TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ester 2:8-11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Hegai ............. Hegai(TB)/Hejai ............. Hejai(TL) <01896> [Hegai.]

One of Dr. Kennicott's MSS., instead of Hegai has Heg‚, as in ver. 3.



benteng Susan,

Neh 1:1; Est 1:2; Dan 8:2 [Semua]


menimbulkan(TB)/diperolehnya(TL) <05375> [she obtained.]

wangi-wangian(TB)/perlulutannya(TL) <08562> [her her things.]

pelabur(TB)/bahagian(TL) <04490> [such things. Heb. her portions. preferred her. Heb. changed her.]


kasih sayangnya,

Kej 39:21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 39:21]

dan pelabur

Kej 37:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 37:3]; 1Sam 9:22-24; 2Raj 25:30; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 25:30]; Est 9:19; Yeh 16:9-13; Dan 1:5 [Semua]


memberitahukan(TB)/dinyatakannya ............. dinyatakan(TL) <05046> [had not shewed.]

Mordekhai(TB/TL) <04782> [for Mordecai.]


karena dilarang

Est 2:20


Mordekhai(TB/TL) <04782> [Mordecai.]

The apartments of the women are accounted so inviolable, that it is even a crime to enquire what passes within their walls. A man, says Chardin, may walk a hundred days, one after the other, by the house where the women are, and yet know no more what is done there than at the farther end of Tartary. This sufficiently explains the conduct of Mordecai.

berjalan-jalanlah(TB)/berjalanlah(TL) <01980> [walked.]

keadaan selamat(TB)/selamat Ester(TL) <0635 07965> [how Esther did. Heb. the peace of Esther.]

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