL) <02706> [unto the statutes.] Statutes, every thing that concerned morals and the rites and ceremonies of religion; judgments, all matters of civil right and wrong. 8,45 5:1 6:1,2 8:1 11:1,32 Le 19:37 20:8 22:31 Ps 105:45
Ps 119:4 Eze 11:20 36:27 37:24 Mt 28:20 Lu 1:6 Joh 15:14 [Semua]
hidup(TB/TL) <02421> [that ye may.] |
Judul : Perintah untuk menanti hukum Allah Perikop : Ul 4:1-14 dengarlah ketetapan Im 18:4; [Lihat FULL. Im 18:4] yang kuajarkan kamu hidup Im 18:5; [Lihat FULL. Im 18:5]; Ul 30:15-20; Rom 10:5; [Lihat FULL. Rom 10:5] [Semua] Catatan Frasa: UNTUK DILAKUKAN, SUPAYA KAMU HIDUP. |
Kisah Para Rasul 3:9-12
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Seluruh rakyat |
mereka mengenal(TB)/kenal(TL) <1921> [they knew.] sekalian(TL) <4130> [they were.] |
Gerbang Indah |
tetap mengikuti(TB)/sementara(TL) <2902> [held.] seluruh(TB)/segenap(TL) <3956> [all.] di(TB/TL) <1909> [in.] |
Judul : Khotbah Petrus di Serambi Salomo Perikop : Kis 3:11-26 dan Yohanes, Luk 22:8; [Lihat FULL. Luk 22:8] Serambi Salomo. |
orang(TB)/Hai(TL) <435> [Ye men.] dan .............. atau(TB)/Dan .......... atau(TL) <2228> [or.] seolah-olah(TB/TL) <5613> [as.] |
Kisah Para Rasul 3:2
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
harus(TB)/diusung(TL) <5225> [lame.] orang itu(TB) <3739> [whom.] <3588> [which.] untuk meminta(TB)/meminta(TL) <154> [to ask.] |
sejak lahirnya pintu gerbang meminta sedekah |
Titus 3:15
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
besertaku bersama aku ................. menyertai(TB)/besertaku ................... menyertai(TL) <1700 3326> [with me.] Salam ........... sampaikanlah salamku(TB)/berkirim salam(TL) <782> [Greet.] yang mengasihi(TB)/mengasihi(TL) <5368> [love.] Kasih karunia(TB)/anugerah(TL) <5485> [Grace.] |
Judul : Salam Perikop : Tit 3:15 dalam iman. kamu sekalian! |