TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Samuel 9:3-10

TSK Full Life Study Bible



kehilangan keledai-keledai

1Sam 9:20; 1Sam 10:14,16 [Semua]


pegunungan(TB/TL) <02022> [mount.]

Salisa(TB/TL) <08031> [Shalisha.]

Sahalim(TB/TL) <08171> [Shalim.]


melalui pegunungan

Yos 24:33; [Lihat FULL. Yos 24:33]

tanah Salisa,

2Raj 4:42

tetapi keledai-keledai

1Sam 10:2


Zuf(TB/TL) <06689> [Zuph.]

kuatir(TB)/bercintakan(TL) <01672> [take thought.]


tanah Zuf,

1Sam 1:1

tetapi kuatir

1Sam 10:2


kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892> [city.]

terhormat(TB)/kehormatan(TL) <03513> [an honourable.]

dikatakannya(TB)/sabdanyapun(TL) <01696> [all that he saith.]


abdi Allah,

Ul 33:1; [Lihat FULL. Ul 33:1]; Hak 13:6; [Lihat FULL. Hak 13:6] [Semua]


1Sam 3:19


bawa ................. dibawa(TB)/persembahkan .................... persembahkan(TL) <0935> [what shall.]

bekas .... habis(TB)/habis dimakan(TL) <0235 03627> [spent in. Heb. gone out of, etc. there is not.]

We are not to suppose from this that the prophets took money to predict future events: Saul only refers to an invariable custom, that no man approached a superior without some present or another, however small in value. Dr. Pococke tells us of a present of fifty radishes! Other authors mention a flower, an orange, or similar trifles; and Mr. Bruce says, that one who wished to solicit a favour from him, presented him with about a score of dates! "I mention this trifling circumstance," says Mr. B. "to shew how essential to human and civil intercourse presents are considered to be in the East; whether it be dates, or whether it be diamonds, they are so much a part of their manners, that without them, an inferior will never be at peace in his own mind, or think that he has hold of his superior for protection. But superiors give no presents to their inferiors." Presents then are tokens of honour; not intended as offers of payment or enrichment.

[have we. Heb. is with us.]


ada pemberian

Kej 32:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 32:20]; 1Raj 13:7; 14:3; 2Raj 4:42; 5:5,15; Yer 40:5 [Semua]


ada padaku ... tangan(TB)/tangan ...... dapati(TL) <03027 04672> [I have here at hand. Heb. there is found in my hand.]



menanyakan(TB)/bertanyakan(TL) <01875> [enquire.]

<07200> [a Seer.]


menanyakan petunjuk

Kej 25:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 25:22]

dahulu pelihat.

2Sam 15:27; 24:11; 2Raj 17:13; 1Taw 9:22; 21:9; 26:28; 29:29; 2Taw 19:2; Yes 29:10; 30:10; Am 7:12 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: PELIHAT.


[Well said. Heb. Thy word is good.]

TIP #18: Centang "Hanya dalam TB" pada Pencarian Universal untuk pencarian teks alkitab hanya dalam versi TB [SEMUA]
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