ma`aser <04643>

rsem ma`aser or rsem ma`asar and (in pl.) fem. hrsem ma`asrah

Pelafalan:mah-as-ayr' mah-as-ar' mah-as-raw'
Asal Mula:from 06240
Referensi:TWOT - 1711h
Jenis Kata:n m (noun masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:rvem 15, rvemh 6, rvemw 4, Mkytrvem 4, rvemhw 1, wrvemm 1, twrvemlw 1
Dalam TB:persembahan persepuluhan 24, persembahan persepuluhanmu 4, sepersepuluh 3, persembahan persepuluhannya 1
Dalam AV:tithe 27, tenth part 2, tenth 2, tithing 1
Definisi : 1) tithe, tenth part 1a) tenth part 1b) tithe, payment of a tenth part
or maasar {mah-as-ar'}; and (in plural) feminine maasrah {mah-as-raw'}; from 6240; a tenth; especially a tithe: KJV -- tenth (part), tithe(-ing).
see HEBREW for 06240
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