TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Kisah Para Rasul 5:41

TSK Full Life Study Bible


gembira(TB)/sukacitanya(TL) <5463> [rejoicing.]

menderita penghinaan(TB)/kecelaan .... Yesus(TL) <818> [shame.]


dengan gembira,

Mat 5:12; [Lihat FULL. Mat 5:12]

Nama Yesus.

Yoh 15:21; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 15:21]

Kisah Para Rasul 16:38

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ketika ......... takutlah .... takutlah mereka(TB)/Maka .................. tatkala(TL) <1161 2532 5399> [and they.]


maka takutlah

Kis 22:29

Kisah Para Rasul 21:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perpisahan ...... kami ...... Kus(TB)/kami(TL) <2248 645> [we were.]

bertolaklah(TB)/berlayarlah(TL) <321> [and had.]

Kos(TB)/bercerai ................. Rodus(TL) <2972> [Coos.]

Coos, Cos, or Co, now Zia, is an island in the Aegean sea, one of those called Cyclades, near the south-west point of Asia Minor, and about fifteen miles from Halicarnassus. Rhodes. Rhodes is a celebrated island in the same sea, southward of Caria, from which it is distant about twenty miles, next to Cyprus and Lesbos in extent, being 120 miles in circumference. It was remarkable for the clearness of the air, and its pleasant and healthy climate, and chiefly for its Colossus of brass, seventy cubits high, with each finger as large as an ordinary man, standing astride over the mouth of the harbour, so that ships in full sail passed between its legs.


Judul : Paulus di Tirus dan di Siprus

Perikop : Kis 21:1-14

bertolaklah kami

Kis 16:10; [Lihat FULL. Kis 16:10]

Kisah Para Rasul 21:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dan ....... salam memberi salam(TB)/Setelah .......... lalu .... salam(TL) <1161 2532 782> [and saluted.]

tinggal(TB)/tinggallah(TL) <3306> [abode.]


Dari Tirus

Kis 12:20

kepada saudara-saudara

Kis 1:16; [Lihat FULL. Kis 1:16]

Kisah Para Rasul 24:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berharap(TB)/harap(TL) <1679> [hoped.]

Karena itu(TB)/Sebab(TL) <1352> [wherefore.]

Kisah Para Rasul 28:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Regium(TB/TL) <4484> [Rhegium.]

Rhegium, now Reggio, was a maritime city and promontory in Italy, opposite Messina.

angin selatan(TB)/selatan(TL) <3558> [the south.]

Putioli(TB/TL) <4223> [Puteoli.]

Puteoli, now Puzzuoli, is an ancient sea-port of Campania, in the kingdom of Naples, about eight miles S. W. of that city, standing upon a hill in a creek opposite to Baiae.

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