Daftar Isi
GAMBAR: Aminadab
GREEK: 284 Aminadab Aminadab
HEBREW: 41 bdnyba 'Abiynadab 5992 bdnyme `Ammiynadab


Dalam versi-versi Alkitab:

Aminadab: TL BIS FAYH KL1863 KL1870 TB WBTCDR
Amminadab: BABA SBDR
Xaminadab: LDKDR
darihal kebangsawanan, (1) 1Sam 7:1; (2) Kel 6:22.
(1) mertua Harun, Kel 6:22; (2) Mat 1:14.


Aminadab: selebihnya..
Topik: Portraits of Amminadab, Son of Ram


Strongs #284: Aminadab Aminadab

Amminadab = "one of the prince's people"

1) an ancestor of Christ

284 Aminadab am-ee-nad-ab'

of Hebrew origin (5992); Aminadab, an Israelite: KJV -- Aminadab.
see HEBREW for 05992


Strongs #041: bdnyba 'Abiynadab

Abinadab = "my father is noble" or "my father is willing"

1) a man of Gibeah who sheltered the ark
2) second son of Jesse, David's older brother
3) a son of Saul, slain with him by the Philistines

41 'Abiynadab ab-ee-naw-dawb'

from 1 and 5068; father of generosity (i.e. liberal); Abinadab, the name of four Israelites: KJV -- Abinadab.
see HEBREW for 01
see HEBREW for 05068

Strongs #05992: bdnyme `Ammiynadab

Amminadab = "my kinsman is noble"

1) son of Ram or Aram and father of Nahshon or Naasson and an ancestor of
Jesus; father-in-law of Aaron
2) a Kohathite Levite and chief of the sons of Uzziel
3) a Levite, son of Kohath; also 'Izhar'

5992 `Ammiynadab am-mee-naw-dawb'

from 5971 and 5068; people of liberality; Amminadab, the name of four Israelites: KJV -- Amminadab.
see HEBREW for 05971
see HEBREW for 05068


Strongs #284:

[maskulin] Aminadab (Mat 1.4; Luk 3.33)

ABINADAB [browning]

1) Pria yang memiliki rumah di atas bukit di Kiryat-Yearim, tempat *Tabut Perjanjian disimpan setelah dikembalikan ke Israel oleh orang-orang *Filistin. Tabut tersebut tetap berada di sana selama 20 tahun (1Sam. 7:2), hingga *Daud membawanya, pertama-tama ke rumah Obed-Edom (1Taw. 13:13), dan kemudian ke Yerusalem.

2) Anak laki-laki kedua *Isai juga memiliki nama itu (1Sam. 16:8).

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