: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
347 | 3470 | 3471 | 3473 | 3474 | 3476 | 348 | 3483 | 3485 | 3487 | 3488
Daftar Isi
GREEK: 3476 Naasswn Naasson
HEBREW: 5177 Nwvxn Nachshown



Strongs #3476: Naasswn Naasson

Nahshon = "enchanter"

1) an ancestor of Christ

3476 Naasson nah-as-sone'

of Hebrew origin (5177); Naasson (i.e. Nachshon), an Israelite: KJV -- Naasson.
see HEBREW for 05177


Strongs #05177: Nwvxn Nachshown

Nahshon = "enchanter"

1) son of Amminadab and prince of the Judah at the first numbering in
the wilderness; 5th in descent from Judah in the genealogy of Christ

5177 Nachshown nakh-shone'

from 5172; enchanter; Nachshon, an Israelite: KJV -- Naashon, Nahshon.
see HEBREW for 05172


Strongs #3476:

[maskulin] Nahason (Mat 14; Luk 3.25)

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