TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Raja-raja 7:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tiga ... tahun .... tahun(TB)/tiga ... tahun(TL) <07969 08141> [thirteen years.]


Judul : Salomo mendirikan istananya

Perikop : 1Raj 7:1-12

seluruh istananya

2Sam 7:2

1 Raja-raja 7:5-14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pintu ... jendela segi empat(TB)/pintu ... jenangnya ... persegi .............. pintu(TL) <04201 07251 08260 06607> [doors and posts were square, with the windows. or, spaces and pillars were square in prospect.]



[before them. or, according to them. before them. or, according to them.]



Balai ....... balai(TB)/balai ........... balai(TL) <0197> [a porch.]

Singgasana(TB)/takhta(TL) <03678> [for the throne.]

pengadilan(TB)/hukum(TL) <04941> [of judgment.]

lantai ... dasarnya balok tingkatnya(TB)/dasarnya ... tingkatnya(TL) <07172> [from one side of the floor to the other. Heb. from floor to floor.]


memutuskan hukum,

1Sam 7:15; Mazm 122:5; Ams 20:8 [Semua]

balok langit-langit.

1Raj 6:15


pelataran ... serambi(TB)/serambi ... berasing(TL) <02691 0312> [another court.]

gedung ........... dalam ..................... gedung(TB)/istana .......... sebelah dalam ........... maligai(TL) <01004> [an house.]


menjadi isterinya,

1Raj 3:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 3:1]


batu ... batu(TB)/batu ... indah-indah(TL) <068 03368> [costly stones.]


dasar(TB)/alasnyapun(TL) <03245> [the foundation.]

batu .... batu .... batu ... sepuluh hasta ... batu .... hasta(TB)/batu ......... batu ... sepuluh hasta ..... batu .... hasta(TL) <068 06235 0520> [stones of ten cubits.]

Reckoning the cubit at 21 inches, the ten cubits are 17 feet and a half, and the eight cubits are 14 feet. The magnitude of these stones was certainly extraordinary; but let us hear M. Volney, and our surprise will no longer be fixed on these stones, but transferred from Solomon's house to the ruins of Balbec: "What is still more astonishing is the enormous stones which compose the sloping wall. To the west, the second layer is formed of stones which are from 28 to 35 feet long, by about 9 in height. Over this layer, at the north-west angle, there are three stones, which alone occupy a space of 175 feet and a half; viz. the first, 58 feet 7 inches; the second, 58 feet 11 inches; and the third, exactly 58 feet; and each of these is 12 feet thick. These stones are of white granite, with large shining flakes, like gypsum: there is a quarry of this kind of stone under the whole city, and another in the adjacent mountains, which is open in several places. On the right, as we approach the city, there is still lying there a stone hewn on three sides, which is 69 feet 2 inches long, 12 feet 10 inches broad, and 13 feet 3 inches in thickness.



jajar jajar ...... jajar .... sejajar(TB)/tiga jajar .......... sejajar(TL) <02905 07969> [three rows.]

balainya(TB)/serambi(TL) <0197> [the porch.]


tiga jajar

1Raj 6:36; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 6:36]


Hiram(TB/TL) <02438> [Hiram.]



Judul : Perlengkapan-perlengkapan Bait Suci

Perikop : 1Raj 7:13-51


2Taw 4:2-5 dengan 1Raj 7:23-26


2Taw 4:6,10-5:1 dengan 1Raj 7:38-51

menjemput Hiram

1Raj 7:45; 2Taw 2:13; 4:16 [Semua]


anak anak seorang(TB)/anak seorang perempuan(TL) <01121 0802> [a widow's son. Heb. the son of a widow woman. tribe.]

The mother of Hiram (not the Tyrian king mentioned before, but an intelligent coppersmith, of Jewish extraction by his mother's side) in Chronicles, is said to have been of "the daughters of Dan;" and she might have been of Naphtali by her father, and of Dan by her mother; or she might originally be of the tribe of Dan, and have been first married to a man of the tribe of Naphtali; and, in either case, she might be indifferently called "of the tribe of Naphtali," or of "the daughters of Dan."

Naftali(TB/TL) <05321> [Naphtali.]

ayahnya(TB)/bapanya(TL) <01> [his father.]

penuh(TB/TL) <04390> [he was filled.]


dengan keahlian,

Kel 31:2-5; Kel 35:31; [Lihat FULL. Kel 35:31] [Semua]

melakukan segala

2Taw 4:11,16 [Semua]

TIP #17: Gunakan Pencarian Universal untuk mencari pasal, ayat, referensi, kata atau nomor strong. [SEMUA]
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