TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ulangan 18:1-2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bagian(TB)/bahagian(TL) <02506> [shall have.]

rezeki(TB)/dimakannya(TL) <0398> [they shall.]


Judul : Persembahan untuk imam dan orang Lewi

Perikop : Ul 18:1-8

orang Lewi,

Yer 33:18,21 [Semua]

korban api-apian

Bil 18:8; [Lihat FULL. Bil 18:8]

mendapat rezeki.

Bil 18:20; [Lihat FULL. Bil 18:20]; 1Kor 9:13 [Semua]


Tuhanlah(TB/TL) <03068> [the Lord.]


milik pusakanya,

Bil 18:20

dijanjikan-Nya kepadanya.

Yos 13:14

Bilangan 18:20-24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pusaka(TB)/beroleh pusaka(TL) <05157> [Thou shalt have.]

The principal part of what was offered to God was the portion of the priests; who had no inheritance of land in Israel. The Rabbins say, 24 gifts were given to the priests; all of which are expressed in the law. Eight were only eaten in the sanctuary: 1. The flesh of the sin-offering. (Le 6:25, 26.) 2. The flesh of the trespass-offering. (Le 7:1, 6.) 3. The peace-offering of the congregation. (Le 23:19, 20.) 4. The remainder of the sheaf. ( Le 23:10.) 5. The remnants of the meat-offerings. (Le 6:16.) 6. The two loaves. (Le 23:17.) 7. The shew-bread. (Le 24:9.) 8. The log of oil offered by the leper. (Le 14:10.) Five they ate only at Jerusalem: 1. The breast and shoulder of the peace-offerings. (Le 7:31-34.) 2. The heave-offering of confession. (Le 7:12-14.) 3. The heave-offering of the Nazarite's ram. (Le 6:17-20.) 4. The firstling. (ch. 18:15.) 5. The first-fruits. (18:13.) Five were due to them only in the land of Israel: 1. The heave-offering of first-fruits. (ver. 12.) 2. Of the tithe. (ver. 28.) 3. The cake. (ch. 15:20.) 4. The first of the fleece. (De 18:4.) 5. The field of possession. (ch. 35.) Five were due both within and without the land: 1. The gifts of slain beasts. (De 18:3.) 2. The redemption of the first-born. (ver. 15.) 3. The lamb for a firstling ass. (Ex 4:20.) 4. That taken by violence from a stranger. (ch. 5:8.) 5. All devoted things. One was from the sanctuary, the skins, etc. (Le 7:8.)

pusaka(TB)/beroleh pusaka(TL) <05157> [no inheritance.]

bagian ...... bagianmu(TB)/bahagianpun ........ bahagianmu(TL) <02506> [I am thy part.]


tengah-tengah mereka;

Bil 26:62; Ul 12:12 [Semua]

milik pusakamu

Bil 18:24; Ul 10:9; 14:27; 18:1-2; Yos 13:33; Yeh 44:28 [Semua]



persepuluhan(TB)/perpuluhan(TL) <04643> [the tenth.]

pekerjaan ..... pekerjaan(TB/TL) <05656> [even the service.]


persembahan persepuluhan

Bil 18:24; Kej 28:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 28:22]; Bil 31:28; Ul 14:22; Neh 10:37; 13:5; Mal 3:8 [Semua]

milik pusakanya,

Im 27:30-33; Ibr 7:5 [Semua]

Kemah Pertemuan.

Bil 1:53


mendekat(TB)/menghampiri(TL) <07126> [come nigh.]

mendatangkan dosa dosa(TB)/sehingga ditanggungnya dosa(TL) <02399 05375> [bear sin.]

mati(TB)/matilah(TL) <04191> [and die. Heb. to die.]


lalu mati;

Kel 28:43; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:43]


merekalah ..... pekerjaan(TB)/Melainkan ....... mengerjakan pekerjaan(TL) <05656 05647> [do the service.]

tengah-tengah(TB)/antara(TL) <08432> [among.]


suatu ketetapan

Kel 12:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:14]; Kel 27:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 27:21] [Semua]

bagimu turun-temurun.

Bil 10:8

milik pusaka

Bil 18:20; Bil 26:62; Ul 10:9 [Semua]

orang Israel,

Yeh 44:10



kepada Tuhan

Im 27:30; Ul 26:12 [Semua]

Bilangan 26:62

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dicatat ..................... dicatat(TB)/terbilang ................. dibilang(TL) <06485> [those that.]

dicatat ..................... dicatat(TB)/terbilang ................. dibilang(TL) <06485> [they were not.]

milik pusaka(TB)/pusaka(TL) <05159> [because.]


berjumlah 23.000

Bil 3:39

tidak dicatat

Bil 1:47

milik pusaka

Bil 18:23; [Lihat FULL. Bil 18:23]

orang Israel.

Bil 2:33; [Lihat FULL. Bil 2:33]

Yosua 14:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Musa(TB/TL) <04872> [Moses.]

Lewi(TB/TL) <03881> [but unto.]


sungai Yordan,

Bil 32:33; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:33]; Bil 34:14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 34:14] [Semua]

tengah-tengah mereka.

Bil 35:2; [Lihat FULL. Bil 35:2]; Yos 13:14; [Lihat FULL. Yos 13:14] [Semua]

Yehezkiel 44:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pusaka ..... pusakanya(TB)/bahagian pusaka .... bahagiannya pusaka(TL) <05159> [I am their inheritance.]


milik pusakanya,

Bil 18:20; [Lihat FULL. Bil 18:20]; Ul 18:1-2; Yos 13:33; [Lihat FULL. Yos 13:33] [Semua]

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