Himne Indonesia
Mazmur 35:1--38:22
Kidung Jemaat
'Ku Ingin Menghayati [KJ.158]
1. 'Ku ingin menghayati sengsara Tuhanku.
Semoga kudapati, ya Yesus, rahmatMu!
Beban kesalahanku membuatku lelah;
Berilah hidup baru, ya Yesus, tolonglah!
Mzm 38:5, 19
2. O ingat akan daku yang hilang tersesat;
bertimbunlah dosaku yang menekan berat.
JalanMu kulalaikan, hidupku bercela;
Engkau penuh kebaikan, ya Yesus, tolonglah!
Mzm 51
3. Waktu yang Kauberikan terbuang olehku;
tidak kuperhatikan nasihat sabdaMu.
Jiwaku menderita dan berkeluh-kesah;
O Sumber sukacita, ya Yesus, tolonglah!
4. Kiranya kausembuhkan hatiku yang sedih,
sudilah menghapuskan dosaku yang keji.
'Ku rindu akan hidup yang suci mulia;
hentikanlah tangisku, ya Yesus, tolonglah!1 Yoh 1:9
Play Di Gunung dan Di Lurah [KJ.66]
1. Di gunung dan di lurah, di tiap jalanku,
di padang dan di hutan, dekatlah Tuhanku.
Di darat dan angkasa Tuhanku beserta;
Dimana-mana saja Tuhanku hadirlah.
Mzm 73:23
2. Tetaplah mata Bapa menilik dunia:
terlindung barang siapa yang harap kasihNya.
Pun burung dan tanaman terjamin hidupnya;
Ya, segenap ciptaan dirawat olehNya.
2 Taw 16:9
Mzm 36:8
Mat 6:26, 28
Mzm 104:27-28
Mzm 136:25
3. Hai mahluk semuanya di gunung dan lembah,
di laut, di udara, di mana sajalah,
hayati siang-malam segala kurnia
pemb'rian Khalik alam, pertanda kasihNya.
Mzm 104:10-18
4. Percaya, hai saudara, dan puji Tuhanmu.
Kendati kau sengsara, dekatlah Tuhanmu,
Penolong yang setia tiada taraNya:
Pun dalam kematian Tuhanmu beserta.Mzm 73:23
Rm 8:38-39
Play Pujilah Tuhan, Sang Raja [KJ.10]
1. Pujilah Tuhan, Sang Raja yang Mahamulia!
Segenap hati dan jiwaku, pujilah Dia!
Datang berkaum, brilah musikmu bergaung,
Angkatlah puji - pujian !
Mzm 103:1-2
1 Tim 1:17
2. Pujilah Tuhan; segala kuasa padaNya!
Sayap kasihNya yang aman mendukung AnakNya!
Tiada ter'pri yang kepadamu dib'ri;
Tidakkah itu kaurasa?
Kel 19:4
Ul 32:11-12
3. Pujilah Tuhan yang bijak menggubah tubuhmu;
dalam kasihNya seluruh hidupmu tertuntun;
hatimu tahu: berulang kali engkau
oleh sayapNya terlindung.
Mzm 139:13-15
Mzm 17:8
Mzm 36:8
Mzm 57:2
4. Pujilah Tuhan yang dapat dan mau melakukan
jauh melebihi doamu dan yang kau rindukan.
Ingat teguh: Ia berkuasa penuh!
KasihNya t'rus kautemukan.
Ef 3:20
5. Pujilah Tuhan! Hai jiwaku, mari bernyanyi!
Semua mahluk bernafas, iringilah kami!
Puji terus Nama Yang Maha Kudus!
Padukan suaramu: Amin.Mzm 150
Play Serahkan pada Tuhan [KJ.417]
1. Serahkan pada Tuhan seluruh jalanmu;
kuatirmu semua ditanggungNya penuh.
Sedangkan angin lalu dituntun tanganNya,
Pun jalan di depanmu, Tuhan mengaturnya.
Mzm 37:5
1 Ptr 5:7
2. Hendaklah kau percaya kepada Tuhanmu;
niscaya kau bahagia, kerjamu pun teguh.
Usahamu sendiri takkan menolongmu;
Tuhanmu mengingini doamu yang tekun.
Mzm 1:3
Yoh 15:5
3. Ya Bapa yang rahmani, Kau sungguh mengenal
yang baik bagi kami di dalam tiap hal.
Setia kaulakukan maksudMu yang tetap;
Terwujudlah semua sempurna dan lengkap.
Rm 8:28
4. Dan waktu setan maju berontak menyerang,
tak usah ragu-ragu: Allahmu yang menang!
Mustahil Allah mundur di dalam maksudNya;
RencanaNya tak luntur, teguh selamanya.
Luk 10:17-18
Ef 4:27
1 Ptr 5:8-11
Why 12:9
5. Beban kekuatiran lepaskan sajalah;
segala kesedihan tinggalkan segera.
Tak mampu kauatasi segala-galanya;
Rajamu yang abadi menyelesaikannya.
Mat 6:25-34
Mat 11:28-30
1 Ptr 5:7
1 Tes 5:24
6. Tentulah kadang-kadang tak nampak tanganNya,
bagaikan t'lah terhadang terang anugerah,
seolah-olah Tuhan tak lagi mendengar
keluhan dan seruan di saat kau gentar.
Mzm 13:2-3
Mzm 28:1
7. Tetap senantiasa percayalah teguh;
tak mungkin kau binasa di pergumulanmu.
Tuhanmu mengalihkan yang paling susah
pun menjadi kebajikan di jalan hidupmu.
Mzm 13:6
1 Kor 10:13
8. Alihkanlah, ya Tuhan, segala kemelut
dan ajar kami pula berjuang bertekun.
Setia Kau menjaga, membimbing umatMu
Di dalam perjalanan menuju sorgaMu.Play Sinar Fajar Yang Baka [KJ.323]
1. Sinar fajar yang baka, Sinar dari T'rang Ilahi, pagi ini
biarlah Kauterangi hidup kami dan halaukan segenap yang gelap.
Mzm 36:10
2. Bak embun di pagi t'rang membasahi tetumbuhan, o, segarkan yang
gersang: hati kami Kauhiburkan. UmatMu hidupkanlah s'lamanya.
Hos 14:6
Mzm 68:10
3. Oleh nyala kasihMu hati dingin jadi hangat. Dalam batin yang
beku, o, nyalakanlah semangat, hingga kami tak lelap dalam g'lap.
4. Surya pagi mulia pada saat Kau kembali, kami pun bangkitkanlah
pada fajar yang terakhir dalam sukacitaMu yang penuh.
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 6:39-40
1 Kor 6:14
5. SinarMu pancarkanlah, Surya Rahmat mahaindah, langkah kami
tuntunlah lewat duka dan derita ke tempat bahagia, t'rang baka!Yoh 8:12
Yoh 12:46
Play Yang Diperbuat Allahku [KJ.378]
1. Yang diperbuat Allahku, kebaikan semuanya.
RancanganNya tetap teguh; 'ku berserah padanya.
Tuhankulah selamanya yang ingin kuandalkan:
PadaNya aku aman.
Mzm 25:10
Mzm 37:5
2. Yang diperbuat Allahku, tak usah kuragukan
dan jalan lurus kutempuh berkat pimpinan Tuhan.
Anug'rah dan kasihNya pedoman di bahaya:
Hidupku di tanganNya.
Mzm 23:3
Mzm 25:253. Yang diperbuat Allahku dengan pengasuhanNya
membuat jiwaku sembuh: tepat pengobatanNya.
Mujarablah nasihatNya: aku percaya Dia,
Tabibku yang setia.
4. Yang diperbuat Allahku tak sungkan kuterima;
tetap di marabaya pun Terang hidupku Dia.
Di waktuNya ternyatalah betapa mengagumkan
tujuan kasih Tuhan.
5. Yang diperbuat Allahku, mengubah kepahitan,
sehingga cawan duka pun mengandung kemanisan
dan akhirnya bahagia mengisi lubuk hati;
resah pun tiada lagi.
6. Yang diperbuat Allahku pegangan abadi;
bencana, maut, kemelut tak risau kuhadapi:
terasalah rangkulanNya tempat hatiku aman,
kuasaNya kuandalkan.Play
Himne Inggris
Mazmur 35:1--38:22
[Mzm 35:1] Be Thou My Helper In The Strife
Be Thou my Helper in the strife,
O Lord, my strong Defender be;
Thy mighty shield protect my life,
Thy spear confront the enemy.
Amid the conflict, O my Lord,
Thy precious promise let me hear,
The faithful reassuring word:
I am Thy Savior, do not fear.Ashamed, confounded let them be
Who seek my ruin and disgrace;
O let Thine angel fight for me,
And drive my foes before his face.
Without a cause my life they sought,
Without a cause their plots they laid;
Themselves within their snares be caught,
And be my crafty foes dismayed.My soul is joyful in the Lord,
In His salvation I rejoice;
To Him my heart will praise accord
And bless His Name with thankful voice.
For who, O Lord, is like to Thee,
Defender of the poor and meek?
The needy Thy salvation see
When mighty foes their ruin seek.Unrighteous witnesses have stood
And told of crimes beyond belief;
Returning evil for my good,
They overwhelm my soul with grief.
When in affliction they were sad,
I wept and made their grief my own;
But in my trouble they are glad
And strive that I may be o’erthrown.O Lord, how long wilt Thou delay?
My soul for Thy salvation waits;
My thankfulness will I display
Amid the crowds that throng Thy gates.
Let not my enemies rejoice
And wrongfully exult o’er me;
They speak not peace, but lift their voice
To trouble those that peaceful be.My foes with joy my woes survey,
But Thou, O Lord, hast seen it all;
O be no longer far away,
Nor silent when on Thee I call.
O haste to my deliverance now,
O Lord, my righteous cause maintain;
My Lord and God alone art Thou;
Awake, and make Thy justice plain.O Lord, my God, I look to Thee,
Be Thou my righteous Judge, I pray;
Let not my foes exult o’er me
And laugh with joy at my dismay.
With shame and trouble those requite
Who would my righteous cause destroy;
But those who in the good delight,
Let them be glad and shout for joy.Yea, let the Lord be magnified,
Because Thy servants Thou dost bless;
And I, from morn till eventide,
Will daily praise Thy righteousness.
My soul is joyful in the Lord,
In His salvation I rejoice;
To Him my heart will praise accord
And bless His Name with thankful voice.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 35:3] My Soul Before Thee Prostrate Lies
My soul before Thee prostrate lies;
To Thee, her Source, my spirit flies;
My wants I mourn, my chains I see;
O let Thy presence set me free.Jesus, vouchsafe my heart and will
With Thy meek lowliness to fill;
No more her power let nature boast,
But in Thy will may mine be lost.Already springing hope I feel,
God will destroy the power of hell,
And, from a land of wars and pain,
Lead me where peace and safety reign.One only care my soul shall know,
Father, all Thy commands to do;
And feel, what endless years shall prove,
That Thou, my Lord, my God, art love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 35:9] Sweetest Joy The Soul Can Know
Sweetest joy the soul can know,
Fairest Light was ever shed,
Who alike in joy or woe,
Leavest none unvisited;
Spirit of the Highest God,
Lord from Whom is life bestowed,
Who upholdest everything,
Hear me, hear me, while I sing!For the noblest gift Thou art
That a soul e’er sought or won,
Have I wished Thee to my heart,
Then my wishing all is done;
Ah then yield Thee, nor refuse
Here to dwell, for Thou didst choose
This my heart, from e’en its birth,
For Thy temple here on earth.Thou art shed like gentlest showers
From the Father and the Son,
Bringest to this earth of ours
Purest blessing from their throne;
Suffer then, O noble Guest,
That rich gift by Thee possessed,
Which Thou givest at Thy will
All my soul and flesh to fill.Thou art wise, before Thee stand
Hidden things unveiled to Thee,
Countest up the grains of sand,
Fathomest the deepest sea,
And Thou knowest well how blind,
Dark and crooked is my mind;
Give me wisdom, in Thy light
Let me please my God aright.Thou art holy, enterest in
Where pure hearts Thy coming wait,
But Thou fleest shame and sin,
Craft and falsehood Thou dost hate;
Wash me then, O Well of grace,
Every stain and spot efface,
Let me flee what Thou dost flee,
Grant me what Thou lov’st to see.Thou art loving, hatest strife,
As a lamb of patient mood,
Calm through all our restless life,
E’en to sinners kind and good;
Grant me too this noble mind,
To be calm and true and kind,
Loving every friend or foe,
Grieving none whom Thou dost know.Well contented is my heart,
If but Thou reject me not;
If but Thou wilt ne’er depart,
I am blest whate’er my lot;
Thine for ever make me now,
And to Thee, my Lord, I vow
Here and yonder to employ
Every power for Thee with joy.Be my help when danger’s nigh,
When I sink hold Thou me up,
Be my life when I must die,
In the grave be Thou my hope;
Bring me when I rise again
To the land that knows no pain,
Where Thy followers from Thy stream
Drink for ever joys supreme.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 35:13] The Fast, As Taught By Holy Lore
The fast, as taught by holy lore,
We keep in solemn course once more;
The fast to all men known, and bound
In forty days of yearly round.The law and seers that were of old
In divers ways this Lent foretold
Which Christ, all seasons’ King and Guide,
In after ages sanctified.More sparing therefore let us make
The words we speak, the food we take,
Our sleep and mirth, and closer barred
Be every sense in holy guard.In prayer together let us fall,
And cry for mercy, one and all,
And weep before the Judge’s feet,
And His avenging wrath entreat.Thy grace have we offended sore,
By sins, O God, which we deplore;
But pour upon us from on high,
O pardoning One, Thy clemency.Remember Thou, though frail we be,
That yet Thine handiwork are we;
Nor let the honor of Thy Name
Be by another put to shame.Forgive the sin that we have wrought;
Increase the good that we have sought;
That we at length, our wanderings o’er,
May please Thee here and evermore.We pray Thee, holy Trinity,
One God, unchanging Unity,
That we from this our abstinence
May reap the fruits of penitence.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 35:17] How Long Must We Wait?
Long have we sought eternal life,
Years have we waited in sin and strife;
In darkness groped, sad misery’s mate,
How long? how long must we wait?Refrain
How long? how long must we wait?
How long? how long must we wait?
The lab’rers still are few;
Our Lord has need of you,
How long? how long must we wait?You know the love of God manifold,
Ages have bro’t you their grace untold;
Peace and a hope, no fear of fate.
How long? how long must we wait?Refrain
The agèd faint and long for the Friend,
Dark shadows gathering bring the end;
Fades now the light, ’tis growing late.
How long? how long must we wait?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 36:1] Trespass Of The Wicked Man, The
The trespass of the wicked man
Most plainly testifies
That fear of God’s most holy Name
Is not before his eyes.He cherishes the empty hope,
Although his sin be great,
It never shall be brought to light
And viewed with righteous hate.The words he utters with his mouth
Are wickedness and lies;
He keeps himself from doing good,
And ceases to be wise.While on his bed his thought he gives
To planning wickedness;
He sets himself in evil ways,
He shuns not to transgress.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 36:1] While Men Grow Bold In Wicked Ways
While men grow bold in wicked ways,
And yet a God they own,
My heart within me often says,
“Their thoughts believe there’s none.”Their thoughts and ways at once declare,
Whate’er their lips profess,
God hath no wrath for them to fear,
Nor will they seek His grace.What strange self-flattery blinds their eyes!
But there’s a hastening hour,
When they shall see with sore surprise
The terrors of Thy power.Thy justice shall maintain its throne,
Though mountains melt away;
Thy judgments are a world unknown,
A deep, unfathomed sea.Above the heav’ns’ created rounds,
Thy mercies, Lord, extend;
Thy truth outlives the narrow bounds
Where time and nature end.Safety to man Thy goodness brings,
Nor overlooks the beast;
Beneath the shadow of Thy wings
Thy children choose to rest.From Thee, when creature-streams run low.
And mortal comforts die,
Perpetual springs of life shall flow,
And raise our pleasures high.Though all created light decay,
And death close up our eyes,
Thy presence makes eternal day,
Where clouds can never rise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 36:5] Thy Mercy And Thy Truth, O Lord
Thy mercy and Thy truth, O Lord,
Transcend the lofty sky;
Thy judgments are a mighty deep,
And as the mountains high.Lord, Thou preservest man and beast;
Since Thou art ever kind;
Beneath the shadow of Thy wings
We may a refuge find.With the abundance of Thy house
We shall be satisfied,
From rivers of unfailing joy
Our thirst shall be supplied.The fountain of eternal life
Is found alone with Thee,
And in the brightness of Thy light
We clearly light shall see.From those that know Thee may Thy love
And mercy ne’er depart,
And may Thy justice still protect
And bless the upright heart.The workers of iniquity
Are fallen utterly;
They shall not triumph in their pride,
Or drive my soul from Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 36:5] Thy Mercy Lord, Is In The Heav’ns
Thy mercy, Lord, is in the heav’ns;
Thy truth doth reach the clouds;
Thy justice is like mountains great;
Thy judgments deep as floods.Lord, Thou preservest man and beast;
How precious is Thy grace!
Therefore in shadow of Thy wings,
Men’s sons their trust shall place.They with the fatness of Thy house
Shall be well satisfied;
From rivers of Thy pleasure Thou
Wilt drink to them provide.Because of life the fountain pure
Remains alone with Thee;
And in that purest light of Thine
We clearly light shall see.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 36:6] High In The Heavens, Eternal God
High in the heav’ns, eternal God,
Thy goodness in full glory shines;
Thy truth shall break through every cloud
That veils and darkens Thy designs.Forever firm Thy justice stands,
As mountains their foundations keep;
Wise are the wonders of Thy hands;
Thy judgments are a mighty deep.Thy providence is kind and large
Both man and beast Thy bounty share;
The whole creation is Thy charge,
But saints are Thy peculiar care.My God, how excellent Thy grace,
Whence all our hope and comfort spring!
The sons of Adam in distress
Fly to the shadow of Thy wing.From the provisions of Thy house
We shall be fed with sweet repast;
There mercy like a river flows,
And brings salvation to our taste.Life, like a fountain, rich and free,
Springs from the presence of the Lord;
And in Thy light our souls shall see
The glories promised in Thy Word.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 36:7] Brood O’er Us With Thy Sheltering Wing
Brood o’er us with Thy sheltering wing,
’Neath which our spirits blend
Like brother birds, that soar and sing,
And on the same branch bend.
The arrow that doth wound the dove
Darts not from those who watch and love.If thou the bending reed would break
By thought or word unkind,
Pray that His Spirit you partake,
Who loved and healed mankind:
Seek holy thoughts and heavenly strain,
That make men one in love remain.Learn, too, that wisdom’s rod is given
For faith to kiss, and know;
That greetings glorious from high heaven,
Whence joys supernal flow,
Come from that Love, divinely near,
Which chastens pride and earthborn fear.Through God, who gave that word of might
Which swelled creation’s lay:
“Let there be light, and there was light.”
What chased the clouds away?
’Twas Love whose finger traced aloud
A bow of promise on the cloud.Thou to whose power our hope we give,
Free us from human strife.
Fed by Thy love divine we live,
For Love alone is life;
And life most sweet, as heart to heart
Speaks kindly when we meet and part.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 36:9] After The Life-paths
After the lifepaths we’re treading
End upon time’s solemn shore,
There will be light at the river
While the redeemed ones pass o’er.Refrain
There will be light at the river,
There will be light at the river,
There will be light at the river,
While the redeemed ones pass o’er.There will be light for the spirits
Who thro’ deep shadows have come—
Fadeless light shining glad welcome
Out from the windows of home.Refrain
There will be light for the weary
Who thro’ sore trials have passed—
Radiant light as they enter,
Peace that for ever shall last.Refrain
There will be light for the faithful,
Whate’er the way they have trod—
Glorious light sent to guide them
Safe to the city of God.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 36:9] Come To The Fountain
Come with thy sins to the fountain,
Come with thy burden of grief;
Bury them deep in its waters,
There thou wilt find a relief.Refrain
Haste thee away, why wilt thou stay?
Risk not thy soul on a moment’s delay;
Jesus is waiting to save thee,
Mercy is pleading today.Come as thou art to the fountain,
Jesus is waiting for thee;
What though thy sins are like crimson,
White as the snow they shall be.Refrain
These are the words of the Savior;
They who repent and believe,
They who are willing to trust Him,
Life at His hand shall receive.Refrain
Come and be healed at the fountain,
List to the peace speaking voice;
Over a sinner returning
Now let the angels rejoice.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 36:9] Morn Of Morns, And Day Of Days
Morn of morns, and day of days!
Beauteous were thy newborn rays:
Brighter yet from death’s dark prison
Christ, the Light of lights, is risen.He commanded, and His Word
Death and the dread chaos heard;
Oh, shall we, more deaf than they,
In the chains of darkness stay?Nature yet in shadow lies;
Let the sons of light arise,
And present the morning rays
With sweet canticles of praise.While the dead world sleeps around,
Let the sacred temples sound
Law, and prophet, and blest psalm
Lit with holy light so calm.Unto hearts in slumber weak
Let the heavenly trumpet speak;
And a newer walk express
Their new life to righteousness.Grant us this, and with us be,
O Thou Fount of charity,
Thou Who dost the Spirit give,
Bidding the dead letter live.Glory to the Father, Son,
And to Thee, O Holy One,
By Whose quickening breath divine
Our dull spirits turn and shine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 36:9] Thou Art, O God, The Life And Light
Thou art, O God, the Life and Light
Of all this wondrous world we see;
Its glow by day, its smile by night,
Are but reflections caught from Thee;
Where’er we turn, Thy glories shine,
And all things fair and bright are Thine.When day, with farewell beam, delays
Among the opening clouds of even,
And we can almost think we gaze
Through golden vistas into Heaven,
Those hues, that make the sun’s decline
So soft, so radiant, Lord, are Thine.When night with wings of starry gloom
O’ershadows all the earth and skies,
Like some dark beauteous bird whose plume
Is sparkling with unnumbered eyes—
That sacred gloom, those fires divine,
So grand, so countless, Lord, are Thine.When youthful spring around us breathes,
Thy Spirit warms her fragrant sigh,
And every flower the summer wreathes
Is born beneath that kindling eye—
Where’er we turn, Thy glories shine,
And all things fair and bright are Thine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 37:1] Fret Not Thyself
Fret not thyself, nor envious be,
When wicked workers thou shalt see,
Who prosper in their way;
For like the grass they perish soon,
And, like the herb cut down at noon,
They wither in a day.Trust in the Lord and still do well,
Within the land securely dwell,
Feed on His faithfulness;
Delight thee also in the Lord,
And to thy heart He will accord
The good it would possess.Yea, to the Lord thy way is known;
Confide in Him Who on the throne
Abides in power divine;
Thy righteousness He shall display;
Resplendent as the light of day,
It shall unclouded shine.Rest in the Lord and be thou still,
With patience wait His holy will,
Enduring to the end.
Fret not though sinners’ gains increase;
Forsake thy wrath, from anger cease;
It will to evil tend.The evil-doer soon shall die,
But those that on the Lord rely
Shall all the land obtain.
A little while and thou shalt see
That wicked man cut off shall be,
They shall be sought in vain.Yea, thou shalt soon consider well
The place where they were wont to dwell,
And it shall not be found;
But saints shall all the land possess,
And find delight and happiness
Where fruits of peace abound.The vile may plot against the just
Who in the Lord Jehovah trust,
But God will scorn them all;
The Lord their coming day shall see,
When broken all their power shall be,
And ruin on them fall.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 37:1] Why Should I Vex My Soul?
Why should I vex my soul, and fret
To see the wicked rise?
Or envy sinners waxing great
By violence and lies?As flowery grass, cut down at noon,
Before the evening fades,
So shall their glories vanish soon
In everlasting shades.Then let me make the Lord my trust,
And practice all that’s good;
So shall I dwell among the just,
And He’ll provide me food.I to my God my ways commit,
And cheerful wait His will;
Thy hand, which guides my doubtful feet,
Shall my desires fulfill.Mine innocence shalt Thou display,
And make Thy judgments known,
Fair as the light of dawning day,
And glorious as the noon.The meek at last the earth possess,
And are the heirs of Heav’n;
True riches, with abundant peace,
To humble souls are giv’n.Rest in the Lord, and keep His way,
Nor let your anger rise,
Though Providence should long delay
To punish haughty vice.Let sinners join to break your peace,
And plot, and rage, and foam;
The Lord derides them, for He sees
Their day of vengeance come.They have drawn out the threatening sword,
Have bent the murderous bow,
To slay the men that fear the Lord,
And bring the righteous low.My God shall break their bows, and burn
Their persecuting darts,
Shall their own swords against them turn,
And pain surprise their hearts.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 37:3] Put Thou Thy Trust In God
Put thou thy trust in God,
In duty’s path go on;
Walk in His strength with faith and hope,
So shall thy work be done.Commit thy ways to Him,
Thy works into His hands,
And rest on His unchanging Word,
Who Heav’n and earth commands.Though years on years roll on,
His cov’nant shall endure;
Though clouds and darkness hide His path,
The promised grace is sure.Give to the winds Thy fears;
Hope, and be undismayed;
God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears;
God shall lift up thy head.Through waves, and clouds, and storms,
His power will clear thy way;
Wait thou His time, the darkest night
Shall end in brightest day.Leave to His sovereign sway
To choose and to command;
So shalt thou, wond’ring, own His way,
How wise, how strong His hand.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 37:4] O Lord, I Will Delight In Thee
O Lord, I will delight in Thee
And on Thy care depend,
To Thee in every trouble flee,
My best, my only Friend.When all created streams are dried,
Thy fullness is the same;
May I with this be satisfied
And glory in Thy Name.No good in creatures can be found
But may be found in Thee;
I must have all things and abound
While God is God to me.O Lord, I cast my care on Thee,
I triumph and adore;
Henceforth my great concern shall be
To love and please Thee more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 37:5] Commit Thou All Thy Griefs
Commit thou all thy griefs
And ways into His hands,
To His sure truth and tender care,
Who heaven and earth commands.Who points the clouds their course,
Whom winds and seas obey,
He shall direct thy wandering feet,
He shall prepare thy way.Thou on the Lord rely,
So safe shalt thou go on;
Fix on His work thy steadfast eye
So shall thy work be done.No profit canst thou gain
By self consuming care;
To Him commend thy cause, His ear
Attends the softest prayer.Thy everlasting truth,
Father, Thy ceaseless love,
Sees all Thy children’s wants, and knows
What best for each will prove.Thou everywhere hast sway,
And all things serve Thy might;
Thy every act pure blessing is,
Thy path unsullied light.When Thou arisest, Lord,
What shall Thy work withstand?
Whate’er Thy children want, Thou giv’st;
And who shall stay Thy hand?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 37:5] Commit Whatever Grieves Thee
Commit whatever grieves thee
Into the gracious hands
Of Him Who never leaves thee,
Who Heav’n and earth commands.
Who points the clouds their courses,
Whom winds and waves obey,
He will direct thy footsteps
And find for thee a way.On Him place Thy reliance
If thou wouldst be secure;
His work thou must consider
If thine is to endure.
By anxious sighs and grieving
And self tormenting care
God is not moved to giving;
All must be gained by prayer.Thy truth and grace, O Father,
Most surely surely see and know
Both what is good and evil
For mortal man below.
According to Thy counsel
Thou wilt Thy work pursue;
And what Thy wisdom chooseth
Thy might will always do.Thy hand is never shortened,
All things must serve Thy might;
Thine every act is blessing,
Thy path is purest light.
Thy work no man can hinder,
Thy purpose none can stay,
Since Thou to bless Thy children
Wilt always find a way.Though all the powers of evil
The will of God oppose,
His purpose will not falter,
His pleasure onward goes.
Whate’er God’s will resolveth,
Whatever He intends,
Will always be accomplished
True to His aims and ends.Then hope, my feeble spirit,
And be thou undismayed;
God helps in every trial
And makes thee unafraid.
Await His time with patience,
Then shall thine eyes behold
The sun of joy and gladness
His brightest beams unfold.Arise, my soul, and banish
Thy anguish and thy care.
Away with thoughts that sadden
And heart and mind ensnare!
Thou art not lord and master
Of thine own destiny;
Enthroned in highest Heaven,
God rules in equity.Leave all to His direction;
In wisdom He doth reign,
And in a way most wondrous
His course He will maintain.
Soon He, His promise keeping,
With wonder-working skill
Shall put away the sorrows
That now thy spirit fill.A while His consolation
He may to thee deny,
And seem as though in trial
He far from thee would fly;
A while distress and anguish
May compass thee around,
Nor to thy supplication
An answering voice be found.But if thou perseverest,
Thou shalt deliverance find.
Behold, all unexpected
He will thy soul unbind
And from the heavy burden
Thy heart will soon set free;
And thou wilt see the blessing
He had in mind for thee.O faithful child of Heaven,
How blessèd shalt thou be!
With songs of glad thanksgiving
A crown awaiteth thee.
Into thy hand thy Maker
Will give the victor’s palm,
And thou to thy Deliverer
Shalt sing a joyous psalmGive, Lord, this consummation
To all our heart’s distress;
Our hands, our feet, e’er strengthen,
In death our spirits bless.
Thy truth and thy protection
Grant evermore, we pray,
And in celestial glory
Shall end our destined way.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 37:7] Wait, And Murmur Not
O troubled heart, there is a home
Beyond the reach of toil and care;
A home where changes never come:
Who would not fain be resting there?Refrain
O wait, meekly wait, and murmur not,
O wait, meekly wait, and murmur not
O wait, O wait,
O wait, and murmur not.Yet when bowed down beneath the load
By Heav’n allowed, thine earthly lot;
Look up! thou’lt reach that blest abode;
Wait, meekly wait, and murmur not.Refrain
Toil on, nor deem, tho’ sore it be,
One sigh unheard, one prayer forgot;
The day of rest will dawn for thee;
Wait, meekly wait, and murmur not.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 37:9] Jehovah Is Our Strength
Jehovah is our Strength,
And He shall be our Song
We shall o’ercome at length
Although our foes be strong.
In vain does Satan then oppose,
For God is stronger than His foes.The Lord our Refuge is
And ever will remain;
Since He has made us His
He will our cause maintain.
In vain our enemies oppose,
For God is stronger than His foes.The Lord our Shepherd is;
He knows our every need,
And since we now are His,
His care our souls will feed.
In vain do sin and death oppose,
For God is stronger than His foes.Our God our Father is;
Our names are on His heart;
We ever will be His,
He ne’er from us will part.
In vain the mightiest powers oppose,
For God is stronger than His foes.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 37:16] Little That The Righteous Hold, A
A little that the righteous hold
Is better than the wealth untold
Of many wicked men;
Destroyed shall be their arm of pride,
But they who in the Lord confide
Shall be upholden then.He knows the days the perfect live
To them a heritage will give
Which ever shall abide;
In evil times no shame they know,
And in the days of famine’s woe
They shall be satisfied.Although the wicked prospered seem,
At last they vanish like a dream
And perish in a day;
Jehovah’s foes shall soon appear
Like fields once fair, now brown and sere;
Like smoke they fade away.They borrow oft and not pay back;
But righteous men do nothing lack,
And give with gracious hand;
Those cursed by Him shall be destroyed,
But such as have His grace enjoyed,
They shall possess the land.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 37:21] Good Man’s Steps Are Led Aright, The
The good man’s steps are led aright,
His way is pleasing in God’s sight,
Established it shall stand;
He shall not perish though he fall,
The mighty Lord, who rules o’er all,
Upholds him with His hand.Though I am old who young have been,
No saint have I forsaken seen,
Nor yet his home in need;
He ever leads in gracious ways,
His life true charity displays,
His sons are blest indeed.Depart from evil, do thou well,
And evermore securely dwell;
Jehovah loves the right.
His faithfulness His saints have proved,
Forever they shall stand unmoved,
But sinners God will smite.The righteous, through His fav’ring hand,
Shall yet inherit all the land
And dwell therein for aye;
He talks of wisdom and of right,
In God’s pure law is his delight,
His steps go not astray.The wicked, watching for their prey,
Desire the righteous man to slay,
But God is on his side;
He will not leave him in their hands
Nor count him guilty when he stands
In judgment to be tried.Wait on the Lord and keep His way;
He will exalt thee, nor delay
To give the land to thee;
And when the wicked are cut off,
The wicked who against thee scoff,
Their judgment thou shalt see.The wicked in great power are seen,
Like spreading tree with foliage green
That grows in native ground.
I looked again, they were no more;
I sought the men so proud before,
But they could not be found.Mark thou the upright day by day,
Behold the perfect in his way,
His journey ends in peace.
Destroyed at once shall rebels be;
Cut off from all posterity,
Their very name shall cease.Salvation is from God alone,
Whom as their covert saints have known
When by sore troubles tried;
The Lord, who helped in troubles past,
Will save them to the very last,
For they in Him abide.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 37:23] Steps Of Those Whom He Approves, The
The steps of those whom He approves
Are ordered by the Lord;
And though they fall, held by His hand,
They yet shall be restored.I have not seen, though since my youth
Full many years have fled,
The saint forsaken, nor beheld
His children begging bread.The children of the merciful
Find blessings kept in store;
Depart from evil and do good,
And live forevermore.Wait on the Lord and keep His way,
And then, by Him approved,
Thy heritage shall still remain
When sinners are removed.Mark well the perfect, upright man,
As still his years increase;
Behold his life, and thou shalt see
His journey end in peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 38:1] Amidst Thy Wrath Remember Love
Amidst Thy wrath remember love,
Restore Thy servant, Lord;
Nor let a Father’s chastening prove
Like an avenger’s sword.Thine arrows stick within my heart,
My flesh is sorely pressed;
Between the sorrow and the smart,
My spirit finds no rest.My sins a heavy load appear,
And o’er my head are gone;
Too heavy they for me to bear,
Too hard for me t’atone.My thoughts are like a troubled sea,
My head still bending down;
And I go mourning all the day,
Beneath my Father’s frown.Lord, I am weak and broken sore,
None of my powers are whole:
The inward anguish makes me roar,
The anguish of my soul.All my desire to Thee is known,
Thine eye counts every tear;
And every sigh, and every groan,
Is noticed by Thine ear.Thou art my God, my only hope;
My God will hear my cry;
My God will bear my spirit up,
When Satan bids me die.My foot is ever apt to slide,
My foes rejoice to see’t;
They raise their pleasure and their pride
When they supplant my feet.But I’ll confess my guilt to Thee,
And grieve for all my sin;
I’ll mourn how weak my graces be,
And beg support divine.My God, forgive my follies past,
And be for ever nigh;
O Lord of my salvation, haste,
Before Thy servant die.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 38:1] In Thy Wrath And Hot Displeasure
In Thy wrath and hot displeasure,
Chasten not Thy servant, Lord;
Let Thy mercy, without measure,
Help and peace to me afford.Heavy is my tribulation,
Sore my punishment has been;
Broken by Thine indignation,
I am troubled by my sin.With my burden of transgression
Heavy laden, overborne,
Humbled low I make confession,
For my folly now I mourn.Weak and wounded, I implore Thee:
Lord, to me Thy mercy show;
All my prayer is now before Thee,
All my trouble Thou dost know.Darkness gathers, foes assail me.
But I answer not a word;
All my friends desert and fail me,
Only Thou my cry hast heard.Lord, in Thee I am confiding;
Thou wilt answer when I call,
Lest my foes, the good deriding,
Triumph in Thy servant’s fall.I am prone to halt and stumble,
Grief and sorrow dwell within,
Shame and guilt my spirit humble,
I am sorry for my sin.Foes about my soul are closing,
Full of hatred, false and strong;
Choosing good, I find opposing
All who love and do the wrong.Lord, my God, do not forsake me,
Let me know that Thou art near,
Under Thy protection take me,
As my Savior now appear.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 38:4] Alas, My God, My Sins Are Great
Alas! my God! my sins are great,
My conscience doth upbraid me;
And now I find that at my strait
No man hath power to aid me.And fled I hence, in my despair,
In some lone spot to hide me,
My griefs would still be with me there,
Thy hand still hold and guide me.Nay, Thee I seek—I merit naught,
Yet pity and restore me;
Be not Thy wrath, just God, my lot,
Thy Son hath suffered for me.If pain and woe must follow sin,
Then be my path still rougher,
Here spare me not; if Heaven I win,
On earth I gladly suffer.But curb my heart, forgive my guilt,
Make Thou my patience firmer,
For they must miss the good Thou wilt,
Who at Thy teachings murmur.Then deal with me as seems Thee best,
Thy grace will help me bear it,
If but at last I see Thy rest,
And with my Savior share it.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 38:4] O The Darkness, O The Sorrow
O the darkness, O the sorrow,
O the misery of sin!
When will dawn the promised morrow
That shall bring deliverance in?One there was ordained to languish,
Guiltless, in Gethsemane;
One there was Who died in anguish
Innocent, on Calvary.Jesus was the Burden-bearer,
God’s own Son the Sacrifice;
Of the griefs of man the Sharer,
Of his soul the Ransom-price.’Tis the Christ, the Ever-living,
Ever-loving, Ever-blest,
By the Comforter still giving
Pardon, holiness, and rest.Can the love so freely given,
Can the blood so freely shed,
Fail to draw the earth to Heaven,
Fail to bring alive its dead?Rise, O children of the Father,
Stand, ye brothers of the Son,
In unyielding ranks together
Till the crown of Christ be won;Till the lands of sin and sorrow,
Darker than the ancient night,
Shall behold the promised morrow
Beam on them with saving light.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mzm 38:22] Help Me, O Lord
Help me, O Lord, the God of my salvation;
I have no hope, no refuge but in Thee;
Help me to make this perfect consecration,
In life or death Thine evermore to be.Help me, O Lord, to keep my pledge unbroken;
Guard Thou my ways, my thoughts, my tongue, my heart;
Help me to trust the word which Thou hast spoken,
That from Thy paths my feet may ne’er depart.Help me, O Lord, when sore temptations press me;
O lift the clouds that hide Thee from my sight;
Help me, O Lord, when anxious cares distress me,
To look beyond, where all is calm and bright.Help me, O Lord, my strength is only weakness;
Thine, Thine the power by which alone I live;
Help me each day, to bear the cross with meekness,
Till Thou at last the promised crown shalt give.Play source: Cyberhymnal
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