Teks -- Philippians 2:1-30 (NET)

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

kecilkan semuaTafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)
Robertson -> Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:4; Phi 2:5; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:11; Phi 2:11; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:14; Phi 2:14; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:19; Phi 2:19; Phi 2:20; Phi 2:20; Phi 2:21; Phi 2:22; Phi 2:22; Phi 2:22; Phi 2:23; Phi 2:23; Phi 2:24; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:28; Phi 2:28; Phi 2:29; Phi 2:30
Robertson: Phi 2:1 - If If ( ei ).
Paul uses four conditions in this verse, all of the first class, assuming the condition to be true.
If (
Paul uses four conditions in this verse, all of the first class, assuming the condition to be true.

Robertson: Phi 2:1 - Comfort Comfort ( paraklēsis ).
Rather, "ground of appeal to you in Christ."See note on 1Co 1:10; Eph 4:1.

Robertson: Phi 2:1 - Consolation Consolation ( paramuthion ).
Old word from paramutheomai , persuasive address, incentive.
Consolation (
Old word from

Robertson: Phi 2:1 - Of love Of love ( agapēs ).
Objective genitive, "in love"(undefined as in 1Co 13:1-13).
Of love (
Objective genitive, "in love"(undefined as in 1Co 13:1-13).

Robertson: Phi 2:1 - Fellowship Fellowship ( Koinéōnia ).
Partnership in the Holy Spirit "whose first fruit is love"(Gal 5:22).
Fellowship (
Partnership in the Holy Spirit "whose first fruit is love"(Gal 5:22).

Robertson: Phi 2:1 - Any tender mercies Any tender mercies ( tis splagchna ).
Common use of this word for the nobler viscera and so for the higher emotions. But tis is masculine singula...
Any tender mercies (
Common use of this word for the nobler

Robertson: Phi 2:2 - Fulfil Fulfil ( plērōsate ).
Better here, "fill full."Paul’ s cup of joy will be full if the Philippians will only keep on having unity of thought ...
Fulfil (
Better here, "fill full."Paul’ s cup of joy will be full if the Philippians will only keep on having unity of thought and feeling (

Robertson: Phi 2:2 - Being of one accord Being of one accord ( sunpsuchoi ).
Late word here for the first time, from sun and psuchē , harmonious in soul, souls that beat together, in tun...
Being of one accord (
Late word here for the first time, from

Robertson: Phi 2:2 - Of one mind Of one mind ( to hen phronountes ).
"Thinking the one thing."Like clocks that strike at the same moment. Perfect intellectual telepathy. Identity of ...
Of one mind (
"Thinking the one thing."Like clocks that strike at the same moment. Perfect intellectual telepathy. Identity of ideas and harmony of feelings.

Robertson: Phi 2:3 - Through vainglory Through vainglory ( kata kenodoxian ).
Late word, only here in N.T., from kenodoxos (kenos , doxa , Gal 5:26, only here in N.T.), empty pride.
Through vainglory (
Late word, only here in N.T., from

Robertson: Phi 2:3 - In lowliness of mind In lowliness of mind ( tēi tapeinophrosunēi ).
Late and rare word. Not in O.T. or early Greek writers. In Josephus and Epictetus in bad sense (pu...
In lowliness of mind (
Late and rare word. Not in O.T. or early Greek writers. In Josephus and Epictetus in bad sense (pusillanimity). For ostentatious humility in Corinthians Phi 2:18, Phi 2:23. One of the words, like

Robertson: Phi 2:3 - Better than himself Better than himself ( huperechontas heautōn ).
Present active participle of huperechō in intransitive sense to excel or surpass with the ablati...
Better than himself (
Present active participle of

Robertson: Phi 2:4 - Looking Looking ( skopountes ).
Present active participle of skopeō from skopos (aim, goal). Not keeping an eye on the main chance for number one, but ...
Looking (
Present active participle of

Robertson: Phi 2:5 - Have this mind in you Have this mind in you ( touto phroneite en humin ).
"Keep on thinking this in you which was also in Christ Jesus"(ho kai en Christōi Iēsou ). Wh...
Have this mind in you (
"Keep on thinking this in you which was also in Christ Jesus"(

Robertson: Phi 2:6 - Being Being ( huparchōn ).
Rather, "existing,"present active participle of huparchō . In the form of God (en morphēi theou ). Morphē means the e...
Being (
Rather, "existing,"present active participle of

Robertson: Phi 2:6 - A prize A prize ( harpagmon ).
Predicate accusative with hēgēsato . Originally words in ̇mos signified the act, not the result (̇ma ). The few examp...
A prize (
Predicate accusative with

Robertson: Phi 2:6 - To be on an equality with God To be on an equality with God ( to einai isa theoi ).
Accusative articular infinitive object of hēgēsato , "the being equal with God"(associative...
To be on an equality with God (
Accusative articular infinitive object of

Robertson: Phi 2:6 - Emptied himself Emptied himself ( heauton ekenōse ).
First aorist active indicative of kenoō , old verb from kenos , empty. Of what did Christ empty himself? Not...
Emptied himself (
First aorist active indicative of

Robertson: Phi 2:7 - The form of a servant The form of a servant ( morphēn doulou ).
He took the characteristic attributes (morphēn as in Phi 2:6) of a slave. His humanity was as real as...
The form of a servant (
He took the characteristic attributes (

Robertson: Phi 2:7 - In the likeness of men In the likeness of men ( en homoiōmati anthrōpōn ).
It was a likeness, but a real likeness (Kennedy), no mere phantom humanity as the Docetic G...
In the likeness of men (
It was a likeness, but a real likeness (Kennedy), no mere phantom humanity as the Docetic Gnostics held. Note the difference in tense between

Robertson: Phi 2:8 - In fashion In fashion ( schēmati ).
Locative case of schēma , from echō , to have, to hold. Bengel explains morphē by forma , homoiōma by simil...
In fashion (
Locative case of

Robertson: Phi 2:8 - He humbled himself He humbled himself ( etapeinōsen heauton ).
First aorist active of tapeinoō , old verb from tapeinos . It is a voluntary humiliation on the part ...
He humbled himself (
First aorist active of

Robertson: Phi 2:8 - Obedient Obedient ( hupēkoos ).
Old adjective, giving ear to. See note on Act 7:39; 2Co 2:9.

Robertson: Phi 2:8 - Unto death Unto death ( mechri thanatou ).
"Until death."See "until blood"(mechris haimatos , Heb 12:4).
Unto death (
"Until death."See "until blood"(

Robertson: Phi 2:8 - Yea, the death of the cross Yea, the death of the cross ( thanatou de staurou ).
The bottom rung in the ladder from the Throne of God. Jesus came all the way down to the most de...
Yea, the death of the cross (
The bottom rung in the ladder from the Throne of God. Jesus came all the way down to the most despised death of all, a condemned criminal on the accursed cross.

Robertson: Phi 2:9 - Wherefore Wherefore ( dio ).
Because of which act of voluntary and supreme humility.
Wherefore (
Because of which act of voluntary and supreme humility.

Robertson: Phi 2:9 - Highly exalted Highly exalted ( huperupsōse ).
First aorist indicative of huperupsoō (huper and hupsos ) late and rare word (lxx and Byzantine). Here only ...
Highly exalted (
First aorist indicative of

Robertson: Phi 2:9 - The name which is above every name The name which is above every name ( to onoma to huper pan onoma ).
What name is that? Apparently and naturally the name
The name which is above every name (
What name is that? Apparently and naturally the name

Robertson: Phi 2:9 - Jesus Jesus
, which is given in Phi 2:10. Some think it is "Jesus Christ,"some "Lord,"some the ineffable name Jehovah, some merely dignity and honour.
, which is given in Phi 2:10. Some think it is "Jesus Christ,"some "Lord,"some the ineffable name Jehovah, some merely dignity and honour.

Robertson: Phi 2:10 - That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow ( hina en tōi onomati Iēsou pan gonu kampsēi ).
First aorist active subjunctive of kamptō , o...
That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow (
First aorist active subjunctive of

Robertson: Phi 2:10 - Under the earth Under the earth ( katachthoniōn ).
Homeric adjective for departed souls, subterranean, simply the dead. Here only in the N.T.
Under the earth (
Homeric adjective for departed souls, subterranean, simply the dead. Here only in the N.T.

Robertson: Phi 2:11 - Should confess Should confess ( exomologēsētai ).
First aorist middle subjunctive of exomologeomai with hina for purpose.
Should confess (
First aorist middle subjunctive of

Robertson: Phi 2:11 - Lord Lord ( Kurios ).
Peter (Act 2:36) claimed that God made Christ "Lord."See also 1Co 8:6; 1Co 12:3; Rom 10:9. Kennedy laments that the term Lord has be...
Lord (
Peter (Act 2:36) claimed that God made Christ "Lord."See also 1Co 8:6; 1Co 12:3; Rom 10:9. Kennedy laments that the term Lord has become one of the most lifeless in the Christian vocabulary, whereas it really declares the true character and dignity of Jesus Christ and "is the basis and the object of worship."

Robertson: Phi 2:12 - Not as in my presence only Not as in my presence only ( mē hōs en tēi parousiāi monon ).
B and a few other MSS. omit hōs . The negative mē goes with the imperativ...
Not as in my presence only (
B and a few other MSS. omit

Robertson: Phi 2:12 - Much more Much more ( pollōi mallon ).
They are not to render eye-service only when Paul is there, but much more when he is away.
Much more (
They are not to render eye-service only when Paul is there, but much more when he is away.

Robertson: Phi 2:12 - Work out Work out ( katergazesthe ).
Perfective use of kata (down) in composition, work on to the finish. This exhortation assumes human free agency in the ...
Work out (
Perfective use of

Robertson: Phi 2:12 - With fear and trembling With fear and trembling ( meta phobou kai tromou ).
"Not slavish terror, but wholesome, serious caution"(Vincent). "A nervous and trembling anxiety t...
With fear and trembling (
"Not slavish terror, but wholesome, serious caution"(Vincent). "A nervous and trembling anxiety to do right"(Lightfoot). Paul has no sympathy with a cold and dead orthodoxy or formalism that knows nothing of struggle and growth. He exhorts as if he were an Arminian in addressing men. He prays as if he were a Calvinist in addressing God and feels no inconsistency in the two attitudes. Paul makes no attempt to reconcile divine sovereignty and human free agency, but boldly proclaims both.

Robertson: Phi 2:13 - Which worketh in you Which worketh in you ( ho energōn en humin ).
Articular present active participle of energeō from energos (en , ergon ) one at work, common...
Which worketh in you (
Articular present active participle of

Robertson: Phi 2:13 - Both to will and to work Both to will and to work ( kai to thelein kai to energein ).
"Both the willing and the working (the energizing)."God does it all, then. Yes, but he p...
Both to will and to work (
"Both the willing and the working (the energizing)."God does it all, then. Yes, but he puts us to work also and our part is essential, as he has shown in Phi 2:12, though secondary to that of God.

Robertson: Phi 2:13 - For his good-pleasure For his good-pleasure ( huper tēs eudokias ).
So Whitney puts "the will of God"behind gravitation and all the laws of nature.
For his good-pleasure (
So Whitney puts "the will of God"behind gravitation and all the laws of nature.

Robertson: Phi 2:14 - Without murmurings Without murmurings ( chōris goggusmōn ).
See note on Act 6:1 for this late onomatopoetic word from gogguzō , to mutter, to grumble.
Without murmurings (
See note on Act 6:1 for this late onomatopoetic word from

Robertson: Phi 2:14 - Disputings Disputings ( dialogismōn ).
Or questionings as in Luk 24:38. The grumblings led to disputes.
Disputings (
Or questionings as in Luk 24:38. The grumblings led to disputes.

Robertson: Phi 2:15 - That ye may be That ye may be ( hina genēsthe ).
Rather, "that ye may become"(second aorist middle subjunctive of ginomai , to become).
That ye may be (
Rather, "that ye may become"(second aorist middle subjunctive of

Blameless (
Free from censure (

Robertson: Phi 2:15 - Without blemish Without blemish ( amōma ).
Without spot, "unblemished in reputation and in reality"(Vincent).
Without blemish (
Without spot, "unblemished in reputation and in reality"(Vincent).

In the midst of (
Preposition with genitive.

Robertson: Phi 2:15 - Crooked Crooked ( skolias ).
Old word, curved as opposed to orthos , straight. See note on Act 2:40.
Crooked (
Old word, curved as opposed to

Robertson: Phi 2:15 - Perverse Perverse ( diestrammenēs ).
Perfect passive participle of diastrephō , to distort, to twist, to turn to one side (dia , in two). Old word. See no...

Robertson: Phi 2:16 - As lights in the world As lights in the world ( hōs phōstēres en kosmōi ).
As luminaries like the heavenly bodies. Christians are the light of the world (Mat 5:14) ...
As lights in the world (
As luminaries like the heavenly bodies. Christians are the light of the world (Mat 5:14) as they reflect the light from Christ (Joh 1:4; Joh 8:12), but here the word is not

Robertson: Phi 2:16 - Holding forth Holding forth ( epechontes ).
Present active participle of epechō . Probably not connected with the preceding metaphor in phōstēres . The old m...
Holding forth (
Present active participle of

Robertson: Phi 2:16 - That I may have That I may have ( emoi ).
Ethical dative, "to me as a ground of boasting."
That I may have (
Ethical dative, "to me as a ground of boasting."

Robertson: Phi 2:17 - And if I am offered And if I am offered ( ei kai spendomai ).
Though I am poured out as a libation. Old word. In N.T. only here and 2Ti 4:6. Paul pictures his life-blood...
And if I am offered (
Though I am poured out as a libation. Old word. In N.T. only here and 2Ti 4:6. Paul pictures his life-blood as being poured upon (uncertain whether heathen or Jewish offerings meant and not important) the sacrifice and service of the faith of the Philippians in mutual service and joy (both

Robertson: Phi 2:19 - That I also may be of good comfort That I also may be of good comfort ( hina kagō eupsuchō ).
Present subjunctive with hina in purpose clause of the late and rare verb eupsucheo...
That I also may be of good comfort (
Present subjunctive with

Robertson: Phi 2:19 - When I know When I know ( gnous ).
Second aorist active participle of ginōskō .
When I know (
Second aorist active participle of

Robertson: Phi 2:20 - Likeminded Likeminded ( isopsuchon ).
Old, but very rare adjective (isos , psuchē ), like isotimos in 2Pe 1:1. Only here in N.T. Likeminded with Timothy, ...
Likeminded (
Old, but very rare adjective (

Robertson: Phi 2:20 - Truly Truly ( gnēsiōs ).
"Genuinely."Old adverb, only here in N.T., from gnēsios (Phi 4:3), legitimate birth, not spurious.
Truly (
"Genuinely."Old adverb, only here in N.T., from

Robertson: Phi 2:21 - They all They all ( hoi pantes ).
"The whole of them."Surely Luke was away from Rome at this juncture.
They all (
"The whole of them."Surely Luke was away from Rome at this juncture.

Robertson: Phi 2:22 - The proof The proof ( tēn dokimēn ).
"The test"as of metals (2Co 2:9; 2Co 9:13). Three times they had seen Timothy (Act 16:13; Act 19:22; Act 20:3.).

Robertson: Phi 2:22 - With me With me ( sun emoi ).
Paul’ s delicacy of feeling made him use sun rather than emoi alone. Timothy did not serve Paul.
With me (
Paul’ s delicacy of feeling made him use

Robertson: Phi 2:22 - In furtherance of In furtherance of ( eis ).
See note on Phi 1:5 for this use of eis .
In furtherance of (
See note on Phi 1:5 for this use of

Robertson: Phi 2:23 - So soon as I shall see So soon as I shall see ( hōs an aphidō ).
Indefinite temporal clause with hōs an and the second aorist active subjunctive of aphoraō . The ...
So soon as I shall see (
Indefinite temporal clause with

Robertson: Phi 2:23 - How it will go with me How it will go with me ( ta peri eme ).
On the force of apo with horaō (look away) see note on Heb 12:2. "The things concerning me,"the outcome...

Robertson: Phi 2:24 - In the Lord In the Lord ( en Kuriōi ).
Not a perfunctory use of this phrase. Paul’ s whole life is centred in Christ (Gal 2:20).
In the Lord (
Not a perfunctory use of this phrase. Paul’ s whole life is centred in Christ (Gal 2:20).

Robertson: Phi 2:25 - I counted it I counted it ( hēgēsamēn ).
Epistolary aorist from the point of view of the readers.
I counted it (
Epistolary aorist from the point of view of the readers.

Robertson: Phi 2:25 - Epaphroditus Epaphroditus ( Epaphroditon ).
Common name, though only in Philippians in N.T., contracted into Epaphras, though not the same man as Epaphras in Col ...
Epaphroditus (
Common name, though only in Philippians in N.T., contracted into Epaphras, though not the same man as Epaphras in Col 1:7. Note one article

Robertson: Phi 2:25 - Messenger Messenger ( apostolon ).
See note on 2Co 8:23 for this use of apostolos as messenger (missionary).
Messenger (
See note on 2Co 8:23 for this use of

Robertson: Phi 2:25 - Minister Minister ( leitourgon ).
See note on Rom 13:6; Rom 15:16 for this ritualistic term.

Robertson: Phi 2:26 - He longed after He longed after ( epipothōn ēn ).
Periphrastic imperfect of epipotheō (Phi 1:8), "he was yearning after."
He longed after (
Periphrastic imperfect of

Robertson: Phi 2:26 - Was sore troubled Was sore troubled ( adēmonōn ).
Periphrastic imperfect again (repeat ēn ) of the old word adēmoneō either from an unused adēmōn (a...
Was sore troubled (
Periphrastic imperfect again (repeat

Robertson: Phi 2:26 - He was sick He was sick ( ēsthenēse ).
Ingressive aorist, "he did become sick."
He was sick (
Ingressive aorist, "he did become sick."

Robertson: Phi 2:26 - Nigh unto death Nigh unto death ( paraplēsion thanatōi ).
Only example in N.T. of this compound adverbial preposition (from the adjective paraplēsios ) with t...
Nigh unto death (
Only example in N.T. of this compound adverbial preposition (from the adjective

Robertson: Phi 2:28 - Ye may rejoice Ye may rejoice ( charēte ).
Second aorist passive subjunctive with hina in final clause of chairō , to rejoice.
Ye may rejoice (
Second aorist passive subjunctive with

Robertson: Phi 2:28 - That I may be the less sorrowful That I may be the less sorrowful ( kagō alupoteros ō ).
Present subjunctive with hina and comparative of old compound adjective alupos (a p...
That I may be the less sorrowful (
Present subjunctive with

Robertson: Phi 2:29 - In honour In honour ( entimous ).
Old compound adjective (en , timē ), prized, precious (Luk 7:2; Luk 14:8; 1Pe 2:4, 1Pe 2:6). Predicate accusative. Noble ...

Robertson: Phi 2:30 - Hazarding his life Hazarding his life ( paraboleusamenos tēi psuchēi ).
First aorist middle participle of paraboleuō (from the adjective parabolos ), to place ...
Hazarding his life (
First aorist middle participle of
Vincent -> Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:4; Phi 2:5; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:11; Phi 2:11; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:14; Phi 2:14; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:20; Phi 2:20; Phi 2:20; Phi 2:21; Phi 2:22; Phi 2:23; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:27; Phi 2:30; Phi 2:30; Phi 2:30
Vincent: Phi 2:1 - Therefore Therefore
Paul has spoken, in Phi 1:26, of the Philippians' joy in his presence. Their joy is to find expression in duty - in the fulfillment o...
Paul has spoken, in Phi 1:26, of the Philippians' joy in his presence. Their joy is to find expression in duty - in the fulfillment of their obligations as members of the christian commonwealth, by fighting the good fight of faith and cheerfully appropriating the gift of suffering (Phi 1:27-29). Phi 2:30, alluding to his own conflicts, marks the transition from the thought of their joy to that of his joy. Therefore , since such is your duty and privilege, fulfill my joy, and show yourselves to be true citizens of God's kingdom by your humility and unity of spirit.

Vincent: Phi 2:1 - Consolation Consolation ( παράκλησις )
Rev., comfort . Better, exhortation . See on Luk 6:24. If Christ, by His example, sufferings, and confli...
Consolation (
Rev., comfort . Better, exhortation . See on Luk 6:24. If Christ, by His example, sufferings, and conflicts, exhorts you.

Vincent: Phi 2:1 - Comfort of love Comfort of love ( παραμύθιον )
Rev., consolation . Only here in the New Testament. From παρά beside , and μῦθος speec...
Comfort of love (
Rev., consolation . Only here in the New Testament. From

Vincent: Phi 2:1 - Fellowship of the Spirit Fellowship of the Spirit
Communion with the Holy Spirit, whose first fruit is love. Gal 5:22. Participation in His gifts and influences. Compare ...

Vincent: Phi 2:1 - Bowels and mercies Bowels and mercies ( σπλάγχνα καὶ οἰκτιρμοί )
For mercies , see on 2Co 1:3, and compare Col 3:12.

Vincent: Phi 2:2 - Be like-minded Be like-minded ( τὸ αὐτὸ φρονῆτε )
Lit., think the same thing . The expression is a general one for concord, and is d...
Be like-minded (
Lit., think the same thing . The expression is a general one for concord, and is defined in the two following clauses: unity of affection , the same love ; unity of sentiment , of one accord . The general expression is then repeated in a stronger form, thinking the one thing . A.V. and Rev., of one mind .

Vincent: Phi 2:3 - Let nothing be done Let nothing be done ( μηδὲν )
Rev., doing nothing . The Greek is simply nothing , depending either, as A.V. and Rev., on the verb to ...
Let nothing be done (
Rev., doing nothing . The Greek is simply nothing , depending either, as A.V. and Rev., on the verb to do understood, or on thinking (

Vincent: Phi 2:3 - Through strife Through strife ( κατὰ ἐριθείαν )
Rev., correctly, faction . Lit., according to faction . See on Jam 3:14; and Phi 1:16. ...

Vincent: Phi 2:3 - Vain glory Vain glory ( κενοδοξίαν )
Only here in the New Testament. The kindred adjective κενόδοξοι desirous of vain glory , ...
Vain glory (
Only here in the New Testament. The kindred adjective

Vincent: Phi 2:4 - Look Look ( σκοποῦντες )
Attentively: fixing the attention upon, with desire for or interest in. So Rom 16:17; Phi 3:17; 2Co 4:18. Hence o...

Vincent: Phi 2:5 - Let this mind be in you Let this mind be in you ( τοῦτο φρονείσθω ἐν ὑμιν )
Lit., let this be thought in you . The correct reading...
Let this mind be in you (
Lit., let this be thought in you . The correct reading, however, is

Vincent: Phi 2:6 - Being in the form of God Being in the form of God ( ἐν μορφῇ Θεοῦ ὑπάρχων )
Being . Not the simple είναι to be , but stronger, de...
Being in the form of God (
Being . Not the simple
As applied here to God, the word is intended to describe that mode in which the essential being of God expresses itself. We have no word which can convey this meaning, nor is it possible for us to formulate the reality. Form inevitably carries with it to us the idea of shape . It is conceivable that the essential personality of God may express itself in a mode apprehensible by the perception of pure spiritual intelligences; but the mode itself is neither apprehensible nor conceivable by human minds.
This mode of expression, this setting of the divine essence, is not identical with the essence itself, but is identified with it , as its natural and appropriate expression, answering to it in every particular. It is the perfect expression of a perfect essence. It is not something imposed from without, but something which proceeds from the very depth of the perfect being, and into which that being perfectly unfolds, as light from fire. To say, then, that Christ was in the form of God , is to say that He existed as essentially one with God. The expression of deity through human nature (Phi 2:7) thus has its background in the expression of deity as deity in the eternal ages of God's being. Whatever the mode of this expression, it marked the being of Christ in the eternity before creation. As the form of God was identified with the being of God, so Christ, being in the form of God, was identified with the being, nature, and personality of God.
This form , not being identical with the divine essence, but dependent upon it, and necessarily implying it, can be parted with or laid aside. Since Christ is one with God, and therefore pure being, absolute existence, He can exist without the form. This form of God Christ laid aside in His incarnation.

Vincent: Phi 2:6 - Thought it not robbery to be equal with God Thought it not robbery to be equal with God ( οὐχ ἁρπαγμὸν ἡγήσατο τὸ εἶναι ἴσα Θεῷ )
Thought it not robbery to be equal with God (
Robbery is explained in three ways. 1. A robbing , the act. 2. The thing robbed , a piece of plunder. 3. A prize , a thing to be grasped. Here in the last sense.
Paul does not then say, as A.V., that Christ did not think it robbery to be equal with God : for, 1, that fact goes without. saying in the previous expression, being in the form of God . 2. On this explanation the statement is very awkward. Christ, being in the form of God, did not think it robbery to be equal with God; but , after which we should naturally expect, on the other hand , claimed and asserted equality: whereas the statement is: Christ was in the form of God and did not think it robbery to be equal with God , but (instead) emptied Himself . Christ held fast His assertion of divine dignity, but relinquished it. The antithesis is thus entirely destroyed.
Taking the word

Vincent: Phi 2:7 - Made Himself of no reputation Made Himself of no reputation ( ἑαυτὸν ἐκένωσεν ).
Lit., emptied Himself . The general sense is that He divested Himsel...
Made Himself of no reputation (
Lit., emptied Himself . The general sense is that He divested Himself of that peculiar mode of existence which was proper and peculiar to Him as one with God. He laid aside the form of God. In so doing, He did not divest Himself of His divine nature . The change was a change of state : the form of a servant for the form of God. His personality continued the same. His self-emptying was not self-extinction , nor was the divine Being changed into a mere man. In His humanity He retained the consciousness of deity, and in His incarnate state carried out the mind which animated Him before His incarnation. He was not unable to assert equality with God. He was able not to assert it .

Vincent: Phi 2:7 - Form of a servant Form of a servant ( μορφὴν δούλου )
The same word for form as in the phrase form of God , and with the same sense. The mod...
Form of a servant (
The same word for form as in the phrase form of God , and with the same sense. The mode of expression of a slave's being is indeed apprehensible, and is associated with human shape, but it is not this side of the fact which Paul is developing. It is that Christ assumed that mode of being which answered to, and was the complete and characteristic expression of, the slave's being. The mode itself is not defined. This is appropriately inserted here as bringing out the contrast with counted not equality with God , etc. What Christ grasped at in His incarnation was not divine sovereignty, but service .

Vincent: Phi 2:7 - Was made in the likeness of men Was made in the likeness of men ( ἐν ὁμοιώματι ἀνθρώπων γενόμενος )
Lit., becoming in , etc. Notice th...
Was made in the likeness of men (
Lit., becoming in , etc. Notice the choice of the verb, not was , but became : entered into a new state. Likeness . The word does not imply the reality of our Lord's humanity,

Vincent: Phi 2:8 - Being found in fashion as a man Being found in fashion as a man ( σχήματι εὑρεθεὶς ὡς ἄνθρωπος )
Some expositors connect these words with th...
Being found in fashion as a man (
Some expositors connect these words with the preceding clause, thus: being made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man ; a new sentence beginning with He humbled Himself . The general sense is not altered by this change, and there is great force in Meyer's remark that the preceding thought, in the likeness of men , is thus " emphatically exhausted." On the other hand, it breaks the connection with the following sentence, which thus enters very abruptly. Notice being found . After He had assumed the conditions of humanity, and men's attention was drawn to Him, they found Him like a man. Compare Isa 53:2. " If we looked at Him, there was no sightliness that we should delight in Him."
Fashion (

Vincent: Phi 2:8 - He humbled Himself He humbled Himself ( ἐταπείνωσεν ἑαυτόν )
Not the same as emptied Himself , Phi 2:7. It defines that word, showing ho...
He humbled Himself (
Not the same as emptied Himself , Phi 2:7. It defines that word, showing how the self-emptying manifests itself.

Vincent: Phi 2:8 - Became obedient unto death Became obedient unto death ( γενόμενος - μέχρι )
Became, compare Rev 1:18. Unto . The Rev. very judiciously inserts even ; ...
Became obedient unto death (
Became, compare Rev 1:18. Unto . The Rev. very judiciously inserts even ; for the A.V. is open to the interpretation that Christ rendered obedience to death. Unto is up to the point of . Christ's obedience to God was rendered to the extent of laying down His life.

Vincent: Phi 2:8 - Of the cross Of the cross
Forming a climax of humiliation. He submitted not only to death , but to the death of a malefactor . The Mosaic law had uttered a ...
Of the cross
Forming a climax of humiliation. He submitted not only to death , but to the death of a malefactor . The Mosaic law had uttered a curse against it, Deu 21:23, and the Gentiles reserved it for malefactors and slaves. Hence the shame associated with the cross, Heb 12:2. This was the offense or stumbling-block of the cross, which was so often urged by the Jews against the Christians. See on Gal 3:13. To a Greek, accustomed to clothe his divinities with every outward attribute of grace and beauty, the summons to worship a crucified malefactor appealed as foolishness , 1Co 1:23.

Wherefore (
In consequence of this humiliation.

Vincent: Phi 2:9 - Hath highly exalted Hath highly exalted ( ὑπερύψωσεν )
Lit., exalted above . Compare Mat 23:12.
Hath highly exalted (
Lit., exalted above . Compare Mat 23:12.

Vincent: Phi 2:9 - Hath given Hath given ( ἐχαρίσατο )
Freely bestowed, even as Jesus freely offered Himself to humiliation:
Hath given (
Freely bestowed, even as Jesus freely offered Himself to humiliation:

Vincent: Phi 2:9 - A name A name
Rev., correctly, the name. This expression is differently explained: either the particular name given to Christ, as Jesus or Lo...
A name
Rev., correctly, the name. This expression is differently explained: either the particular name given to Christ, as Jesus or Lord ; or name is taken in the sense of dignity or glory , which is a common Old-Testament usage, and occurs in Eph 1:21; Heb 1:4. Under the former explanation a variety of names are proposed, as Son of God , Lord , God , Christ Jesus . The sense of the personal name Jesus seems to meet all the conditions, and the personal sense is the simpler, since Jesus occurs immediately after with the word name , and again Jesus Christ in Phi 2:11. The name Jesus was bestowed on Christ at the beginning of His humiliation, but prophetically as the One who should save His people from their sins, Mat 1:21. It was the personal name of others besides; but if that is an objection here, it is equally an objection in Phi 2:10. The dignity is expressed by above every name . He bears the name in His glory. See Act 9:5. See on Mat 1:21.

Vincent: Phi 2:10 - At the name of Jesus At the name of Jesus ( ἐν τῷ ὀνόματι )
Rev., better, in the name. The name means here the personal name; but as includ...
At the name of Jesus (
Rev., better, in the name. The name means here the personal name; but as including all that is involved in the name. See on Mat 28:19. Hence the salutation is not at the name of Jesus, as by bowing when the name is uttered, but, as Ellicott rightly says: " the spiritual sphere, the holy element as it were, in which every prayer is to be offered and every knee to bow." Compare Eph 5:20.

Vincent: Phi 2:10 - Things in heaven, etc Things in heaven, etc.
Compare Rev 5:13; Eph 1:20, Eph 1:22. The words may apply either to all intelligent beings or to all things. The latter is...
Things in heaven, etc.
Compare Rev 5:13; Eph 1:20, Eph 1:22. The words may apply either to all intelligent beings or to all things. The latter is in accord with Paul's treatment of the creation collectively in Rom 8:19-22, and with the Old-Testament passages, in which all nature is represented as praising God, as Psa 148:1-14; Psa 65:13.

Vincent: Phi 2:11 - Confess Confess ( ἐξομολογήσεται )
See on Mat 3:6; see on thank , Mat 11:25; see on Rom 14:11. The verb may also be rendered thank , ...

To the glory, etc.
Connect with confess .

Vincent: Phi 2:12 - Not as in my presence only Not as in my presence only
Connect with work out , not with obeyed . Do not work out your salvation as though impelled to action by my presen...
Not as in my presence only
Connect with work out , not with obeyed . Do not work out your salvation as though impelled to action by my presence merely.

Vincent: Phi 2:12 - Much more Much more
Than if I were present; for in my absence even greater zeal and care are necessary.
Much more
Than if I were present; for in my absence even greater zeal and care are necessary.

Vincent: Phi 2:12 - Work out your own salvation Work out your own salvation ( τὴν ἑαυτῶν σωτηρίαν κατεργάζασθε ).
Carry out " to the goal" (Bengel). Comp...
Work out your own salvation (
Carry out " to the goal" (Bengel). Complete. See on Rom 7:8. Your own salvation. There is a saving work which God only can do for you; but there is also a work which you must do for yourselves. The work of your salvation is not completed in God's work in you. God's work must be carried out by yourselves. " Whatever rest is provided by Christianity for the children of God, it is certainly never contemplated that it should supersede personal effort. And any rest which ministers to indifference is immoral and unreal - it makes parasites and not men. Just because God worketh in him, as the evidence and triumph of it, the true child of God works out his own salvation - works it out having really received it - not as a light thing, a superfluous labor, but with fear and trembling as a reasonable and indispensable service" (Drummond, " Natural Law in the Spiritual World," p. 335). Human agency is included in God's completed work. In the saving work of grace God imparts a new moral power to work. Compare Rom 6:8-13; 2Co 6:1. Believe as if you had no power. Work as if you had no God.

Vincent: Phi 2:12 - Fear and trembling Fear and trembling
Compare 2Co 7:15; Eph 6:5. Not slavish terror, but wholesome, serious caution. " This fear is self-distrust; it is tenderness ...
Fear and trembling
Compare 2Co 7:15; Eph 6:5. Not slavish terror, but wholesome, serious caution. " This fear is self-distrust; it is tenderness of conscience; it is vigilance against temptation; it is the fear which inspiration opposes to high-mindedness in the admonition 'be not highminded but fear.' It is taking heed lest we fall; it is a constant apprehension of the deceitfulness of the heart, and of the insidiousness and power of inward corruption. It is the caution and circumspection which timidly shrinks from whatever would offend and dishonor God and the Savior. And these the child of God will feel and exercise the more he rises above the enfeebling, disheartening, distressing influence of the fear which hath torment. Well might Solomon say of such fear, 'happy is the man that feareth alway'" (Wardlaw " On Proverbs," xxviii., 14). Compare 1Pe 1:17.

Vincent: Phi 2:13 - For it is God which worketh in you For it is God which worketh in you
Completing and guarding the previous statement. In you , not among you . Worketh (ἐνεργῶν )...
For it is God which worketh in you
Completing and guarding the previous statement. In you , not among you . Worketh (

Vincent: Phi 2:13 - To will and to do To will and to do ( τὸ θέλειν καὶ τὸ ἐνεργεῖν )
Lit., the willing and the doing . Both are from God, an...
To will and to do (
Lit., the willing and the doing . Both are from God, and are of one piece, so that he who wills inevitably does . The willing which is wrought by God, by its own nature and pressure, works out into action. " We will, but God works the will in us. We work, therefore, but God works the working in us" (Augustine). For to do , Rev. substitutes to work , thus preserving the harmony in the Greek between " God which worketh" and " to work."

Vincent: Phi 2:13 - Of His good pleasure Of His good pleasure ( ὑπὲρ τῆς εὐδοκίας )
Rev., better, for His, etc. Lit., for the sake of ; in order to subs...
Of His good pleasure (
Rev., better, for His, etc. Lit., for the sake of ; in order to subserve. See 1Ti 2:4.

Vincent: Phi 2:14 - Murmurings Murmurings ( γογγυσμῶν )
See on Jud 1:16; see on Joh 6:41. Compare 1Co 10:10.

Vincent: Phi 2:14 - Disputings Disputings ( διαλογισμῶν )
See on Mar 7:21. It is doubtful whether disputings is a legitimate meaning. The kindred verb διαλο...
Disputings (
See on Mar 7:21. It is doubtful whether disputings is a legitimate meaning. The kindred verb

Vincent: Phi 2:15 - May be - harmless May be - harmless ( γένησθε - ἀκέραιοι )
May be is rather may prove or show yourselves to be . Harmless , li...
May be - harmless (
May be is rather may prove or show yourselves to be . Harmless , lit., unmixed . See on Mat 10:16. Better, guileless . Blameless in the sight of others, guileless in your own hearts.

Vincent: Phi 2:15 - Sons of God Sons of God ( τέκνα )
Rev., better, children . See on Joh 1:12. Compare Deu 32:5.

Vincent: Phi 2:15 - Without rebuke Without rebuke ( ἄμωμα )
Rev., correctly, without blemish . See on Col 1:22. The word is epexegetical of the two preceding epithets, ...
Without rebuke (
Rev., correctly, without blemish . See on Col 1:22. The word is epexegetical of the two preceding epithets, unblemished in reputation and in reality.

Vincent: Phi 2:15 - Crooked and perverse Crooked and perverse ( σκολίας - διεστραμμένης )
Crooked , see on untoward , Act 2:40; see on froward , 1Pe 2:18. P...

Vincent: Phi 2:15 - Ye shine Ye shine ( φαίνεσθε )
Rev., more correctly, ye are seen . Compare Mat 24:27; Rev 18:23, A.V., where the same error occurs. Shine ...

Vincent: Phi 2:15 - Lights Lights ( φωστῆρες )
Only here and Rev 21:11, see note. Properly, luminaries . So Rev., in margin. Generally of the heavenly bodies. Se...

Vincent: Phi 2:15 - In the world In the world
Connect with ye are seen , not with luminaries . The world , not only material, but moral. For the moral sense of κόσ...
In the world
Connect with ye are seen , not with luminaries . The world , not only material, but moral. For the moral sense of

Vincent: Phi 2:16 - Holding forth Holding forth ( ἐπέχοντες )
The verb means literally to hold upon or apply . Hence to fix attention upon , as Luk 14:7; Ac...
Holding forth (
The verb means literally to hold upon or apply . Hence to fix attention upon , as Luk 14:7; Act 3:5; 1Ti 4:16. In Act 19:22, stayed: where the idea at bottom is the same - kept to . So in Sept., Job 27:8, of setting the heart on gain. Job 30:26, " fixed my mind on good." In Gen 8:10, of Noah waiting . In classical Greek, to hold out , present , as to offer wine to a guest or the breast to an infant. Also to stop , keep down , confine , cease . Here in the sense of presenting or offering , as A.V. and Rev. holding forth .

Vincent: Phi 2:16 - That I may rejoice That I may rejoice ( εἰς καύχημα ἐμοὶ )
Lit., for a cause of glorying unto me .
That I may rejoice (
Lit., for a cause of glorying unto me .

Vincent: Phi 2:16 - In the day of Christ In the day of Christ ( εἰς ἡμέραν Χριστοῦ )
Lit., against the day, as Phi 1:10. The phrase day of Christ is pecul...
In the day of Christ (
Lit., against the day, as Phi 1:10. The phrase day of Christ is peculiar to this epistle. The usual expression is day of the Lord .

Vincent: Phi 2:16 - Have not run Have not run ( οὐκ ἔδραμον )
Rev., better, did not run . Aorist tense. Ignatius writes to Polycarp to ordain some one " belo...
Have not run (
Rev., better, did not run . Aorist tense. Ignatius writes to Polycarp to ordain some one " beloved and unwearied, who may be styled God's courier " (

Vincent: Phi 2:17 - I am offered I am offered ( σπένδομαι )
Lit., I am poured out as a libation . The figure is that of a sacrifice, in which the Philippi...
I am offered (
Lit., I am poured out as a libation . The figure is that of a sacrifice, in which the Philippians are the priests, offering their faith to God, and Paul's life is the libation poured out at this offering. Compare 2Co 12:15; 2Ti 4:6. Ignatius: " Brethren, I am lavishly poured out in love for you" (Philadelphia, 5).

Vincent: Phi 2:17 - Upon the sacrifice, etc Upon the sacrifice, etc. ( ἐπί )
The image is probably drawn from heathen rather than from Jewish sacrifices, since Paul was writing to co...
Upon the sacrifice, etc. (
The image is probably drawn from heathen rather than from Jewish sacrifices, since Paul was writing to converted heathen. According to Josephus, the Jewish libation was poured round and not upon the altar; but the preposition

Vincent: Phi 2:17 - Sacrifice and service Sacrifice and service ( θυσίᾳ καὶ λειτουργίᾳ )
Sacrifice , as uniformly in the New Testament, the thing sacrifi...
Sacrifice and service (
Sacrifice , as uniformly in the New Testament, the thing sacrificed . Service , see on ministration , Luk 1:23, and see on ministered , Act 13:2. In the Old Testament, used habitually of the ministry of priests and Levites; also of Samuel's service to God; 1Sa 2:18; 1Sa 3:1. Of service to men, 1Ki 1:4, 1Ki 1:15. In the apostolic writings this and its kindred words are used of services to both God and man. See Rom 13:6; Rom 15:16; Luk 1:23; Rom 15:27; 2Co 9:12; Phi 2:25.

Of your faith
Offered by you as a sacrifice to God.

Vincent: Phi 2:17 - Rejoice with Rejoice with ( συγχαίρω )
There seems to be no sufficient reason for rendering congratulate .
Rejoice with (
There seems to be no sufficient reason for rendering congratulate .

Vincent: Phi 2:20 - Like minded Like minded ( ἰσόψυχον )
Only here in the New Testament. With Paul himself, not Timothy.
Like minded (
Only here in the New Testament. With Paul himself, not Timothy.

Who (
Double relative, classifying: such that he .

Vincent: Phi 2:20 - Naturally Naturally ( ψνησίως )
Rev., truly . The adverb only here in the New Testament. The kindred adjective γνήσιος true , own , oc...

Vincent: Phi 2:21 - All All ( οἰ πάντες )
The all; that is, one and all . The expression, however, must have limitations, since it cannot include thos...

Vincent: Phi 2:22 - In the Gospel In the Gospel ( εἰς τὸ εὐαγγέλιον )
In furtherance of, as Phi 1:5. So Rev.
In the Gospel (
In furtherance of, as Phi 1:5. So Rev.

Vincent: Phi 2:23 - I shall see I shall see ( ἀφίδω )
The compounded preposition ἀπό gives the sense of looking away from the present condition of affairs to ...
I shall see (
The compounded preposition

Vincent: Phi 2:25 - Epaphroditus Epaphroditus
Mentioned only in this epistle. See on Epaphras , Phm 1:23. The name is derived from Aphrodite (Venus), and means charming .
Mentioned only in this epistle. See on Epaphras , Phm 1:23. The name is derived from Aphrodite (Venus), and means charming .

Vincent: Phi 2:25 - Messenger Messenger ( ἀπόστολον )
The same word as apostle , one sent with a commission .
Messenger (
The same word as apostle , one sent with a commission .

Vincent: Phi 2:25 - He that ministered He that ministered ( λειτουργὸν )
Kindred with λειτουργία service , in Phi 2:17. Rev., minister .
He that ministered (
Kindred with

Vincent: Phi 2:26 - Was full of heaviness Was full of heaviness ( ἦν ἀδημονῶν )
Rev., was sore troubled . Used of Christ in Gethsemane, Mat 26:27.
Was full of heaviness (
Rev., was sore troubled . Used of Christ in Gethsemane, Mat 26:27.

Vincent: Phi 2:27 - Sorrow upon sorrow Sorrow upon sorrow ( λύπην ἐπὶ λύπην )
The accusative implies motion. Sorrow coming upon sorrow, as wave after wave.
Sorrow upon sorrow (
The accusative implies motion. Sorrow coming upon sorrow, as wave after wave.

Vincent: Phi 2:30 - The work of Christ The work of Christ
The text varies: some reading work of the Lord , and others the work absolutely. If the latter, the meaning is lab...
The work of Christ
The text varies: some reading work of the Lord , and others the work absolutely. If the latter, the meaning is labor for the Gospel ; compare Act 15:38. If the Lord or Christ , the reference may be to the special service of Epaphroditus in bringing the contribution of the Philippians.

Vincent: Phi 2:30 - Not regarding his life Not regarding his life ( παραβουλευσάμενος τῇ ψυχῇ )
The correct reading is παραβολευσάμενος ,...
Not regarding his life (
The correct reading is

Vincent: Phi 2:30 - Your lack of service Your lack of service ( τὸ ὑμῶν ὑστέρημα λειτουργίας )
An unfortunate rendering, since it might be taken to i...
Your lack of service (
An unfortunate rendering, since it might be taken to imply some neglect on the Philippians' part. Rev., that which was lacking in your service . The expression is complimentary and affectionate, to the effect that all that was wanting in the matter of their service was their ministration in person , which was supplied by Epaphroditus.
Wesley -> Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:4; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:11; Phi 2:11; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:14; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:18; Phi 2:19; Phi 2:20; Phi 2:21; Phi 2:21; Phi 2:21; Phi 2:22; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:27; Phi 2:28; Phi 2:30
In the grace of Christ.

Wesley: Phi 2:1 - If any fellowship of the Holy Ghost; if any bowels of mercies Resulting therefrom; any tender affection towards each other.
Resulting therefrom; any tender affection towards each other.

Seeing Christ is your common Head.

Wesley: Phi 2:2 - Being of one soul Animated with the same affections and tempers, as ye have all drank ill to one spirit.
Animated with the same affections and tempers, as ye have all drank ill to one spirit.

Tenderly rejoicing and grieving together.

Wesley: Phi 2:3 - Do nothing through contention Which is inconsistent with your thinking the same thing.
Which is inconsistent with your thinking the same thing.

Desire of praise, which is directly opposite to the love of God.

Wesley: Phi 2:3 - But esteem each the others better than themselves (For every one knows more evil of himself than he can of another:) Which is a glorious fruit of the Spirit, and an admirable help to your continuing "...
(For every one knows more evil of himself than he can of another:) Which is a glorious fruit of the Spirit, and an admirable help to your continuing "of one soul."

Only. If so, ye have not bowels of mercies.

The incommunicable nature.

Wesley: Phi 2:6 - Of God From eternity, as he was afterward in the form of man; real God, as real man.
From eternity, as he was afterward in the form of man; real God, as real man.

Wesley: Phi 2:6 - Counted it no act of robbery That is the precise meaning of the words, - no invasion of another's prerogative, but his own strict and unquestionable right.
That is the precise meaning of the words, - no invasion of another's prerogative, but his own strict and unquestionable right.

Wesley: Phi 2:6 - To be equal with God the word here translated equal, occurs in the adjective form five or six times in the New Testament, Mat 20:12; Luk 6:34; Joh 5:18; Act 11:17; Re 21:...
the word here translated equal, occurs in the adjective form five or six times in the New Testament, Mat 20:12; Luk 6:34; Joh 5:18; Act 11:17; Re 21:16. In all which places it expresses not a bare resemblance, but a real and proper equalitg. It here implies both the fulness and the supreme height of the Godhead; to which are opposed, he emptied and he humbled himself.

Wesley: Phi 2:7 - Yet He was so far from tenaciously insisting upon, that he willingly relinquished, his claim. He was content to forego the glories of the Creator, and to ...
He was so far from tenaciously insisting upon, that he willingly relinquished, his claim. He was content to forego the glories of the Creator, and to appear in the form of a creature; nay, to he made in the likeness of the fallen creatures; and not only to share the disgrace, but to suffer the punishment, due to the meanest and vilest among them all.

Wesley: Phi 2:7 - He emptied himself Of that divine fulness, which he received again at his exaltation. Though he remained full, Joh 1:14, yet he appeared as if he had been empty; for he ...
Of that divine fulness, which he received again at his exaltation. Though he remained full, Joh 1:14, yet he appeared as if he had been empty; for he veiled his fulness from the sight of men and angels. Yea, he not only veiled, but, in some sense, renounced, the glory which he had before the world began.

And by that very act emptying himself.

Wesley: Phi 2:7 - The form of a servant The form, the likeness, the fashion, though not exactly the same, are yet nearly related to each other. The form expresses something absolute; the lik...
The form, the likeness, the fashion, though not exactly the same, are yet nearly related to each other. The form expresses something absolute; the likeness refers to other things of the same kind; the fashion respects what appears to sight and sense.

Wesley: Phi 2:7 - Being made in the likeness of men A real man, like other men. Hereby he took the form of a servant.
A real man, like other men. Hereby he took the form of a servant.

Wesley: Phi 2:8 - And being found in fashion as a man A common man, without any peculiar excellence or comeliness.
A common man, without any peculiar excellence or comeliness.

Wesley: Phi 2:8 - Even unto death The greatest instance both of humiliation and obedience. Yea, the death of the cross - Inflicted on few but servants or slaves.
The greatest instance both of humiliation and obedience. Yea, the death of the cross - Inflicted on few but servants or slaves.

Because of his voluntary humiliation and obedience.

So recompensing his humiliation.

So recompensing his emptying himself.

Dignity and majesty superior to every creature.

Wesley: Phi 2:10 - That every knee That divine honour might be paid in every possible manner by every creature.
That divine honour might be paid in every possible manner by every creature.

Wesley: Phi 2:10 - Might bow Either with love or trembling. Of those in heaven, earth, under the earth - That is, through the whole universe.
Either with love or trembling. Of those in heaven, earth, under the earth - That is, through the whole universe.

Wesley: Phi 2:11 - Confess that Jesus Christ is Lord Jehovah; not now "in the form of a servant," but enthroned in the glory of God the Father.
Jehovah; not now "in the form of a servant," but enthroned in the glory of God the Father.

Wesley: Phi 2:12 - Wherefore Having proposed Christ's example, he exhorts them to secure the salvation which Christ has purchased.
Having proposed Christ's example, he exhorts them to secure the salvation which Christ has purchased.

When ye have not me to instruct, assist, and direct you.

Herein let every man aim at his own things.

With the utmost care and diligence.

God alone, who is with you, though I am not.

Wesley: Phi 2:13 - That worketh in you according to his good pleasure Not for any merit of yours. Yet his influences are not to supersede, but to encourage, our own efforts.
Not for any merit of yours. Yet his influences are not to supersede, but to encourage, our own efforts.

Wesley: Phi 2:13 - For it is God that worketh in you Here is our encouragement. And O, what a glorious encouragement, to have the arm of Omnipotence stretched out for our support and our succour!
Here is our encouragement. And O, what a glorious encouragement, to have the arm of Omnipotence stretched out for our support and our succour!

Wesley: Phi 2:14 - Do all things Not only without contention, Phi 2:3, but even without murmurings and disputings - Which are real, though smaller, hinderances of love.
Not only without contention, Phi 2:3, but even without murmurings and disputings - Which are real, though smaller, hinderances of love.

The God of love; acting up to your high character.

Wesley: Phi 2:15 - Unrebukable in the midst of a crooked Guileful, serpentine, and perverse generation - Such as the bulk of mankind always were.
Guileful, serpentine, and perverse generation - Such as the bulk of mankind always were.

By a corrupt nature, and yet more perverse by custom and practice.

Wesley: Phi 2:17 - -- Here he begins to treat of the latter clause of Phi 1:22. Yea, and if I be offered - Literally, If I be poured out.
Here he begins to treat of the latter clause of Phi 1:22. Yea, and if I be offered - Literally, If I be poured out.

Wesley: Phi 2:17 - Upon the sacrifice of your faith The Philippians, as the other converted heathens, were a sacrifice to God through St. Paul's ministry, Rom 15:16. And as in sacrificing, wine was pour...
The Philippians, as the other converted heathens, were a sacrifice to God through St. Paul's ministry, Rom 15:16. And as in sacrificing, wine was poured at the foot of the altar, so he was willing that his blood should be poured out. The expression well agrees with that kind of martyrdom by which he was afterwards offered up to God.

Upon my return, that ye stand steadfast.

Wesley: Phi 2:21 - Seek their own Ease, safety, pleasure, or profit. Amazing! In that golden age of the church, could St. Paul throughly approve of one only, among all the labourers th...

Wesley: Phi 2:21 - And how many do we think can now approve themselves to God? Not the things of Jesus Christ They who seek these alone, will sadly experience this. They will find few helpers likeminded with themselves, willing naked to follow a naked Master.
They who seek these alone, will sadly experience this. They will find few helpers likeminded with themselves, willing naked to follow a naked Master.

Wesley: Phi 2:22 - As a son with his father He uses an elegant peculiarity of phrase, speaking partly as of a son, partly as of a fellowlabourer.
He uses an elegant peculiarity of phrase, speaking partly as of a son, partly as of a fellowlabourer.

Wesley: Phi 2:25 - Your messenger The Philippians had sent him to St. Paul with their liberal contribution.
The Philippians had sent him to St. Paul with their liberal contribution.

Wesley: Phi 2:26 - He was full of heaviness Because he supposed you would be afflicted at hearing that he was sick.
Because he supposed you would be afflicted at hearing that he was sick.

When I know you are rejoicing.

To do what you could not do in person.
JFB -> Phi 2:2; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:4; Phi 2:5; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:11; Phi 2:11; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:14; Phi 2:14; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:18; Phi 2:19; Phi 2:19; Phi 2:19; Phi 2:19; Phi 2:20; Phi 2:20; Phi 2:21; Phi 2:21; Phi 2:22; Phi 2:22; Phi 2:22; Phi 2:22; Phi 2:23; Phi 2:24; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:27; Phi 2:27; Phi 2:29; Phi 2:29; Phi 2:30; Phi 2:30; Phi 2:30
JFB: Phi 2:2 - Fulfil That is, Make full. I have joy in you, complete it by that which is still wanting, namely, unity (Phi 1:9).
That is, Make full. I have joy in you, complete it by that which is still wanting, namely, unity (Phi 1:9).

JFB: Phi 2:2 - likeminded Literally, "that ye be of the same mind"; more general than the following "of one mind."
Literally, "that ye be of the same mind"; more general than the following "of one mind."

Equally disposed to love and be loved.

JFB: Phi 2:2 - being of one accord Literally, "with united souls." This pairs with the following clause, thus, "With united souls, being of one mind"; as the former two also pair togeth...
Literally, "with united souls." This pairs with the following clause, thus, "With united souls, being of one mind"; as the former two also pair together, "That ye be likeminded, having the same love."

JFB: Phi 2:3 - Let nothing be done The italicized words are not in the Greek. Perhaps the ellipsis had better be supplied from the Greek (Phi 2:2), "Thinking nothing in the way of strif...

JFB: Phi 2:3 - lowliness of mind The direct relation of this grace is to God alone; it is the sense of dependence of the creature on the Creator as such, and it places all created bei...
The direct relation of this grace is to God alone; it is the sense of dependence of the creature on the Creator as such, and it places all created beings in this respect on a level. The man "lowly of mind" as to his spiritual life is independent of men, and free from all slavish feeling, while sensible of his continual dependence on God. Still it INDIRECTLY affects his behavior toward his fellow men; for, conscious of his entire dependence on God for all his abilities, even as they are dependent on God for theirs, he will not pride himself on his abilities, or exalt self in his conduct toward others (Eph 4:2; Col 3:12) [NEANDER].

JFB: Phi 2:3 - let each esteem Translate as Greek, "esteeming each other superior to yourselves." Instead of fixing your eyes on those points in which you excel, fix them on those i...
Translate as Greek, "esteeming each other superior to yourselves." Instead of fixing your eyes on those points in which you excel, fix them on those in which your neighbor excels you: this is true "humility."

JFB: Phi 2:4 - -- The oldest manuscripts read, "Not looking each of you (plural, Greek) on his own things (that is, not having regard solely to them), but each of you o...

JFB: Phi 2:5 - -- The oldest manuscripts read, "Have this mind in you," &c. He does not put forward himself (see on Phi 2:4, and Phi 1:24) as an example, but Christ, TH...
The oldest manuscripts read, "Have this mind in you," &c. He does not put forward himself (see on Phi 2:4, and Phi 1:24) as an example, but Christ, THE ONE pre-eminently who sought not His own, but "humbled Himself" (Phi 2:8), first in taking on Him our nature, secondly, in humbling Himself further in that nature (Rom 15:3).

JFB: Phi 2:6 - -- Translate, "Who subsisting (or existing, namely, originally: the Greek is not the simple substantive verb, 'to be') in the form of God (the divine ess...
Translate, "Who subsisting (or existing, namely, originally: the Greek is not the simple substantive verb, 'to be') in the form of God (the divine essence is not meant: but the external self-manifesting characteristics of God, the form shining forth from His glorious essence). The divine nature had infinite BEAUTY in itself, even without any creature contemplating that beauty: that beauty was 'the form of God'; as 'the form of a servant' (Phi 2:7), which is in contrasted opposition to it, takes for granted the existence of His human nature, so 'the form of God' takes for granted His divine nature [BENGEL], Compare Joh 5:37; Joh 17:5; Col 1:15, 'Who is the IMAGE of the invisible God' at a time before 'every creature,' 2Co 4:4, esteemed (the same Greek verb as in Phi 2:3) His being on an equality with God no (act of) robbery" or self-arrogation; claiming to one's self what does not belong to him. ELLICOTT, WAHL, and others have translated, "A thing to be grasped at," which would require the Greek to be harpagma, whereas harpagmos means the act of seizing. So harpagmos means in the only other passage where it occurs, PLUTARCH [On the Education of Children, 120]. The same insuperable objection lies against ALFORD'S translation, "He regarded not as self-enrichment (that is, an opportunity for self-exaltation) His equality with God." His argument is that the antithesis (Phi 2:7) requires it, "He used His equality with God as an opportunity, not for self-exaltation, but for self-abasement, or emptying Himself." But the antithesis is not between His being on an equality with God, and His emptying Himself; for He never emptied Himself of the fulness of His Godhead, or His "BEING on an equality with God"; but between His being "in the FORM (that is, the outward glorious self-manifestation) of God," and His "taking on Him the form of a servant," whereby He in a great measure emptied Himself of His precedent "form," or outward self-manifesting glory as God. Not "looking on His own things" (Phi 2:4), He, though existing in the form of God, He esteemed it no robbery to be on an equality with God, yet made Himself of no reputation. "Being on an equality with God, is not identical with subsisting in the form of God"; the latter expresses the external characteristics, majesty, and beauty of the Deity, which "He emptied Himself of," to assume "the form of a servant"; the former, "HIS BEING," or NATURE, His already existing STATE OF EQUALITY with God, both the Father and the Son having the same ESSENCE. A glimpse of Him "in the form of God," previous to His incarnation, was given to Moses (Exo 24:10-11), Aaron, &c.

JFB: Phi 2:7 - made himself of no reputation, and . . . and Rather as the Greek, "emptied Himself, taking upon him the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men." The two latter clauses (there being ...
Rather as the Greek, "emptied Himself, taking upon him the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men." The two latter clauses (there being no conjunctions, "and . . . and," in the Greek) expresses in what Christ's "emptying of Himself" consists, namely, in "taking the form of a servant" (see on Heb 10:5; compare Exo 21:5-6, and Psa 40:6, proving that it was at the time when He assumed a body, He took "the form of a servant"), and in order to explain how He took "the form of a servant," there is added, by "being made in the likeness of men." His subjection to the law (Luk 2:21; Gal 4:4) and to His parents (Luk 2:51), His low state as a carpenter, and carpenter's reputed son (Mat 13:55; Mar 6:3), His betrayal for the price of a bond-servant (Exo 21:32), and slave-like death to relieve us from the slavery of sin and death, finally and chiefly, His servant-like dependence as man on God, while His divinity was not outwardly manifested (Isa 49:3, Isa 49:7), are all marks of His "form as a servant." This proves: (1) He was in the form of a servant as soon as He was made man. (2) He was "in the form of God" before He was "in the form of a servant." (3) He did as really subsist in the divine nature, as in the form of a servant, or in the nature of man. For He was as much "in the form of God" as "in the form of a servant"; and was so in the form of God as "to be on an equality with God"; He therefore could have been none other than God; for God saith, "To whom will ye liken Me and make Me equal?" (Isa 46:5), [BISHOP PEARSON]. His emptying Himself presupposes His previous plenitude of Godhead (Joh 1:14; Col 1:19; Col 2:9). He remained full of this; yet He bore Himself as if He were empty.

JFB: Phi 2:8 - being found in fashion as a man Being already, by His "emptying Himself," in the form of a servant, or likeness of man (Rom 8:3), "He humbled Himself (still further by) becoming obed...
Being already, by His "emptying Himself," in the form of a servant, or likeness of man (Rom 8:3), "He humbled Himself (still further by) becoming obedient even unto death (not as English Version, 'He humbled Himself and became,'&c.; the Greek has no 'and,' and has the participle, not the verb), and that the death of the cross." "Fashion" expresses that He had the outward guise, speech, and look. In Phi 2:7, in the Greek, the emphasis is on Himself (which stands before the Greek verb), "He emptied Himself," His divine self, viewed in respect to what He had heretofore been; in Phi 2:8 the emphasis is on "humbled" (which stands before the Greek "Himself"); He not only "emptied Himself" of His previous "form of God," but submitted to positive HUMILIATION. He "became obedient," namely, to God, as His "servant" (Rom 5:19; Heb 5:8). Therefore "God" is said to "exalt" Him (Phi 2:9), even as it was God to whom He became voluntarily "obedient." "Even unto death" expresses the climax of His obedience (Joh 10:18).

JFB: Phi 2:9 - Wherefore As the just consequence of His self-humiliation and obedience (Psa 8:5-6; Psa 110:1, Psa 110:7; Mat 28:18; Luk 24:26; Joh 5:27; Joh 10:17; Rom 14:9; E...
As the just consequence of His self-humiliation and obedience (Psa 8:5-6; Psa 110:1, Psa 110:7; Mat 28:18; Luk 24:26; Joh 5:27; Joh 10:17; Rom 14:9; Eph 1:20-22; Heb 2:9). An intimation, that if we would hereafter be exalted, we too must, after His example, now humble ourselves (Phi 2:3, Phi 2:5; Phi 3:21; 1Pe 5:5-6). Christ emptied Christ; God exalted Christ as man to equality with God [BENGEL].

Along with the corresponding reality, glory and majesty.

JFB: Phi 2:9 - which Translate, namely, "that which is above every name." The name "JESUS" (Phi 2:10), which is even now in glory His name of honor (Act 9:5). "Above" not ...

JFB: Phi 2:10 - bow Rather, "bend," in token of worship. Referring to Isa 45:23; quoted also in Rom 14:11. To worship "in the name of Jesus," is to worship Jesus Himself ...
Rather, "bend," in token of worship. Referring to Isa 45:23; quoted also in Rom 14:11. To worship "in the name of Jesus," is to worship Jesus Himself (compare Phi 2:11; Pro 18:10), or God in Christ (Joh 16:23; Eph 3:14). Compare "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (that is, whosoever shall call on the Lord in His revealed character) shall be saved" (Rom 10:13; 1Co 1:2); "all that call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord" (compare 2Ti 2:22); "call on the Lord"; Act 7:59, "calling upon . . . and saying, Lord Jesus" (Act 9:14, Act 9:21; Act 22:16).

JFB: Phi 2:10 - of things in heaven Angels. They worship Him not only as God, but as the ascended God-man, "Jesus" (Eph 1:21; Heb 1:6; 1Pe 3:22).

Men; among whom He tabernacled for a time.

JFB: Phi 2:10 - under the earth The dead; among whom He was numbered once (Rom 14:9, Rom 14:11; Eph 4:9-10; Rev 5:13). The demons and the lost may be included indirectly, as even the...

JFB: Phi 2:11 - every tongue Compare "every knee" (Phi 2:10). In every way He shall be acknowledged as Lord (no longer as "servant," Phi 2:7). As none can fully do so "but by the ...

JFB: Phi 2:11 - to the glory of God the Father The grand end of Christ's mediatorial office and kingdom, which shall cease when this end shall have been fully realized (Joh 5:19-23, Joh 5:30; Joh 1...
The grand end of Christ's mediatorial office and kingdom, which shall cease when this end shall have been fully realized (Joh 5:19-23, Joh 5:30; Joh 17:1, Joh 17:4-7; 1Co 15:24-28).

JFB: Phi 2:12 - Wherefore Seeing that we have in Christ such a specimen of glory resulting from "obedience" (Phi 2:8) and humiliation, see that ye also be "obedient," and so "y...
Seeing that we have in Christ such a specimen of glory resulting from "obedience" (Phi 2:8) and humiliation, see that ye also be "obedient," and so "your salvation" shall follow your obedience.

JFB: Phi 2:12 - as ye have . . . obeyed "even as ye have been obedient," namely, to God, as Jesus was "obedient" unto God (see on Phi 2:8).
"even as ye have been obedient," namely, to God, as Jesus was "obedient" unto God (see on Phi 2:8).

JFB: Phi 2:12 - not as, &c. "not as if" it were a matter to be done "in my presence only, but now (as things are) much more (with more earnestness) in my absence (because my help...
"not as if" it were a matter to be done "in my presence only, but now (as things are) much more (with more earnestness) in my absence (because my help is withdrawn from you)" [ALFORD].

JFB: Phi 2:12 - work out Carry out to its full perfection. "Salvation" is "worked in" (Phi 2:13; Eph 1:11) believers by the Spirit, who enables them through faith to be justif...
Carry out to its full perfection. "Salvation" is "worked in" (Phi 2:13; Eph 1:11) believers by the Spirit, who enables them through faith to be justified once for all; but it needs, as a progressive work, to be "worked out" by obedience, through the help of the same Spirit, unto perfection (2Pe 1:5-8). The sound Christian neither, like the formalist, rests in the means, without looking to the end, and to the Holy Spirit who alone can make the means effectual; nor, like the fanatic, hopes to attain the end without the means.

JFB: Phi 2:12 - your own The emphasis is on this. Now that I am not present to further the work of your salvation, "work out your own salvation" yourselves the more carefully....
The emphasis is on this. Now that I am not present to further the work of your salvation, "work out your own salvation" yourselves the more carefully. Do not think this work cannot go on because I am absent; "for (Phi 2:13) it is God that worketh in you," &c. In this case adopt a rule different from the former (Phi 2:4), but resting on the same principle of "lowliness of mind" (Phi 2:3), namely, "look each on his own things," instead of "disputings" with others (Phi 2:14).

JFB: Phi 2:12 - salvation Which is in "Jesus" (Phi 2:10), as His name (meaning God-Saviour) implies.
Which is in "Jesus" (Phi 2:10), as His name (meaning God-Saviour) implies.

JFB: Phi 2:12 - with fear and trembling The very feeling enjoined on "servants," as to what ought to accompany their "obedience" (Eph 6:5). So here: See that, as "servants" to God, after the...
The very feeling enjoined on "servants," as to what ought to accompany their "obedience" (Eph 6:5). So here: See that, as "servants" to God, after the example of Christ, ye be so "with the fear and trembling" which becomes servants; not slavish fear, but trembling anxiety not to fall short of the goal (1Co 9:26-27; Heb 4:1, "Let us fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into His rest, any should come short of it"), resulting from a sense of our human insufficiency, and from the consciousness that all depends on the power of God, "who worketh both to will and to do" (Rom 11:20). "Paul, though joyous, writes seriously" [J. J. WOLF].

JFB: Phi 2:13 - For Encouragement to work: "For it is God who worketh in you," always present with you, though I be absent. It is not said, "Work out your own salvation, ...
Encouragement to work: "For it is God who worketh in you," always present with you, though I be absent. It is not said, "Work out your own salvation, though it is God," &c., but, "because it is God who," &c. The will, and the power to work, being first instalments of His grace, encourage us to make full proof of, and carry out to the end, the "salvation" which He has first "worked," and is still "working in" us, enabling us to "work it out." "Our will does nothing thereunto without grace; but grace is inactive without our will" [ST. BERNARD]. Man is, in different senses, entirely active, and entirely passive: God producing all, and we acting all. What He produced is our own acts. It is not that God does some, and we the rest. God does all, and we do all. God is the only proper author, we the only proper actors. Thus the same things in Scripture are represented as from God, and from us. God makes a new heart, and we are commanded to make us a new heart; not merely because we must use the means in order to the effect, but the effect itself is our act and our duty (Eze 11:19; Eze 18:31; Eze 36:26) [EDWARDS].

JFB: Phi 2:13 - worketh Rather as Greek, "worketh effectually." We cannot of ourselves embrace the Gospel of grace: "the will" (Psa 110:3; 2Co 3:5) comes solely of God's gift...
Rather as Greek, "worketh effectually." We cannot of ourselves embrace the Gospel of grace: "the will" (Psa 110:3; 2Co 3:5) comes solely of God's gift to whom He will (Joh 6:44, Joh 6:65); so also the power "to do" (rather, "to work effectually," as the Greek is the same as that for "worketh in"), that is, effectual perseverance to the end, is wholly of God's gift (Phi 1:6; Heb 13:21).

JFB: Phi 2:13 - of his good pleasure Rather as Greek, "FOR His good pleasure"; in order to carry out His sovereign gracious purpose towards you (Eph 1:5, Eph 1:9).

JFB: Phi 2:14 - murmurings Secret murmurings and complaints against your fellow men arising from selfishness: opposed to the example of Jesus just mentioned (compare the use of ...
Secret murmurings and complaints against your fellow men arising from selfishness: opposed to the example of Jesus just mentioned (compare the use of the word, Joh 7:12-13; Act 6:1; 1Pe 4:9; Jud 1:16).

JFB: Phi 2:14 - disputings The Greek is translated "doubting" in 1Ti 2:8. But here referring to profitless "disputings" with our fellow men, in relation to whom we are called on...
The Greek is translated "doubting" in 1Ti 2:8. But here referring to profitless "disputings" with our fellow men, in relation to whom we are called on to be "blameless and harmless" (Phi 2:15): so the Greek is translated, Mar 9:33-34. These disputings flow from "vain glory" reprobated (Phi 2:3); and abounded among the Aristotelian philosophers in Macedon, where Philippi was.

JFB: Phi 2:15 - blameless and harmless Without either the repute of mischief, or the inclination to do it [ALFORD].
Without either the repute of mischief, or the inclination to do it [ALFORD].

JFB: Phi 2:15 - sons Rather as Greek, "the children of God" (Rom 8:14-16). Imitation of our heavenly Father is the instinctive guide to our duty as His children, more than...
Rather as Greek, "the children of God" (Rom 8:14-16). Imitation of our heavenly Father is the instinctive guide to our duty as His children, more than any external law (Mat 5:44-45, Mat 5:48).

JFB: Phi 2:15 - without rebuke "without (giving handle for) reproach." The whole verse tacitly refers by contrast to Deu 32:5, "Their spot . . . not . . . of His children . . . a pe...

JFB: Phi 2:15 - ye shine Literally, "appear" [TRENCH]. "Show yourselves" (compare Mat 5:14-16; Eph 5:8-13).
Literally, "appear" [TRENCH]. "Show yourselves" (compare Mat 5:14-16; Eph 5:8-13).

JFB: Phi 2:15 - as lights in the world The Greek expresses "as luminaries in the world," as the sun and moon, "the lights," or "great lights," in the material world or in the firmament. The...

JFB: Phi 2:16 - Holding forth To them, and so applying it (the common meaning of the Greek; perhaps here including also the other meaning, "holding fast"). The image of light-beare...
To them, and so applying it (the common meaning of the Greek; perhaps here including also the other meaning, "holding fast"). The image of light-bearers or luminaries is carried on from Phi 2:15. As the heavenly luminaries' light is closely connected with the life of animals, so ye hold forth the light of Christ's "word" (received from me) which is the "life" of the Gentiles (Joh 1:4; 1Jo 1:1, 1Jo 1:5-7). Christ is "the Light of the world" (Joh 8:12); believers are only "light-bearers" reflecting His light.

JFB: Phi 2:16 - that I may rejoice in Literally, "with a view to (your being) a subject of rejoicing to me against the day of Christ" (Phi 4:1; 2Co 1:14; 1Th 2:19).

JFB: Phi 2:16 - that I have not run in vain That it was not in vain that I labored for your spiritual good.
That it was not in vain that I labored for your spiritual good.

JFB: Phi 2:17 - Yea, and if Rather as Greek, "Yea, if even"; implying that he regarded the contingency as not unlikely: He had assumed the possibility of his being found alive at...
Rather as Greek, "Yea, if even"; implying that he regarded the contingency as not unlikely: He had assumed the possibility of his being found alive at Christ's coming (for in every age Christ designed Christians to stand in preparedness for His coming as at hand): he here puts a supposition which he regards as more likely, namely, his own death before Christ's coming.

JFB: Phi 2:17 - I be offered Rather as Greek, "I am poured out." "I am made a libation." Present, not future, as the danger is threatening him now. As in sacrifices libations of w...
Rather as Greek, "I am poured out." "I am made a libation." Present, not future, as the danger is threatening him now. As in sacrifices libations of wine were "poured upon" the offerings, so he represents his Philippian converts, offered through faith (or else their faith itself), as the sacrifice, and his blood as the libation "poured upon" it (compare Rom 15:16; 2Ti 4:6).

Greek, "priest's ministration"; carrying out the image of a sacrifice.

JFB: Phi 2:17 - I joy For myself (Phi 1:21, Phi 1:23). His expectation of release from prison is much fainter, than in the Epistles to Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon, ...

JFB: Phi 2:17 - rejoice with you all ALFORD translates, "I congratulate you all," namely on the honor occurring to you by my blood being poured out on the sacrifice of your faith. If they...
ALFORD translates, "I congratulate you all," namely on the honor occurring to you by my blood being poured out on the sacrifice of your faith. If they rejoiced already (as English Version represents), what need of his urging them, "Do ye also joy."

JFB: Phi 2:18 - -- "Do ye also rejoice" at this honor to you, "and congratulate me" on my blessed "gain" (Phi 1:21).
"Do ye also rejoice" at this honor to you, "and congratulate me" on my blessed "gain" (Phi 1:21).

JFB: Phi 2:19 - -- Phi 2:22, "ye know the proof of him . . . that . . . he hath served with me," implies that Timothy had been long with Paul at Philippi; Accordingly, i...
Phi 2:22, "ye know the proof of him . . . that . . . he hath served with me," implies that Timothy had been long with Paul at Philippi; Accordingly, in the history (Act 16:1-4; Act 17:10, Act 17:14), we find them setting out together from Derbe in Lycaonia, and together again at Berea in Macedonia, near the conclusion of Paul's missionary journey: an undesigned coincidence between the Epistle and history, a mark of genuineness [PALEY]. From Phi 2:19-30, it appears Epaphroditus was to set out at once to allay the anxiety of the Philippians on his account, and at the same time bearing the Epistle; Timothy was to follow after the apostle's liberation was decided, when they could arrange their plans more definitely as to where Timothy should, on his return with tidings from Philippi, meet Paul, who was designing by a wider circuit, and slower progress, to reach that city. Paul's reason for sending Timothy so soon after having heard of the Philippians from Epaphroditus was that they were now suffering persecutions (Phi 1:28-30); and besides, Epaphroditus' delay through sickness on his journey to Rome from Philippi, made the tidings he brought to be of less recent date than Paul desired. Paul himself also hoped to visit them shortly.

JFB: Phi 2:19 - But I trust Yet my death is by no means certain; yea, "I hope (Greek) in the Lord (that is, by the Lord's help)"
Yet my death is by no means certain; yea, "I hope (Greek) in the Lord (that is, by the Lord's help)"

JFB: Phi 2:19 - unto you Literally, "for you," that is, to your satisfaction, not merely motion, to you.
Literally, "for you," that is, to your satisfaction, not merely motion, to you.

JFB: Phi 2:19 - I also That not only you "may be of good courage" (so Greek) on hearing of me (Phi 2:23), but "I also, when I know your state."
That not only you "may be of good courage" (so Greek) on hearing of me (Phi 2:23), but "I also, when I know your state."

JFB: Phi 2:20 - -- His reason for sending Timothy above all others: I have none so "like-minded," literally, "like-souled," with myself as is Timothy. Compare Deu 13:6, ...

JFB: Phi 2:20 - naturally Greek, "genuinely"; "with sincere solicitude." A case wherein the Spirit of God so changed man's nature, that to be natural was with him to be spiritu...
Greek, "genuinely"; "with sincere solicitude." A case wherein the Spirit of God so changed man's nature, that to be natural was with him to be spiritual: the great point to be aimed at.

JFB: Phi 2:21 - -- Translate as Greek, "They all" (namely, who are now with me, Phi 1:14, Phi 1:17; Phi 4:21 : such Demas, then with him, proved to be, Col 4:14; compare...

JFB: Phi 2:21 - seek their own Opposed to Paul's precept (Phi 2:4; 1Co 10:24, 1Co 10:33; 1Co 13:5). This is spoken, by comparison with Timothy; for Phi 1:16-17 implies that some of ...
Opposed to Paul's precept (Phi 2:4; 1Co 10:24, 1Co 10:33; 1Co 13:5). This is spoken, by comparison with Timothy; for Phi 1:16-17 implies that some of those with Paul at Rome were genuine Christians, though not so self-sacrificing as Timothy. Few come to the help of the Lord's cause, where ease, fame, and gain have to be sacrificed. Most help only when Christ's gain is compatible with their own (Jdg 5:17, Jdg 5:23).

Translate, "as a child (serveth) a father."

JFB: Phi 2:22 - served with me When we might expect the sentence to run thus. "As a child serveth a father, so he served me"; he changes it to "served with me" in modesty; as Christ...
When we might expect the sentence to run thus. "As a child serveth a father, so he served me"; he changes it to "served with me" in modesty; as Christians are not servants TO one another," but servants of God WITH one another (compare Phi 3:17).

Greek, "unto," or "for the Gospel."

That is, so soon as I shall have known for certain.

JFB: Phi 2:25 - to send It was properly a sending Epaphroditus back (Phi 4:18). But as he had come intending to stay some time with Paul, the latter uses the word "send" (com...

JFB: Phi 2:25 - your messenger Literally, "apostle." The "apostles" or "messengers of the churches" (Rom 16:7; 2Co 8:23), were distinct from the "apostles" specially commissioned by...

JFB: Phi 2:25 - ministered to my wants By conveying the contributions from Philippi. The Greek "leitourgon," literally, implies ministering in the ministerial office. Probably Epaphroditus ...
By conveying the contributions from Philippi. The Greek "leitourgon," literally, implies ministering in the ministerial office. Probably Epaphroditus was a presbyter or else a deacon.

JFB: Phi 2:26 - For Reason for thinking it "necessary to send" "Epaphroditus. Translate as Greek, "Inasmuch as he was longing after you all."
Reason for thinking it "necessary to send" "Epaphroditus. Translate as Greek, "Inasmuch as he was longing after you all."

JFB: Phi 2:26 - full of heaviness The Greek expresses the being worn out and overpowered with heavy grief.
The Greek expresses the being worn out and overpowered with heavy grief.

JFB: Phi 2:26 - because that ye had heard that he had been sick Rather, "that he was sick." He felt how exceedingly saddened you would be in hearing it; and he now is hastening to relieve your minds of the anxiety.
Rather, "that he was sick." He felt how exceedingly saddened you would be in hearing it; and he now is hastening to relieve your minds of the anxiety.

JFB: Phi 2:27 - -- Epaphroditus' sickness proves that the apostles had not ordinarily the permanent gift of miracles, any more than of inspiration: both were vouchsafed ...
Epaphroditus' sickness proves that the apostles had not ordinarily the permanent gift of miracles, any more than of inspiration: both were vouchsafed to them only for each particular occasion, as the Spirit thought fit.

JFB: Phi 2:27 - lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow Namely, the sorrow of losing him by death, in addition to the sorrow of my imprisonment. Here only occurs anything of a sorrowful tone in this Epistle...
Namely, the sorrow of losing him by death, in addition to the sorrow of my imprisonment. Here only occurs anything of a sorrowful tone in this Epistle, which generally is most joyous.

JFB: Phi 2:29 - Receive him There seems to be something behind respecting him. If extreme affection had been the sole ground of his "heaviness," no such exhortation would have be...
There seems to be something behind respecting him. If extreme affection had been the sole ground of his "heaviness," no such exhortation would have been needed [ALFORD].

JFB: Phi 2:30 - for the work of Christ Namely, the bringing of a supply to me, the minister of Christ. He was probably in a delicate state of health in setting out from Philippi; but at all...
Namely, the bringing of a supply to me, the minister of Christ. He was probably in a delicate state of health in setting out from Philippi; but at all hazards he undertook this service of Christian love, which cost him a serious sickness.

Most of the oldest manuscripts read, "hazarding," &c.

JFB: Phi 2:30 - to supply your lack of service Not that Paul would imply, they lacked the will: what they "lacked" was the "opportunity" by which to send their accustomed bounty (Phi 4:10). "That w...
Not that Paul would imply, they lacked the will: what they "lacked" was the "opportunity" by which to send their accustomed bounty (Phi 4:10). "That which ye would have done if you could (but which you could not through absence), he did for you; therefore receive him with all joy" [ALFORD].
Clarke -> Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:4; Phi 2:5; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:11; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:14; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:18; Phi 2:19; Phi 2:19; Phi 2:20; Phi 2:21; Phi 2:22; Phi 2:23; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:27; Phi 2:28; Phi 2:29; Phi 2:30; Phi 2:30; Phi 2:30
Clarke: Phi 2:1 - If there be therefore any consolation If there be therefore any consolation - The ει, if, does not express any doubt here, but on the contrary is to be considered as a strong affirmat...
If there be therefore any consolation - The
The word

Clarke: Phi 2:1 - If any comfort of love If any comfort of love - If the followers of Christ, by giving proofs of their ardent love to each other in cases of distress, alleviate the sufferi...
If any comfort of love - If the followers of Christ, by giving proofs of their ardent love to each other in cases of distress, alleviate the sufferings of the persecuted

Clarke: Phi 2:1 - If any fellowship of the Spirit If any fellowship of the Spirit - If there be an intimate relation established among all Christians, by their being made mutual partakers of the hol...
If any fellowship of the Spirit - If there be an intimate relation established among all Christians, by their being made mutual partakers of the holy Ghost

Clarke: Phi 2:1 - If any bowels and mercies If any bowels and mercies - If you, as persons whom I have brought to God at the hazard of my life, feel sympathetic tenderness for me now, in a far...
If any bowels and mercies - If you, as persons whom I have brought to God at the hazard of my life, feel sympathetic tenderness for me now, in a farther state of suffering;

Clarke: Phi 2:2 - Fulfil ye my joy Fulfil ye my joy - Ye ought to complete my joy, who have suffered so much to bring you into the possession of these blessings, by being like-minded ...
Fulfil ye my joy - Ye ought to complete my joy, who have suffered so much to bring you into the possession of these blessings, by being like-minded with myself, having the same love to God, his cause, and me, as I have to him, his cause, and you

Clarke: Phi 2:2 - Being of one accord Being of one accord - Being perfectly agreed in labouring to promote the honor of your Master; and of one mind, being constantly intent upon this gr...
Being of one accord - Being perfectly agreed in labouring to promote the honor of your Master; and of one mind, being constantly intent upon this great subject; keeping your eye fixed upon it in all you say, do, or intend.

Clarke: Phi 2:3 - Let nothing be done through strife Let nothing be done through strife - Never be opposed to each other; never act from separate interests; ye are all brethren, and of one body; theref...
Let nothing be done through strife - Never be opposed to each other; never act from separate interests; ye are all brethren, and of one body; therefore let every member feel and labor for the welfare of the whole. And, in the exercise of your different functions, and in the use of your various gifts, do nothing so as to promote your own reputation, separately considered from the comfort, honor, and advantage of all

Clarke: Phi 2:3 - But in lowliness of mind But in lowliness of mind - Have always an humbling view of yourselves, and this will lead you to prefer others to yourselves; for, as you know your ...
But in lowliness of mind - Have always an humbling view of yourselves, and this will lead you to prefer others to yourselves; for, as you know your own secret defects, charity will lead you to suppose that your brethren are more holy, and more devoted to God than you are; and they will think the same of you, their secret defects also being known only to themselves.

Clarke: Phi 2:4 - Look not every man on his own things Look not every man on his own things - Do nothing through self-interest in the things of God; nor arrogate to yourselves gifts, graces, and fruits, ...
Look not every man on his own things - Do nothing through self-interest in the things of God; nor arrogate to yourselves gifts, graces, and fruits, which belong to others; ye are all called to promote God’ s glory and the salvation of men. Labor for this, and every one shall receive the honor that comes from God; and let each rejoice to see another, whom God may be pleased to use in a special way, acquiring much reputation by the successful application of his talents to the great work.

Clarke: Phi 2:5 - Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus - Christ labored to promote no separate interest; as man he studied to promote the glory of ...
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus - Christ labored to promote no separate interest; as man he studied to promote the glory of God, and the welfare and salvation of the human race. See then that ye have the same disposition that was in Jesus: he was ever humble, loving, patient, and laborious; his meat and drink was to do the will of his Father, and to finish his work.

Clarke: Phi 2:6 - Who, being in the form of God Who, being in the form of God - This verse has been the subject of much criticism, and some controversy. Dr. Whitby has, perhaps, on the whole, spok...
Who, being in the form of God - This verse has been the subject of much criticism, and some controversy. Dr. Whitby has, perhaps, on the whole, spoken best on this point; but his arguments are too diffuse to be admitted here. Dr. Macknight has abridged the words of Dr. Whitby, and properly observes that, "As the apostle is speaking of what Christ was before he took the form of a servant, the form of God, of which he divested himself when he became man, cannot be any thing which he possessed during his incarnation or in his divested state; consequently neither the opinion of Erasmus, that the form of God consisted in those sparks of divinity by which Christ, during his incarnation, manifested his Godhead, nor the opinion of the Socinians, that it consisted in the power of working miracles, is well founded; for Christ did not divest himself either of one or the other, but possessed both all the time of his public ministry. In like manner, the opinion of those who, by the form of God understand the Divine nature and the government of the world, cannot be admitted; since Christ, when he became man, could not divest himself of the nature of God; and with respect to the government of the world, we are led, by what the apostle tells, Heb 1:3, to believe that he did not part with even that; but, in his divested state, still continued to uphold all things by the word of his power. By the form of God we are rather to understand that visible, glorious light in which the Deity is said to dwell, 1Ti 6:16, and by which he manifested himself to the patriarchs of old, Deu 5:22, Deu 5:24; which was commonly accompanied with a numerous retinue of angels, Psa 68:17, and which in Scripture is called The Similitude, Num 12:8; The Face, Psa 31:16 : The Presence, Exo 33:15; and The Shape of God, Joh 5:37. This interpretation is supported by the term

Clarke: Phi 2:6 - Thought it not robbery to be equal with God Thought it not robbery to be equal with God - If we take these words as they stand here, their meaning is, that, as he was from the beginning in the...
Thought it not robbery to be equal with God - If we take these words as they stand here, their meaning is, that, as he was from the beginning in the same infinite glory with the Father, to appear in time - during his humiliation, as God and equal with the Father, was no encroachment on the Divine prerogative; for, as he had an equality of nature, he had an equality of rights
But the word

Clarke: Phi 2:7 - But made himself of no reputation But made himself of no reputation - Ἑαυτον εκενωσε· He emptied himself - did not appear in his glory, for he assumed the form of a...
But made himself of no reputation -

Clarke: Phi 2:8 - And being found in fashion as a man And being found in fashion as a man - Και σχηματι εὑρεθεις ὡς ανθρωπος . This clause should be joined to the preced...
And being found in fashion as a man -

Clarke: Phi 2:8 - He humbled himself He humbled himself - Laid himself as low as possible
1. In emptying himself - laying aside the effulgence of his glory
2. &nb...
He humbled himself - Laid himself as low as possible
1. In emptying himself - laying aside the effulgence of his glory
2. In being incarnate - taking upon him the human form
3. In becoming a servant - assuming the lowest innocent character, that of being the servant of all
4. In condescending to die, to which he was not naturally liable, as having never sinned, and therefore had a right in his human nature to immortality, without passing under the empire of death
5. In condescending, not only to death, but to the lowest and most ignominious kind of death, the death of the cross; the punishment of the meanest of slaves and worst of felons
What must sin have been in the sight of God, when it required such abasement in Jesus Christ to make an atonement for it, and undo its influence and malignity!

Clarke: Phi 2:9 - Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him - If by his humiliation he has merited pardon and final salvation for the whole world, is it to be wonder...
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him - If by his humiliation he has merited pardon and final salvation for the whole world, is it to be wondered that the human body, in which this fullness of the Godhead dwelt, and in which the punishment due to our sins was borne upon the tree, should be exalted above all human and all created beings? And this is the fact; for he hath given him a name,

Clarke: Phi 2:10 - That at the name of Jesus every knee should how That at the name of Jesus every knee should how - That all human beings should consider themselves redeemed unto God by his blood, and look for an a...
That at the name of Jesus every knee should how - That all human beings should consider themselves redeemed unto God by his blood, and look for an application of this redemption price; and that all who are saved from their sin should acknowledge him the author of their salvation. In a word, that

Clarke: Phi 2:11 - And that every tongue should confess And that every tongue should confess - That all those before mentioned should acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, or absolute governor, and thus ...
And that every tongue should confess - That all those before mentioned should acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, or absolute governor, and thus glorify God the Father, who has exalted this human nature to this state of ineffable glory, in virtue of its passion, death, resurrection, and the atonement which it has made, by which so many attributes of the Divine nature have become illustrated, the Divine law magnified and made honorable, and an eternal glory provided for man
Others by things in heaven understand the holy angels; by things on earth, human beings generally; and by things under the earth, fallen spirits of every description. Perhaps the three expressions are designed to comprehend all beings of all kinds, all creatures; as it is usual with the Hebrews, and indeed with all ancient nations, to express, by things in heaven, things on earth, and things under the earth, all beings of all kinds; universal nature. See similar forms of speech, Exo 20:4; Deu 4:17, Deu 4:18; Psa 96:11; and Eze 38:20. But intelligent beings seem to be those which are chiefly intended by the words of the apostle; for it appears that nothing less than absolute rule over angels, men, and devils, can be designed in these extraordinary words, and by confessing him to be Lord we may understand that worship which all intelligent creatures are called to pay to God manifested in the flesh; for all should honor the Son even as they honor the Father. And the worship thus offered is to the glory of God; so that far from being idolatrous, as some have rashly asserted, it is to the honor of the Divine Being. We may add, that the tongue which does not confess thus, is a tongue that dishonors the Almighty.

Clarke: Phi 2:12 - As ye have always obeyed As ye have always obeyed - Continue to act on the same principles and from the same motives; having the same disposition which was in Christ; labori...
As ye have always obeyed - Continue to act on the same principles and from the same motives; having the same disposition which was in Christ; laboring so as to promote his glory

Clarke: Phi 2:12 - Work out your own salvation Work out your own salvation - Go on, walking by the same rule, and minding the same thing, till your salvation be completed: till, filled with love ...
Work out your own salvation - Go on, walking by the same rule, and minding the same thing, till your salvation be completed: till, filled with love to God and man, ye walk unblamably in all his testimonies, having your fruit unto holiness, and your end everlasting life

Clarke: Phi 2:12 - With fear and trembling With fear and trembling - Considering the difficulty of the work, and the danger of miscarriage. If you do not watch, pray and continually depend on...
With fear and trembling - Considering the difficulty of the work, and the danger of miscarriage. If you do not watch, pray and continually depend on God, your enemies will surprise you, and your light and life will become extinct; and then consider what an awful account you must give to Him whose Spirit ye have grieved, and of whose glory ye have come short.

Clarke: Phi 2:13 - For it is God which worketh in you For it is God which worketh in you - Every holy purpose, pious resolution, good word, and good work, must come from him; ye must be workers together...
For it is God which worketh in you - Every holy purpose, pious resolution, good word, and good work, must come from him; ye must be workers together with him, that ye receive not his grace in vain; because he worketh in you, therefore work with him, and work out your own salvation

Clarke: Phi 2:13 - To will and to do To will and to do - Το θελειν και το ενεργειν . The power to will and the power to act must necessarily come from God, who is ...
To will and to do -
Because God works in them the power to will and the power to do, therefore the apostle exhorts them to work out their own salvation; most manifestly showing that the use of the powers of volition and action belongs to themselves. They cannot do God’ s work, they cannot produce in themselves a power to will and to do; and God will not do their work, he will not work out their salvation with fear and trembling
Though men have grievously puzzled themselves with questions relative to the will and power of the human being; yet no case can be plainer than that which the apostle lays down here: the power to will and do comes from God; the use of that power belongs to man. He that has not got this power can neither will nor work; he that has this power can do both. But it does not necessarily follow that he who has these powers will use them; the possession of the powers does not necessarily imply the use of those powers, because a man might have them, and not use or abuse them; therefore the apostle exhorts: Work out your own salvation
This is a general exhortation; it may be applied to all men, for to all it is applicable, there not being a rational being on the face of the earth, who has not from God both power to will and act in the things which concern his salvation. Hence the accountableness of man

Clarke: Phi 2:13 - Of his good pleasure Of his good pleasure - Every good is freely given of God; no man deserves any thing from him; and as it pleaseth him, so he deals out to men those m...
Of his good pleasure - Every good is freely given of God; no man deserves any thing from him; and as it pleaseth him, so he deals out to men those measures of mental and corporeal energy which he sees to be necessary; giving to some more, to others less, but to all what is sufficient for their salvation.

Clarke: Phi 2:14 - Do all things without murmurings Do all things without murmurings - Γογγυσμων, και διαλογισμων· Without grumblings and altercations. Be patient in, and con...
Do all things without murmurings -

Clarke: Phi 2:15 - That ye may be blameless That ye may be blameless - In yourselves, and harmless to others
That ye may be blameless - In yourselves, and harmless to others

Clarke: Phi 2:15 - The sons of God The sons of God - Showing by your holy conduct that ye are partakers of the Divine nature
The sons of God - Showing by your holy conduct that ye are partakers of the Divine nature

Clarke: Phi 2:15 - Without rebuke Without rebuke - Persons against whom no charge of transgression can justly be laid
Without rebuke - Persons against whom no charge of transgression can justly be laid

Clarke: Phi 2:15 - A crooked and perverse A crooked and perverse - Probably referring to the Jews, who were the chief opponents and the most virulent enemies which the Christian Church had
A crooked and perverse - Probably referring to the Jews, who were the chief opponents and the most virulent enemies which the Christian Church had

Clarke: Phi 2:15 - Among whom ye shine Among whom ye shine - Be like the sun and moon; bless even the perverse and disobedient by your light and splendor. Let your light shine before men;...
Among whom ye shine - Be like the sun and moon; bless even the perverse and disobedient by your light and splendor. Let your light shine before men; some will walk in that light, and by its shining God will be glorified. It is evident that the apostle, by

Clarke: Phi 2:16 - Holding forth the word of life Holding forth the word of life - An allusion, some think, to those towers which were built at the entrance of harbours, on which fires were kept dur...
Holding forth the word of life - An allusion, some think, to those towers which were built at the entrance of harbours, on which fires were kept during the night to direct ships into the port. Genuine Christians, by their holy lives and conversation, are the means of directing others, not only how to escape those dangers to which they are exposed on the tempestuous ocean of human life, but also of leading them into the haven of eternal safety and rest

Clarke: Phi 2:16 - That I have not run in vain That I have not run in vain - This appears to be a part of the same metaphor; and alludes to the case of a weather-beaten mariner who has been long ...
That I have not run in vain - This appears to be a part of the same metaphor; and alludes to the case of a weather-beaten mariner who has been long tossed on a tempestuous sea, in hazy weather and dark nights, who has been obliged to run on different tacks, and labor intensely to keep his ship from foundering, but is at last, by the assistance of the luminous fire on the top of the tower, directed safely into port. Live so to glorify God and do good to men, that it shall appear that I have not run and labored in vain for your salvation.

Clarke: Phi 2:17 - Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service - The metaphor appears to be still carried on. As it was customary for the weather-beaten ma...
Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service - The metaphor appears to be still carried on. As it was customary for the weather-beaten mariner, when he had gained his port, to offer a sacrifice,

Clarke: Phi 2:18 - For the same cause also do ye joy For the same cause also do ye joy - Should I be thus offered, as I shall rejoice in it, do ye also rejoice that I am counted worthy of this high hon...
For the same cause also do ye joy - Should I be thus offered, as I shall rejoice in it, do ye also rejoice that I am counted worthy of this high honor.

Clarke: Phi 2:19 - But I trust in the Lord Jesus But I trust in the Lord Jesus - He is governor and disposer of all events, being above all principality and power; and I humbly confide in his power...
But I trust in the Lord Jesus - He is governor and disposer of all events, being above all principality and power; and I humbly confide in his power and goodness that I shall be a little longer spared to visit you again, Phi 2:24, and to be able to send Timothy shortly to you

Clarke: Phi 2:19 - When I know your state When I know your state - By the correct information which I shall receive from Timothy.
When I know your state - By the correct information which I shall receive from Timothy.

Clarke: Phi 2:20 - For I have no man like-minded For I have no man like-minded - None of all my fellow helpers in the Gospel have the same zeal and affectionate concern for your prosperity in every...
For I have no man like-minded - None of all my fellow helpers in the Gospel have the same zeal and affectionate concern for your prosperity in every respect as he has. He is

Clarke: Phi 2:21 - For all seek their own For all seek their own - This must relate to the persons who preached Christ even of envy and strife, Phi 1:15; these must be very careless whether ...
For all seek their own - This must relate to the persons who preached Christ even of envy and strife, Phi 1:15; these must be very careless whether souls were saved or not by such preaching; and even those who preached the Gospel out of good will might not be fit for such an embassy as this, which required many sacrifices, and consequently much love and zeal to be able to make them.

Clarke: Phi 2:22 - Ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me Ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me - The Philippians had full proof of the affectionate attachment of ...
Ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me - The Philippians had full proof of the affectionate attachment of Timothy to Paul, for he had labored with him there, as we learn from Act 16:1-3; Act 17:14; and we find from what is said here that Timothy was not a servant to the apostle, but that he had served with him. They both labored together in the word and doctrine; for apostles and Christian bishops, in those times, labored as hard as their deacons. There were no sinecures; every one was a laborer, every laborer had his work, and every workman had his wages.

Clarke: Phi 2:23 - How it will go with me How it will go with me - The apostle was now in captivity; his trial appears to have been approaching, and of its issue he was doubtful; though he s...

Clarke: Phi 2:25 - Epaphroditus, my brother, etc Epaphroditus, my brother, etc - Here is a very high character of this minister of Christ; he was
1. A brother - one of the Christi...
Epaphroditus, my brother, etc - Here is a very high character of this minister of Christ; he was
1. A brother - one of the Christian family; a thorough convert to God, without which he could not have been a preacher of the Gospel
2. He was a companion in labor; he labored, and labored in union with the apostle in this great work
3. He was a fellow soldier; the work was a work of difficulty and danger, they were obliged to maintain a continual warfare, fighting against the world, the devil, and the flesh
4. He was their apostle - a man whom God had honored with apostolical gifts, apostolical graces, and apostolical fruits; and
5. He was an affectionate friend to the apostle; knew his soul in adversity, acknowledged him in prison, and contributed to his comfort and support.

Clarke: Phi 2:26 - Ye had heard that he had been sick Ye had heard that he had been sick - "In this passage,"says Dr. Paley, "no intimation is given that the recovery of Epaphroditus was miraculous, it ...
Ye had heard that he had been sick - "In this passage,"says Dr. Paley, "no intimation is given that the recovery of Epaphroditus was miraculous, it is plainly spoken of as a natural event. This instance, together with that in the Second Epistle to Timothy, Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick, affords a proof that the power of performing cures, and, by parity of reason, of working other miracles, was a power which only visited the apostles occasionally, and did not at all depend upon their own will. Paul undoubtedly would have healed Epaphroditus if he could; nor would he have left Trophimus at Miletum sick, had the power of working cures awaited his disposal. Had this epistle been a forgery, forgery on this occasion would not have spared a miracle; much less would it have introduced St. Paul professing the utmost anxiety for the safety of his friend, yet acknowledging himself unable to help him, which he does almost expressly in the case of Trophimus, Him have I left sick; and virtually in the passage before us, in which he felicitates himself on the recovery of Epaphroditus in terms which almost exclude the supposition of any supernatural means being used to effect it. This is a reverse which nothing but truth would have imposed."Horae Paulinae, page 234.

Clarke: Phi 2:27 - Lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow Lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow - The sorrows of his death, added to the sorrow he endured on account of his sickness; or he may refer to his ...
Lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow - The sorrows of his death, added to the sorrow he endured on account of his sickness; or he may refer to his own state of affliction, being imprisoned and maltreated.

Clarke: Phi 2:28 - The more carefully The more carefully - Σπουδαιοτερως· With the more haste or despatch; because, having suffered so much on account of his apprehended ...
The more carefully -

Clarke: Phi 2:29 - Receive him therefore in the Lord Receive him therefore in the Lord - For the Lord’ s sake receive him, and as the Lord’ s servant; and hold such zealous, disinterested, an...
Receive him therefore in the Lord - For the Lord’ s sake receive him, and as the Lord’ s servant; and hold such zealous, disinterested, and holy preachers in reputation - honor those whom ye perceive God hath honored.

Clarke: Phi 2:30 - For the work of Christ For the work of Christ - Preaching the Gospel, and ministering to the distressed
For the work of Christ - Preaching the Gospel, and ministering to the distressed

Clarke: Phi 2:30 - He was nigh unto death He was nigh unto death - Having labored far beyond his strength
He was nigh unto death - Having labored far beyond his strength

Clarke: Phi 2:30 - Not regarding his life Not regarding his life - Instead of παραβουλευσαμενος τῃ ψυχῃ, not regarding his life, παραβολευσαμενος...
Not regarding his life - Instead of
The humiliation and exaltation of Christ are subjects which we cannot contemplate too frequently, and in which we cannot be too deeply instructed
1. God destroys opposites by opposites: through pride and self-confidence man fell, and it required the humiliation of Christ to destroy that pride and self-confidence, and to raise him from his fall. There must be an indescribable malignity in sin, when it required the deepest abasement of the highest Being to remove and destroy it. The humiliation and passion of Christ were not accidental, they were absolutely necessary; and had they not been necessary, they had not taken place. Sinner, behold what it cost the Son of God to save thee! And wilt thou, after considering this, imagine that sin is a small thing? Without the humiliation and sacrifice of Christ, even thy soul could not be saved. Slight not, therefore, the mercies of thy God, by underrating the guilt of thy transgressions and the malignity of thy sin
2. As we cannot contemplate the humiliation and death of Christ without considering it a sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and atonement for sin, and for the sin of the whole world; so we cannot contemplate his unlimited power and glory, in his state of exaltation, without being convinced that he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God through him. What can withstand the merit of his blood? What can resist the energy of his omnipotence? Can the power of sin? - its infection? -its malignity? No! He can as easily say to an impure heart, Be thou clean, and it shall be clean; as he could to the leper, Be thou clean, and immediately his leprosy was cleansed. Reader, have faith in Him; for all things are possible to him that believeth
3. There are many ungodly men in the world who deny the inspiration of God’ s Holy Spirit, and affect to ridicule those who profess to have received what they know Christ has purchased and God has promised, and which, in virtue of this, they have claimed by faith; because, say these mockers, "If you had the Spirit of God, you could work miracles: show us a miracle, and we will believe you to be inspired."Will these persons assert that St. Paul had not God’ s Spirit when he could neither heal himself, nor restore his friends and fellow helpers from apparent death? What then doth their arguing prove? Silly men, of shallow minds!
Calvin: Phi 2:1 - If there is therefore any consolation 1.If there is therefore any consolation. There is an extraordinary tenderness in this exhortation, 93 in which he entreats by all means the Philippia...
1.If there is therefore any consolation. There is an extraordinary tenderness in this exhortation, 93 in which he entreats by all means the Philippians mutually to cherish harmony among themselves, lest, in the event of their being torn asunder by intestine contentions, they should expose themselves to the impostures of the false apostles. For when there are disagreements, there is invariably a door opened for Satan to disseminate impious doctrines, while agreement is the best bulwark for repelling them.
As the term

Calvin: Phi 2:2 - Fulfil ye my joy // That ye think the same thing 2.Fulfil ye my joy. Here again we may see how little anxiety he had as to himself, provided only it went well with the Church of Christ. He was kept ...
2.Fulfil ye my joy. Here again we may see how little anxiety he had as to himself, provided only it went well with the Church of Christ. He was kept shut up in prison, and bound with chains; he was reckoned worthy of capital punishment — before his view were tortures — near at hand was the executioner; yet all these things do not prevent his experiencing unmingled joy, provided he sees that the Churches are in a good condition. Now what he reckons the chief indication of a prosperous condition of the Church is — when mutual agreement prevails in it, and brotherly harmony. Thus the 137th Psalm teaches us in like manner, that our crowning joy is the remembrance of Jerusalem. (Psa 137:6.) But if this were the completion of Paul’s joy, the Philippians would have been worse than cruel if they had tortured the mind of this holy man with a twofold anguish by disagreement among themselves.
That ye think the same thing. The sum is this — that they be joined together in views and inclinations. For he makes mention of agreement in doctrine and mutual love; and afterwards, repeating the same thing, (in my opinion,) he exhorts them to be of one mind, and to have the same views. The expression

Calvin: Phi 2:3 - Nothing through strife or vain-glory // But by humility 3.Nothing through strife or vain-glory. These are two most dangerous pests for disturbing the peace of the Church. Strife is awakened when every on...
3.Nothing through strife or vain-glory. These are two most dangerous pests for disturbing the peace of the Church. Strife is awakened when every one is prepared to maintain pertinaciously his own opinion; and when it has once begun to rage it rushes headlong 98 in the direction from which it has entered. Vain-glory 99 tickles men’s minds, so that every one is delighted with his own inventions. Hence the only way of guarding against dissensions is — when we avoid strifes by deliberating and acting peacefully, especially if we are not actuated by ambition. For ambition is a means of fanning all strifes. 100 Vain-glory means any glorying in the flesh; for what ground of glorying have men in themselves that is not vanity?
But by humility For both diseases he brings forward one remedy — humility, and with good reason, for it is the mother of moderation, the effect of which is that, yielding up our own right, we give the preference to others, and are not easily thrown into agitation. He gives a definition of true humility — when every one esteems himself less than others. Now, if anything in our whole life is difficult, this above everything else is so. Hence it is not to be wondered if humility is so rare a virtue. For, as one says, 101 “Every one has in himself the mind of a king, by claiming everything for himself.” See! here is pride. Afterwards from a foolish admiration of ourselves arises contempt of the brethren. And so far are we from what Paul here enjoins, that one can hardly endure that others should be on a level with him, for there is no one that is not eager to have superiority.
But it is asked, how it is possible that one who is in reality distinguished above others can reckon those to be superior to him who he knows are greatly beneath him? I answer, that this altogether depends on a right estimate of God’s gifts, and our own infirmities. For however any one may be distinguished by illustrious endowments, he ought to consider with himself that they have not been conferred upon him that he might be self-complacent, that he might exalt himself, or even that he might hold himself in esteem. Let him, instead of this, employ himself in correcting and detecting his faults, and he will have abundant occasion for humility. In others, on the other hand, he will regard with honor whatever there is of excellences, and will by means of love bury their faults. The man who will observe this rule, will feel no difficulty in preferring others before himself. And this, too, Paul meant when he added, that they ought not to have every one a regard to themselves, but to their neighbors, or that they ought not to be devoted to themselves. Hence it is quite possible that a pious man, even though he should be aware that he is superior, may nevertheless hold others in greater esteem.

Calvin: Phi 2:5 - NO PHRASE 5. He now recommends, from the example of Christ, the exercise of humility, to which he had exhorted them in words. There are, however, two departme...
5. He now recommends, from the example of Christ, the exercise of humility, to which he had exhorted them in words. There are, however, two departments, in the first of which he invites us to imitate Christ, because this is the rule of life: 102 in the second, he allures us to it, because this is the road by which we attain true glory. Hence he exhorts every one to have the same disposition that was in Christ. He afterwards shews what a pattern of humility has been presented before us in Christ. I have retained the passive form of the verb, though I do not disapprove of the rendering given it by others, because there is no difference as to meaning. I merely wished that the reader should be in possession of the very form of expression which Paul has employed.

Calvin: Phi 2:6 - Inasmuch as he was in the form of God // The === form of God means here his majesty. For as a man is known by the appearance of his form, so the majesty, which shines forth in God, is his figure. 103 Or if you would prefer a more apt similitude, the form of a king is his equipage and magnificence, shewing him to be a king — his scepter, his crown, his mantle, 104 his attendants, 105 his judgment-throne, and other emblems of royalty; the form of a consul was — his long robe, bordered with purple, his ivory seat, his lictors with rods and hatchets. Christ, then, before the creation of the world, was in the form of God, because from the beginning he had his glory with the Father, as he says in Joh 17:5 . For in the wisdom of God, prior to his assuming our flesh, there was nothing mean or contemptible, but on the contrary a magnificence worth of God. Being such as he was, he could, without doing wrong to any one, shew himself equal with God; but he did not manifest himself to be what he really was, nor did he openly assume in the view of men what belonged to him by right. ===Thought it not robbery
6.Inasmuch as he was in the form of God This is not a comparison between things similar, but in the way of greater and less. Christ’s humility co...
===Thought it not robbery
6.Inasmuch as he was in the form of God This is not a comparison between things similar, but in the way of greater and less. Christ’s humility co...6.Inasmuch as he was in the form of God This is not a comparison between things similar, but in the way of greater and less. Christ’s humility consisted in his abasing himself from the highest pinnacle of glory to the lowest ignominy: our humility consists in refraining from exalting ourselves by a false estimation. He gave up his right: all that is required of us is, that we do not assume to ourselves more than we ought. Hence he sets out with this — that, inasmuch as he was in the form of God, he reckoned it not an unlawful thing for him to shew himself in that form; yet he emptied himself. Since, then, the Son of God descended from so great a height, how unreasonable that we, who are nothing, should be lifted up with pride!
The === form of God means here his majesty. For as a man is known by the appearance of his form, so the majesty, which shines forth in God, is his figure. 103 Or if you would prefer a more apt similitude, the form of a king is his equipage and magnificence, shewing him to be a king — his scepter, his crown, his mantle, 104 his attendants, 105 his judgment-throne, and other emblems of royalty; the form of a consul was — his long robe, bordered with purple, his ivory seat, his lictors with rods and hatchets. Christ, then, before the creation of the world, was in the form of God, because from the beginning he had his glory with the Father, as he says in Joh 17:5. For in the wisdom of God, prior to his assuming our flesh, there was nothing mean or contemptible, but on the contrary a magnificence worth of God. Being such as he was, he could, without doing wrong to any one, shew himself equal with God; but he did not manifest himself to be what he really was, nor did he openly assume in the view of men what belonged to him by right.
===Thought it not robbery There would have been no wrong done though he had shewn himself to be equal with God. For when he says, he would not have thought, it is as though he had said, “He knew, indeed, that this was lawful and right for him,” that we might know that his abasement was voluntary, not of necessity. Hitherto it has been rendered in the indicative — he thought, but the connection requires the subjunctive. It is also quite a customary thing for Paul to employ the past indicative in the place of the subjunctive, by leaving the potential particle
Farther, that man is utterly blind who does not perceive that his eternal divinity is clearly set forth in these words. Nor does Erasmus act with sufficient modesty in attempting, by his cavils, to explain away this passage, as well as other similar passages. 106 He acknowledges, indeed, everywhere that Christ is God; but what am I the better for his orthodox confession, if my faith is not supported by any Scripture authority? I acknowledge, certainly, that Paul does not make mention here of Christ’s divine essence; but it does not follow from this, that the passage is not sufficient for repelling the impiety of the Arians, who pretended that Christ was a created God, and inferior to the Father, and denied that he was consubstantial. 107 For where can there be equality with God without robbery, excepting only where there is the essence of God; for God always remains the same, who cries by Isaiah, I live; I will not give my glory to another. (Isa 48:11.) Form means figure or appearance, as they commonly speak. This, too, I readily grant; but will there be found, apart from God, such a form, so as to be neither false nor forged? As, then, God is known by means of his excellences, and his works are evidences of his eternal Godhead, (Rom 1:20,) so Christ’s divine essence is rightly proved from Christ’s majesty, which he possessed equally with the Father before he humbled himself. As to myself, at least, not even all devils would wrest this passage from me — inasmuch as there is in God a most solid argument, from his glory to his essence, which are two things that are inseparable.

Calvin: Phi 2:7 - Emptied himself // In the likeness of men // Found 7.Emptied himself This emptying is the same as the abasement, as to which we shall see afterwards. The expression, however, is used, ευμφατι...
7.Emptied himself This emptying is the same as the abasement, as to which we shall see afterwards. The expression, however, is used,
It is asked, whether he did this as man? Erasmus answers in the affirmative. But where was the form of God before he became man? Hence we must reply, that Paul speaks of Christ wholly, as he was God manifested in the flesh, (1Ti 3:16;) but, nevertheless, this emptying is applicable exclusive to his humanity, as if I should say of man, “Man being mortal, he is exceedingly senseless if he thinks of nothing but the world,” I refer indeed to man wholly; but at the same time I ascribe mortality only to a part of him, namely, to the body. As, then, Christ has one person, consisting of two natures, it is with propriety that Paul says, that he who was the Son of God, — in reality equal to God, did nevertheless lay aside his glory, when he in the flesh manifested himself in the appearance of a servant.
It is also asked, secondly, how he can be said to be emptied, while he, nevertheless, invariably proved himself, by miracles and excellences, to be the Son of God, and in whom, as John testifies, there was always to be seen a glory worthy of the Son of God? (Joh 1:14.) I answer, that the abasement of the flesh was, notwithstanding, like a vail, by which his divine majesty was concealed. On this account he did not wish that his transfiguration should be made public until after his resurrection; and when he perceives that the hour of his death is approaching, he then says, Father, glorify thy Son. (Joh 17:1.) Hence, too, Paul teaches elsewhere, that he was declared to be the Son of God by means of his resurrection. (Rom 1:4.) He also declares in another place, (2Co 13:4,) that he suffered through the weakness of the flesh. In fine, the image of God shone forth in Christ in such a manner, that he was, at the same time, abased in his outward appearance, and brought down to nothing in the estimation of men; for he carried about with him the form of a servant, and had assumed our nature, expressly with the view of his being a servant of the Father, nay, even of men. Paul, too, calls him the Minister of the Circumcision, (Rom 15:8;) and he himself testifies of himself, that he came to minister, (Mat 20:28;) and that same thing had long before been foretold by Isaiah — Behold my servant, etc. 108
In the likeness of men
Found means here, known or seen. For he treats, as has been observed, of estimation. In other words, as he had affirmed previously that he was truly God, the equal of the Father, so he here states, that he was reckoned, as it were, abject, and in the common condition of mankind. We must always keep in view what I said a little ago, that such abasement was voluntary.

Calvin: Phi 2:8 - He became obedient 8.He became obedient. Even this was great humility — that from being Lord he became a servant; but he says that he went farther than this, because,...
8.He became obedient. Even this was great humility — that from being Lord he became a servant; but he says that he went farther than this, because, while he was not only immortal, but the Lord of life and death, he nevertheless became obedient to his Father, even so far as to endure death. This was extreme abasement, especially when we take into view the kind of death, which he immediately adds, with the view of enhancing it. 110 For by dying in this manner he was not only covered with ignominy in the sight of God, but was also accursed in the sight of God. It is assuredly such a pattern of humility as ought to absorb the attention of all mankind; so far is it from being possible to unfold it in words in a manner suitable to its dignity.

Calvin: Phi 2:9 - Therefore God hath highly exalted 9.Therefore God hath highly exalted. By adding consolation, he shews that abasement, to which the human mind is averse, is in the highest degree desi...
9.Therefore God hath highly exalted. By adding consolation, he shews that abasement, to which the human mind is averse, is in the highest degree desirable. There is no one, it is true, but will acknowledge that it is a reasonable thing that is required from us, when we are exhorted to imitate Christ. This consideration, however, stirs us up to imitate him the more cheerfully, when we learn that nothing is more advantageous for us than to be conformed to his image. Now, that all are happy who, along with Christ, voluntarily abase themselves, he shews by his example; for from the most abject condition he was exalted to the highest elevation. Every one therefore that humbles himself will in like manner be exalted. Who would now be reluctant to exercise humility, by means of which the glory of the heavenly kingdom is attained?
This passage has given occasion to sophists, or rather they have seized hold of it, to allege that Christ merited first for himself, and afterwards for others. Now, in the first place, even though there were nothing false alleged, it would nevertheless be proper to avoid such profane speculations as obscure the grace of Christ — in imagining that he came for any other reason than with a view to our salvation. Who does not see that this is a suggestion of Satan — that Christ suffered upon the cross, that he might acquire for himself, by the merit of his work, what he did not possess? For it is the design of the Holy Spirit, that we should, in the death of Christ, see, and taste, and ponder, and feel, and recognize nothing but God’s unmixed goodness, and the love of Christ toward us, which was great and inestimable, that, regardless of himself, he devoted himself and his life for our sakes. In every instance in which the Scriptures speak of the death of Christ, they assign to us its advantage and price; — that by means of it we are redeemed — reconciled to God — restored to righteousness — cleansed from our pollutions — life is procured for us, and the gate of life opened. Who, then, would deny that it is at the instigation of Satan that the persons referred to maintain, on the other hand, that the chief part of the advantage is in Christ himself — that a regard to himself had the precedence of that which he had to us — that he merited glory for himself before he merited salvation for us?
Farther, I deny the truth of what they allege, and I maintain that Paul’s words are impiously perverted to the establishment of their falsehood; for that the expression, for this cause, denotes here a consequence rather than a reason, is manifest from this, that it would otherwise follow, that a man could merit Divine honors, and acquire the very throne of God — which is not merely absurd, but even dreadful to make mention of. For of what exaltation of Christ does the Apostle here speak? It is, that everything may be accomplished in him that God, by the prophet Isaiah, exclusively claims to himself. Hence the glory of God, and the majesty, which is so peculiar to him, that it cannot be transferred to any other, will be the reward of man’s work!
Again, if they should urge the mode of expression, without any regard to the absurdity that will follow, the reply will be easy — that he has been given us by the Father in such a manner, that his whole life is as a mirror that is set before us. As, then, a mirror, though it has splendor, has it not for itself, but with the view of its being advantageous and profitable to others, so Christ did not seek or receive anything for himself, but everything for us. For what need, I ask, had he, who was the equal of the Father, of a new exaltation? Let, then, pious readers learn to detest the Sorbonnic sophists with their perverted speculations.
===Hath given him a name === Name here is employed to mean dignity — a manner of expression which is abundantly common in all languages — “ Jacet sine nomine truncus; He lies a headless nameless carcass.” 111 The mode of expression, however, is more especially common in Scripture. The meaning therefore is, that supreme power was given to Christ, and that he was placed in the highest rank of honor, so that there is no dignity found either in heaven or in earth that is equal to his. Hence it follows that it is a Divine name. 112 This, too, he explains by quoting the words of Isaiah, where the Prophet, when treating of the propagation of the worship of God throughout the whole world, introduces God as speaking thus: —
“I live: every knee will bow to me, and every tongue will swear to me,” etc. (Isa 45:23.)
Now, it is certain that adoration is here meant, which belongs peculiarly to God alone. I am aware that some philosophise with subtlety as to the name Jesus, as though it were derived from the ineffable name Jehovah. 113 In the reason, however, which they advance, I find no solidity. As for me, I feel no pleasure in empty subtleties; 114 and it is dangerous to trifle in a matter of such importance. Besides, who does not see that it is a forced, and anything rather than a genuine, exposition, when Paul speaks of Christ’s whole dignity, to restrict his meaning to two syllables, as if any one were to examine attentively the letters of the word Alexander, in order to find in them the greatness of the name that Alexander acquired for himself. Their subtlety, therefore, is not solid, and the contrivance is foreign to Paul’s intention. But worse than ridiculous is the conduct of the Sorbonnic sophists, who infer from the passage before us that we ought to bow the knee whenever the name of Jesus is pronounced, as though it were a magic word which had all virtue included in the sound of it. 115 Paul, on the other hand, speaks of the honor that is to be rendered to the Son of God—not to mere syllables.

Calvin: Phi 2:10 - Every knee might bow // Things in heaven, things on earth, things under the earth 10.Every knee might bow. Though respect is shewn to men also be means of this rite, there can nevertheless be no doubt that what is here meant is tha...
10.Every knee might bow. Though respect is shewn to men also be means of this rite, there can nevertheless be no doubt that what is here meant is that adoration which belongs exclusively to God, of which the bending of the knee is a token. 116 As to this, it is proper to notice, that God is to be worshipped, not merely with the inward affection of the heart, but also by outward profession, if we would render to him what is his due. Hence, on the other hand, when he would describe his genuine worshippers, he says that they
have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.
(1Kg 19:18.)
But here a question arises — whether this relates to the divinity of Christ or to his humanity, for either of the two is not without some inconsistency, inasmuch as nothing new could be given to his divinity; and his humanity in itself, viewed separately, has by no means such exaltation belonging to it that it should be adored as God? I answer, that this, like many things else, is affirmed in reference to Christ’s entire person, viewed as God manifested in the flesh. (1Ti 3:16.) For he did not abase himself either as to his humanity alone, or as to his divinity alone, but inasmuch as, clothed in our flesh, he concealed himself under its infirmity. So again God exalted his own Son in the same flesh, in which he had lived in the world abject and despised, to the highest rank of honor, that he may sit at his right hand.
Paul, however, appears to be inconsistent with himself; for in Rom 14:11, he quotes this same passage, when he has it in view to prove that Christ will one day be the judge of the living and the dead. Now, it would not be applicable to that subject, if it were already accomplished, as he here declares. I answer, that the kingdom of Christ is on such a footing, that it is every day growing and making improvement, while at the same time perfection is not yet attained, nor will be until the final day of reckoning. Thus both things hold true — that all things are now subject to Christ, and that this subjection will, nevertheless, not be complete until the day of the resurrection, because that which is now only begun will then be completed. Hence, it is not without reason that this prophecy is applied in different ways at different times, as also all the other prophecies, which speak of the reign of Christ, do not restrict it to one particular time, but describe it in its entire course. From this, however, we infer that Christ is that eternal God who spoke by Isaiah.
Things in heaven, things on earth, things under the earth. Since Paul represents all things from heaven to hell as subject to Christ, Papists trifle childishly when they draw purgatory from his words. Their reasoning, however, is this — that devils are so far from bowing the knee to Christ, that they are in every way rebellious against him, and stir up others to rebellion, as if it were not at the same time written that they tremble at the simple mention of God. (Jas 2:19.) How will it be, then, when they shall come before the tribunal of Christ? I confess, indeed, that they are not, and never will be, subject of their own accord and by cheerful submission; but Paul is not speaking here of voluntary obedience; nay more, we may, on the contrary, turn back upon them an argument, by way of retortion, (

Calvin: Phi 2:11 - Is Lord, to the glory of God the Father 11.Is Lord, to the glory of God the Father It might also be read, In the glory, because the particle εἰς (to) is often used in place of ἐν ( ...
11.Is Lord, to the glory of God the Father It might also be read, In the glory, because the particle

Calvin: Phi 2:12 - Therefore // As ye have always obeyed // With fear and trembling 12.Therefore, etc. He concludes the whole of the preceding exhortation with a general statement — that they should humble themselves under the Lor...
12.Therefore, etc. He concludes the whole of the preceding exhortation with a general statement — that they should humble themselves under the Lord’s hand, for that will very readily secure, that, laying aside all arrogance, they will be gentle and indulgent to each other. This is the only befitting way in which the mind of man may learn gentleness, when one who, while viewing himself apart, pleased himself in his hiding-places, comes to examine himself as compared with God.
As ye have always obeyed. He commends their previous obedience, that he may encourage them the more to persevere. As, however, it is the part of hypocrites to approve themselves before others, but so soon as they have withdrawn from public view, to indulge themselves more freely, as if every occasion of reverence and fear were removed, he admonishes them not to shew themselves obedient in his presence merely, but also, and even much more, in his absence. For if he were present, he could stimulate and urge them on by continued admonitions. Now, therefore, when their monitor is at a distance from them, 118 there is need that they should stir up themselves.
With fear and trembling. In this way he would have the Philippians testify and approve their obedience — by being submissive and humble. Now the source of humility is this — acknowledging how miserable we are, and devoid of all good. To this he calls them in this statement. For whence comes pride, but from the assurance which blind confidence produces, when we please ourselves, and are more puffed up with confidence in our own virtue, than prepared to rest upon the grace of God. In contrast with this vice is that fear to which he exhorts. Now, although exhortation comes before doctrine, in the connection of the passage, it is in reality after it, in point of arrangement, inasmuch as it is derived from it. I shall begin, accordingly, with doctrine.

Calvin: Phi 2:13 - It is God that worketh // According to his good pleasure // With fear and trembling // Work out your own salvation 13.It is God that worketh. This is the true engine for bringing down all haughtiness — this the sword for putting an end to all pride, when we are ...
13.It is God that worketh. This is the true engine for bringing down all haughtiness — this the sword for putting an end to all pride, when we are taught that we are utterly nothing, and can do nothing, except through the grace of God alone. I mean supernatural grace, which comes forth from the spirit of regeneration. For, considered as men, we already are, and live and move in God. (Act 17:28.) But Paul reasons here as to a kind of movement different from that universal one. Let us now observe how much he ascribes to God, and how much he leaves to us.
There are, in any action, two principal departments — the inclination, and the power to carry it into effect. Both of these he ascribes wholly to God; what more remains to us as a ground of glorying? Nor is there any reason to doubt that this division has the same force as if Paul had expressed the whole in a single word; for the inclination is the groundwork; the accomplishment of it is the summit of the building brought to a completion. He has also expressed much more than if he had said that God is the Author of the beginning and of the end. For in that case sophists would have alleged, by way of cavil, that something between the two was left to men. But as it is, what will they find that is in any degree peculiar to us? They toil hard in their schools to reconcile with the grace of God free-will — of such a nature, I mean, as they conceive of — which might be capable of turning itself by its own movement, and might have a peculiar and separate power, by which it might co-operate with the grace of God. I do not dispute as to the name, but as to the thing itself. In order, therefore, that free-will may harmonize with grace, they divide in such a manner, that God restores in us a free choice, that we may have it in our power to will aright. Thus they acknowledge to have received from God the power of willing aright, but assign to man a good inclination. Paul, however, declares this to be a work of God, without any reservation. For he does not say that our hearts are simply turned or stirred up, or that the infirmity of a good will is helped, but that a good inclination is wholly the work of God. 119
Now, in the calumny brought forward by them against us — that we make men to be like stones, when we teach that they have nothing good, except from pure grace, they act a shameless part. For we acknowledge that we have from nature an inclination, but as it is depraved through the corruption of sin, it begins to be good only when it has been renewed by God. Nor do we say that a man does anything good without willing it, but that it is only when his inclination is regulated by the Spirit of God. Hence, in so far as concerns this department, we see that the entire praise is ascribed to God, and that what sophists teach us is frivolous — that grace is offered to us, and placed, as it were, in the midst of us, that we may embrace it if we choose; for if God did not work in us efficaciously, he could not be said to produce in us a good inclination. As to the second department, we must entertain the same view. “God,” says he, “is
“I will cause them to walk in my commandments.”
(Eze 11:20.)
From this we infer that perseverance, also, is his free gift.
According to his good pleasure Some explain this to mean — the good intention of the mind. 120 I, on the other hand, take it rather as referring to God, and understand by it his benevolent disposition, which they commonly call beneplacitum , ( good pleasure.) For the Greek word
With fear and trembling. From this Paul deduces an exhortation — that they must with fear work out their own salvation. He conjoins, as he is accustomed, fear and trembling, for the sake of greater intensity, to denote — serious and anxious fear. He, accordingly, represses drowsiness as well as confidence. By the term work he reproves our indolence, which is always ingenious in seeking advantages. 121 Now it seems as if it had in the grace of God a sweet occasion of repose; for if He worketh in us, why should we not indulge ourselves at our ease? The Holy Spirit, however, calls us to consider, that he wishes to work upon living organs, but he immediately represses arrogance by recommending fear and trembling
The inference, also, is to be carefully observed: “You have,” says he, “all things from God; therefore be solicitous and humble.” For there is nothing that ought to train us more to modesty and fear, than our being taught, that it is by the grace of God alone that we stand, and will instantly fall down, if he even in the slightest degree withdraw his hand. Confidence in ourselves produces carelessness and arrogance. We know from experience, that all who confide in their own strength, grow insolent through presumption, and at the same time, devoid of care, resign themselves to sleep. The remedy for both evils is, when, distrusting ourselves, we depend entirely on God alone. And assuredly, that man has made decided progress in the knowledge, both of the grace of God, and of his own weakness, who, aroused from carelessness, diligently seeks 122 God’s help; while those that are puffed up with confidence in their own strength, must necessarily be at the same time in a state of intoxicated security. Hence it is a shameless calumny that Papists bring against us, — that in extolling the grace of God, and putting down free-will, we make men indolent, shake off the fear of God, and destroy all feeling of concern. It is obvious, however, to every reader, that Paul finds matter of exhortation here — not in the doctrine of Papists, but in what is held by us. “God,” says he, “ works all things in us; therefore submit to him with fear. ” I do not, indeed, deny that there are many who, on being told that there is in us nothing that is good, indulge themselves the more freely in their vices; but I deny that this is the fault of the doctrine, which, on the contrary, when received as it ought to be, produces in our hearts a feeling of concern.
Papists, however, pervert this passage so as to shake the assurance of faith, for the man that trembles 123 is in uncertainty. They, accordingly, understand Paul’s words as if they meant that we ought, during our whole life, to waver as to assurance of salvation. If, however, we would not have Paul contradict himself, he does not by any means exhort us to hesitation, inasmuch as he everywhere recommends confidence and (
Work out your own salvation. As Pelagians of old, so Papists at this day make a proud boast of this passage, with the view of extolling man’s excellence. Nay more, when the preceding statement is mentioned to them by way of objection, It is God that worketh in us, etc., they immediately by this shield ward it off (so to speak) — Work out your own salvation. Inasmuch, then, as the work is ascribed to God and man in common, they assign the half to each. In short, from the word work they derive free-will; from the term salvation they derive the merit of eternal life. I answer, that salvation is taken to mean the entire course of our calling, and that this term includes all things, by which God accomplishes that perfection, to which he has predestinated us by his gracious choice. This no one will deny, that is not obstinate and impudent. We are said to perfect it, when, under the regulation of the Spirit, we aspire after a life of blessedness. It is God that calls us, and offers to us salvation; it is our part to embrace by faith what he gives, and by obedience act suitably to his calling; but we have neither from ourselves. Hence we act only when he has prepared us for acting.
The word which he employs properly signifies — to continue until the end; but we must keep in mind what I have said, that Paul does not reason here as to how far our ability extends, but simply teaches that God acts in us in such a manner, that he, at the same time, does not allow us to be inactive, 124 but exercises us diligently, after having stirred us up by a secret influence. 125

Calvin: Phi 2:14 - Without murmurings 14.Without murmurings. These are fruits of that humility to which he had exhorted them. For every man that has learned carefully to submit himself to...
14.Without murmurings. These are fruits of that humility to which he had exhorted them. For every man that has learned carefully to submit himself to God, without claiming anything for himself, will also conduct himself agreeably among men. When every one makes it his care to please himself, two faults prevail: First, they calumniate one another; and secondly, they strive against one another in contentions. In the first place, accordingly, he forbids malignity and secret enmities; and then, secondly, open contentions. He adds, thirdly, that they give no occasion to others to complain of them — a thing which is wont to arise from excessive moroseness. It is true that hatred is not in all cases to be dreaded; but care must be taken, that we do not make ourselves odious through our own fault, so that the saying should be fulfilled in us, They hated me without a cause. (Psa 35:19.) If, however, any one wishes to extend it farther, I do not object to it. For murmurings and disputations spring up, whenever any one, aiming beyond measure at his own advantage, 126 gives to others occasion of complaint. 127 Nay, even this expression may be taken in an active sense, so as to mean — not troublesome or querulous. And this signification will not accord ill with the context, for a querulous temper (

Calvin: Phi 2:15 - The sons of God, unreprovable // In the midst of a wicked generation // Among whom shine ye 15.The sons of God, unreprovable. It ought to be rendered — unreprovable, because ye are the sons of God. For God’s adoption of us ought to be...
15.The sons of God, unreprovable. It ought to be rendered — unreprovable, because ye are the sons of God. For God’s adoption of us ought to be a motive to a blameless life, that we may in some degree resemble our Father. Now, although there never has been such perfection in the world as to have nothing worthy of reproof, those are, nevertheless, said to be unreprovable who aim at this with the whole bent of their mind, as has been observed elsewhere. 129
In the midst of a wicked generation Believers, it is true, live on earth, intermingled with the wicked; 130 they breathe the same air, they enjoy the same soil, and at that time 131 they were even more intermingled, inasmuch as there could scarcely be found a single pious family that was not surrounded on all sides by unbelievers. So much the more does Paul stir up the Philippians to guard carefully against all corruptions. The meaning therefore is this: “You are, it is true, inclosed in the midst of the wicked; but, in the mean time, bear in mind that you are, by God’s adoption, separated from them: let there be, therefore, in your manner of life, conspicuous marks by which you may be distinguished. Nay more, this consideration ought to stir you up the more to aim at a pious and holy life, that we may not also be a part of the crooked generation, 132 entangled by their vices and contagion.”
As to his calling them a wicked and crooked generation, this corresponds with the connection of the passage. For he teaches us that we must so much the more carefully take heed on this account — that many occasions of offense are stirred up by unbelievers, which disturb their right course; and the whole life of unbelievers is, as it were, a labyrinth of various windings, that draw us off from the right way. They are, however, notwithstanding, epithets of perpetual application, that are descriptive of unbelievers of all nations and in all ages. For if the heart of man is wicked and unsearchable, (Jer 17:9,) what will be the fruits springing from such a root? Hence we are taught in these words, that in the life of man there is nothing pure, nothing right, until he has been renewed by the Spirit of God.
Among whom shine ye. The termination of the Greek word is doubtful, for it might be taken as the indicative — ye shine; but the imperative suits better with the exhortation. He would have believers be as lamps, which shine amidst the darkness of the world, as though he had said, “Believers, it is true, are children of the night, and there is in the world nothing but darkness; but God has enlightened you for this end, that the purity of your life may shine forth amidst that darkness, that his grace may appear the more illustrious.” Thus, also, it is said by the Prophet,
“The Lord will arise upon thee,
and his glory will be seen upon thee.”(Isa 60:2.)
He adds immediately afterwards, “The Gentiles shall walk in thy light, and kings in the brightness of thy countenance.” Though Isaiah speaks there rather of doctrine, while Paul speaks here of an exemplary life, yet, even in relation to doctrine, Christ in another passage specially designates the Apostles the light of the world. (Mat 5:14.)

Calvin: Phi 2:16 - Holding forth the word of life // That I may have glory 16.Holding forth the word of life The reason why they ought to be luminaries is, that they carry the word of life, by which they are enlightened, t...
16.Holding forth the word of life The reason why they ought to be luminaries is, that they carry the word of life, by which they are enlightened, that they may give light also to others. Now he alludes to lamps, in which wicks are placed that they may burn, and he makes us resemble the lamps; while he compares the word of God to the wick, from which the light comes. If you prefer another figure — we are candlesticks: the doctrine of the gospel is the candle, which, being placed in us, diffuses light on all sides. Now he intimates, that we do injustice to the word of God, if it does not shine forth in us in respect of purity of life. This is the import of Christ’s saying,
“No man lighteth a candle,
and putteth it under a bushel,” etc. (Mat 5:15.)
We are said, however, to carry the word of life in such a way as to be, in the mean time, carried by it, 133 inasmuch as we are founded upon it. The manner, however, of carrying it, of which Paul speaks, is, that God has intrusted his doctrine with us on condition, not that we should keep the light of it under restraint, as it were, and inactive, but that we should hold it forth to others. The sum is this: that all that are enlightened with heavenly doctrine carry about with them a light, which detects and discovers their crimes, 134 if they do not walk in holiness and chastity; but that this light has been kindled up, not merely that they may themselves be guided in the right way, but that they may also shew it to others.
That I may have glory. That he may encourage them the more, he declares that it will turn out to his glory, if he has not labored among them in vain. Not as if those who labored faithfully, but unsuccessfully, lost their pains, and had no reward of their labor. As, however, success in our ministry is a singular blessing from God, let us not feel surprised, if God, among his other gifts, makes this the crowning one. Hence, as Paul’s Apostleship is now rendered illustrious by so many Churches, gained over to Christ through his instrumentality, so there can be no question that such trophies 135 will have a place in Christ’s kingdom, as we will find him saying a little afterwards, You are my crown. (Phi 4:1.) Nor can it be doubted, that the greater the exploits, the triumph will be the more splendid. 136
Should any one inquire how it is that Paul now glories in his labors, while he elsewhere forbids us to glory in any but in the Lord, (1Co 1:31; 2Co 10:17,) the answer is easy — that, when we have prostrated ourselves, and all that we have before God, and have placed in Christ all our ground of glorying, it is, at the same time, allowable for us to glory through Christ in God’s benefits, as we have seen in the First Epistle to the Corinthians. 137 The expression, at the day of the Lord, is intended to stimulate the Philippians to perseverance, while the tribunal of Christ is set before their view, from which the reward of faith is to be expected.

Calvin: Phi 2:17 - If I should be offered // I rejoice with you, 17.If I should be offered 138 The Greek word is σπένδομαι, and accordingly there appears to be an allusion to those animals, by the slaught...
17.If I should be offered 138 The Greek word is
He makes use of the terms,
From this, however, a useful lesson is to be gathered as to the nature of faith — that it is not a vain thing, but of such a nature as to consecrate man to God. The ministers of the gospel have, also, here a singular consolation in being called priests of God, to present victims to him; 141 for with what ardor ought that man to apply himself to the pursuit of preaching, who knows that this is an acceptable sacrifice to God! The wretched Papists, having no knowledge of this kind of sacrifice, contrive another, which is utter sacrilege.
I rejoice with you, says he — so that if it should happen that he died, they would know that this took place for their profit, and would receive advantage from his death.

Calvin: Phi 2:18 - Rejoice ye 18.Rejoice ye. By the alacrity which he thus discovers, he encourages the Philippians, and enkindles in them a desire to meet death with firmness, 14...
18.Rejoice ye. By the alacrity which he thus discovers, he encourages the Philippians, and enkindles in them a desire to meet death with firmness, 142 inasmuch as believers suffer no harm from it. For he has formerly taught them that death would be gain to himself, (Phi 1:21;) here, on the other hand, he is chiefly concerned that his death may not disconcert the Philippians. 143 He, accordingly, declares that it is no ground of sorrow; nay, that they have occasion of joy, inasmuch as they will find it to be productive of advantage. For, although it was in itself a serious loss to be deprived of such a teacher, it was no slight compensation that the gospel was confirmed by his blood. In the mean time, he lets them know that to himself personally death would be matter of joy. The rendering of Erasmus, taking it in the present tense, Ye rejoice, is altogether unsuitable.

Calvin: Phi 2:19 - But I hope 19.But I hope. He promises them the coming of Timothy, that, from their expecting him, they may bear up more courageously, and not give way to impost...
19.But I hope. He promises them the coming of Timothy, that, from their expecting him, they may bear up more courageously, and not give way to impostors. For as in war an expectation of help animates soldiers, so as to keep them from giving way, so this consideration, too, was fitted to encourage greatly the Philippians: “There will one come very shortly, who will set himself in opposition to the contrivances of our enemies.” But if the mere expectation of him had so much influence, his presence would exert a much more powerful effect. We must take notice of the condition 144 — in respect of which he submits himself to the providence of God, forming no purpose, but with that leading the way, as assuredly it is not allowable to determine anything as to the future, except, so to speak, under the Lord’s hand. When he adds, that I may be in tranquillity, he declares his affection towards them, inasmuch as he was so much concerned as to their dangers, that he was not at ease until he received accounts of their prosperity.

Calvin: Phi 2:20 - I have no man like-minded 20.I have no man like-minded. While some draw another meaning from the passage, I interpret it thus: “I have no one equally well-affected for atten...
20.I have no man like-minded. While some draw another meaning from the passage, I interpret it thus: “I have no one equally well-affected for attending to your interests.” For Paul, in my opinion, compares Timothy with others, rather than with himself, and he pronounces this eulogium upon him, with the express design that he may be the more highly esteemed by them for his rare excellence.

Calvin: Phi 2:21 - For all seek their own things 21.For all seek their own things. He does not speak of those who had openly abandoned the pursuit of piety, but of those very persons whom he reckone...
21.For all seek their own things. He does not speak of those who had openly abandoned the pursuit of piety, but of those very persons whom he reckoned brethren, nay, even those whom he admitted to familiar intercourse with him. These persons, he nevertheless says, were so warm in the pursuit of their own interests, that they were unbecomingly cold in the work of the Lord. It may seem at first view as if it were no great fault to seek one’s own profit; but how insufferable it is in the servants of Christ, appears from this, that it renders those that give way to it utterly useless. For it is impossible that the man who is devoted to self, should apply himself to the interests of the Church. Did then, you will say, Paul cultivate the society of men that were worthless and mere pretenders? I answer, that it is not to be understood, as if they had been intent exclusively on their own interests, and bestowed no care whatever upon the Church, but that, taken up with their own individual interests, they were to some extent negligent to the promotion of the public advantage of the Church. For it must necessarily be, that one or other of two dispositions prevails over us — either that, overlooking ourselves, we are devoted to Christ, and those things that are Christ’s, or that, unduly intent on our own advantage, we serve Christ in a superficial manner.
From this it appears, how great a hinderance it is to Christ’s ministers to seek their own interests. Nor is there any force in these excuses: “I do harm to no one“ — “I must have a regard, also, to my own advantage” — “I am not so devoid of feeling as not to be prompted by a regard to my own advantage.” For you must give up your own right if you would discharge your duty: a regard to your own interests must not be put in preference to Christ’s glory, or even placed upon a level with it. Whithersoever Christ calls you, you must go promptly, leaving off all other things. Your calling ought to be regarded by you in such a way, that you shall turn away all your powers of perception from everything that would impede you. It might be in your power to live elsewhere in greater opulence, but God has bound you to the Church, which affords you but a very moderate sustenance: you might elsewhere have more honor, but God has assigned you a situation, in which you live in a humble style: 145 you might have elsewhere a more salubrious sky, or a more delightful region, but it is here that your station is appointed. You might wish to have to do with a more humane people: you feel offended with their ingratitude, or barbarity, or pride; in short, you have no sympathy with the disposition or the manners of the nation in which you are, but you must struggle with yourself, and do violence in a manner to opposing inclinations, that you may 146 keep by the trade you have got; 147 for you are not free, or at your own disposal. In fine, forget yourself, if you would serve God.
If, however, Paul reproves so severely those who were influenced by a greater concern for themselves than for the Church, what judgment may be looked for by those who, while altogether devoted to their own affairs, make no account of the edification of the Church? However they may now flatter themselves, God will not spare them. An allowance must be given to the ministers of the Church to seek their own interests, so as not to be prevented from seeking the kingdom of Christ; but in that case they will not be represented as seeking their own interests, as a man’s life is estimated according to its chief aim. When he says all, we are not to understand the term denoting universality, as though it implied that there was no exception, for there were others also, such as Epaphroditus, 148 but there were few of these, and he ascribes to all what was very generally prevalent.
When, however, we hear Paul complaining, that in that golden age, in which all excellences flourished, that there were so few that were rightly affected, 149 let us not be disheartened, if such is our condition in the present day: only let every one take heed to himself, that he be not justly reckoned to belong to that catalogue. I should wish, however, that Papists would answer me one question — where Peter was at that time, for he must have been at Rome, if what they say is true. O the sad and vile description that Paul gave of him! They utter, therefore, mere fables, when they pretend that he at that time presided over the Church of Rome. Observe, that the edification of the Church is termed the things of Christ, because we are truly engaged in his work, when we labor in the cultivation of his vineyard.

Calvin: Phi 2:22 - But the proof 22.But the proof. It is literally, ye know the proof of him, unless you prefer to understand it in the imperative mood, know ye; (for there had sca...
22.But the proof. It is literally, ye know the proof of him, unless you prefer to understand it in the imperative mood, know ye; (for there had scarcely been opportunity during that short time to make trial,) but this is not of great moment. What is chiefly to be noticed is, that he furnishes Timothy with an attestation of fidelity and modesty. In evidence of his fidelity, he declares, that he had served with him in the gospel, for such a connection was a token of true sincerity. In evidence of his modesty, he states, that he had submitted to him as to a father. It is not to be wondered, that this virtue is expressly commended by Paul, for it has in all ages been rare. At the present day, where will you find one among the young that will give way to his seniors, even in the smallest thing? to such an extent does impertinence triumph and prevail in the present age! In this passage, as in many others, we see how diligently Paul makes it his aim to put honor upon pious ministers, and that not so much for their own sakes, as on the ground of its being for the advantage of the whole Church, that such persons should be loved and honored, and possess the highest authority.

Calvin: Phi 2:23 - I trust that I myself 24.I trust that I myself. He adds this, too, lest they should imagine that anything had happened to change his intention as to the journey of which h...
24.I trust that I myself. He adds this, too, lest they should imagine that anything had happened to change his intention as to the journey of which he had previously made mention. At the same time, he always speaks conditionally — If it shall please the Lord. For although he expected deliverance from the Lord, yet there having been, as we have observed, no express promise, this expectation was by no means settled, but was, as it were, suspended upon the secret purpose of God.

Calvin: Phi 2:25 - I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus 25.I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus. After having encouraged them by the promise of his own coming and that of Timothy, he fortifie...
25.I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus. After having encouraged them by the promise of his own coming and that of Timothy, he fortifies them also for the present, by sending previously Epaphroditus, that in the mean time, while he waited the issue of his own affairs, (for this was the cause of his delay,) they might not be in want of a pastor who should take care that matters were properly managed. Now, he recommends Epaphroditus by many distinctions — that he is his brother, and helper in the affairs of the gospel — that he is his fellow-soldier, by which term he intimates what is the condition of the ministers of the gospel; that they are engaged in an incessant warfare, for Satan will not allow them to promote the gospel without maintaining a conflict. Let those, then, who prepare themselves for edifying the Church, know that war is denounced against them, and prepared. This, indeed, is common to all Christians — to be soldiers in the camp of Christ, 150 for Satan is the enemy of all. It is, however, more particularly applicable to the ministers of the word, who go before the army and bear the standard. Paul, however, more especially might boast of his military service, 151 inasmuch as he was exercised to a very miracle in every kind of contest. He accordingly commends Epaphroditus, because he had been a companion to him in his conflicts.
The term Apostle here, as in many other passages, is taken generally to mean any evangelist, 152 unless any one prefers to understand it as meaning an ambassador sent by the Philippians, so that it may be understood as conjoining these two things — an ambassador to afford service to Paul. 153 The former signification, however, is in my opinion more suitable. He mentions also, among other things, to his praise, that he had ministered to him in prison — a matter which will be treated of more fully ere long.

Calvin: Phi 2:26 - He longed after you 26.He longed after you. It is a sign of a true pastor, that while he was at a great distance, and was willingly detained by a pious engagement, he wa...
26.He longed after you. It is a sign of a true pastor, that while he was at a great distance, and was willingly detained by a pious engagement, he was nevertheless affected with concern for his flock, and a longing after them; and on learning that his sheep were distressed on his account, 154 he was concerned as to their grief. On the other hand, the anxiety of the Philippians for their pastor is here discovered.

Calvin: Phi 2:27 - But God had mercy on him // But on me also, lest I should have sorrow // Two 27.But God had mercy on him. He had expressed the severity of the disease — that Epaphroditus had been sick, so that life was despaired of, in orde...
27.But God had mercy on him. He had expressed the severity of the disease — that Epaphroditus had been sick, so that life was despaired of, in order that the goodness of God might shine forth more clearly in his restored health. It is, however, surprising that he should ascribe it to the mercy of God that Epaphroditus had had his period of life prolonged, while he had previously declared that he desired death in preference to life. (Phi 1:23.) And what were better for us than that we should remove hence to the kingdom of God, delivered from the many miseries of this world, and more especially, rescued from that bondage of sin in which he elsewhere exclaims that he is wretched, (Rom 7:24,) to attain the full enjoyment of that liberty of the Spirit, by which we become connected with the Son of God? 155 It were tedious to enumerate all the things which tend to make death better than life to believers, and more to be desired. Where, then, is there any token of the mercy of God, when it does nothing but lengthen out our miseries? I answer, that all these things do not prevent this life from being, nevertheless, considered in itself, an excellent gift of God. More especially those who live to Christ are happily exercised here in hope of heavenly glory; and accordingly, as we have had occasion to see a little ago, life is gain to them. 156 Besides, there is another thing, too, that is to be considered — that it is no small honor that is conferred upon us, when God glorifies himself in us; for it becomes us to look not so much to life itself, as to the end for which we live.
But on me also, lest I should have sorrow Paul acknowledges that the death of Epaphroditus would have been bitterly painful to him, and he recognises it as an instance of God’s sparing mercy toward himself, that he had been restored to health. He does not, therefore, make it his boast that he has the apathy (
Two things, therefore, are to be observed: in the first place, that the dispositions which God originally implanted in our nature are not evil in themselves, because they do not arise from the fault of corrupt nature, but come forth from God as their Author; of this nature is the grief that is felt on occasion of the death of friends: in the second place, that Paul had many other reasons for regret in connection with the death of Epaphroditus, and that these were not merely excusable, but altogether necessary. This, in the first place, is invariable in the case of all believers, that, on occasion of the death of any one, they are reminded of the anger of God against sin; but Paul was the more affected with the loss sustained by the Church, which he saw would be deprived of a singularly good pastor at a time when the good were so few in number. Those who would have dispositions of this kind altogether subdued and eradicated, do not picture to themselves merely men of flint, but men that are fierce and savage. In the depravity of our nature, however, everything in us is so perverted, that in whatever direction our minds are bent, they always go beyond bounds. Hence it is that there is nothing that is so pure or right in itself, as not to bring with it some contagion. Nay more, Paul, as being a man, would, I do not deny, have experienced in his grief something of human error, 160 for he was subject to infirmity, and required to be tried with temptations, in order that he might have occasion of victory by striving and resisting.

Calvin: Phi 2:28 - I have sent him the more carefully 28.I have sent him the more carefully. The presence of Epaphroditus was no small consolation to him; yet to such a degree did he prefer the welfare o...
28.I have sent him the more carefully. The presence of Epaphroditus was no small consolation to him; yet to such a degree did he prefer the welfare of the Philippians to his own advantage, that he says that he rejoices on occasion of his departure, because it grieved him that, on his account, he was taken away from the flock that was intrusted to him, and was reluctant to avail himself of his services, though otherwise agreeable to him, when it was at the expense of loss to them. Hence he says, that he will feel more happiness in the joy of the Philippians.

Calvin: Phi 2:29 - Receive him with all joy 29.Receive him with all joy. He employs the word all to mean sincere and abundant. He also recommends him again to the Philippians; so intent is he...
29.Receive him with all joy. He employs the word all to mean sincere and abundant. He also recommends him again to the Philippians; so intent is he upon this, that all that approve themselves as good and faithful pastors may be held in the highest estimation: for he does not speak merely of one, but exhorts that all such should be held in estimation; for they are precious pearls from God’s treasuries, and the rarer they are, they are so much the more worthy of esteem. Nor can it be doubted that God often punishes our ingratitude and proud disdain, by depriving us of good pastors, when he sees that the most eminent that are given by him are ordinarily despised. Let every one, then, who is desirous that the Church should be fortified against the stratagems and assaults of wolves, make it his care, after the example of Paul, that the authority of good pastors be established; 161 as, on the other hand, there is nothing upon which the instruments of the devil are more intent, than on undermining it by every means in their power.

Calvin: Phi 2:30 - Because for the work of Christ 30.Because for the work of Christ. I consider this as referring to that infirmity, which he had drawn down upon himself by incessant assiduity. Hence...
30.Because for the work of Christ. I consider this as referring to that infirmity, which he had drawn down upon himself by incessant assiduity. Hence he reckons the distemper of Epaphroditus among his excellences, as it certainly was a signal token of his ardent zeal. Sickness, indeed, is not an excellence, but it is an excellence not to spare yourself that you may serve Christ. Epaphroditus felt that his health would be in danger if he applied himself beyond measure; yet he would rather be negligent as to health than be deficient in duty; and that he may commend this conduct the more to the Philippians, he says that it was a filling up of their deficiency, 162 because, being situated at a distance, they could not furnish aid to Paul at Rome. Hence Epaphroditus, having been sent for this purpose, acted in their stead. 163 He speaks of the services rendered to him as the work of the Lord, as assuredly there is nothing in which we can better serve God, than when we help his servants who labor for the truth of the gospel.
Defender: Phi 2:1 - bowels The Greek word translated "bowels" actually was the word for intestines, but it was commonly also used figuratively for the deep inner affections of t...
The Greek word translated "bowels" actually was the word for intestines, but it was commonly also used figuratively for the deep inner affections of the heart (Col 3:12)."

Defender: Phi 2:3 - esteem other A modern psychological ploy is to attribute many personal and social problems to individual lack of self-esteem. The Scriptures, however, urge each of...
A modern psychological ploy is to attribute many personal and social problems to individual lack of self-esteem. The Scriptures, however, urge each of us to have other-esteem, not self-esteem. Our real problem is self-centeredness and too much self-esteem. However, Paul urges us to be lowly-minded, not high-minded, seeking the good of others, not concerned with ourselves."

Defender: Phi 2:5 - this mind As followers of Christ, we should try to think as He would think, walk as He walked (1Jo 2:6) and love as He loved. With renewed minds (Rom 12:2), we ...

Defender: Phi 2:6 - form of God Jesus Christ was God from eternity (Joh 1:1-3), the Creator of all things.
Jesus Christ was God from eternity (Joh 1:1-3), the Creator of all things.

Defender: Phi 2:6 - not robbery He was not fearful of losing His deity when He exchanged the outward form of God for the outward form of man; that is, He did not have to cling to His...
He was not fearful of losing His deity when He exchanged the outward form of God for the outward form of man; that is, He did not have to cling to His deity as a robber would his plunder. He could not cease being God. The word for robbery is used only this one time in the New Testament."

Defender: Phi 2:7 - no reputation That is, He "emptied Himself." The Greek word is kenoo, and this self-emptying of Christ has been called the kenosis doctrine. Certain liberals have s...
That is, He "emptied Himself." The Greek word is

Defender: Phi 2:8 - humbled himself He not only stooped from the glory of heaven's throne to become a true, yet sinless, human being, but He also became like a bondservant and a guilty c...
He not only stooped from the glory of heaven's throne to become a true, yet sinless, human being, but He also became like a bondservant and a guilty criminal, condemned to die in what has been said to be the most excruciatingly painful death conceivable, that of crucifixion. His obedience all through His life culminated in this ultimate act (Heb 5:8) He performed for us."

Defender: Phi 2:9 - highly exalted him Following His death and triumphant visit to Hades ("the things under the earth" - see notes on 1Pe 3:19, 1Pe 3:20), He rose from the dead, ascended to...

Defender: Phi 2:10 - name of Jesus Not the name "Jesus" in and of itself, but the name given to Him, that of "Lord" (Phi 2:11). "God hath made that same Jesus ... both Lord and Christ" ...

Defender: Phi 2:11 - confess Those who make this confession now will be saved (Rom 10:9, Rom 10:10; Act 16:31), but all created beings, men and angels, must make it eventually, fo...

Defender: Phi 2:12 - work out your own salvation We are not told to work for our salvation, but to work it out in practice in our lives. Our salvation is received entirely by grace through faith, not...
We are not told to work for our salvation, but to work it out in practice in our lives. Our salvation is received entirely by grace through faith, not of works (Eph 2:8, Eph 2:9). Works can no more retain salvation for us than they can achieve it in the first place, but they are the visible evidence of salvation. We have been "created" to do good works (Eph 2:10) if we are truly saved. The very next verse, in fact, assures us that God is now working in us, through His indwelling Holy Spirit."

Defender: Phi 2:14 - murmurings To "murmur" means to "complain or grumble" (1Co 10:10). "Disputing" means "arguing." The Christian, in working out his inward salvation, is thus comma...
To "murmur" means to "complain or grumble" (1Co 10:10). "Disputing" means "arguing." The Christian, in working out his inward salvation, is thus commanded never to complain or argue, but rather to accept the difficulties in life willingly, confident that the Lord is allowing them for good reason, as He is preparing him or her for the age to come."

Defender: Phi 2:16 - word of life The Scriptures constitute "the word of life" in written form (Joh 6:63, Joh 6:68). Jesus Christ is "the Word of life" in human form (1Jo 1:1). The Scr...
The Scriptures constitute "the word of life" in written form (Joh 6:63, Joh 6:68). Jesus Christ is "the Word of life" in human form (1Jo 1:1). The Scriptures are also called "the word of His grace" (Act 20:32), "the word of the kingdom" (Mat 13:19), "the word of promise" (Rom 9:9), "the word of faith" (Rom 10:8), "the word of reconciliation" (2Co 5:19), "the word of truth" (Eph 1:13), "the word of exhortation" (Heb 13:22), and other such marvelous titles.

Defender: Phi 2:21 - seek their own This attitude, unfortunately, is characteristic of most people. In contrast, the Biblical standard is that expressed in the testimony of the Apostle P...
This attitude, unfortunately, is characteristic of most people. In contrast, the Biblical standard is that expressed in the testimony of the Apostle Paul: "For me to live is Christ" (Phi 1:21)."

Defender: Phi 2:25 - messenger "Messenger" here is apostolos, usually translated "apostle" (compare 2Co 8:23, where the same word is also translated "messengers"). Thus, Epaphroditu...
"Messenger" here is
TSK: Phi 2:1 - any consolation // if any comfort // if any fellowship // if any bowels any consolation : Phi 3:3; Luk 2:10,Luk 2:11, Luk 2:25; Joh 14:18, Joh 14:27, Joh 15:11, Joh 16:22-24, Joh 17:13; Rom 5:1, Rom 5:2; Rom 15:12, Rom 15:...
any consolation : Phi 3:3; Luk 2:10,Luk 2:11, Luk 2:25; Joh 14:18, Joh 14:27, Joh 15:11, Joh 16:22-24, Joh 17:13; Rom 5:1, Rom 5:2; Rom 15:12, Rom 15:13; 1Co 15:31; 2Co 1:5, 2Co 1:6, 2Co 2:14; 2Th 2:16, 2Th 2:17; Heb 6:18; 1Pe 1:6-8
if any comfort : Psa 133:1; Joh 15:10-12; Act 2:46, Act 4:32; Gal 5:22; Eph 4:30-32; Col 2:2; 1Jo 4:7, 1Jo 4:8, 1Jo 4:12, 1Jo 4:16
if any fellowship : Rom 5:5, Rom 8:9-16, Rom 8:26; 1Co 3:16, 1Co 6:19, 1Co 6:20, 1Co 12:13; 2Co 13:14; Gal 4:6; Eph 1:13, Eph 1:14, Eph 2:18-22, Eph 4:4; 1Pe 1:2, 1Pe 1:22, 1Pe 1:23; 1Jo 3:24

TSK: Phi 2:2 - Fulfil // that // one accord Fulfil : Phi 2:16, Phi 1:4, Phi 1:26, Phi 1:27; Joh 3:29; 2Co 2:3, 2Co 7:7; Col 2:5; 1Th 2:19, 1Th 2:20, 1Th 3:6-10; 2Th 2:13; 2Ti 1:4; Phm 1:20; 1Jo ...
Fulfil : Phi 2:16, Phi 1:4, Phi 1:26, Phi 1:27; Joh 3:29; 2Co 2:3, 2Co 7:7; Col 2:5; 1Th 2:19, 1Th 2:20, 1Th 3:6-10; 2Th 2:13; 2Ti 1:4; Phm 1:20; 1Jo 1:3, 1Jo 1:4; 2Jo 1:4; 3Jo 1:4
that : Phi 1:27, like minded, Phi 2:20, Phi 3:15, Phi 3:16, Phi 4:2; Rom 12:16, Rom 15:5, Rom 15:6; 1Co 1:10; 2Co 13:11; 1Pe 3:8, 1Pe 3:9

TSK: Phi 2:3 - nothing // but nothing : Phi 2:14, Phi 1:15, Phi 1:16; Pro 13:10; Rom 13:13; 1Co 3:3; 2Co 12:20; Gal 5:15, Gal 5:20,Gal 5:21, Gal 5:26; Col 3:8; 1Ti 6:4; Jam 3:14-16...

TSK: Phi 2:4 - -- Mat 18:6; Rom 12:15, Rom 14:19-22, Rom 15:1; 1Co 8:9-13, 1Co 10:24, 1Co 10:32, 1Co 10:33, 1Co 12:22-26; 1Co 13:4, 1Co 13:5; 2Co 6:3, 2Co 11:29; Jam 2:...

TSK: Phi 2:5 - -- Mat 11:29, Mat 20:26-28; Luk 22:27; Joh 13:14, Joh 13:15; Act 10:38, Act 20:35; Rom 14:15, Rom 15:3, Rom 15:5; 1Co 10:33, 1Co 11:1; Eph 5:2; 1Pe 2:21,...

TSK: Phi 2:6 - in // thought in : Isa 7:14, Isa 8:8, Isa 9:6; Jer 23:6; Mic 5:2; Mat 1:23; Joh 1:1, Joh 1:2, Joh 1:18, Joh 17:5; Rom 9:5; 2Co 4:4; Col 1:15, Col 1:16; 1Ti 1:17, 1T...
in : Isa 7:14, Isa 8:8, Isa 9:6; Jer 23:6; Mic 5:2; Mat 1:23; Joh 1:1, Joh 1:2, Joh 1:18, Joh 17:5; Rom 9:5; 2Co 4:4; Col 1:15, Col 1:16; 1Ti 1:17, 1Ti 3:16; Tit 2:13; Heb 1:3, Heb 1:6, Heb 1:8; Heb 13:8
thought : Gen 32:24-30, Gen 48:15, Gen 48:16; Eze 8:2-6; Jos 5:13-15; Hos 12:3-5; Zec 13:7; Joh 5:18, Joh 5:23, Joh 8:58, Joh 8:59, Joh 10:30,Joh 10:33, Joh 10:38, Joh 14:9, Joh 20:28; Rev 1:17, Rev 1:18, Rev 21:6

TSK: Phi 2:7 - made // the form // in the // likeness made : Psa 22:6; Isa 49:7, Isa 50:5, Isa 50:6, Isa 52:14, Isa 53:2, Isa 53:3; Dan 9:26; Zec 9:9; Mar 9:12; Rom 15:3; 2Co 8:9; Heb 2:9-18, Heb 12:2, He...
made : Psa 22:6; Isa 49:7, Isa 50:5, Isa 50:6, Isa 52:14, Isa 53:2, Isa 53:3; Dan 9:26; Zec 9:9; Mar 9:12; Rom 15:3; 2Co 8:9; Heb 2:9-18, Heb 12:2, Heb 13:3
the form : Isa 42:1, Isa 49:3, Isa 49:6, Isa 52:13, Isa 53:11; Eze 34:23, Eze 34:24; Zec 3:8; Mat 12:18; Mat 20:28; Mar 10:44, Mar 10:45; Luk 22:27; Joh 13:3-14; Rom 15:8
in the : Phi 2:6; Joh 1:14; Rom 1:3, Rom 8:3; Gal 4:4; Heb 2:14-17, Heb 4:15
likeness : or, habit

TSK: Phi 2:8 - in // he // and became // the death in : Mat 17:2; Mar 9:2, Mar 9:3; Luk 9:29
he : Pro 15:33; Act 8:33; Heb 5:5-7, Heb 12:2
and became : Psa 40:6-8; Isa 50:5, Isa 50:6; Mat 26:39, Mat 26...
in : Mat 17:2; Mar 9:2, Mar 9:3; Luk 9:29
he : Pro 15:33; Act 8:33; Heb 5:5-7, Heb 12:2
and became : Psa 40:6-8; Isa 50:5, Isa 50:6; Mat 26:39, Mat 26:42; Joh 4:34, Joh 15:10; Heb 5:8, Heb 5:9; Heb 10:7-9
the death : Deu 21:23; Psa 22:16; Joh 10:18, Joh 12:28-32, Joh 14:31; Gal 3:13; Tit 2:14; Heb 12:2; 1Pe 2:24, 1Pe 3:18

TSK: Phi 2:9 - God // given God : Gen 3:15; Psa 2:6-12, Psa 8:5-8, Psa 45:6, Psa 45:7, Psa 69:29, Psa 69:30, Psa 72:17-19, Psa 91:14, Psa 110:1, Psa 110:5; Isa 9:7, Isa 49:6-8, I...
God : Gen 3:15; Psa 2:6-12, Psa 8:5-8, Psa 45:6, Psa 45:7, Psa 69:29, Psa 69:30, Psa 72:17-19, Psa 91:14, Psa 110:1, Psa 110:5; Isa 9:7, Isa 49:6-8, Isa 52:13, Isa 53:12; Dan 2:44, Dan 2:45, Dan 7:14; Mat 11:27, Mat 28:18; Luk 10:22; Joh 3:35, Joh 3:36, Joh 5:22-27, Joh 13:3, Joh 17:1-3, Joh 17:5; Act 2:32-36, Act 5:31; Rom 14:9-11; 1Co 15:24-27; Heb 2:9, Heb 12:2; 2Pe 1:17; Rev 1:5, Rev 3:21, Rev 5:12; Rev 11:15, Rev 19:16
given : Psa 89:27; Eph 1:20-23; Col 1:18; Heb 1:4; 1Pe 3:22

TSK: Phi 2:10 - every // under every : Gen 41:43; Isa 45:23-25; Mat 27:29, Mat 28:18; Rom 11:4, Rom 14:10,Rom 14:11; Eph 3:14; Heb 1:6; Rev 4:10, Rev 5:13, Rev 5:14
under : Mat 12:4...

TSK: Phi 2:11 - every // is Lord // to the every : Psa 18:49 *marg. Mat 10:32; Joh 9:22, Joh 12:42; Rom 10:9, Rom 15:9; 1Jo 4:2, 1Jo 4:15; 2Jo 1:7; Rev 3:5
is Lord : Psa 110:1; Jer 23:6; Luk 2:...
every : Psa 18:49 *marg. Mat 10:32; Joh 9:22, Joh 12:42; Rom 10:9, Rom 15:9; 1Jo 4:2, 1Jo 4:15; 2Jo 1:7; Rev 3:5
is Lord : Psa 110:1; Jer 23:6; Luk 2:11; Joh 13:13, Joh 20:28; Act 2:36, Act 10:36; Rom 10:9-12, Rom 14:9, Rom 14:11; 1Co 8:6, 1Co 12:3, 1Co 15:47
to the : Joh 5:23, Joh 13:31, Joh 13:32, Joh 14:13, Joh 14:23, Joh 16:14, Joh 16:15, Joh 17:1; 1Pe 1:21

TSK: Phi 2:12 - my beloved // as ye // work // own // with my beloved : Phi 4:1; 1Co 4:14; 1Pe 2:11
as ye : Phi 1:5, Phi 1:27, Phi 1:29
work : Phi 3:13, Phi 3:14; Pro 10:16, Pro 13:4; Mat 11:12, Mat 11:29; Luk...
my beloved : Phi 4:1; 1Co 4:14; 1Pe 2:11
as ye : Phi 1:5, Phi 1:27, Phi 1:29
work : Phi 3:13, Phi 3:14; Pro 10:16, Pro 13:4; Mat 11:12, Mat 11:29; Luk 13:23, Luk 13:24; Joh 6:27-29; Rom 2:7; 1Co 9:24-27, 1Co 15:58; Gal 6:7-9; 1Th 1:3; Heb 4:11, Heb 6:10,Heb 6:11; Heb 12:1; 2Pe 1:5-10, 2Pe 3:18
own : Phi 2:19; Rom 13:11-14; 1Co 9:20-23; 2Ti 2:10
with : Ezr 10:3; Psa 2:11, Psa 119:120; Isa 66:2, Isa 66:5; Act 9:6, Act 16:29; 1Co 2:3; 2Co 7:15; Eph 6:5; Heb 4:1, Heb 12:28, Heb 12:29

TSK: Phi 2:13 - God // to will // good God : 2Ch 30:12; Isa 26:12; Jer 31:33, Jer 32:38; Joh 3:27; Act 11:21; 2Co 3:5; Heb 13:21; Jam 1:16-18
to will : 1Ki 8:58; 1Ch 29:14-18; Ezr 1:1, Ezr ...
God : 2Ch 30:12; Isa 26:12; Jer 31:33, Jer 32:38; Joh 3:27; Act 11:21; 2Co 3:5; Heb 13:21; Jam 1:16-18
to will : 1Ki 8:58; 1Ch 29:14-18; Ezr 1:1, Ezr 1:5, Ezr 7:27; Neh 2:4; Psa 110:3, Psa 119:36; Psa 141:4; Pro 21:1; Joh 6:45, Joh 6:65; Eph 2:4, Eph 2:5; 2Th 2:13, 2Th 2:14; Tit 3:4, Tit 3:5; 1Pe 1:3
good : Luk 12:32; Rom 9:11, Rom 9:16; Eph 1:5, Eph 1:9, Eph 1:11, Eph 2:8; 2Th 1:11; 2Ti 1:9

TSK: Phi 2:14 - without // disputings without : Phi 2:3; Exo 16:7, Exo 16:8; Num 14:27; Psa 106:25; Mat 20:11; Mar 14:5; Act 6:1; 1Co 10:10; Jam 5:9; 1Pe 4:9; Jud 1:16
disputings : Pro 13:...
without : Phi 2:3; Exo 16:7, Exo 16:8; Num 14:27; Psa 106:25; Mat 20:11; Mar 14:5; Act 6:1; 1Co 10:10; Jam 5:9; 1Pe 4:9; Jud 1:16
disputings : Pro 13:10, Pro 15:17, Pro 15:18; Mar 9:33, Mar 9:34; Act 15:2, Act 15:7, Act 15:39; Rom 12:18, Rom 14:1, Rom 16:17; 1Co 1:10-12, 1Co 3:3-5; 2Co 12:20; Gal 5:15, Gal 5:26; Eph 4:31, Eph 4:32; 1Th 5:13, 1Th 5:15; 1Ti 6:3-5; Heb 12:14; Jam 1:20, Jam 3:14-18, Jam 4:1; 1Pe 3:11

TSK: Phi 2:15 - blameless // and // harmless // sons // rebuke // a crooked // ye shine blameless : Luk 1:6; 1Co 1:8; Eph 5:27; 1Th 5:23; 1Ti 3:2, 1Ti 3:10, 1Ti 5:7; Tit 1:6; 2Pe 3:14
and : Mat 10:16; Rom 16:19; Heb 7:26
harmless : or, si...
blameless : Luk 1:6; 1Co 1:8; Eph 5:27; 1Th 5:23; 1Ti 3:2, 1Ti 3:10, 1Ti 5:7; Tit 1:6; 2Pe 3:14
and : Mat 10:16; Rom 16:19; Heb 7:26
harmless : or, sincere, Phi 1:10
sons : Mat 5:45, Mat 5:48; Luk 6:35; 2Co 6:17; Eph 5:1, Eph 5:2, Eph 5:7; 1Pe 1:14-17, 1Pe 2:9; 1Jo 3:1-3
rebuke : 1Ti 5:14, 1Ti 5:20; Tit 2:10,Tit 2:15; Rev 3:9
a crooked : Deu 32:5; Psa 122:5; Mat 17:17; Act 20:30; 1Pe 2:12
ye shine : or, shine ye, Isa 60:1; Mat 5:14-16; Joh 5:35; Eph 5:8

TSK: Phi 2:16 - Holding // the word // that I may // that I have Holding : Phi 1:27; Psa 40:9, Psa 71:17; Mat 10:27; Luk 12:8; Rom 10:8-16; Rev 22:17
the word : Joh 6:63, Joh 6:68; Act 13:26; 2Ti 2:15-17; Heb 4:12; ...

TSK: Phi 2:17 - and if // offered // the sacrifice // I joy and if : Phi 2:30, Phi 1:20; Act 20:24, Act 21:13; 2Co 12:15; 1Th 2:8; 2Ti 4:6; 1Jo 3:16
offered : Gr. poured forth
the sacrifice : Phi 4:18; Rom 12:1...

TSK: Phi 2:19 - But // to send // that I But : or, Moreover, Phi 2:24; Jer 17:5; Mat 12:21; Rom 15:12; Eph 1:13; 2Ti 1:12 *marg. Jam 4:15; 1Pe 1:21
to send : Phi 2:23, Phi 2:25, Phi 1:1; Rom ...

TSK: Phi 2:20 - I have // likeminded I have : Phi 2:2, Phi 2:22; Psa 55:13; Pro 31:29; Joh 10:13, Joh 12:6; 1Co 1:10,1Co 1:11; Col 4:11; 1Ti 1:2; 2Ti 1:5
likeminded : or, so dear unto me,...

TSK: Phi 2:21 - all // the all : Phi 2:4; Isa 56:11; Mal 1:10; Mat 16:24; Luk 9:57-62, Luk 14:26; Act 13:13, Act 15:38; 1Co 10:24, 1Co 10:33, 1Co 13:5; 2Ti 1:15, 2Ti 3:2, 2Ti 4:...

TSK: Phi 2:22 - ye // as ye : Act 16:3-12; 2Co 2:9, 2Co 8:8, 2Co 8:22, 2Co 8:24
as : Phi 2:20; 1Co 4:17; 1Ti 1:2, 1Ti 1:18; 2Ti 1:2; Tit 1:4

TSK: Phi 2:25 - Epaphroditus // my brother // companion // fellowsoldier // but // and he Epaphroditus : Phi 4:18
my brother : 2Co 2:13, 2Co 8:22; Phm 1:1
companion : Phi 4:3; 1Co 3:9; 2Co 8:23; Col 1:7, Col 4:11; 1Th 3:2; Phm 1:1, Phm 1:24...

TSK: Phi 2:26 - he longed // full // ye had he longed : Phi 1:3, Phi 1:8, Phi 4:1; 2Sa 13:39; Rom 1:11; 2Co 9:14
full : Job 9:27; Psa 69:20; Pro 12:25; Isa 61:3; Mat 11:28, Mat 26:37; Rom 9:2; 1...

TSK: Phi 2:27 - nigh // but God // but on nigh : Phi 2:30; 2Ki 20:1; Psa 107:18; Ecc 9:1, Ecc 9:2; Joh 11:3, Joh 11:4; Act 9:37
but God : Job 5:19; Psa 30:1-3, Psa 30:10,Psa 30:11, Psa 34:19, ...

TSK: Phi 2:28 - ye see // and that ye see : Phi 2:26; Gen 45:27, Gen 45:28, Gen 46:29, Gen 46:30, Gen 48:11; Joh 16:22; Act 20:38; 2Ti 1:4
and that : Phi 2:27; 2Co 2:3; 1Jo 1:3, 1Jo 1:4

TSK: Phi 2:29 - Receive // with // and // hold such in reputation Receive : Mat 10:40,Mat 10:41; Luk 9:5; Joh 13:20; Rom 16:2; 1Co 16:10; 2Co 7:2; Col 4:10; 3Jo 1:10
with : Isa 52:7; Luk 2:10,Luk 2:11; Act 2:46, Act ...

TSK: Phi 2:30 - the work // nigh // unto the work : 1Co 15:53, 1Co 16:10
nigh : Phi 2:17, Phi 2:27, Phi 1:19, Phi 1:20; Mat 25:36-40; Act 20:24; Rom 16:4; 2Co 12:15; Rev 12:11
unto : Phi 4:10...

kecilkan semuaTafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per Ayat)
Poole -> Phi 2:1; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:4-5; Phi 2:5; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:8; Phi 2:9; Phi 2:10; Phi 2:11; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:13; Phi 2:14; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:17; Phi 2:18; Phi 2:19; Phi 2:20; Phi 2:21; Phi 2:22; Phi 2:23; Phi 2:24; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:26; Phi 2:27; Phi 2:28; Phi 2:29; Phi 2:30
Poole: Phi 2:1 - Phi 2:1 ,2 // Phi 2:3 // Phi 2:4-8 // Phi 2:9-11 // Phi 2:12 ,13 // Phi 2:14 ,15 // Phi 2:16-18 // Phi 2:19 ,20 // Phi 2:21-30 // If there be therefore any consolation in Christ // consolation in Christ // If any comfort of love // If any fellowship of the Spirit // If any bowels and mercies Phi 2:1,2 Paul earnestly recommends to the Philippians mutual
love and union,
Phi 2:3 lowliness of mind,
Phi 2:4-8 and that charitable cond...
Phi 2:1,2 Paul earnestly recommends to the Philippians mutual
love and union,
Phi 2:3 lowliness of mind,
Phi 2:4-8 and that charitable condescension for the good of
others, exemplified in the life and death of Christ,
Phi 2:9-11 for which God had exalted him to be Lord of all.
Phi 2:12,13 He exhorteth them to carefulness in working out their
own salvation,
Phi 2:14,15 to obey the will of God cheerfully and universally,
that so they might distinguish themselves from the
rest of the world by a bright example of virtue,
Phi 2:16-18 and by their steadiness give him, cause to rejoice in
the success of his labours, who would gladly lay down
his life to serve them.
Phi 2:19,20 He hopeth to send Timothy to them shortly, whom he
greatly commendeth,
Phi 2:21-30 as he doth the affection and zeal of Epaphroditus,
whom he sendeth, with this Epistle.
The apostle, reassuming his exhortation in the former chapter to unanimity, Phi 1:27 , doth here, by way of inference from what went immediately before, press them in a very affectionate manner, with a kind of rhetorical relation, and obtestation, as it were, adjure them.
If there be therefore any consolation in Christ if any such exhortation, (as the word is rendered, Act 13:15 1Th 2:3 1Ti 4:13 ), in the name of Christ, might avail with them to cheer him and one another by their loving concord and being unanimous. Or as we, rendering it consolation; ; so Rom 15:4 2Co 1:4 If, which he may well suppose, and strongly affirm that he took it for granted, the main body of them had in some measure found by his ministry, what he here moves them to complete, compare Phi 1:6,7,27in expectation to find more of what they had experimented, whatever indisposition might have crept upon some by the insinuations of the false apostles; yet, this
consolation in Christ may be considered either:
1. Actively: q.d. If ye would comfort me afflicted, in the concerns of Christ, or if ye have any Christian comfort which doth only proceed from those that are in Christ, (not from moral philosophy), or which is wont to be in those who worship the same Christ, let me his apostle be a partaker thereof. Or:
2. Passively, 2Co 7:4,6 Phm 1:7 : If you, being in Christ, find any consolation against your afflictions, forasmuch as you have receivcd it by my ministry, we, being both in suffering circumstances, should be further comforted by a sweet agreement.
If any comfort of love the Syriac renders it, any speaking to the heart, any solace from good and comfortable words did reach your hearts, Joh 11:19,31 1Co 14:3 1Th 2:11 5:14 , cheered with the love of God or Christ, or the brethren: or refreshed with my love to you, Phi 1:8,9 ; or would that I should be conforted with your love to me, (as he himself and others were with the gracious affections of the Corinthians, 2Co 7:7 ), which ye ought unfeignedly.
If any fellowship of the Spirit if ye have any communion with me in the graces of the Spirit, and stand fast in one spirit, Phi 1:27 , and would show that you do persevere in the same Spirit, 1Co 12:4 , which acts in all the members of the mystical body of Christ, that do in him their Head partake of it.
If any bowels and mercies if ye are duly affected with any real sympathy and commiseration towards me in my bonds for Christ, such inward affections as were moving in him towards them; Phi 1:8 , with Luk 1:78 2Co 7:15 Col 3:12 ; the latter word emphatically expressing the sense of the metaphor in the former. Then he, having thus pathetically urged these arguments, and closely followed them to embrace the matter proposed, puts them upon.

Poole: Phi 2:2 - Fulfil ye my joy // That ye be like-minded // Having the same love // Being of one accord // Of one mind Fulfil ye my joy viz. the exercise of those graces he had been joyful for, which would be an addition to that joy he had for them, and the making of ...
Fulfil ye my joy viz. the exercise of those graces he had been joyful for, which would be an addition to that joy he had for them, and the making of it much more abundant, contributing as much as the friends of the Bridegroom here can to the completing of it, Joh 3:29 .
That ye be like-minded which is when they believe and affect the same things, agreeable to the mind of God, Phi 3:15 Act 4:32 Rom 12:16 2Co 13:11 .
Having the same love having the same mutual sincere charity, Eph 4:2 Col 3:14 .
Being of one accord being unanimous in their honest designs, Joh 17:22 1Pe 3:8 .
Of one mind agreeing as to the main in the same judgment and opinion, to promote the interest of Christ, 1Co 1:10 Gal 5:7,10 .

Poole: Phi 2:3 - Let nothing be done through strife or vain-glory // But in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves // Question Here, the better to engage them to embrace what he had so pathetically exhorted them to, he doth dissuade them from animosity, an affectation of app...
Here, the better to engage them to embrace what he had so pathetically exhorted them to, he doth dissuade them from animosity, an affectation of applause, and self-seeking; and direct them to modesty and self-denial.
Let nothing be done through strife or vain-glory intitnating, they should by no means indulge all inordinate affection to strive and quarrel with one another, provoking each other by an ambitious emulation to cross or excel others; this arguing a carnal temper, opposite to true Christianity, Phi 2:14 Rom 2:8 Gal 5:16,24,26 , being the very bane of true Christian concord, Rom 13:13 Jam 3:16 , and destructive to faith, Joh 5:44 2Co 12:20 .
But in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves but cherish and exercise true Christian modesty and meekness, (which is of another kind than that the heathen philosophers did prescribe), in a due preference of each other, Mat 11:29 Rom 12:10 Eph 4:2 5:21 1Pe 5:5 ; as the apostle himself gave example, 1Co 15:8,9 .
Question. If any say: How is this consistent with what the apostle writes to them to think of praise and good report, Phi 4:8 , and of himself, not a whit, and nothing, behind the very chiefest apostles? 2Co 11:5 12:11 ; and further, how can some think others better than themselves in truth, unless they reckon good evil and evil good? I answer,
1. Be sure Christian modesty and real humility, with prudence and mildness, are very commendable graces, and in the sight of God of great price, 1Pe 3:4 . And therefore what he doth afterwards exhort to in this Epistle, doth very well agree with what he doth write here; where:
2. He is treating of grace and godliness, whereas in those places to the Corinthians he writes of some certain gifts, which, by reason of the insinuations of false apostles against him, he was necessitated, in magnifying of his apostolical office and authority, 2Co 10:8 , to mention, being as it were compelled to it by the ingratitude of some of them at Corinth who had been influenced by the false apostles, 2Co 12:5,6 ; yet you may see there, he doth not glory of himself, or his person, but acknowledges his infirmities, 2Co 11:30 , and that unfeignedly, speaking the truth every where, 2Co 12:6 , which he makes evident to them from the nature of the thing itself, 2Co 10:12,13,15,16 12:12 ; appealing to God, as witness in the case, 2Co 11:31 , referring all the glorying the, put him upon, to the grace of God through Christ, 1Co 15:10 2Co 11:31 , when they had cast contempt on his ministry, 2Co 10:10-13,18 . So that in respect of gifts and external privileges, wherein are distinctions of superiors and inferiors, Phi 3:4 , he doth not urge that every Christian should prefer every other to himself, wherein it is evident there is a real difference; but in respect of the persons, the honesty and piety of others in God’ s sight, (lest a man, by thinking himself something when he is nothing, should deceive himself; Gal 6:3 ), since in his judgment they may be endowed with some hidden quality we know not of, and be accepted with him. Hence:
3. Our estimation and preference of others to ourselves, who as Christian brethren are obliged to serve one another, Gal 5:13 , is not taken simply, and with an absolute judgment, as if it were necessary to give them the pre-eminence in all things: but, as to this, that a man may think there is some defect in himself, which it may be is not in another; or with a suspense; Perhaps he is not better in truth, but considering my heart is deceitful, and possibly he may be more without guile, I judge it not meet to prefer myself to him God-ward; but seeing mine own black legs, and being bound in love to confess mine own and cover the infirmities of my brother, who labours to walk answerably to his profession, it is safe for me to prefer him, who may have some good latent which I have not, and whereupon he is to be esteemed by me. Wherefore:
4. The right management of the duty which the apostle calls for to preserve unanimity, depends upon a right and due estimation of God’ s divers gifts and graces which flow from the same Spirit, 1Co 12:4 , and a humble sense of our own infirmities: so that however one Christian may excel with some singular endowments, yet he ought to think they were not bestowed upon him that he should be puffed up, or value himself above what is meet upon that account before God, being he hath received them of God, 1Co 4:7 , but judge himself for his own defectiveness and faultiness, which will afford himself matter of abasement and humility; when yet with respect to others, whose hearts he knows not, he in charity thinketh the best, 1Co 13:4,5 ; and if in this case he should be mistaken, his modest apprehensions would be acceptable to God (designing to approve that which he doth) and profitable to himself. To engage theln further unto Christian concord, he here directs them as to their aim and scope, (according to the import of the word), that it should not be their own private interest, but the common good of Christianity, becoming those who have true Christian love, 1Co 10:24 13:5 ; not as if he did disallow providing for their own, 1Ti 5:8 , or studying to be quiet, and doing their own business, 1Th 4:11 ; but that every member of Christ, while he considers his own gifts, graces, honour, and advantage, would remember that he is not born only to serve himself or Pharisaically to conceit well of himself in the contempt of others, Luk 18:11 ; but also, and that much rather, he should consider his relation to the Head, and every other member of the body, and so consult the gifts, graces, honour, and edification of others, especially when more eminently useful, knowing that members should have the same care one for another, 1Co 12:24-28 .

Poole: Phi 2:4-5 - -- Ver. 4,5. Let most translations do express the causal or rather illative Greek particle, which ours doth here omit as an expletive. However, the apo...
Ver. 4,5. Let most translations do express the causal or rather illative Greek particle, which ours doth here omit as an expletive. However, the apostle doth urge them to the exercise of self-denial, mutual love, and a hearty condescension to one another, from the great example of Jesus Christ, 2Co 8:9 : that so the mind which was in Christ may be perceived in us, who, if spiritual, judge all things and have the mind of Christ; being enlightened by the same Spirit, we do judge as he coming in the flesh did: or: Let the same affection be found in you that was really in him, Mat 11:28 Joh 13:15 .

Poole: Phi 2:6 - Who // Being // In the form of God // being // in the form of God // thought it not // Thought it not robbery // To be equal with God Who i.e. relative to Christ Jesus, the eternal Son of God by nature, very God extant with his Father before the beginning, Joh 1:1 Gal 4:4 1Ti 3:16 6...
Who i.e. relative to Christ Jesus, the eternal Son of God by nature, very God extant with his Father before the beginning, Joh 1:1 Gal 4:4 1Ti 3:16 6:14-16 Tit 2:13 ; the express image and character of his Father’ s person, which implies a peculiar subsistence distinct from the subsistence of his Father, Joh 8:42 2Co 4:4 Col 1:15 Heb 1:3 ; concerning whom, every word that follows, by reason of the Socinians, and some Lutherans, is to be well weighed.
Being i.e. subsisting, in opposition to taking or assuming, Phi 2:7 ; and therefore doth firmly prove Christ pro-existing in another nature to his so doing, namely, his actual existing of himself in the same essence and glory he had from eternity with the Father, Joh 1:1,2 17:5 2Co 8:9 Rev 1:4,8,11 .
In the form of God to understand which clearly:
1. The word
form though it may sometimes note somewhat outward, and so infer the glory of Christ’ s miracles, yet we do not find it any where so used in Scripture: it is true it is once used there for the outward visage, Mar 16:12 , which had excelling splendour and beauty, giving occasion to conceive majesty in the person, Mat 27:2 2Pe 1:16 , (however, his resplendent garments could not be accounted the form of God, ) yet being, Luke saith, Luk 24:16 , the eyes of the persons which saw were holden, that for a time they could not acknowledge him, it argues that the appearance Mark speaks of noted only an accidental form.
2. Whereas the
being or subsisting Paul here speaks of, respects (what the best philosophers in their most usual way of speaking do) the essential form, with the glory of it, since the verbs, in other scriptures of the same origin, signify somewhat inward and not conspicuous, Rom 12:2 2Co 3:18 Gal 4:19 ; especially when there is a cogent reason for it here, considering the form of God, in opposition to the form of a servant afterward, and in conjunction with equality to God, which implies the same essence and nature, Isa 40:25 46:5 , it being impossible there should be any proportion or equality between infinite and finite, eternal and temporal, uncreate and create, by nature God and by nature not God, Gal 4:4,8 , unto which the only living and true God will not suffer his glory to be given. Neither indeed can he deny himself who is one, and besides whom there is no other true God, or God by nature, Deu 4:35 6:4 2Ti 2:13 ; who only doeth wondrous things, Psa 72:18 : for to all Divine operations a Divine power is requisite, which is inseparable from the most simple essence and its properties.
Being or subsisting,
in the form of God imports not Christ’ s appearance in exerting of God’ s power, but his real and actual existence in the Divine essence, not in accidents, wherein nothing doth subsist: neither the vulgar nor learned do use to say any one doth subsist, but appear, in an outward habit; why then should any conceit the apostle means so? The Gentiles might speak of their gods appearing; but then, even they thought the Deity was one thing, and the habit or figure under which, or in which, it appeared was another Act 14:11 : so that subsisting in the form intimates in the nature and essence of God, not barely, but as it were clothed with properties and glory. For the apostle here treats of Christ’ s condescension, proceeding from his actual existence, as the term wherein he is co-eternal and co-equal to God the Father, before he abated himself with respect unto us. For he says not the form of God was in Christ, (however that might be truly said), that the adversaries might not have occasion to say only there was somewhat in Christ like unto God; but he speaks of that wherein Christ was, viz. in the form of God, and so that form is predicated of God, as his essence and nature, and can be no other thing. None can rationally imagine that God was an external figure, wherein Christ was subsisting. For subsistence implies some peculiarity relating to the substance of a certain thing, whence we may conclude the Son to be of the same (not only of like) substance with the Father, considering what significantly follows. He
thought it not esteemed, counted, held (so the word is used, Phi 2:3 3:7,8 1Th 5:13 2Th 3:15 1Ti 1:12 1Ti 6:1 Heb 10:29 11:26 ), it not
robbery it being his right by eternal generation; i.e. he did not judge it any wrong or usurpation, on that account of his being in the form of God, to be equal to his Father, being a subsistent in the same nature and essence with him. From openly showing equal majesty with whom he did not for a time abstain, in that he could reckon this robbery, as if such majesty were that which did not agree to his nature, ever presupposing this inherent right, to his great condescension, or abasing himself, which follows as the term to which: or, he resolved for a time not to show himself in that glory which was his own right, but freely condescended to the veiling of it. He did not really forego (neither was it possible he should) any thing of his Divine glory, being the Son of God still, without any robbery or rapine, equal to his Father in power and glory, Joh 10:33 1Jo 5:7,20 .
Thought it not robbery Paul doth not say, (as the Arians of old would pervert his sense), he robbed not, or snatched not, held not fast equality with God; or, (as the Socinians since), Christ thought not to do this robbery to God, or commit this rape upon God, so as that he should be equal to him, but acknowledged he had it of the free gift of God, chopping in the adversative particle, but, where it really is not: whereas we read not in the sacred text, he thought not to do this robbery, but, he thought it not robbery to be equal to God; which two are vastly different, even as much as to have the Godhead by usurpation, and to have it by nature. In the former it is, q.d. Christ did not rob or snatch away the equality; in the latter, the equality which Christ had with God, he thought it no robbery; he reputed not the empire he might have always continued in the exercise of, equal with the Father, as a thing usurped, or taken by force (as one doth hold that he hath taken by spoil, making show of it). For when he had said he had subsisted in the form of God, he could (before he condescended) say also, he was equal to God, i.e. the Father, without any robbery, rapine, or usurpation. And if Socinus urge that it is absurd and false in any sense to say, God thought he had robbed, or taken by robbery, the Divine essence; then this contradictory, God thought not he took by robbery the Divine essence, is rational and true; as when it is said, God cannot lie, or God changeth not, as 1Sa 15:29 Isa 55:8 Mal 3:6 . What things are denied of God, do not imply the opposites are affirmed of him. The particle but, which follows in its proper place before made himself of no reputation, may be fairly joined with this sense. For if Christ should know that by rapine and unjust usurpation he was equal to God, (as likely the attempt to be so was the sin of our first parents, which robbery of theirs Christ came to expiate), he had not emptied himself, nor vouchsafed to abase himself.
To be equal with God neither is Christ said to be equal to God only in respect of his works, (which yet argue the same cause and principle, Joh 5:19,21,23,26,27 10:37 ), but absolutely, he thought it not robbery to be altogether equal with God, as subsisting in the same nature and essence, the original phrase connoting an exact parity. All the things of Christ (though he chose to have some of them veiled for a time) are equal to God; so some expound the neuter plural emphatically, (as usual amongst the Greeks), to answer the masculine singular foregoing, to express the ineffable sameness of the nature and essence of the Divine subsistents. It may be read: He counted it no robbery that those things which are his own should be equal to God, i.e. the Father; or rather, that he himself should in all things be equal or peer to God. For had Christ been only equal by a delegated power from God, why should the Jews have consulted to kill him, for making himself equal with God? Which with them was all one as to make himself God, Joh 5:18 10:33 . But that he spake of his eternal generation, as owning him for his own Father, with whom he did work miracles, even as the Father did in his own name, by his own power, of himself, for his own glory: neither will the evangelist’ s saying: The Son can do nothing of himself, Joh 5:19 , infer an inequality with the Father, when what he doth is equally perfect in power and glory with the Father’ s, whence, as son, he hath it by nature. For (looking lower) though every son receives from his father human nature, yet he is not less a man than his father, or his father more a man than he; the son having a being of the same perfection which is naturally in both. However the Father, to whom Christ is in subordination as the Son, and in office a servant, undertaking the work of mediation, may be said to be greater than the Son, that can only be understood with respect to the order of their working, if we compare texts, Joh 14:28 16:13-15 . Neither, when Christ accounted it not robbery to be equal with God, is he said (as the adversaries urge) to be equal to himself, but to another person, viz. God the Father. Things may be equal which are so diverse, that yet they may be one in some common respect wherein they agree: wherefore when Christ is said to be equal with the Father, he is distinguished from him in person and subsistence, yet not in essence, wherein it is his due to be his equal, and therefore one.

Poole: Phi 2:7 - But // Made himself of no reputation // the form of a servant // And took upon him the form of a servant // in the likeness of sinful flesh But some expound this particle as a discretive, others an adversative, or redditive.
Made himself of no reputation i.e. most wittingly emptied hims...
But some expound this particle as a discretive, others an adversative, or redditive.
Made himself of no reputation i.e. most wittingly emptied himself, or abated himself, of the all fulness of glory he had equally with God the Father, that, considering the disproportion between the creature and the Creator, he, in the eyes of those amongst whom he tabernacled, appeared to have nothing of reputation left him, Dan 9:26 . It is not said the form of God was cut off, or did empty itself; but he who did suffer in the form of God, made himself of no account, did empty, abate, or abase himself, (so the apostle elsewhere actively and passively useth the word, 1Co 11:15 , with 2Co 9:3 ), and that indeed while subsisting in the form of God, (according to agreement, Zec 6:15 13:7 ), not by laying aside the nature of God, but in some other way, i.e. his own way, kept secret till he was pleased to manifest it, Rom 16:25 Col 1:26 ; by freely coming in the flesh, 1Ti 3:16 Heb 10:7 ; which is such an astonishing wonder, and mysterious abasement, as gains the greatest veneration from his saints. Thus for a little time laying aside, at his own pleasure withdrawing, and going aside from his glorious majesty, he lessened himself for the salvation of his people. He had a liberty not to show his majesty, fulness, and glory during his pleasure, so that he could (as to our eyes) contract and shadow it, Joh 1:14 Col 2:9 . His condescension was free, and unconstrained with the consent of his Father, Joh 3:13 ; so that thongh the Scripture saith: The Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands, 1Ki 8:27 Isa 66:1 Mar 5:7 Act 7:48 , yet the Son of the Highest can, at his own pleasure, show or eclipse his own glorious brightness, abate or let out his fulness, exalt or abase himself in respect of us. However, in his own simple and absolute nature, he be without variableness or shadow of turning, Jam 1:17 being his Father’ s equal, and so abides most simple and immutable; yet respectively to his state, and what he had to manage for the redemption of lost man, with regard to the discovery he made of himself in the revelation of his Divine properties, the acknowledgment and celebration of them by the creatures, he emptied himself, not by ceasing to be what he was before, equal with his Father, or laying down the essential form of God, according to which he was equal to God; but by taking
the form of a servant wherein he was like to men, i.e. assuming something to himself he had not before, viz. the human nature; veiling himself, as the sun is said to be veiled, not in itself but in regard of the intervening cloud, Mat 27:39-45 ; what could hinder that he should not manifest his excellency now more, then less clearly; men one while acknowledging and praising it, another while neither acknowledging nor praising of it, then again praising of it, yet more sparingly? He, by taking the form of a mean man, might so obscure the dignity of his person, as to the acknowledgment of him to be the Son of God, equal with his Father, that in vouching himself to be so he might be accounted a blasphemer; Joh 10:36 ; and, during that appearance, not seem to be the Most High; even as a king, by laying aside the tokens of his royalty, and putting on the habit of a merchant, when all the while he ceaseth not to be king, or the highest in his own dominions. Hence the Most High may be considered, either in regard of his nature, wherein he holdeth the highest degree of perfection, or in regard of those personal acts he performs in the business of our salvation. In the former, Christ is the Most High; in the latter, our Mediator. So the form of God was the term from which, and the form of a servant the term to which, he moved in his demission, or abasement; which did not simply lie in an assumption or union of the human nature to the Divine, for this doth abide still in Christ highly exalted, but in taking the form of a servant, which with the human nature he took, by being sent forth, made of a woman, under the law, Gal 4:4 , but by his resurrection and glorification, lest that relation or habit of a servant, (being such a one who was also a Son, and a Lord, Heb 1:2 , with Heb 3:6 ), when yet he retains the human nature still. As therefore he was of the seed of David according to the flesh, Rom 1:3 , though before he had not flesh; so he took the form of a servant in the likeness of man, according to his human nature, although before he took that form he could not have human nature: he did not annihilate any thing he was before, only, of his own accord, bowed down himself, and veiled his own glory, in taking our nature, therein to be a servant unto death.
And took upon him the form of a servant taking, (in the Greek, without any copulative and before it), in opposition to being, or subsisting; he was in the form of God, which he had before, and took this, which he had not then, into the unity of his subsistence, by a personal union, Heb 2:16 . He was the servant of God, Isa 42:1 Mat 20:28 , in the whole work of his condescension, which was gradual, else the apostle’ s art to engage the Philippians to condescension had not been cogent from Christ’ s example. For:
1. He being increate, did assume to himself a created (not angelical, but) human nature with no reputation, in that regard taking the form of a servant, wherein he was like a man, as the next clause explains this. It was an infinite, inconceivable condescension of the Son of God, to take our nature into union with himself, whereby he who was very God, in all things like unto his Father, became like unto us in all things, sin only excepted, Rom 8:3 Heb 2:17 . Hence:
2. He did not immediately advance the nature he took into glory, but became a servant in it to his Father, to perform the most difficult service that ever God had to do in the world; he was not only
in the likeness of sinful flesh as soon as a man, Rom 8:3 , of the seed of Abraham, Heb 2:11-16 ; but subject to the law, Luk 2:42,51 Ga 4:4 , in a mean condition from his birth, despicable in the judgment of the world, his mother poor, &c., Isa 53:2,3 Mt 2:14 8:20 13:55 Mar 6:3 Luk 2:7,22,24 22:27 ; so that in finishing his work he was exposed to scorn, Psa 22:6,7 Isa 53:1,2 ; however, all the relation of his service was to God the Father, as his antecedent correlate.
To the further clearing of what went before, the apostle adds, in the likeness, or habit, of men, without any copulative particle, by apposition for fuller explication, (compare forecited parallel places), connoting his employment, (rather than condition), having a true body and a reasonable soul for this purpose, according to the prophecy, to be servant to his Father, Isa 42:1 . And if the adversaries say: He only took on him the form of a servant, when he suffered himself to be beaten, &c.; it is easily answered: These were only consequents upon the form of a servant; one may be a servant, and yet not beaten; and when they so treated our Saviour, he acconnted it dealing with him as a malefactor, Luk 22:52 . Christ obeyed not men, but God the Father, to whom alone he was servant, when made man, Psa 40:6-8 . It is the nature of lord and servant, to relate to each other. Every servant is a man (brutes are not servants). Labouring in service accompanies the human nature, which is common to Christ with other men, on whom it crept by the fall: Christ regards none others’ will but the will of his Father, how hard soever it was, even to the laying down of his life for the reconciling of his church to him. And be sure he died as a man, and not only in the habit of a servant. Only in human nature could he (as it follows without a particle in the Greek) be made like unto men, or in the likeness and habit of men. The Hellenists do use words of similitude, when they design sameness, or the thing itself, and that indeed essentially. For however it be urged, that likeness be opposed to the same, and that which is true, Joh 9:9 , yet not always; as one egg is like to another, there is convenience in quality, and that in substance is included. Christ is like to other men in human properties, and an afflicted state, so that sameness of nature cannot be denied, Rom 8:3 Heb 2:16,17 ; or rather sameness of kind, though not of number, it being by a synecdoche to be understood generally, Gen 1:3 Mat 1:16 Joh 1:14 Heb 4:15 1Jo 1:1 1Jo 4:2,3 . The properties of human nature are of the essence he took, who was found in habit as a man, when yet he was separate from sinners, 2Co 5:21 , with Heb 7:26 ; yet the apostle’ s business here, is not of Christ’ s sinlessness in that condition, but of his condescending love, in taking on him that condition, being sent in the likeness of sinful flesh, yet without sin. It is a likeness of nature to all men, and not a likeness of innocency only to the first, Gen 5:1 , that Paul here speaks of: And as it is said, Joh 1:14 : The Word was made flesh; so here, Christ is made in the likeness of men, that we may understand it is the same numerical person, who was in the form of God, that was made man; the abasement of God-man being so great, that he was made like to man, i.e. to mere and bare man, though he was more. Nor only did he appear in many forms, (as might be under the Old Testament), or was joined to man, but personally assumed a true body and a reasonable soul, and so was very man, as well as very God. For when it is not said simply made man, but with that addition, in the likeness, it is done to a notable limitation of his station on each part; on God’ s part it imports, Christ did not lay aside the Divine nature, but only (veiled) his majesty and power; on man’ s, to exclude sin, viz. that he was true man, yet only like to all other men. But what is now the natural affection of all men from the fall of Adam, and is an infirmity and abatement, as to that, he was without sin, and only in the likeness of sinful flesh.

Poole: Phi 2:8 - Man // He humbled himself // And became obedient unto death // unto death To be found is a mere Hebraism, not unusual in the New Testament, not importing auy question of the thing, but only the thing certainly happening b...
To be found is a mere Hebraism, not unusual in the New Testament, not importing auy question of the thing, but only the thing certainly happening beyond expectation. It notes here, not his being apprehended of the soldiers when betrayed by Judas, being before his humble obedience, but his being, and really appearing to be, (as the Greek word is elsewhere used, Phi 3:9 Gen 5:24 2Co 5:3 Gal 2:17 Heb 11:5 , with 1Pe 1:7 ), as a man, simply considered, among men, which was before his being scourged, &c. consequent upon his apprehension. Now being made man, not reserved for a time, like the angels, for heaven itself and the view of angels; neither, from the privilege of the first man, (which Adam could not keep), did he reserve himself for the inhabiting of Paradise only: but, after the manner of men, he stayed in this earth amongst and conversed with them, and therefore is said to be in the fashion of men, or as a man; whereby his habit and deportment is more especially expressed, as his essence in the foregoing phrase.
Man here, is considered according to what is proper unto human nature, not having the article prefixed, as if it connoted the first man, Adam, only man as man; the particle as, here, not intimating only likeness, without reality of nature, (as the Marcionites conceited), but as a confirming and assuring particle, noting certainty, Joh 1:14 . Some indeed take fashion more strictly, as noting only the external figure of Christ’ s body; others, more largely and commodiously, for the whole outward species of human nature: whence the truth of the human nature shined out, not only in the figure and matter of the body, with true flesh and bones, the habit of his members, mouth, eyes, &c., that he might be seen and touched, 1Jo 1:1 , as he himself allegeth, Luk 24:39 Joh 20:20,27 , growing in wisdom and stature, Luk 2:52 ; but his labouring with hunger, thirst, and weariness, eating, drinking, sleeping, watching, speaking, gestures, being moved with pity, sorrow, joy, weeping, in all which his human nature was evidenced of God, and easily found of men who conversed with him, Joh 4:29 9:11 18:22 . What the Socinians urge, that this gainsays his being incarnate, from Samson’ s saying, I shall be weak, and be as another man, Jud 16:7,11 ; there is no strength in the allegation, that Samson, of Dan’ s tribe, Jud 13:2 , should be compared with Christ coming from heaven, (as they themselves do not deny), found in fashion as a man: because Samson, being stronger than a hundred men, if he were dealt so and so withal would become as other men, (for that is the import of the words), no stronger than any other man, Jud 16:17 ; whereas here, it is not said as one, any, or every, but simply as a man: and from those in power dying as other men, Psa 82:7 . When they scoffingly ask: Doth it evidence these to be incarnate? It is answered: Though he who was strong as many became weak as any one man; they who live in power die in weakness, as other men do, and are not said to be incarnate: yet he who, being equal with God, took on him the form of a servant, and was in this world a very man, may very well be said to be incarnate, 1Ti 3:16 .
He humbled himself he doth not say he was humbled or depressed by the just judgment of God, but of himself, voluntarily, on his own accord, without any constraint. He did really submit himself to the will of his Father, unto whom he was a servant, both in regard of the Divine nature, which he veiled, and also the human in his whole life, Luk 1:48 , both outwardly and inwardly, Phi 2:5 , in thoughts and affections, as well as actions and passions: wholly yielding his own will and appetite to God, by a patient subjection to affliction, not in showing humility only, but really undergoing it. For we find this low degree of his humiliation opposed to his superexaltation, in the following verse, and agreeing with what Isaiah prophesied of him, Isa 53:7 , expounded by Philip, Act 8:32 .
And became obedient unto death without the copulative in the Greek, and expressing the manner of his humiliation, being of his own free will, and not by any force; made obedient, i.e. to God, ( Not my will, but thine be done ), to others, parents and magistrates, for God, according to the prescript of his law and will, in his life-time
unto death and in death; unto being taken here, not exclusively, but inclusively, for the further amplification of the obedience, Mat 26:42 Joh 4:34 8:29,46 Heb 10:9 . Had he staid in his life for degrees of obedience, his condescension had been admirable, but that he should submit to a penal and painful death, (taking in his burial, and abiding in a separate state till the third day), this is stupendous: aggravated by the shame of dying on the cross, willingly and meekly yielding himself, though a Son, to that ignominious, cursed death, Deu 21:23 Act 5:30 Gal 3:10,13 Heb 12:2 ; far more reproachful than beheading, hanging, or burning; out of unspeakable love, to bring us nigh unto God, Rom 5:19 Col 2:14 1Pe 2:24 3:18 . Upon these considerations, how should Christians in mutual love condescend to each other!

Poole: Phi 2:9 - Wherefore // God also hath highly exalted him // And given him a name Wherefore some take this particle illatively, connoting the consequent of Christ’ s exaltation, upon his antecedent humiliation, as elsewhere, J...
Wherefore some take this particle illatively, connoting the consequent of Christ’ s exaltation, upon his antecedent humiliation, as elsewhere, Joh 10:17 Act 20:26 Heb 3:7 2Pe 1:10 ; the apostle showing the sequel of his sufferings to be glory, according to that of Luk 24:26 . This the Ethiopic version favours. Christ respecting not himself, but us, and our good, the glory that he had eternally, but veiled for a time, emerging (as the sun out of a cloud) upon his finishing the work his Father gave him to do, Joh 17:5 Rom 9:5 . Others take the particle causally, intimating Christ’ s meriting his own exaltation and our salvation, and his accepting of superexcellent glory as a reward of his unparalleled obedience, though he might have challenged it by virtue of the personal union, Heb 13:20 , with Heb 12:2 : obedience superior to angels’ required a recompence superior to their glory, and Christ might, upon his exquisite obedience, demand his own mediatory glory, as being our Head, and that being the beginning and cause of ours. However, whether the particle of order note that of consequence, or causality, or both, there is no need of controversy, (because of the communication of properties), since the person of Christ, as God-man, was glorified.
God also hath highly exalted him the Greek elegancy imports superexalted, or exalted with all exaltation, answering to his gradual humiliation; above the grave in his resurrection, the earth in his ascension, and above the heavens, at his Father’ s right hand, upon the throne of his glory, to judge the world, Eph 1:20-22 4:10 .
And given him a name: some take name literally, restraining it to Jesus, but those letters and syllables are not above every name, it being common to others, Ezr 2:2 10:18 Hag 1:1 Act 7:45 Col 4:11 Heb 4:8 , though upon a different account it was to Christ, even before his incarnation, Luk 1:31 . Others, for the name of the only begotten Son of God the Father, Joh 1:14 , (with Heb 1:4 , and Heb 5:8 ), who was more eminently manifested in his exaltation, to angels and to men, than before. Others, not for any title, but the thing consequent upon his humiliation, surpassing that of all creatures, potentates on earth, and angels in heaven, Eph 1:20,21 . Name imports power, Act 3:6 4:7 Rev 5:12 ; of the Christ, the Saviour, Mat 12:21 Joh 4:42 Act 4:11,12 10:43 , at God’ s right hand, where he living to intercede, makes all comfortable to us, who in his name alone do believe, pray, praise, and do all that shall find acceptance, Mat 18:20 28:19 Joh 1:12 3:18 14:13 Rom 10:13,14 Col 3:17 . Power to confer all for the good of his church being given him upon his death, when with respect to the creatures he received a glory, not in regard of himself, and in itself, but in regard of its patefaction to others; from which glory, during the time of his humiliation, he had by a voluntary dispensation abstained; and the exercise of that authority conferred upon him as Mediator in that human nature, he had so obediently subjected himself to the cross. Though as God there was a manifestation, yet there was no intrinsical addition of glory; he did as man receive the name, or glory, he had from all eternity as God. So that the name or glory given relates to him according to both natures, as Mediator, God-man: not as God, so he could not be exalted at all, being the Most High; not as mere man, so a creature is not capable of Divine worship, which in what follows is expressly required to be given to him, who is superexalted by God’ s right hand, above every name, and every thing known by any name, Act 2:24,33,36 5:31 1Co 15:25 Rev 17:14 , with Rev 19:16 .

Poole: Phi 2:10 - At the name of Jesus // Jesus // Every knee should bow // Of things in heaven // And things in earth // And things under the earth At the name of Jesus in the old translation by bishops in Queen Elizabeth’ s time, (and some say in the manuscripts of this), it is in the nam...
At the name of Jesus in the old translation by bishops in Queen Elizabeth’ s time, (and some say in the manuscripts of this), it is in the name. However, in ours now, it is not appositively, at the name Jesus; but constructively, of Jesus, intimating, that the power, glory, and majesty of him who hath that name, unto which every knee is bowed, is that name which is above every name; which would not hold true, if the name were taken for the very word
Jesus that (as before) being common to others in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, yea, and English. Besides, neither in letters, nor syllables, nor sound, nor time, hath that word any thing above other words.
Every knee should bow: bowing of the knee is meant metonymically, and metaphorically, because some of those hereafter named, from whom the homage is due, have neither knees nor tongues, yet must, either willingly or by constraint, yield subjection and obedience to the sovereign authority of Christ, here and hereafter, Mat 11:27 28:18 Joh 5:22,23 Ac 3:15 ; all creatures being made subject to him, Heb 2:8 . Some of the papists, searching for their subterraneous, fictitious purgatory, would restrain it to men, but that would straiten and diminish the august glory of Christ, exalted above every name, who had, even here in his humiliation, homage from unclean spirits, Mar 5:6,7,10,12 Lu 8:31 Jam 2:19 ; how much more when at his tribunal his consummate glory shall be manifest to all! Which the apostle hath ultimately a reference to, according to the evangelist, Mat 16:27 24:30 . Then shall his equality with his Father, and his superlative glory as Mediator, be manifested to all, good and bad, angels as well as men, who shall be subjected to his sovereign Majesty, as the Lord God omnipotent; the good willingly, and the bad by constraint, Isa 45:23 Act 17:31 Rom 2:16 14:10,11 2Co 5:10 .
Of things in heaven good angels, from whom he had homage and service here, Psa 97:7 Mat 2:13 4:11 Luk 1:30,31 2:13 Heb 1:6 at his resurrection, and ascension, Mat 28:6 Act 1:11 much more in his glory, Mat 24:31 25:31 Eph 1:21,22 Col 1:16 2:10 2Th 1:7 and the spirits of just men made perfect, Heb 12:22,23 Re 4:6 , &c.; Rev 5:9,10 .
And things in earth good men willingly, Psa 110:3 Act 10:33 1Jo 5:3 ; and bad by force, Psa 2:9 Luk 19:27 Heb 2:14 .
And things under the earth either the dead, who are hid in the earth, and shall be raised by the power of Christ, in, or upon them, Act 24:15 : or, devils, and wicked souls; for though devils move in the air by God’ s permission, Eph 2:2 ; yet hell is the place prepared for them, and the wicked, Mat 7:23 25:41 Luk 8:31 2Pe 2:4 Jud 1:6 . Upon Christ’ s exaltation, all things above, and in the world, are subjected to his dominion. If it be said: On the earth, and under it, they rebel; I answer: They are bound to obey, Mat 4:9,10 , and will be forced to submit to the penalty for disobedience. Christ doth at present exercise a sovereignty over bad men and devils, in limiting and punishing them as he pleaseth, Job 1:11,12 Lu 4:34,35 Lu 8:32 19:27 2Pe 2:6 Rev 2:10 .

Poole: Phi 2:11 - confess // To the glory of God the Father By tongue not only every language, people, and nation is meant; because it is to be understood, as before particularized, of angels as well as men,...
By tongue not only every language, people, and nation is meant; because it is to be understood, as before particularized, of angels as well as men, for though angels properly, and by nature, want tongues, (as well as knees, which are both here joined, and must not be severed, in the worship given to Christ), yet in their manner of speaking to men, under an extraordinary dispensation, they may use them, (or that which is equivalent), 1Co 13:1 ; and, in a way proper to them, can
confess or express, their adoration of Christ, Rev 7:9-12 , either with delight, or by a forced subjection, Rev 6:16 , and acknowledge that he is Lord, i.e. of glory, Rom 11:36 1Co 2:8 8:6 , the Son of God, 2Co 4:5 Heb 1:2,4 , having only power to command the soul and conscience, Jam 4:12 , and to save, Heb 7:27 , being Lord both of the dead and of the living, Rom 14:9 .
To the glory of God the Father some render, in the glory of the Father. Either in that the honour of Christ redoundeth to the honour of the Father, Pro 10:1 , with Joh 5:23 Eph 1:6 : or the Father doth most glorify the Son in his exaltation, who had most glorified him in his humiliation, Joh 12:28 , with Joh 17:5,6 .

Poole: Phi 2:12 - Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed // Not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence // Work out your own salvation // With fear and trembling Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed: having confirmed the example of Christ’ s admirable condescension and affection from the glorio...
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed: having confirmed the example of Christ’ s admirable condescension and affection from the glorious issue of it, he doth here reassume his exhortation, with a friendly compellation, commending their former sincere endeavours to obey the gospel (so Phi 1:5 , and Phi 2:15 ) in following Christ, Mat 11:28 , and moving them to persevere in obedience and love to God and man.
Not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence that it might be evident, whether the eye of their pastor were upon them or not, a prevailing love to Christ, and their own souls’ welfare, was prevalent with them; but especially, being he was now detained from them, and might be jealous of some defects in them, Jam 3:2 1Jo 1:8 , did engage them more than any thing to embrace his exhortation, which he enlargeth in other words.
Work out your own salvation: he moves them as saints, Phi 1:1 , in whom God would perfect his work begun, Phi 2:6 , having given them to believe and suffer, Phi 2:29 , that they would seriously and earnestly busy themselves in those things, which on their parts are necessary to salvation, as Joh 6:27 Heb 6:9 , and without which it cannot be had, as Phi 1:10 Mat 24:13 Col 3:10,12 , &c.; 1Ti 1:18,19 6:19 2Ti 2:5 4:7,8 2Pe 3:17 ; yea, press on in the way to their own salvation, as he moved, 1Ti 4:16 , not that they should not be solicitous about others, for that mutual care is implied, as elsewhere required, Heb 3:13 10:24 ; but that every one should strenuously go on towards the mark with a special regard to himself, and the temptations he may meet with, knowing he must bear his own burden, Gal 6:1,5 , and therefore should take heed lest he fall. The papists’ arguings hence that our actions are sufficient and meritorious causes of salvation, are altogether inconsequent. For the apostle doth not say our actions work out salvation, but:
Work out your own salvation which is much different. It were absurd to say, because the Jews were enjoined to eat the passover with loins girt, that loins girt were eating of the passover. Indeed, what the papists urge is contrary to this doctrine of Paul, who doth elsewhere place blessedness in remission of sins, and shows eternal life is the gift of God, Rom 4:6,7 6:23 ; and we are saved by grace, not of works, Rom 3:20,24,25 4:16 Eph 2:8 Tit 3:5 and contrary to the main scope of the apostle, which is to beat down pride and conceit of deserving, and persuade to humility. He drives at this, that we should not be idle or lazy in the business of salvation, but work together with God, (yet as instruments, in whom there is no strength which is not derived from him), that we may evidence we do not receive his grace in vain, 2Co 6:1,2 . But this co-operation doth not respect the acquiring or meriting of salvation, which is proper to Christ alone, and incommunicable to any others, Act 4:12 , who cannot be said to be their own saviours: this co-operation, or working out, respects only the application, not the performing of the payment, which Christ hath abundantly perfected: but the embracing of the perfect payment, is not that which can be the cause and foundation of right for which it is deservedly conferred; but only the way and means by which we come to partake of salvation.
With fear and trembling i.e. with a holy care to do all acceptably: he doth by these two words mean not any servile fear and slavish despondency, arising from doubting, Phi 4:4 , but only a serious, filial fear, implying a deep humility and submissiveness of mind, with a reverential awe of the Divine Majesty, and a solicitude to avoid that evil which is offensive to him and separates from him. We find these words used to the like import, Psa 2:11 Dan 5:19 Dan 6:26 Rom 11:20 with 1Co 2:3 2Co 7:5 Eph 6:5 ; connoting that, after the example of Christ, we should be humble, and though we distrust ourselves, yet we are to trust solely to God, (as an infant may be afraid, and yet cling fast to and depend upon, begging help of, the parent, going over a dangerous precipice), for the accomplishment of our salvation.

Poole: Phi 2:13 - For it is God which worketh in you // Both to will // And to do // both to will and to do // Of his good pleasure That they might not be negligent in working out their salvation with humility, from any conceit or carnal confidence any might have that they could ...
That they might not be negligent in working out their salvation with humility, from any conceit or carnal confidence any might have that they could believe and repent when they pleased, imagining their wills to be as pliable to good as evil; the apostle urgeth the effectual grace of God, as a powerful inducement and encouragement to embrace his exhortation.
For it is God which worketh in you: they should not despond of any attaining salvation, or think they did labour in vain in the diligent use of means, and should altogether fall under the dominion of sin, considering, though they were free agents, yet the efficiency and sufficiency was of God, Rom 6:13,14 1Co 4:7 2Co 3:5 ; who worketh within them powerfully and effectually, carrying on the work through all difficulties and obstacles, with victorious efficacy, till it be wrought, Phi 1:6 Isa 41:4 Heb 13:20,21 : God worketh not only by suasion to gain assent, but by a special energy effecting what he would have us to do.
Both to will: and not only in a general way, Act 17:28 , but in a special way, making us willing, Psa 110:3 , remotely in regard of the principle, nextly in regard of the act: circumcising the heart, Deu 30:6 ; taking away the heart of stone, and giving a heart of flesh, Eze 11:19 36:26,27 ; causing light to shine out of darkness, 2Co 4:6 ; and so renewing the will, to choose that which is savingly good, the natural bent of which, before the influence of this insuperable grace, stands another way, Joh 8:44 , viz. to will and do contrary: yet he doth not necessitate by any compulsion, but powerfully, yet sweetly, and suitably to man’ s free faculty, incline the will to that which is good, Joh 6:37,44 , i.e. to a certain effect. For the will influenced to will that it doth perform, it undoubtedly wills somewhat that is certain, and so is determined by God.
And to do to do that which is savingly good. Whereupon being made willing, it hath not only an inclination, and doth not only exert a woulding, but, being moved by God’ s insuperable grace, 1Co 3:7 , that will is effectual, and is the very deed, where the command of the will is executed to the glory of God, as the author. As in alms, not only doth God incline the will to relieve the poor, but further contributes special gracious aids to perform what was deliberated, which evinceth that it is from another principle than ourselves. It is not, that ye may be able to will, and may be able to do; but he worketh
both to will and to do: which connotes the very act itself; that ye will to believe, obey, pray, persevere, and that ye do believe, obey, pray, persevere: of unwilling, he makes willing; and further, to will and to do. It is true, to will, as it is an act of the will, is ours by creation; and to will well is so far ours, we being made effectually willing by God’ s grace: yet not ours, as though of ourselves we begin to will, or go on, but it is of him who worketh in us. Not that we cannot will well, but that of ourselves we cannot will well. The precept therefore requiring our obedience does not show what we can or will of ourselves, but what we ought to will and to do by God’ s special help. But though God work in us obedience, yet we obey, we ourselves act, being acted of God.
Of his good pleasure not for any previous disposition in any of us, but of, or according to, his own good pleasure, Luk 10:21 Eph 1:5,9,11 2:8 2Th 1:11 , with 2Ti 1:9 . In working out our own salvation, the very beginning in the will, as well as the perfection, is ascribed to the efficacy of God; his good pleasure is the procreating and helping cause of this work on the will, and not the will’ s good pleasure.

Poole: Phi 2:14 - Do all things without murmurings Do all things without murmurings the apostle here subjoins to his exhortation to condescension and humility, a dissuasive from the opposite vices, mo...
Do all things without murmurings the apostle here subjoins to his exhortation to condescension and humility, a dissuasive from the opposite vices, moving them to do all that was incumbent on them as Christians without private mutterings, secret whisperings, and complainings, which might argue their impatience under the yoke of Christ, while put upon doing or suffering such things; either reflecting on God’ s providence, as the Israelites of old, Num 11:1 , &c.; 1Co 10:10 ; reckoning they had hard measure: or rather, (here considering the context), grudging at others, as the Greeks and Jews had done, Luk 5:30 Joh 6:41,42 Ac 6:1 ; yea, and some of the disciples were found guilty of this ill temper against their Master, Joh 6:61 . Christian charity disallows grudgings, 1Pe 4:9 Jud 1:10 ; and also disputings; hot and eager contests and quarrellings about those things wherein the life and main business of religion is not concerned, but the unity of the Spirit of holiness is opposed, Mat 18:1 Mar 9:33 Luk 9:46 Rom 14:1 2Co 12:20 , with 1Ti 1:6 2:8 .

Poole: Phi 2:15 - That ye may be blameless and harmless // The sons of God, without rebuke // In the midst of a crooked and perverse nation // Among whom ye shine as lights in the world That ye may be blameless and harmless that ye behave yourselves so that none can justly reproach you, Luk 1:6 and though you cannot altogether put t...
That ye may be blameless and harmless that ye behave yourselves so that none can justly reproach you, Luk 1:6 and though you cannot altogether put to silence foolish men, Joh 15:25 1Pe 2:15 , yet they cannot have any just cause to stain your reputation; but you may be found sincere, simple, void of guile, Mat 10:16 Joh 1:47 Rom 16:19 1Pe 2:1 , with 1Pe 1:14 .
The sons of God, without rebuke without such spots and blemishes as are inconsistent with your adoption, or sonship, Eph 5:27 . Sons of God, in regard of their relation, should be careful, as much as may be, that they do not expose themselves to the biting reproofs of those carping neighbours who are not of their Father’ s family, Son 4:7 Mat 5:48 Eph 1:4 Jud 1:24 .
In the midst of a crooked and perverse nation who show by their lying in wickedness, 1Jo 5:19 , and the uncured spots, yea, even plague sores, upon them who have notoriously corrupted themselves, that they are a perverse, crooked, untoward, and adulterous generation, Deu 32:5 Psa 125:5 Mat 12:39 Act 13:8,10 .
Among whom ye shine as lights in the world in conversing with such a sort of men, ye either do, or ought, unanimously to show yourselves to be light in the Lord, Mat 5:14,16 Eph 5:8,15 ; enlightened by the Sun of righteousness, Mal 4:2 , to give a more clear light, that however the uncivil wicked would bespatter you, and cast reproach upon you in the necessary exercises of religion; yet, you not suffering as murderers, thieves, busybodies, &c., 1Pe 4:4,15,16 , you will then, especially if Christ’ s faithful ambassadors, show yourselves to be not such lantern or torchbearers as accompanied treacherous Judas, Joh 18:3 , (however the ill men you live among may reckon you no better), but such light-bearers under Christ, (the Seventy use the word for stars, Gen 1:16 Dan 12:3 Rev 1:16,20 ), as irradiate the world; not a house, as a candle doth, but the world, as stars do, Rev 12:1 .

Poole: Phi 2:16 - Holding forth the word of life // That I may rejoice in the day of Christ // That I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain Holding forth the word of life carefully bearing before you, and stedfastly showing, not only by your profession, but conversation, the Lord Jesus Ch...
Holding forth the word of life carefully bearing before you, and stedfastly showing, not only by your profession, but conversation, the Lord Jesus Christ, 1Jo 1:1 , whose gospel is the word of life, in that it is the power of God to salvation, Act 13:26 Rom 1:16 . He doth not say, holding forth carnal institutions, nor human traditions; but that word, wherein is to be had eternal life, Joh 5:39 6:68 .
That I may rejoice in the day of Christ: he quickens them from the consideration of the glorious joy he should have in their salvation, at the day of Christ, see Phi 1:6when he and they should, of God’ s free grace, receive an abundant reward, viz. of his ministry and exhortation, and of their embracing it, and working out their salvation by God’ s special assistance.
That I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain for it would be evident to his, as well as their, everlasting comfort, when he should see them, that his laborious ministry amongst them had not been frustrate, or fruitless in the Lord, Mat 25:21 1Co 3:8,9 15:58 . Then, in a more glorious way they would be his joy and crown, than they were at present, Phi 4:1 .

Poole: Phi 2:17 - Yea, and if I be offered // Upon the sacrifice // And service of your faith // I joy // And rejoice with you all Yea, and if I be offered: that he might further confirm and encourage them in their duty, he doth not here conclude the certainty of his death, at hi...
Yea, and if I be offered: that he might further confirm and encourage them in their duty, he doth not here conclude the certainty of his death, at his first imprisonment, having expressed before some confidence of his surviving it, Phi 1:19,25 ; but, in imitation of Christ, the good Shepherd, Joh 10:11 , to demonstrate his constant affection to them, (as he doth to others, 2Co 12:15 1Th 2:8 ), he argues upon supposition of his own death, which might afterwards happen, 2Ti 4:6 ; using an elegant allegory, borrowed from legal offerings, Lev 2:6 Num 15:5,7 Nu 23:4 Jud 11:13 ; to show that he could cheerfully lay down his life for their salvation; not for reconciling them to God, for that was done before by Christ’ s own offering up himself, Heb 7:27 , a sacrifice of a sweet smell unto God, Eph 5:2 ; but whereby they might be confirmed in the faith sealed with his blood, for bearing witness to Christ, precious to God, Psa 116:15 . The Greek word he hath here, is borrowed from the usage in sacrificing, of pouring wine or oil upon the victim, Exo 30:9 2Ki 16:13 Jer 19:13 , when that which was poured forth was called the drink-offering, to the confirming of covenants.
Upon the sacrifice by sacrifice, he means either specially their alms, prepared by them, and presented by Epaphroditus, for supporting him in his sufferings, and in the person of the apostle offered up unto God, Phi 4:18 2Co 9:12 ; or, more generally, the Philippians’ conversion, because sanctified by a principle of faith, and so made a sacrifice. For he doth more than once write of believers being offered, and resigned to God, under the notion of a sacrifice, Rom 12:1 15:16 ; and so doth another, 1Pe 2:5 .
And service of your faith to bring them unto which by his ministration, was a very pleasing service to him, who by pouring out his blood in this martyrdom, would confirm the doctrine of the gospel, or new covenant, and fix it more strongly in the hearts of them and others of God’ s chosen people.
I joy whereupon he expresseth his joy and delight in that, which, upon this supposition, would in the issue be so much to their honour and advantage, when it should seem good to the Lord. They would reckon it no small honour, to have him, the apostle that planted the gospel amongst them, satisfied in their vouching of the truth, which therefore could not but be profitable to the establishing of them in it, who had cordially embraced it.
And rejoice with you all whereupon he doth heartily congratulate with each of them, the meanest as well as the greatest of them, who would be so privileged.

Poole: Phi 2:18 - For the same cause also do ye joy // And rejoice with me For the same cause also do ye joy he expects the like affection and sympathy in every one of them, that upon the account of his sufferings they would...
For the same cause also do ye joy he expects the like affection and sympathy in every one of them, that upon the account of his sufferings they would the more readily, cheerfully, and courageously believe in and suffer for Christ: considering the difference between death threatened by man, for our sticking close to God, Mat 10:28 , and denounced for slipping aside from God, in whole or in part, 2Th 1:5 .
And rejoice with me and that would be a congratulation of him, who should account their being established in the faith with mutual love and unity, a fulfilling of his faith, as before, Phi 2:2 .

Poole: Phi 2:19 - But I trust in the Lord Jesus // To send Timotheus shortly unto you // That I also may be of good comfort // When I know your state But I trust in the Lord Jesus diverting from his former exhortation, the more to comfort them, he expresseth his good hope (which in respect of the o...
But I trust in the Lord Jesus diverting from his former exhortation, the more to comfort them, he expresseth his good hope (which in respect of the object we translate trust ) in the Lord Jesus, exalted above every name, that he would be pleased, some way or other, to afford him such liberty, notwithstanding his restraint.
To send Timotheus shortly unto you that he should, within a little while after the arrival of Epaphroditus, now upon his return, despatch Timothy to them.
That I also may be of good comfort not for their further benevolence, but for the composing of their spirits, and settling of their affairs, which to him, solicitous of their souls’ welfare, (as in a like case for others, 1Th 2:19 , with 1Th 3:5 ), would be great satisfaction.
When I know your state when he should be certainly acquainted how things went with them; who might justly expect his sympathy, Rom 12:15 1Co 12:26 2Co 11:28,29 .

Poole: Phi 2:20 - For I have no man likeminded // Who will naturally care for your state For I have no man likeminded for which purpose I have designed Timothy, who joins with me in this Epistle, and is most of the same mind with myself, ...
For I have no man likeminded for which purpose I have designed Timothy, who joins with me in this Epistle, and is most of the same mind with myself, endued with the same Spirit, faith, and love; finding none of like soul to him with myself, in desiring your prosperity, and so have pitched upon him.
Who will naturally care for your state who, being cordial to me and you, will, without regard to lucre, ingenuously and sincerely, above all the rest I have here, propagate the kingdom of Christ amongst you, and promote your salvation in watching for your souls, as one that must give an account, that he may do it with joy, Heb 13:17 .

Poole: Phi 2:21 - all // Seek their own // Not the things which are Jesus Christ’ s He doth here further commend Timothy, compared with the generality of those who with him did attend the ministry of the gospel at Rome, where it see...
He doth here further commend Timothy, compared with the generality of those who with him did attend the ministry of the gospel at Rome, where it seems (whatever the papists pretend) Peter did not then preside as metropolitan. When he saith
all he doth not necessarily imply every individual besides Timothy, (though, as before, he knew not one like-minded as he was), but almost all, (as the universal sign is elsewhere synecdochically taken, Jer 6:3 Mat 10:22 Mar 1:5 ), or the most part of those then employed in the ministry, who were then at liberty, and whose inclinations, probably, he had inquired into.
Seek their own did, though not simply and absolutely, yet after a sort, seek their own profit, ease, safety, pleasure, and satisfaction; called their own, in regard of their civil right, and the world’ s opinion, but yet at God’ s disposal, Hag 2:8 . These they did (as John Mark in another case) prefer to a long and tedious journey, for the service of Christ, unto Philippi.
Not the things which are Jesus Christ’ s so that they did postpone the glory of Christ, the safety and edification of the church there, to their own things. Wherefore he doth not mean it absolutely, that they did not seek the things of Christ, or that they did deny Christ, for it is apparent, even when he penned this Epistle, Phi 1:13,14 , with Act 28:14,15 , and Rom 1:8 , there were many that did seriously seek Christ; but comparatively, and in a sort, they did not seek the things of Christ so intently as they should, 1Co 10:24,33 , but failed as others did in other cases, Mat 26:58 2Ti 4:16 : not as if all minding of their own things were denied to Christ’ s ministers, 1Ti 3:4,5 5:8 ; but they did slip their necks from under the yoke, and did not mind the glory of Christ in the church of Philippi, as he did.

Poole: Phi 2:22 - as a son with the father However others were found in some respects defective to the service of Christ, yet he appeals to their experience of the integrity and fidelity of T...
However others were found in some respects defective to the service of Christ, yet he appeals to their experience of the integrity and fidelity of Timothy in conjunction with himself, when he preached the gospel amongst them, and afterwards, Act 16:1 17:15 18:5 Act 19:22 20:4 ; which he amplifies and illustrates by a simile, when he saith,
as a son with the father q.d. Just as a genuine and obedient son is wont to retain the spirit of his father that begat him: and Paul doth metaphorically call Timothy his own son, begotten by the gospel, 1Ti 1:2 , his dearly beloved Son, 2Ti 1:2 , and faithful in the Lord, 1Co 4:17 , likeminded with himself, Phi 2:20 ; with whom he had not only preached, but served in the gospel, Phi 1:1 , given himself wholly to the thing. He doth not say, served me, or under me, but with me in the gospel, i.e. to advance the glory of Christ in promoting the gospel, by helping with Paul, and labouring, working the work of the Lord, as Paul also did, and being sometime a sufferer under restraint for that service, as Paul himself, Heb 13:23 , for the gospel, which is not a domination, but ministration, wherein this great apostle owns Timothy as his fellow minister.

Poole: Phi 2:23 - Him therefore I hope to send presently // in the Lord Jesus // So soon as I shall see how it will go with me Him therefore I hope to send presently seeing the matter was thus, he thought not of any other to employ in the service of their faith, but hoped, i....
Him therefore I hope to send presently seeing the matter was thus, he thought not of any other to employ in the service of their faith, but hoped, i.e.
in the Lord Jesus as Phi 2:19 , in a short time after his present writing, to send this excellent, humble, and approved young man, who would naturally care for their concerns, Phi 2:20 .
So soon as I shall see how it will go with me even without any delay, (though as yet, to accompany Epaphroditus, he could not spare him, who was so useful to him in his bonds, to take care for things necessary to the propagation of the gospel, in the ample city of Rome), from the hour he should come to a certainty what would be the issue of his present imprisonment, which if it should end in his being offered up, he had satisfied them before, as it would be for his own advantage, Phi 1:21 , so, by the providence of God, no disservice to their faith, Phi 2:17,18 ; from which, with ready submission to God’ s will, whatever occurred, it seems he had a greater inclination to conceive a good hope of freedom.

Poole: Phi 2:24 - But I trust in the Lord // In the Lord // That I also myself shall come shortly But I trust in the Lord so he expresseth his strong persuasion, as the word we translate trust, being seldom used, but when the thing trusted impo...
But I trust in the Lord so he expresseth his strong persuasion, as the word we translate trust, being seldom used, but when the thing trusted imports the object.
In the Lord i.e. Jesus, whom he doth absolutely and eminently call Lord, being so highly exalted above all others, Phi 2:9 , not only here, but elsewhere, Phi 2:29 3:1 4:1,4,10 ; on whom he doth wholly depend, aud to whom he doth submit for the issue.
That I also myself shall come shortly: before he had suggested his persuasion of abiding with them, Phi 1:25 , and here, that he might satisfy them he had not changed his mind, he adds for their comfort, that they might not be discouraged in their sufferings, what apprehensions he had, after a while, of being set at liberty (if God pleased); and if so, he would have them conceive, soon after he had done what was necessary at Rome, (for him who had care of all the churches), he designed to follow Timothy to them.

Poole: Phi 2:25 - Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus // My brother and companion in labour // And fellow soldier // But your messenger // And he that ministered to my wants Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus in the mean time he gives them an account why he esteemed it needful to send back Epaphroditu...
Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus in the mean time he gives them an account why he esteemed it needful to send back Epaphroditus (whom some, but without sufficient warrant, would have to be the same with Epaphras, Col 1:7 4:12 Phm 1:23 ) unto them, not as if he had failed in doing what he was intrusted with, but for other weighty reasons.
My brother and companion in labour he would have them to know he had nothing to blame him for, but all in his commendation, whom in the common faith he owned to be his Christian brother, and fellow helper, or fellow worker in the business of the gospel, as he calls others in the like circumstances, Rom 16:3,21 2Co 8:23 Col 4:11 1Th 3:2 Phm 1:24 .
And fellow soldier and a faithful and a constant associate with him in the Christian warfare, 2Co 10:4 1Ti 1:18 Phm 1:2 , under Christ their Captain, against all the assaults of the devil, and the carnal world, which are continually warring to destroy real Christianity.
But your messenger but your apostle, which must be understood largely, as it is sometimes put for any evangelist, deacon, or minister of the gospel, Rom 16:7,9 , well rendered by us in this place messenger, compared with Phi 4:18 2Co 8:22,23 ; not being a special apostle of Christ, Mat 10:2 , but an officer of the church at Philippi, delegated by them to carry relief to Paul.
And he that ministered to my wants unto whom, it seems, he did not only deliver the present for his support according to his trust and commission, wherein he faithfully served the church, but also, as their public minister, greatly help Paul the prisoner in what he stood most in need of, which Paul could not but value, being the Romans were so mild as to permit him, a captive, so good attendance and assistance; yet, to declare his affections to the church at Philippi, he chose rather to deny himself his necessaries, than not to comfort them in remitting their faithful messenger, so greatly desiring their welfare, with this letter to them.

Poole: Phi 2:26 - For he longed after you all // And was full of heaviness // Because that ye had heard that he had been sick For he longed after you all he gives them the first reason of his present sending, not that Epaphroditus was unwilling to stay longer with him, but b...
For he longed after you all he gives them the first reason of his present sending, not that Epaphroditus was unwilling to stay longer with him, but because he was greatly concerned for all of them of the church at Philippi, who had his heart, as they had Paul’ s, Phi 1:8 4:1 Rom 1:11 ; solicitous to be with them to do their souls good.
And was full of heaviness especially, considering their great affection to him, whom they had intrusted in this service, he was in such distress for them, that his spirits were even ready to fail him as Mat 26:37from sympathy, 2Co 11:29 .
Because that ye had heard that he had been sick knowing how much the certain report of his dangerous sickness in those circumstances, when they could understand nothing of his recovery, would affect them.

Poole: Phi 2:27 - For indeed he was sick nigh unto death // But God had mercy on him // And not on him only, but on me also // Lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow For indeed he was sick nigh unto death by reason he was really taken with such a disease, as in its own nature was mortal, and in its tendency brough...
For indeed he was sick nigh unto death by reason he was really taken with such a disease, as in its own nature was mortal, and in its tendency brought him even to death’ s door, as Isa 38:1 .
But God had mercy on him but God, who is the great Physician, and unto whom it belongs to show mercy unto those who address to him, (without whom bodily physicians can do nothing), by compassionating of him in his misery, was pleased to restore him to health, as 2Ki 20:5,6 . But if any say: Would it not have been great mercy to have taken him from the miseries of this life, which are here prolonged? Consider Phi 1:21 . It may be answered:
1. Death itself, as it is a privation of life, and opposite to nature, was not desirable by Paul any more than by our Saviour, but might be looked upon as a kind of misery, not to be preferred to life looked upon in itself, but with respect to another, viz. as it is a passage to eternal life; so it is desirable for that life into which it leads the godly, and so is to be preferred to the miserable condition of this life. Paul speaks here of mercy respecting the former, considering that this life itself is a favour of God, for the service of him, and our neighbour. Further:
2. God’ s mercy here respects not only the grievous sickness of Epaphroditus, but the joint affliction that the loss of him would be both to the Philippians and to Paul, in thus juncture, as we may see from what follows.
And not on him only, but on me also what power had Paul for working of miracles, was chiefly to convince infidels, and he could only exert it when God saw good for his own glory. Therefore he magnifies God’ s mercy here in a more ordinary way, as a return to prayer, when he was so afflicted for his colleague’ s illness; being upon an office of kindness and compassion, his loss would be in its tendency a ground of so much sorrow to the church, as well as to himself.
Lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow his Christianity had not extinguished his natural affections, but if the church had then been bereft of Epaphroditus, it would have added the affliction for his loss to his affliction by his suffering for Christ, it would have doubled his affliction, (yet somewhat in a different sense from that, Phi 1:16 ), it being an ill temper not to be grieved for the affliction of the church, Amo 6:6 ; yet all our affections are to be moderated according to the will of God.

Poole: Phi 2:28 - I sent him therefore the more carefully // That, when ye see him again, ye may rejoice // And that I may be the less sorrowful I sent him therefore the more carefully after his recovery, without delay, denying myself the comfort of his seciety, I have despatched him away to y...
I sent him therefore the more carefully after his recovery, without delay, denying myself the comfort of his seciety, I have despatched him away to you.
That, when ye see him again, ye may rejoice to the end that he whom you looked upon as dead might seasonably appear among you in person, and cheer you up in your troubles for him and me.
And that I may be the less sorrowful and that I, who, by reason of your kindness to me, have occasioned his absence from you, might upon his safe return to you have somewhat to alleviate my grief, 2Co 6:10 .

Poole: Phi 2:29 - Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness // And hold such in reputation Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness: hereupon, having given his due character, he chargeth them all, officers and people, to entertai...
Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness: hereupon, having given his due character, he chargeth them all, officers and people, to entertain him as a servant of the Lord, (as Christ would have them receive his servants, Mat 10:40,41 , even with all spiritual joy), as sometimes the Galatians had received him, Gal 4:14 .
And hold such in reputation yea, as it becometh saints, Rom 16:2 , to have such in esteem very highly for their work’ s sake, 1Th 5:13 .

Poole: Phi 2:30 - Because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death // Not regarding his life // To supply your lack of service toward me Because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death by reason he was so zealous about the work of the ministry in the general, or in special to car...
Because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death by reason he was so zealous about the work of the ministry in the general, or in special to carry on that service, as the church’ s messenger, he was intrusted with, Phi 4:18 , not only in conveying their benevolence on so long and hazardous a journey, for the relief of the Lord’ s prisoner, which Christ would own and reward as his work, Mat 25:39,40 , but in attending him (whom he was sent to visit) in his confinement, both within doors and abroad, as occasion required, (for it seems the Romans were so generous as to give free egress and regress to his visitants, Act 28:30 ), whereby he contracted that forementioned disease that hazarded his life.
Not regarding his life the preservation of which with respect to the work he was about, he did not consult, Joh 12:25,26but made little account of it, as Est 4:16yea, did even despise it in the service of Christ, as the original word doth import, being borrowed from those whose lives are hazarded in being cast to be devoured by beasts in the theatre, which he himself, by sad experience, sometime knew the meaning of, 1Co 15:32 .
To supply your lack of service toward me so faithful was he to his trust for the honour of his Lord, that to the very utmost of his strength, yea, and beyond it, that which he reckoned those who sent would have done themselves had they been present, (considering what the gospel requires, Gal 6:2 Heb 13:3 ), that he, Onisephorus-like, 2Ti 1:16 , according to his measure made supply of in their absence.
PBC: Phi 2:1 - fellowship // bowels " fellowship" -sharing of the Spirit
" bowels" -deep senses and commitments to mercy and compassion- probably an expression of the realization that...
" fellowship" -sharing of the Spirit
" bowels" -deep senses and commitments to mercy and compassion- probably an expression of the realization that at that point in time you realize that you did not live up to all the marks you should have lived up to and you need mercy. That’s when the deep compassion of mercy is most appreciated.

PBC: Phi 2:2 - -- likeminded -that means your mind and my mind are alike.
same love -the love of God. What you do -not how you feel.
being of one accord, of one mind ...
likeminded -that means your mind and my mind are alike.
same love -the love of God. What you do -not how you feel.
being of one accord, of one mind -there’s emphasis going on here. Over and over, he is hitting the same nail with the same hammer- common faith, common attitudes, common beliefs, common actions towards the issues of God.

PBC: Phi 2:3 - but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. When you and someone else in the church have a difference of opinion on an issue -I’m not talking about a core issue where the bible is so clear and...
When you and someone else in the church have a difference of opinion on an issue -I’m not talking about a core issue where the bible is so clear and so concise that all Christians should hold the same exact view of it, but those shady gray areas. How do you deal with it? You have a difference. It’s not an essential. " Boy, I’m going to do everything I can and twist your arm and make sure you go along with my idea -I’m not about to change in one bit." Or do you say, " You know, I really respect your judgment, I value your bible study and your mind -maybe I need to take another look at that." Which do we do? What does Paul say that you should do? You esteem the other person as better than yourself. Look not every man on his own things, his own interests but this so confronts and rebukes western twenty-first century American culture it’s frightening. The reason it’s so important and the reason I believe Paul does what he does in 1st Corinthians is that it’s common to human nature and it will correct the sin problem in all of us. It’s global. It’s that important. He doesn’t say you should show no interest whatever toward your life and your things but also don’t make your interests exclusive of the other person’s interests and needs.
through strife -I’m going to have it my way
or vain glory -I want to get the credit for what I did on work day, I want to get the credit for that new project the church completed, I want to get the credit for that new preacher we called as pastor. Let nothing be done with that sense of vain, personal glory. We can criticize other folks for bragging that by their good works they’ll gain stars in their crown in heaven but my friends if we live our Christian faith today trying to get stars in our crown today, we are just as biblically corrupt as they. Christianity is not about my personal ego and what I can get out of church or out of my faith.
Whatever we do, let us do it without striving with one another. To strive with a brother is to debase the love of God which should be shining forth from every child of God. While no two people think exactly alike, we should be endeavoring to come as close as possible to a unity of thought.
It is vain for us to glory in ourself because we have nothing of which to boast. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. Wherewith can we boast? Instead of taking undue glory to ourself, we ought to be giving all the glory to God who saved us and called us with an holy calling.
" but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves."
Lowliness of mind, meekness, humbleness- the innate characteristics of a child of God who is following his Lord and Saviour in humble obedience while here on the earth. When we are thus engaged in our thinking and demeanor, so shall we be esteeming others better than we esteem ourself.
When we put others first in our thoughts then we have reached the point at which we are obeying the teaching of this verse.

PBC: Phi 2:4 - -- Look not every man on his own things,
· his own interests. But this so confronts and rebukes western twenty-first century American cul...
Look not every man on his own things,
· his own interests. But this so confronts and rebukes western twenty-first century American culture it’s frightening. The reason it’s so important and the reason I believe Paul does what he does in 1st Corinthians is that it’s common to human nature and it will correct the sin problem in all of us. It’s global. It’s that important. He doesn’t say you should show no interest whatever toward your life and your things but also don’t make your interests exclusive of the other person’s interests and needs.

PBC: Phi 2:5 - -- Christ is now set forth as the example for our faith. Herein is the issue of truth in Philippians and the issue of truth in 1st Corinthians.
Christ is now set forth as the example for our faith. Herein is the issue of truth in Philippians and the issue of truth in 1st Corinthians.

PBC: Phi 2:6 - -- What does he affirm? The eternality, the absolute equality between Jesus Christ and God the Father. He was very God of very God. He was in no way infe...
What does he affirm? The eternality, the absolute equality between Jesus Christ and God the Father. He was very God of very God. He was in no way inferior to the Father. What’s the point Paul? He thought it not robbery to be equal with God. It wasn’t something to be grasped at, something in the ego to be seized. It was something that was inheritently fact. He and the Father were equal. What does it say in Joh 10:1-42 -I and the Father, We are One. {Joh 10:30}

PBC: Phi 2:7 - -- Look at the language in Joh 8:1-59 when Jesus is reasoning with the Jewish leadership and He’s asserting His deity, somewhat subtly but He is assert...
Look at the language in Joh 8:1-59 when Jesus is reasoning with the Jewish leadership and He’s asserting His deity, somewhat subtly but He is asserting it. And, this is in the context of the passage that says " you’re not Abraham’s children, you’re of your father the devil" {Joh 8:44} " Abraham rejoiced to see My day." {Joh 8:56} " 2000 years ago he saw it and rejoiced. I’m Abraham’s line of the faithful- you’re not." And, what do they say to Him? " We know who our father is, do you?" They’re remembering Mary’s virgin birth before the formal marriage and accusing Him of being illegitimately born which was a stigma in the Jewish culture. They’re not respecting Him at all. This is God they’re talking to. That’s the challenging, frightening issue.
But what did He do? But He made of Himself no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. He’s God. He created this universe and when He chose to enter this universe, how did He choose to enter it? A little peasant girl, still in her teens, not in Jerusalem, the center of learning and religion for the Jews, but up in hay seed Nazareth and of all things, He made the revelation to her and she became pregnant before she was married -a disgrace to the culture of that time. She didn’t ride Joseph’s donkey down to Bethlehem. Probably based on the culture of the day they both walked and took their supplies on the back of the donkey. They stayed probably with friends or relatives next door to the animals. They didn’t have Holiday Inns in the first century so they didn’t rent a hotel room or try to and were put into the stable of the public hotels. There were no public hotels. This is God. This is the One Who created the universe. Did He come into the world, choosing to be born the son of a king or the son of the high priest? Did He come to be born with a silver spoon in His mouth, with everything handed to Him on a platter and He could say " I’m God, I deserve this. I have a right to it. You’d better listen to Me because I deserve this?" No, He denied everything to which He was entitled by His diety and rather than coming as Master and Lord, He said He came as servant. 51

PBC: Phi 2:8 - -- fashion -or form or appearance
This is God? Why in the world would God allow such an ignominious event to happen in His incarnation- His visit to hum...
fashion -or form or appearance
This is God? Why in the world would God allow such an ignominious event to happen in His incarnation- His visit to humanity. That’s the point Paul’s making? Remember the lesson begins with an urgent plea for humility in the church. Let the mind of humility, the mind of Christ is what is to rule. None of this " I have my rights" -none of this " I deserve better than I am receiving here" but rather the heart of a servant who says " my role here is not to count up how many times I received appreciation and applause- my role is to serve." 51

PBC: Phi 2:12 - -- Only in the strength of the Holy Spirit can any believer be faithful to the Lord Jesus. How does God strengthen the Christian? By " working in" him. G...
Only in the strength of the Holy Spirit can any believer be faithful to the Lord Jesus. How does God strengthen the Christian? By " working in" him. God’s work for us is salvation. God’s work through us is service. But God’s work in us is sanctification. What a comfort to know that God is at work in our lives and in our hearts!
Haydock: Phi 2:1 - If there be, therefore, any consolation If there be, therefore, any consolation. If you have any desire to comfort me in Christ, or for Christ's sake. (Witham)
If there be, therefore, any consolation. If you have any desire to comfort me in Christ, or for Christ's sake. (Witham)

Haydock: Phi 2:3 - Esteem others better than themselves Esteem others better than themselves. St. Thomas Aquinas (22. q. 162. a. 3.) puts the question, how an innocent man can with truth think himself wor...
Esteem others better than themselves. St. Thomas Aquinas (22. q. 162. a. 3.) puts the question, how an innocent man can with truth think himself worse than the most wicked of men? He answers, that a man who has received very extraordinary gifts from God, cannot think these gifts less than what any other has received; but he may reflect that he has nothing, and is nothing of himself. And a man truly humble considers only his own sins and failings, and is persuaded that any other person would have made better use of the same graces; which agrees with what follows, (ver. 4) not considering the things that are his own. (Witham)

Haydock: Phi 2:4 - The things that are his The things that are his. Self-love and self-interest are the two great sources of divisions. The Christian religion teaches a contrary doctrine. (C...
The things that are his. Self-love and self-interest are the two great sources of divisions. The Christian religion teaches a contrary doctrine. (Calmet)

Haydock: Phi 2:6 - Who being in the form Who being in the form [1] of God, (that is truly, properly, and essentially God from eternity, as the ancient Fathers here observed against the Ari...
Who being in the form [1] of God, (that is truly, properly, and essentially God from eternity, as the ancient Fathers here observed against the Arians) taking the form of a servant, (i.e. taking upon him our human nature) became truly a man, and as man the servant of God, but remaining always God as before, thought it not robbery, no injury to his eternal Father, to be equal, to be esteemed, and to declare himself equal to God, to be one thing with him: as on divers occasions he taught the people, as we have observed in the notes on St. John's gospel, &c. (Witham)
In forma Dei, Greek: en morphe Theou. See St. John Chrysostom (tom. iv. p. 31. 32. Greek: log. 5.) where he shews how many heresies are confuted by these words: and says, Greek: e morphe tou doulou, e phusis doulou....kai e morphe tou Theou, Theou phusis. See St. Gregory of Nyssa...3. cont. Eunom.; St. Augustine, lib. 1. de Trin. chap. 1. &c.

Haydock: Phi 2:7 - But debased himself // Made to the likeness // In shape But debased himself: divested himself of all the marks of greatness, for the love of mankind. The Greek text signifies, he made himself void; [2] o...
But debased himself: divested himself of all the marks of greatness, for the love of mankind. The Greek text signifies, he made himself void; [2] on which account Dr. Wells, instead of made himself of no reputation, as in the Protestant translation, has changed it into emptied himself; not but that the true Son of God must always remain truly God, as well as by his incarnation truly man, but that in him as man appeared no marks of his divine power and greatness. ---
Made to the likeness [3] of men, not only as to an exterior likeness and appearance, but at the same time truly man by uniting his divine person to the nature of man. ---
In shape [4] (or habit) found as a man: not clothed exteriorly only, as a man is clothed with a garment or coat, but found both as to shape and nature a man; and, as St. John Chrysostom says, with the appearance of a sinful man, if we consider him persecuted by the Jews, and nailed to an infamous cross. (Witham)
Exinanivit Semetipsum, Greek: ekenose, evacuavit, a kenos, vacuus. See St. John Chrysostom, hom. vii.
In similitudinem hominum factus, Greek: en omoiomati. St. John Chrysostom, p. 40. Greek: log. x. See Romans viii. in similitudinem carnis peccati.
Et habitu inventus ut homo, Greek: schemati euretheis os anthropos. St. John Chrysostom, ibid. i.e. habitu factus est.

Haydock: Phi 2:9 - God....hath given him a name God....hath given him a name, &c. The name or word Jesus represents the dignity of him who is signified by the name, and who is exalted even as ma...
God....hath given him a name, &c. The name or word Jesus represents the dignity of him who is signified by the name, and who is exalted even as man, above all creatures in heaven, earth, and hell; all which creatures either piously reverence him, or are made subject to him against their will, that every tongue may confess our Lord Jesus to be now, and to have been always, in the glory of his Father, equal to him in substance and in all perfections. (Witham)

Haydock: Phi 2:10 - -- If we shew respect when the name of our sovereign is mentioned, may we not express our respect also at the name of Jesus; and if to his name, why not ...
If we shew respect when the name of our sovereign is mentioned, may we not express our respect also at the name of Jesus; and if to his name, why not to his cross as well as to the throne of the king?

Haydock: Phi 2:12 - With fear and trembling With fear and trembling. That is, be equally upon your guard against presumption and despair. St. Paul is anxious to inspire a just confidence in J...
With fear and trembling. That is, be equally upon your guard against presumption and despair. St. Paul is anxious to inspire a just confidence in Jesus Christ, but he is not less solicitous to root out all self-confidence arising from our supposed merits or excellence.

Haydock: Phi 2:13 - It is God who worketh in you both to will and to accomplish It is God who worketh in you both to will and to accomplish. We can neither have a will, nor begin, nor fulfil any thing of ourselves, in order to a...
It is God who worketh in you both to will and to accomplish. We can neither have a will, nor begin, nor fulfil any thing of ourselves, in order to a reward in heaven. (Witham) ---
Our free-will is not taken away, or we should not be commanded to work; but it is added, with fear and trembling, says St. Augustine, that we might not be proud of our good works. (De grat. et de lib. ab. chap. ix.)

Haydock: Phi 2:16 - To my glory To my glory, &c. That is, I beseech you to continue in faith, and comply with the word and doctrine of the gospel, that I may have glory, and rejoic...
To my glory, &c. That is, I beseech you to continue in faith, and comply with the word and doctrine of the gospel, that I may have glory, and rejoice together with you in the day of Christ, when he shall come to judgment. (Witham)

Haydock: Phi 2:17 - and if I be made a victim upon the sacrifice and if I be made a victim upon the sacrifice [5] and service of your faith, I rejoice, &c. The sense of these obscure words seems to be: that I sh...
and if I be made a victim upon the sacrifice [5] and service of your faith, I rejoice, &c. The sense of these obscure words seems to be: that I shall rejoice, and you also may rejoice and congratulate with me, if after having first offered up you faith and obedience to the gospel, as an acceptable sacrifice to God, I myself (or my blood, by martyrdom) be also added, and poured out as a second sacrifice upon the other. It is be understood with an allusion to those sacrifices of the old law called libations, consisting of liquid things, as wine, oil, blood, which were poured out, or at least sprinkled, upon other victims and things sacrificed: so that he compares the shedding of his blood to these libations, and their submission to the faith of Christ to the sacrifice before offered to God. (Witham)
Sed etsi immolor super sacrificium, et obsequium fidei vestræ, Greek: alla ei kai spendoma: epi to thusia, kai leitourgia tes pisteos umon: spendesthai, est libari, eo modo quo sanguis effunditur super sacrificia.

Haydock: Phi 2:19 - To send Timothy To send Timothy. It appears that St. Paul could not send Timothy to Philippi till some time after his deliverance from prison, about the year 63 of ...
To send Timothy. It appears that St. Paul could not send Timothy to Philippi till some time after his deliverance from prison, about the year 63 of Jesus Christ [the year A.D. 63]. (Tillemont) ---
In the succeeding verse, we see the high esteem in which Timothy was held by this apostle.

Haydock: Phi 2:21 - All seek the things that are their own All seek the things that are their own; i.e. many do so. (Witham)
All seek the things that are their own; i.e. many do so. (Witham)

Haydock: Phi 2:24 - That I also That I also. This did not take place till full two years were expired, in the year 64: (Tillemont) and others are of opinion, that he was in Macedon...
That I also. This did not take place till full two years were expired, in the year 64: (Tillemont) and others are of opinion, that he was in Macedon when he wrote his first epistle to Timothy. (Theo. Atha. Tille.)

Haydock: Phi 2:25 - Epaphroditus....your apostle, and the minister of my wants Epaphroditus....your apostle, and the minister of my wants. Epaphroditus had also laboured after St. Paul, and is thought to have been the bishop of...
Epaphroditus....your apostle, and the minister of my wants. Epaphroditus had also laboured after St. Paul, and is thought to have been the bishop of the Philippians; thus he might be called their apostle; though, as others conjecture, the word apostle may be here applied to him as one sent by the Philippians to St. Paul with contributions to supply his wants. (Witham)

Haydock: Phi 2:28 - And I may be without sorrow And I may be without sorrow; without the great concern and trouble that I am now in for you. (Witham)
And I may be without sorrow; without the great concern and trouble that I am now in for you. (Witham)

Haydock: Phi 2:30 - Delivering up his life Delivering up his life to persecutions, and to this danger that he was in by a sickness which was mortal, had not God restored him his health. He ca...
Delivering up his life to persecutions, and to this danger that he was in by a sickness which was mortal, had not God restored him his health. He came with your charities, to supply that which was wanting on your part, or which I stood in need of; and I am persuaded you desired to do it sooner, if you had met with an opportunity. (Witham)
Gill: Phi 2:1 - If there be therefore any consolation in Christ // if any comfort of love // if any fellowship of the spirit // if any bowels and mercies If there be therefore any consolation in Christ,.... Or "exhortation", as the word is sometimes rendered; that is, either if there is any exhortation...
If there be therefore any consolation in Christ,.... Or "exhortation", as the word is sometimes rendered; that is, either if there is any exhortation of Christ to love and unity, as there is in Joh 13:34, and this is of any weight and value; or if an exhortation hereunto made in the name of Christ, by any of his ministers, messengers, and ambassadors, will be regarded, as it ought to be, then fulfil ye my joy, &c. Phi 2:2, but as the word is frequently translated "consolation", as it is here in the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Arabic versions; the sense may be either, if there is any comfort to be given to them that are in Christ Jesus, as every converted man is, and as the apostle was, and especially to them that are afflicted and persecuted for the sake of Christ, are prisoners in him, and on his account, which was the apostle's case, then he desired they would attend to his following request: or if there was any consolation for them, and they had had any comfort in and from Christ; as all true, solid, strong, and everlasting consolation is only in Christ, and is founded on the greatness of his person, as God our Saviour, on the fulness of his grace, the efficacy of his blood, the perfection of his righteousness and sacrifice, and on the great salvation he is the author of: agreeably the Syriac version renders it, "if therefore ye have any consolation in Christ"; and the Arabic version, "if therefore ye enjoy any consolation from the grace of Christ"; which is displayed in the Gospel, as undoubtedly they did; and since then all this comfort was enjoyed by them, through the Gospel the apostle preached to them, the argument from hence must be strong upon them, to attend to what he desired of them:
if any comfort of love; in it, or from it; as from the love of God the Father, which is everlasting and unchangeable, and must be comforting, when shed abroad in the heart by the Spirit; and from the love of the Son, which is the same, and equally immovable and lasting, and which passeth knowledge; and from the love of the Spirit, in applying the grace of the Father, and of the Son, whereby he becomes a glorifier of them, and a comforter of his people; and from the love of the saints to one another, which renders their communion with each other comfortable, pleasant, and delightful: or the apostle's sense is, if they had so much love for him, as to wish and desire he might be comforted in his present situation, and that they would be willing to make use of any methods to comfort him, then he desires this; and this is all he desires, mutual love, peace, harmony, and agreement among themselves:
if any fellowship of the spirit: of the spirit of one saint with another; if there is such a thing as an union of spirits, an oneness of souls, a tasting of each other's spirits, and a communion with one another, then care should be taken to keep this unity of the Spirit, in the bond of peace, Eph 4:3, or if there is any fellowship of the Holy Spirit of God, any communion with him, any such thing as a witnessing of him to, and with our spirits, or as fellowship with the Father and the Son by him, and saints are baptized into one body by one Spirit, and have been made to drink of the same Spirit, 1Co 12:13, then it becomes them to be of one mind, and to stand fast in one Spirit, Phi 1:27,
if any bowels and mercies; as there are in God, and in the Lord Jesus Christ, moving towards the saints; or such as become Christians, who, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, ought to put on bowels of mercies to one another; express the most hearty, inward, tender, and compassionate concern for each other's welfare, temporal and spiritual. Thus the apostle premises the most moving and pathetic arguments, leading on to the exhortations and advice, to love, harmony, and unity, given in Phi 2:2.

Gill: Phi 2:2 - Fulfil ye my joy // that ye be likeminded // having the same love // being of one accord // of one mind Fulfil ye my joy,.... The Arabic version adds, "by these things"; meaning not his joy in the Lord Jesus Christ, which arose from views of interest his...
Fulfil ye my joy,.... The Arabic version adds, "by these things"; meaning not his joy in the Lord Jesus Christ, which arose from views of interest his person, blood, and righteousness; which was had by believing in him, by enjoying communion with him, and living in hope of the glory of God; this in a fruit of the Spirit, Gal 5:22, and is called joy in the Holy Ghost; who, as he was the author, must be the finisher of it, and not the Philippians; much less does he mean that fulness of joy in the presence, and at the right hand of God in heaven, which he expected to have; but that which arose from the state, conduct, and mutual respect of the saints to each other; he had much joy in them, on account of the good work being begun, and carrying on in their souls; and because of their steadfastness in the faith, notwithstanding the persecutions they met with; and on account of their continued love to him, and the late fresh instance of it they had given, in sending their minister with a present to him, and who had given him a particular account of their affairs; but his joy was not yet full, there were some things which damped it; as the unbecoming walk and conversation of some, of whom he spoke with grief of heart, and tears in his eyes; and the inclination of others to listen to the false teachers, those of the concision, or circumcision; and the murmurings, disputings, and divisions of others among them, that were contentious and quarrelsome; wherefore to crown his joy, and fill it brimful, he signifies that their unity in affection, judgment, and practice, would do it, for so he explains it as follows:
that ye be likeminded, or "equally affected to one another"; that since they were but as one man, were one body, and had but one head, and one Spirit, that quickened and comforted them, and had but one faith and one baptism, they ought to be one in affection, practice, and judgment; this is the general, of which the following are the particulars:
having the same love; both for quality, being hearty, sincere, and unfeigned; and for quantity, returning the same that is measured to them; and with respect to objects, loving the same Christ, the same doctrines of Christ, the same ministers of the Gospel, and all the saints, rich and poor, high and low, weak or strong believers, without making any difference, by which means unity is preserved: for if one loves Christ, and another antichrist; one loves one doctrine, and another the opposite to it; one loves a teacher of the law, and another a preacher of the Gospel, one loves one Gospel minister, and one loves another, in distinction from, and opposition to the other; one loves the rich and not the poor, men of great gifts and grace, and neglects the meaner saints; when this is the case, they cannot be said to have the same love, nor can there be harmony, concord, and agreement:
being of one accord, or "being alike in soul"; having the same soul, not in substance and number, as some philosophers have asserted, but having the same affection, judgment, and will, as the first Christians are said to be of one heart and of one soul; or "unanimous" in their sentiments about doctrines and ordinances, being all of a piece in their practices; and agreeing in all their counsels, debates, acts, and votes, in their church meetings:
of one mind; in the doctrines of grace, in the ordinances of the Gospel; and in the discipline of the church: the means of preserving and increasing such affection, unity, and agreement, are next directed to.

Gill: Phi 2:3 - Let nothing be done through strife // or vain glory // but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem other better than themselves Let nothing be done through strife,.... About words merely; otherwise they were to strive for the faith of the Gospel, the purity of Gospel ordinanc...
Let nothing be done through strife,.... About words merely; otherwise they were to strive for the faith of the Gospel, the purity of Gospel ordinances, worship and discipline; but the apostle would not have them strive merely to carry a point determined on, without having any regard to reason and truth, or yielding to the infirmities of the weak; which is the case and conduct of contentious persons; than which nothing can be more contrary to the Spirit of the Gospel, or the peace of churches: the apostle adds,
or vain glory; for where this is predominant, persons will always be singular in their sentiments, and never relinquish them, let what reason soever be given against them; nor will they give way to the judgment of others, but right or wrong will have their own wills; Diotrephes like, loving to have the preeminence in all things, 3Jo 1:9; and such persons and conduct are very injurious to the comfort and harmony of the saints:
but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem other better than themselves; not as to the things of the world, in respect of which one man may be a better man than another, and he must know and think himself so; nor with respect to the endowments of the mind, and acquired abilities, which one man may have above another; and the difference being so great in some, it must be easily discerned, that one is more learned and knowing, in this or the other language, art, or science; but with regard to, grace, and to spiritual light, knowledge, and judgment: and where there is lowliness of mind, or true humility, a person will esteem himself in a state of grace, as the great apostle did, the chief of sinners, and less than the least of all saints; one in whom this grace reigns will pay a deference to the judgment of other saints, and will prefer their experience, light, and knowledge, to his own; and will readily give way, when he sees such that are of longer standing, of greater experience, and more solid judgment, as he has reason to think, than himself, are on the other side of the question; and so peace, love, and unity, are preserved. This grace of humility is an excellent ornament to a Christian, and wonderfully useful in Christian societies.

Gill: Phi 2:4 - Look, not every man on his own things // but every man also on the things of others Look, not every man on his own things,.... Not but that a man should take care of his worldly affairs, and look well unto them, and provide things hon...
Look, not every man on his own things,.... Not but that a man should take care of his worldly affairs, and look well unto them, and provide things honest in the sight of all men, for himself and his family, otherwise he would be worse than an infidel; but he is not to seek his own private advantage, and prefer it to a public good; accordingly the Syriac version reads it, "neither let anyone be careful of himself, but also everyone of his neighbour"; and the Arabic version thus, "and let none of you look to that which conduces to himself alone, but let everyone of you look to those things which may conduce to his friend"; but this respects spiritual things, and spiritual gifts: a Christian should not seek his own honour and applause, and to have his own will, and a point in a church carried his own way, but should consult the honour of Christ, the good of others, and the peace of the church; he should not look upon his own gifts, he may look upon them, and ascribe them to the grace of God, and make use of them to his glory, but not to admire them, or himself for them, and pride himself in them, and lift up himself above others, neglecting and taking no notice of the superior abilities of others:
but every man also on the things of others; not on their worldly things, busying himself with other men's matters, and which he has nothing to do with, but on the sentiments and reasons of others; which he should well weigh and consider, and if they outdo and overbalance his own, should yield unto them; he should take notice of the superior gifts of others, and own and acknowledge them; which is the way to submit to one another in the fear of God, and to promote truth, friendship, and love.

Gill: Phi 2:5 - Let this mind be in you // which also was in Christ Jesus Let this mind be in you,.... The Arabic version renders it, "let that humility be perceived in you". The apostle proposes Christ as the great pattern ...
Let this mind be in you,.... The Arabic version renders it, "let that humility be perceived in you". The apostle proposes Christ as the great pattern and exemplar of humility; and instances in his assumption of human nature, and in his subjection to all that meanness, and death itself, even the death of the cross in it; and which he mentions with this view, to engage the saints to lowliness of mind, in imitation of him; to show forth the same temper and disposition of mind in their practice,
which also was in Christ Jesus; or as the Syriac version, "think ye the same thing as Jesus Christ"; let the same condescending spirit and humble deportment appear in you as in him. This mind, affection, and conduct of Christ, may refer both to his early affection to his people, the love he bore to them from everlasting, the resolution and determination of his mind in consequence of it; and his agreement with his Father to take upon him their nature in the fulness of time, and to do his will, by obeying, suffering, and dying in their room and stead; and also the open exhibition and execution of all this in time, when he appeared in human nature, poor, mean, and abject; condescending to the lowest offices, and behaving in the most meek and humble manner, throughout the whole of his life, to the moment of his death.

Gill: Phi 2:6 - Who being in the form of God // thought it no robbery to be equal with God Who being in the form of God,.... The Father; being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person. This form is to be understood, n...
Who being in the form of God,.... The Father; being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person. This form is to be understood, not of any shape or figure of him; for as such is not to be seen, it is not to be supposed of him; or any accidental form, for there are no accidents in God, whatever is in God, is God; he is nothing but nature and essence, he is the
thought it no robbery to be equal with God; the Father; for if he was in the same form, nature, and essence, he must be equal to him, as he is; for he has the same perfections, as eternity, omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, immutability, and self-existence: hence he has the same glorious names, as God, the mighty God, the true God, the living God, God over all, Jehovah, the Lord of glory, &c. the same works of creation and providence are ascribed to him, and the same worship, homage, and honour given him: to be "in the form of God", and to be "equal with God", signify the same thing, the one is explanative of the other: and this divine form and equality, or true and proper deity, he did not obtain by force and rapine, by robbery and usurpation, as Satan attempted to do, and as Adam by his instigation also affected; and so the mind of a wicked man, as Philo the Jew says i, being a lover of itself and impious,

Gill: Phi 2:7 - But made himself of no reputation // and took upon him the form of a servant // and was made in the likeness of men But made himself of no reputation,.... Or "nevertheless emptied himself"; not of that fulness of grace which was laid up in him from everlasting, for ...
But made himself of no reputation,.... Or "nevertheless emptied himself"; not of that fulness of grace which was laid up in him from everlasting, for with this he appeared when he was made flesh, and dwelt among men; nor of the perfections of his divine nature, which were not in the least diminished by his assumption of human nature, for all the fulness of the Godhead dwelt in him bodily; though he took that which he had not before, he lost nothing of what he had; the glory of his divine nature was covered, and out of sight; and though some rays and beams of it broke out through his works and miracles, yet his glory, as the only begotten of the Father, was beheld only by a few; the minds of the far greater part were blinded, and their hearts hardened, and they saw no form nor comeliness in him to desire him; the form of God in which he was, was hid from them; they reputed him as a mere man, yea, as a sinful man, even as a worm, and no man: and to be thus esteemed, and had in such account, he voluntarily subjected himself, though infinitely great and glorious; as he did not assume deity by rapine, he was not thrust down into this low estate by force; as the angels that sinned when they affected to be as God, were drove from their seats of glory, and cast down into hell; and when man, through the instigation of Satan, was desirous of the same, he was turned out of Eden, and became like the beasts that perish; but this was Christ's own act and deed, he willingly assented to it, to lay aside as it were his glory for a while, to have it veiled and hid, and be reckoned anything, a mere man, yea, to have a devil, and not be God: O wondrous humility! astonishing condescension!
and took upon him the form of a servant; this also was voluntary; he "took upon him", was not obliged, or forced to be in the form of a servant; he appeared as one in human nature, and was really such; a servant to his Father, who chose, called, sent, upheld, and regarded him as a servant; and a very prudent, diligent, and faithful one he was unto him: and he was also a servant to his people, and ministered to men; partly by preaching the Gospel to them, and partly by working miracles, healing their diseases, and going about to do good, both to the bodies and souls of men; and chiefly by obtaining eternal redemption for his chosen ones, by being made sin and a curse for them; which though a very toilsome and laborious piece of service, yet as he cheerfully engaged in it, he diligently attended it, until he had finished it: so he was often prophesied of as a servant, in Isa 42:1, in which several places he is called in the Targum,
and was made in the likeness of men; not of the first Adam, for though, as he, he was without sin, knew none, nor did any; yet he was rather like to sinful men, and was sent in the likeness of sinful flesh, and was traduced and treated as a sinner, and numbered among transgressors; he was like to men, the most mean and abject, such as were poor, and in lower life, and were of the least esteem and account among men, on any score: or he was like to men in common, and particularly to his brethren the seed of Abraham, and children of God that were given him; he partook of the same flesh and blood, he had a true body, and a reasonable soul, as they; he was subject to the like sorrows and griefs, temptations, reproaches, and persecutions; and was like them in everything, excepting sin: a strange and surprising difference this, that he who was "equal to God", should be "like to sinful men!"

Gill: Phi 2:8 - And being found in fashion as a man // he humbled himself // and became obedient unto death // even the death of the cross And being found in fashion as a man,.... Not that he had only the show and appearance of a man, but he was really a man; for "as" here, denotes not me...
And being found in fashion as a man,.... Not that he had only the show and appearance of a man, but he was really a man; for "as" here, denotes not merely the likeness of a thing, but the thing itself, as in Mat 14:5,
he humbled himself: by becoming man, and by various outward actions in his life; as subjection to his parents, working at the trade of a carpenter, conversing with the meanest of men, washing his disciples' feet, &c. and the whole of his deportment both to God and man, his compliance with his Father's will, though disagreeable to flesh and blood, his behaviour towards his enemies, and his forbearance of his disciples, showed him to be of a meek and humble spirit; he humbled himself both to God and man:
and became obedient unto death, or "until death"; for he was obedient from the cradle to the cross, to God, to men, to his earthly parents, and to magistrates; he was obedient to the ceremonial law, to circumcision, the passover, &c. to the moral law, to all the precepts of it, which he punctually fulfilled; and to the penalty of it, death, which he voluntarily and cheerfully bore, in the room and stead of his people:
even the death of the cross; which was both painful and shameful; it was an accursed one, and showed that he bore the curse of the law, and was made a curse for us: this was a punishment usually inflicted on servants, and is called a servile punishment l; and such was the form which he took, when he was found in fashion as a man: this is now the great instance of humility the apostle gives, as a pattern of it to the saints, and it is a matchless and unparalleled one,

Gill: Phi 2:9 - Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him // and hath given him a name which is above every name Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him,.... The apostle proceeds to observe the exaltation of Christ, for the encouragement of meek and humble sou...
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him,.... The apostle proceeds to observe the exaltation of Christ, for the encouragement of meek and humble souls; that whereas Christ, who so exceedingly demeaned himself, was afterwards highly exalted by God, so all such who, in imitation of him, behave to one another in lowliness of mind, shall be exalted in God's due time; for whoso humbleth himself, shall be exalted. The first step of Christ's exaltation was his resurrection from the dead, when he had a glory given him as man; his body was raised in incorruption, in glory, in power, and a spiritual one; it became a glorious body, and the pledge and exemplar of the saints at the general resurrection, of which his transfiguration on the mount was an emblem and prelude; and he was also glorified then as Mediator, he was then justified in the Spirit, and acquitted and discharged from all the sins of his people, he took upon him and bore, having satisfied for them; and all God's elect were justified in him, for he rose as a public person, as their head, for their justification; yea, in some sense he was then glorified, as a divine person; not that any new additional glory was, or could be made to him as such; but there was an illustrious manifestation of his natural, essential, and original glory; he was declared to be the Son of God with power, by his resurrection from the dead: the next step of his high exaltation was his ascending on high up to the third heaven, where he is made higher than the heavens; when he was accompanied by an innumerable company of angels, and by those saints whose bodies rose out of their graves after his resurrection; and was received and carried up in a bright glorious cloud; and passing through the air, the seat of the devils, he led captivity captive, and triumphed over principalities and powers, having before spoiled them on his cross; and then entering into heaven, he sat down at the right hand of God, which is another branch of his exaltation; and shows that he had done his work, and that it was approved and accepted of; and had that glory and honour bestowed on him, which never was on any mere creature, angels or men, to sit down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; which as it is the highest pitch of the exaltation of the human nature of Christ, so by it there is a most illustrious display of the glory of his divine person as the Son of God; who was with God, as one brought up with him from all eternity; and was so likewise when here on earth, but not so manifestly; but now he is openly and manifestly glorified with himself, with that glory he had with him before the world began: moreover, Christ's exaltation lies in his having the gifts of the Spirit without measure, to bestow on his ministers and churches, in all succeeding generations, for the carrying on of his interest, and the enlargement of his kingdom; in having all power in heaven and in earth, to complete his work and great designs; in having dominion and authority over all creatures and things, which are made to be subservient to the execution of his mediatorial office; and in having the right and power of judging the world at the last day, when there will still be a more glorious display of his eternal deity and divine sonship; for he will come in his Father's glory, and in his own, and with his holy angels: now the causes of Christ's exaltation are these: the efficient cause is God; though he made himself of no reputation, and humbled himself, these were voluntary acts of his own; yet he did not exalt himself, but God exalted him, even God the Father; with him the covenant of grace and redemption was made, in which glory was promised Christ, in consideration of his obedience, sufferings, and death; and which he prayed to him for, and pleaded for with him, having done his work; and which exaltation of Christ is always ascribed to God, even the Father; see Act 2:33; the impulsive or moving cause, and indeed the meritorious cause, were the humiliation of Christ; because he, though he was originally so great and glorious, yet made himself as it were nothing, humbled himself to become man, and was contented to be accounted a mere man, and went up and down in the form of a servant; and because he became so cheerfully obedient to the whole law, and to death itself, for the sake of his people, and out of love to them, "therefore" God exalted him: the exaltation of Christ was not only a consequence of his obedience and death, and his humiliation merely the way to his glory; but his high and exalted estate were the reward of all this; it was what was promised him in covenant, what was then agreed upon, what he expected and pleaded, and had as a recompense of reward, in consideration of his having glorified God on earth, and finished the work he undertook to do: it follows as an instance of the exaltation of Christ,
and hath given him a name which is above every name. The Syriac version renders it, "which is more excellent than every name"; and the Arabic version translates it, "which is more eminent than every name"; and the Ethiopic version thus, "which is greater than every name": by which is meant, not any particular and peculiar name by which he is called; not the name of God, for though this is his name, the mighty God, and so is even the incommunicable name Jehovah, and which may be truly said to be every name; but neither of these are given him, but what he has by nature; and besides were what he had before his exaltation in human nature: it is true indeed, upon that this name of his became more illustrious and manifest unto men; it is a more clear point, that he is God over all blessed for evermore; and it will still be more manifest at his glorious appearing, that he is the great God, as well as our Saviour: to which may be added, that the name Jehovah in the plate of gold on the high priest's forehead, was set above the other word; so says Maimonides m,
"the plate of gold was two fingers broad, and it reached from ear to ear; and there was written upon it two lines, "holiness to the Lord";
whether here may not be an allusion to this, I leave to be considered: nor do I think that the name of the Son of God is meant; this is indeed a name of Christ, and a more excellent one than either angels or men have; for he is in such sense the Son of God, as neither of them are; but this is a name also which he has by nature, and is what he had before his exaltation; and was before this attested by his Father, and confessed by angels, men, and devils; though indeed upon his exaltation, he was declared more manifestly to be the Son of God, as he will be yet more clearly in his kingdom and glory: much less is the name Jesus intended, which was given him by the angel before his conception and birth, and was a name common to men among the Jews; but it seems to design such fame and renown, honour, glory, and dignity, as were never given unto, and bestowed upon creatures; as his rising from the dead as a public person, his ascending on high in the manner he did, his session at the right hand of God, his investiture with all gifts, power, dominion, authority, and with the judgment of the world; and whatever name of greatness there is among men or angels, Christ has that which is superior to it. Was a priest a name of honour and dignity among the Jews? Christ is not only a priest, and an high priest, but a great high priest; a priest not after the order of Aaron, but after the order of Melchizedek, Heb 7:11, and a greater than he himself. Is a king a great name among men? Christ has on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords. Is a deliverer of a nation a title of great honour? Christ is exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour of men of all nations; nor is there any other name but his, that is given among men, whereby we must be saved. Is a mediator between warring princes and kingdoms accounted a name of greatness and glory? Christ is the one only Mediator between God and man, and of a new and better covenant. Are angels, seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers, great names in the other world? Christ is the Angel of God's presence, an eternal one, the Angel of the covenant, the head of all principality and power. These are all subject to him, and he is set at God's right hand far above them,

Gill: Phi 2:10 - That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow // of things in heaven // and things in earth // and things under the earth That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,.... Which is to be understood, not of the outward act of bowing the knee upon hearing the name, and t...
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,.... Which is to be understood, not of the outward act of bowing the knee upon hearing the name, and the syllables of the mere name Jesus pronounced; for in the bare name there can be nothing which can command such a peculiar respect; it was a name common with the Jews: Joshua is so called in Heb 4:8; and the name of Elymas the sorcerer was Barjesus: that is, the son of Jesus, Act 13:6; Now, how monstrously ridiculous and stupid would it be, for a man, upon hearing these passages, and upon the pronouncing of this word, to bow the knee? Moreover, the words ought not to be rendered at, but "in the name of Jesus"; that is, in and by reason of the power, authority, and dignity of Jesus, as exalted at God's right hand, every creature is to be subject to him: add to this, that there are several creatures included in the following account, who, in a corporeal sense, have not knees to bow with, as angels, the souls of men departed, and devils; and therefore an external corporeal bowing of the knee cannot be meant. The Jews indeed, upon hearing the name Jehovah pronounced by the high priest, in the holy of holies, used to bow: they say n,
"that the priests, and the people, that stand in the court, when they hear Shemhamphorash (i.e. the name "Jehovah") pronounced by the high priest,
though it can hardly be thought there is any reference to this here. But inasmuch as this action is a token of reverence, worship; and subjection, it is used for those things themselves; and the sense is, that Christ is exalted as before described, that every creature may give him reverence, worship, and adoration, submit and be subject to him, as all do, and shall, either freely or forcedly. Some really and heartily trust in his name, are baptized in his name, and ascribe honour, and glory, and blessing to him from their whole hearts; and others feignedly, and whether they will or not, are subject to him, and sooner or later shall acknowledge his authority over them: and he shall be owned to be Lord
of things in heaven: the angels there, and the souls of departed saints, with those who are already clothed with their bodies:
and things in earth; both good men, and bad men:
and things under the earth; or "in the abyss", as the Ethiopic version renders it; meaning either the devils in the bottomless pit; or rather the dead bodies of men in the grave, which shall come forth and stand before the judgment seat of Christ,

Gill: Phi 2:11 - And that every tongue should confess // that Jesus Christ is Lord // to the glory of God the Father And that every tongue should confess,.... Whether of angels or men, or of men of whatsoever nation. Confession is either true and hearty, as when the...
And that every tongue should confess,.... Whether of angels or men, or of men of whatsoever nation. Confession is either true and hearty, as when the mouth and heart agree in confessing, and which is made only by true believers; or verbal only, or in mere outward form, and by force, as in hypocrites, wicked men, and devils themselves; who all either have confessed, or will confess,
that Jesus Christ is Lord: the holy angels confess him to be Lord, and their Lord truly, and are unfeignedly subject to him; and true believers heartily own him as their Lord, and cheerfully submit to his commands and ordinances; and the foolish virgins, and the goats on Christ's left hand, will, at the last day, call him Lord, Lord; and the worst of men, yea, even devils, will be obliged to own his lordship and dominion; which will be
to the glory of God the Father. The Syriac reads, "his Father", who has chose and constituted him as the Mediator, invested him with his office, ordained him to be Judge of quick and dead, and given him all power and authority, and exalted him at his own right hand; so he that honoureth the Son, honoureth the Father also. The Vulgate Latin version renders the words, "because the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father": being in the form of God, of the same nature and essence with him, and equal to him; as he will appear to be at his second coming, for then he will come in the glory of his Father.

Gill: Phi 2:12 - Wherefore, my beloved // as ye have always obeyed // Not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence // work out your own salvation with fear and trembling Wherefore, my beloved,.... This is an inference from the instance and example of Christ; that since he, who was God over all, blessed for ever, made h...
Wherefore, my beloved,.... This is an inference from the instance and example of Christ; that since he, who was God over all, blessed for ever, made himself so low in human nature, in which he is now so highly exalted, having done the work and business he came about with such condescension, humility, and meekness; therefore it becomes those who profess to be his followers, to do all their affairs as men and Christians, with, and among one another, in all lowliness of mind. The apostle calls the saints here, "my beloved", he having a strong affection for them, which he frequently expresses in this epistle; and he chooses to make use of such an endearing appellation, that it might be observed, that what he was about to say to them sprung from pure love to them, and a hearty desire for their welfare, and from no other end, and with no other view; and to encourage them to go on in a course of humble duty, he commends them for their former obedience,
as ye have always obeyed; not "me", as the Arabic and Ethiopic versions supply; but either God, acting according to his revealed will, they had knowledge of; or Christ, by receiving him as prophet, priest, and King, by submitting to his righteousness, and the sceptre of his grace; or the Gospel, by embracing the truths of it, professing them, and abiding in them, and by subjecting to the ordinances of it, and doing all things whatsoever Christ has commanded: and this they did "always"; they were always abounding in the works of the Lord, doing his will; they abode by Christ, and continued steadfastly in his doctrines, and kept the ordinances as they were delivered to them, and walked in all the commandments of the Lord blameless,
Not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence; which clause may either be referred to the foregoing, which expresses their obedience; and so signifies that that was carefully and cheerfully performed, not only while the apostle was with them, but now when he was absent from them, and much more when absent than present:, which shows, that they were not eye servants, and menpleasers, but what they did they did sincerely and heartily, as to the Lord: or to the following exhortation, that they would attend to it; not only as they had done when he was among them, of which he was witness, but that they would much more do so now he was absent from them, namely,
work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; which is to be understood not in such a sense as though men could obtain and procure for themselves spiritual and eternal salvation by their own works and doings; for such a sense is contrary to the Scriptures, which deny any part of salvation, as election, justification, and calling, and the whole of it to be of works, but ascribe it to the free grace of God; and is also repugnant to the perfections of God, as his wisdom, grace, and righteousness; for where are the wisdom and love of God, in forming a scheme of salvation, and sending his Son to effect it, and after all it is left to men to work it out for themselves? and where is the justice of God in admitting of an imperfect righteousness in the room of a perfect one, which must be the case, if salvation is obtained by men's works? for these are imperfect, even the best of them; and is another reason against this sense of the passage; and were they perfect, they could not be meritorious of salvation, for the requisites of merits are wanting in them. Moreover, was salvation to be obtained by the works of men, these consequences would follow; the death of Christ would be in vain, boasting would be encouraged in men, they would have whereof to glory, and their obligations to obedience taken from the love of God, and redemption by Christ, would be weakened and destroyed: add to all this, that the Scriptures assure us, that salvation is alone by Christ; and that it is already finished by him, and not to be wrought out now by him, or any other; and that such is the weakness and impotence of men, even of believers, to whom this exhortation is directed, that it is impossible for them ever to affect it; therefore, whatever sense these words have, we may be sure that this can never possibly be the sense of them. The words may be rendered, "work about your salvation"; employ yourselves in things which accompany salvation, and to be performed by all those that expect it, though not to be expected for the performance of them; such as hearing of the word, submission to Gospel ordinances, and a discharge of every branch of moral, spiritual, and evangelical obedience for which the apostle before commends them, and now exhorts them to continue in; to go on in a course of cheerful obedience to the close of their days, believing in Christ, obeying his Gospel, attending constantly to his word and ordinances, and discharging every duty in faith and fear, until at last they should receive the end of their faith, the salvation of their souls: agreeably the Syriac version renders the words,

Gill: Phi 2:13 - For it is God which worketh in you // both to will and to do of his good pleasure For it is God which worketh in you,.... Which is both an encouragement to persons conscious of their own weakness to work, as before exhorted to; see ...
For it is God which worketh in you,.... Which is both an encouragement to persons conscious of their own weakness to work, as before exhorted to; see Hag 2:4; and a reason and argument for humility and meekness, and against pride and vain glory, since all we have, and do, is from God; and also points out the spring, principle, and foundation of all good works; namely, the grace of God wrought in the heart, which is an internal work, and purely the work of God: by this men become the workmanship of God, created unto good works, Eph 2:10, and are new men, and fitted for the performance of acts of righteousness, and true holiness; and this grace, which God works in them, is wrought in a powerful and efficacious manner, so as not to be frustrated and made void. The word here used signifies an inward, powerful, and efficacious operation; and the "king's manuscript", mentioned by Grotius and Hammond, adds another word to it, which makes the sense still stronger, reading it thus, "which worketh in you",
both to will and to do of his good pleasure; God works in converted men a will to that which is spiritually good; which is to be understood, not of the formation of the natural faculty of the will; or of the preservation of it, and its natural liberty; or of the general motion of it to natural objects; nor of his influence on it in a providential way; but of the making of it good, and causing a willingness in it to that which is spiritually good. Men have no will naturally to come to Christ, or to have him to reign over them; they have no desire, nor hungerings and thirstings after his righteousness and salvation; wherever there are any such inclinations and desires, they are wrought in men by God; who works upon the stubborn and inflexible will, and, without any force to it, makes the soul willing to be saved by Christ, and submit to his righteousness, and do his will; he sweetly and powerfully draws it with the cords of love to himself, and to his Son, and so influences it by his grace and spirit, and which he continues, that it freely wills everything spiritually good, and for the glory of God: and he works in them also to "do"; for there is sometimes in believers a will, when there wants a power of doing. God therefore both implants in them principles of action to work from, as faith and love, and a regard for his glory, and gives them grace and strength to work with, without which they can do nothing, but having these, can do all things: and all this is "of his good pleasure"; the word "his" not being in the original text, some have taken the liberty to ascribe this to the will of man; and so the Syriac version renders it, "both to will and to do that",

Gill: Phi 2:14 - Do all things // without murmurings // disputings Do all things,.... Not evil things, these are to be abhorred, shunned, and avoided, even all appearance of them, they are not to be done, even the sak...
Do all things,.... Not evil things, these are to be abhorred, shunned, and avoided, even all appearance of them, they are not to be done, even the sake of good; nor all indifferent things at all times, and under all circumstances, when the peace and edification of others are in danger of being hurt by so doing; but all good things, all that are agreeable to the righteous law and good will of God; all those good things which accompany salvation, as hearing the word, and attendance on ordinances: all church affairs relating to public worship, private conference, everything at church meetings, and which concern the discipline and laws of Christ's house; and all things that are civilly, morally, spiritually, and evangelically good; even all things that God would have done, or we would desire should be done to us by fellow creatures and fellow Christians: let all these be done
without murmurings; either against God and Christ, as if anything hard and severe was enjoined, when Christ's yoke is easy, and his burden light, Mat 11:30, and none of his commands grievous; and because their presence is not always enjoyed, and that communion and comfort in ordinances had, which may be desired: or against the ministers of the Gospel, in whose power it is not to give grace, comfort, and spiritual refreshment; any more than it was in Moses and Aaron to give bread and water to the Israelites in the wilderness, for which they murmured against them, and in so doing against God himself, Exo 16:2; or against one another, because of superior enjoyment in nature, providence, and grace; but all things, both of a moral, civil, and religious nature, with respect to God, and one another, should be done readily, freely, cheerfully, and heartily; and also without
disputings; or "without hesitations", as the Vulgate Latin, Arabic, and Ethiopic versions render it. Whatever appears to be agreeable to the will of God, should be done at once without dispute upon it, or hesitation about it, however disagreeable it may be to carnal sense and reason; the will of God is not to be disputed, nor flesh and blood to be consulted, in opposition to it; nor should the saints enter into any carnal reasonings, and contentious disputations, either at their public or private meetings, but do all they do decently, and in order, and in the exercise of brotherly love.

Gill: Phi 2:15 - That ye may be blameless // and harmless // the sons of God // without rebuke // in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation // Among whom ye shine // as lights in the world That ye may be blameless,.... This, and what follows, show the end to be answered, by observing the above exhortation. This respects not their being b...
That ye may be blameless,.... This, and what follows, show the end to be answered, by observing the above exhortation. This respects not their being blameless in the sight of God, which the saints are not in themselves, being not without sin, though they are, as considered in Christ, clothed with his righteousness, and washed in his blood; but their being blameless before men: and this may be understood both actively and passively; actively, that they might be without blaming others; some are so unhappy in their disposition and conduct, as to be always finding fault with, and blaming all persons they are concerned with, and all things in them, and done by them, right or wrong, without any just reason; and this ought not to be, and may be prevented by doing all things, as before directed: or passively, that they might not be blamed by others justly; for no man can escape the blame and censure of everyone; our Lord himself did not, nor this our apostle; but doing, as before exhorted to, will, in a great measure, preclude any just reason for blame and complaint: it is added,
and harmless; that is, that they might be, and appear to be so; harmless as doves, in imitation of Christ, who was holy in his nature, and harmless in his conversation, as his followers should be; doing no injury to any man's person or property, behaving in an inoffensive manner to all men, to Jew and Gentile, and to the church of God: it follows,
the sons of God; not that they might be sons by so doing; but be "as the sons of God", as the Syriac version renders it, be like them, and behave as such; for they were the sons of God already; not by creation only, as angels, and all men are, not merely by profession of religion, but by adopting grace; they were predestinated to the adoption of children, and were taken into this relation in the covenant of grace, Christ had redeemed them from under the law, that they might receive this blessing, and it was actually bestowed upon them by him in conversion: but the sense is, that they might appear to be the children of God, by acting as becomes such; not that they might appear so to themselves, for they were openly and manifestly to themselves the children of God, by faith in Christ Jesus, and through the testimony of the Spirit, witnessing to their spirits that they were in such a relation to God; but that they might appear so to others, that they were the adopted sons of God, and also begotten again by him, and made partakers of the divine nature; by their being followers of God as dear children, and by their being obedient ones to him in all holiness and godly conversation, yielding a ready and cheerful obedience to his will, without repining at it, or disputing about it; and to be
without rebuke; not without the rebuke of their heavenly Father, for whom he loves he rebukes, and every son that he receives into his family he scourges and chastises, not in wrath and anger, or with rebukes of fury, but of love; but without the rebuke of men, both of the churches and ministers of Christ, whose business it is to reprove and rebuke, publicly and privately, as cases and their circumstances require; and of the men of the world, who when they have any occasion, make use of it to speak reproachfully, as a railing Rabshakeh did, when it is a time of rebuke and blasphemy, and to be shunned and guarded against as much possible: especially since the saints live
in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation: or age and generation, as every age is; saints are like lilies in the valleys, liable to be trampled upon by the foot of every wild beast; like roses among thorns, to be scratched and torn; and like Lots in the midst of Sodom, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: the whole world lies in sin, and the saints are enclosed on every side with wicked men. Philippi, where these saints lived, was a place of wickedness, and so no doubt was the whole region of Macedonia; the inhabitants were evil for the most part; their ways were crooked, and their works perverse, being contrary to the law of God, and Gospel of Christ; and therefore the following exhortation to the saints there was very suitable,
Among whom ye shine; or "shine ye", as it may be rendered,
as lights in the world. This world is, in a moral sense, what the original chaos was in a natural sense, covered with darkness; the darkness of ignorance and unbelief, of impiety and superstition, has spread itself over the far greater part of the world; the men of it are children of the night, and of darkness; their works are works of darkness, and they are going on in darkness, not knowing where they are going. The saints are the lights of the world, they were once darkness itself, but are made light in and by the Lord; they are called into marvellous light, and are filled with light spiritual and evangelical; they are like the moon and stars, that give light to the world in the night; and as they receive their light from the sun, and communicate it to the world, so do the saints receive theirs from Christ, the sun of righteousness, and show it forth to others, both by doctrine and practice: or rather the churches of Christ are as candlesticks, in which the light of the Gospel is put, and held forth to men, as follows, see Mat 5:14.

Gill: Phi 2:16 - Holding forth the word of life // That I may rejoice in the day of Christ // that I have not run in vain, nor laboured in vain Holding forth the word of life,.... By which may be meant, either Christ the essential Word, in whom life was, and is, and who is called the quick or ...
Holding forth the word of life,.... By which may be meant, either Christ the essential Word, in whom life was, and is, and who is called the quick or living Word, Joh 1:1; and here may be styled the Word of life, because he has all life in him; he has a divine life in him, as God, he is the living God; and it is given to him to have life in himself, as Mediator, for all his people; and he ever lives as man to make intercession for them: and because he is the author of life in every sense, of natural life to all men, of spiritual and eternal life to as many as the Father has given him: or else the Gospel is intended, and the doctrines of it; and which are sometimes called the words of eternal life, and of this life, Joh 6:68; and that because they are a means of quickening dead sinners, they are a savour of life unto life, 2Co 2:16, and the Spirit that giveth life, and of enlivening and comforting living saints; they treat of Christ who is the life; by the Gospel, life and immortality are brought to light; that gives an account of everlasting life; points out Christ as the way to it, shows that meetness for it lies in regenerating grace, and a right unto it is in the righteousness of Christ. Now this Word of life is held forth, partly by the preaching of it to a dark world, as by some; and partly by professing it publicly, as it should be by all who are enlightened with it; and also by living lives and conversations becoming and suitable to it,
That I may rejoice in the day of Christ. The apostle having observed the advantages that would accrue to themselves, and the benefit they might be of to the men of the world, by regarding the several exhortations he had given them, and which ends he mentions as reasons and arguments to enforce them, closes with taking notice of the use and service it would be to himself; it would give him joy and pleasure when Christ should come a second time to judge the world; and when dead in Christ would be raised, and set at his right hand, and these among the rest, to whom the apostle had been useful; and who continued to bear an honourable testimony in the world to Christ, and his Gospel, to the end:
that I have not run in vain, nor laboured in vain; being blessed with such converts under his ministry, as were a credit to religion, an honour to the Gospel, and a crown of rejoicing to him. He expresses his ministerial function, and the discharge of it, by running in a race, as the ministry of a person is sometimes called his course, Act 13:25; in allusion to the Olympic games, which the apostle often refers to, when the conqueror obtained a crown; and it was enough for our apostle, and a crown of rejoicing to him, that his spiritual children walked in the truth, and as became it, to the end: and also by labour, and hard service, as the ministerial work is, when faithfully performed; and especially as his was, which was attended with so many difficulties, and yet with such constancy, diligence, and indefatigableness, all which was not in vain; and he could look back upon it with pleasure, when his followers stood fast in the faith, and adorned the doctrine of Christ.

Gill: Phi 2:17 - Yea, and if I be offered // Upon the sacrifice and service of your faith // I joy and rejoice with you all Yea, and if I be offered,.... Or "poured out", as the drink offerings of wine or oil were; meaning the effusion of his blood, which he compares to a l...
Yea, and if I be offered,.... Or "poured out", as the drink offerings of wine or oil were; meaning the effusion of his blood, which he compares to a libation, or drink offering, which was poured upon the sacrifice; and the laying down of his life for the sake of Christ, and his Gospel: which he knew not how soon might be, though he was in some hopes of a deliverance for the present, and therefore speaks of it in an hypothetical way: yet he expected it sooner or later; and that whenever it was, it would be as the libation upon the offering,
Upon the sacrifice and service of your faith; he had been the means of bringing them to the faith of Christ, in which they were an offering acceptable to God, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost; see Rom 15:16; and should he suffer and shed his blood in the cause of Christ, it would be as a libation on them, as a sacrifice; it would be for the sake of preaching the doctrine of faith, by which they were brought to believe on Christ; and it would be for the further confirmation of their faith, and as a drink offering acceptable unto God; upon all which accounts it would be matter of joy to him,
I joy and rejoice with you all; meaning at his sufferings and death, and the advantages thereof to Christ, to his churches, and to himself.

Gill: Phi 2:18 - For the same cause also do ye joy and rejoice with me. For the same cause also do ye joy and rejoice with me. He would not have them be sorrowful, should they hear of his death for the sake of the Gospel, ...
For the same cause also do ye joy and rejoice with me. He would not have them be sorrowful, should they hear of his death for the sake of the Gospel, and of his blood being poured out in such a cause, since it was as a libation on their faith, and for the confirmation of it, and would be gain to Christ, and his interest, and to the apostle also: and therefore they should be so far from indulging grief and sorrow on that account, that they should rather joy and rejoice with him, who was ready to be offered up, or poured out; since he had run out his race, and that not in vain, but to so good a purpose, and especially among them.

Gill: Phi 2:19 - But I trust in the Lord Jesus // to send Timotheus shortly unto you // that I also may be of good comfort when I know your state But I trust in the Lord Jesus,.... Or "hope"; not in himself, his wisdom, will, resolutions, and purposes; nor in an arm of flesh, in any human aid an...
But I trust in the Lord Jesus,.... Or "hope"; not in himself, his wisdom, will, resolutions, and purposes; nor in an arm of flesh, in any human aid and power; nor in princes, nor in Nero, the Roman emperor, as expecting a release from bonds by him, when he could the more easily part with Timothy; but in the Lord Jesus, in the Lord whom every tongue shall confess to be so; and in that Jesus, in whose name every knee shall bow; who is King of kings, and Lord of lords, and the only Saviour and Deliverer of his people; who has the hearts of all men in his hands, and all power in heaven and in earth: he hoped and trusted, that through the goodness and power of Christ, opening a way for him, he should be able
to send Timotheus shortly unto you; one that had known the Scriptures from his youth, and was very early converted to the Christian faith, was an eminent preacher of the Gospel, and well known to the Philippians. The apostle hoped to send him to them "shortly", in a very little time; this he said in order to encourage them, and thereby suggesting, that he thought his own deliverance was at hand: this hope did not arise from a sure and certain persuasion of the thing, but from love to these saints; he had a very great affection for them; he knew that a Gospel minister, and particularly Timothy, would be of great comfort and service to them; wherefore, from that love which hopes all things, he hoped he should, in a short time, be able to serve them in love that way: the end he proposed in it is next expressed,
that I also may be of good comfort when I know your state; not their worldly estate, their secular affairs, and whether they prospered in their trades and business, and increased in riches; nor their corporeal estate, or state of health, and whether they prospered in their bodies, not but that the knowledge of each of these would be welcome to the apostle; nor everyone's personal spiritual estate, what was the particular case and state of each member; for though it is the business of a pastor of a church to look diligently to the state of his flock, and learn the case of every particular member, the apostle could not be thought to come at such an exact knowledge of things, who had the care of all the churches upon him; but their ecclesiastical state, their church state in general; how the Gospel stood with them, and they in that; whether they held it fast, and strove for it, and what ground the false teachers got among them; how the ordinances of the Gospel were regarded and attended on by them; with what life and light, and liberty and zeal, their ministers preached the word; and what success they had to the conversion of sinners, and comfort of saints; and how they behaved towards them, in honouring, obeying, and submitting to them, and esteeming them highly for their works' sake; what an increase of gifts, grace, and numbers there was among them; and what harmony, love, peace, and concord subsisted between them; and what afflictions and persecutions they endured for the sake of Christ; and with what patience, faith, and cheerfulness they bore them. By the return of Timothy he hoped to have knowledge of these things, that so he might "also be of good comfort"; as they would be by the coming of Timothy to them, by his preaching among them, and relating to them the case and circumstances of the apostle, how cheerful he was under his afflictions, and of what use they were to the cause of Christ. The comfort and pleasure of Gospel ministers lie in the good of the churches of Christ; it puts them in good heart and soul, as the word here used signifies, when they hear of their steadfastness in the faith of Christ, of their love to one another, and all the saints, and of their patience under sufferings.

Gill: Phi 2:20 - For I have no man likeminded // who will naturally care for your state For I have no man likeminded,.... With myself; as my soul, so the Syriac version renders it. Timothy had a soul like the apostle's, which none that we...
For I have no man likeminded,.... With myself; as my soul, so the Syriac version renders it. Timothy had a soul like the apostle's, which none that were with him, besides him, had; he was of the same judgment with him in the doctrines of grace; he received and preached the same Gospel as he did; he preached the same Christ, the Son of God, without yea and nay; he had the same affection for the apostle, and the souls of men, as he had; his soul was knit to his, and they had, as it were, but one soul in two bodies; he was engaged in the same work of the Lord, and pursued it with the same zeal and diligence: he was a second Paul in the pulpit; and there was no man likeminded as he, or so well disposed to the Philippians as he was, that had their good and cause at heart, and was willing to take so long a journey to do them service; for he had a particular affection for them, having been among them with the apostle, when he first preached the Gospel to them:
who will naturally care for your state. There were none like him that would; many were like the shepherds of Israel, that fed themselves and not the flock; but he was one that was diligent to know the state of the flock, and looked well to the herd under his care; and had an anxious care and solicitude, as the word signifies, for the good of souls. The work of a faithful Gospel minister is a work of care; one of his characteristics is, that he cares for the church of God; and though anxious care in worldly things is forbidden, yet in the affairs of Christ's house it is highly commendable, and especially when it is natural, or genuine and sincere, as Timothy's was: he had a sincere love, an hearty and real concern for their good; and which he would show by delivering to them the sincere milk of the word, by preaching the Gospel in the power and purity of it, with all sincerity and uprightness, with a single eye to the glory of Christ, and the good of their souls; and which is the apostle's reason for sending him unto them.

Gill: Phi 2:21 - For all seek their own // not the things which are Jesus Christ For all seek their own,.... Meaning not every individual, but the greatest part; and not merely such as were manifestly false teachers, but such as we...
For all seek their own,.... Meaning not every individual, but the greatest part; and not merely such as were manifestly false teachers, but such as were with the apostle, as ministers of the word; and we may suppose him to be stripped, by one means or another, of the more valuable preachers of the Gospel, and to be in much such a case as he describes himself to be, in 2Ti 4:10. He had none with him, excepting a very few, but such as he speaks of in the preceding chapter, that preached Christ of envy, strife, and contention; and these chiefly sought their own worldly interest and advantage; they sought great things for themselves, and looked every man for his gain from his quarter, Demas like, loving this present world, 2Ti 4:10; they sought for dominion and authority over men, and their faith, to lord it over God's heritage, as Diotrephes, who loved to have the preeminence, 3Jo 1:9; they sought for popular applause, for honour and glory of men, as the Pharisees of old did; and particularly their own ease and health, and did not choose to undertake such a fatiguing journey as from Rome to Philippi:
not the things which are Jesus Christ; they had no true regard to the Gospel of Christ, to the continuance, establishment, and spread of it in the world, or in any particular place; nor any hearty affection for the ordinances of Christ, and the retaining and preserving of them in their purity and simplicity; nor for the churches of Christ, and their spiritual good and welfare, as the Jews formerly, they cared not if the house of God lay waste, provided they dwelt in their ceiled houses; nor had they any concern for the honour and glory of Christ. But Timothy was a man of a quite different spirit and complexion; and which is another reason of the apostle's sending him to this place and people.

Gill: Phi 2:22 - But ye know the proof of him // that as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the Gospel But ye know the proof of him,.... They had had an experiment of him, a trial of his spirit, and a proof of his gifts and ministry, when he was among t...
But ye know the proof of him,.... They had had an experiment of him, a trial of his spirit, and a proof of his gifts and ministry, when he was among them with the apostle at his first preaching the Gospel to them, to the conversion of Lydia, and of the jailer, and their households, which laid the foundation of a Gospel church state among them, see Act 16:3. The Vulgate Latin version reads in the imperative, "know ye the proof of him"; but the former reading is to be preferred:
that as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the Gospel; he served not the apostle, but with him; he served God as the apostle did, in the Gospel of his Son; he served Jesus Christ, whose Gospel he preached, the interest and spread of which he greatly laboured in with him, as a fellow servant or work fellow; see Rom 16:21; which expresses the modesty of the apostle, and the great honour put upon Timothy, and which was not abused by him; for as a son honours, obeys, and imitates his father, so did he honour the apostle, and give him all respect and reverence that was due to him on account of his office, age, and usefulness; and obeyed his orders cheerfully, going wherever he sent him, and doing whatever he bid him; and imitated him in his ministry, in his constancy, diligence, and zeal, having a true filial affection for him.

Gill: Phi 2:23 - Him therefore I hope to send presently // so soon as I shall see how it will go with me Him therefore I hope to send presently,.... For the reasons now given:
so soon as I shall see how it will go with me; whether he should be released...
Him therefore I hope to send presently,.... For the reasons now given:
so soon as I shall see how it will go with me; whether he should be released from his bonds or not; whether he should live or die; whether he should be set free, or be called to suffer martyrdom for the sake of Christ; for he expected, that the matter would be determined in a very short time, when, be it at it would, Timothy would be spared.

Gill: Phi 2:24 - But I trust in the Lord // that I also myself shall come shortly But I trust in the Lord,.... The Syriac version reads, "in my Lord":
that I also myself shall come shortly: this he adds, partly to let them see, t...
But I trust in the Lord,.... The Syriac version reads, "in my Lord":
that I also myself shall come shortly: this he adds, partly to let them see, that he still retained a secret hope and persuasion in his own mind of a deliverance, though he could not be certain of it, how things would go with him; and partly, that he might not be thought to put them off with sending Timothy to them; for notwithstanding that, his intention still was, should he be released, to pay them a visit himself. The Alexandrian copy adds, "to you": so the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Arabic versions.

Gill: Phi 2:25 - Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus // my brother // and companion in labour // and fellow soldier // but your messenger // and he that ministered to my wants Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus,.... In the mean while, before either he or Timothy could come to them. This man was sent by t...
Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus,.... In the mean while, before either he or Timothy could come to them. This man was sent by the Philippians to the apostle with a present, and had been detained at Rome for some time, partly through business, and partly through sickness; but now the apostle thought it proper, he being recovered, to send him to them, who was one of their ministers. One of this name lived at Rome about this time, and was one of Nero's freemen o, but not the same person here intended. This person has a very high character. The apostle calls him,
my brother; not in a natural relation, or as being his countryman, and so according to a way of speaking with the Jews, and himself, his brother and kinsman according to the flesh; for by his name and country he seems to be a Greek; but in a spiritual relation, being born again of the same Father, belonging to the same household and family, and also a brother in the ministry, as it follows:
and companion in labour; in the laborious work of preaching the Gospel. The ministry of the word is a work; it is called the work of the ministry; and it is a laborious one when diligently and faithfully performed: the apostle was a workman that needed not to be ashamed, a labourer in Christ's vineyard, and one that laboured more abundantly than others; and he was not alone, he had companions in his work, and this good man was one of them: he adds,
and fellow soldier; the life of every believer is a warfare; he is always engaged in a war with sin, and Satan, and the world; and is often called to fight the fight of faith, to contend earnestly against false teachers for the faith once delivered to the saints, to stand up for it, and fast in it; and is provided for with the whole armour of God, with weapons of warfare, which are not carnal, but spiritual and mighty, being enlisted as a volunteer under the great Captain of his salvation, Jesus Christ, under whose banner he fights, and is more than a conqueror through him: but though this is the common case and character of all the saints, it more especially belongs to ministers of the Gospel; who are set for the defence of it, and at the front of the battle, and are called to meet the enemy at the gate, and endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ; and such an one was the apostle; and he had other fellow soldiers, and this person among the rest, who were engaged in the same common cause with the same enemies, under the same Captain, and would enjoy the same crown:
but your messenger; or "apostle"; meaning either that he was the pastor of them, a preacher to them, a minister among them; for ordinary ministers of the word were sometimes called apostles, as well as extraordinary ones, see Rom 16:7; or rather, that he was their messenger to him, to relieve, comfort, and assist him in his bonds; and such persons were called the messengers of the churches, 2Co 8:23, which sense is strengthened by what follows:
and he that ministered to my wants: to his personal wants in prison, and to the wants of the poor saints, which the apostle reckoned as his own, and which he used to supply; but now not able; and to his ministerial wants, filling up his place in preaching the Gospel to the saints at Rome,

Gill: Phi 2:26 - For he longed after you // and was full of heaviness // because that ye had heard that he had been sick For he longed after you,.... This verse and Phi 2:28 contain the reasons of the apostle's sending him; and the first is, because he had a very vehemen...
For he longed after you,.... This verse and Phi 2:28 contain the reasons of the apostle's sending him; and the first is, because he had a very vehement and longing desire after all of them; to see them, as the Syriac and Ethiopic versions add, and as it is read in the Alexandrian and Claromontane copies, and in others: it was not the city of Philippi he longed to see, which might be his native place, nor his natural relations and family, but the church there; and not the officers of it only, the bishops and deacons, but all the members of it, rich and poor, high and low, strong and weak believers:
and was full of heaviness: almost pressed down, quite disheartened and dispirited, ready to sink and die away, not so much with his own disorder and illness, as with sorrow on account of the church at Philippi:
because that ye had heard that he had been sick: he understood that the news of his sickness had reached them, and he knew how distressing it would be to them, that it would cut them to the heart, and press them heavily, fearing they should never see his face, nor hear his voice more. We have here an instance of that mutual love, tender affection and sympathy; which were in the first churches, and what subsisted between ministers and people; see how they loved one another! but, alas! this first love is left.

Gill: Phi 2:27 - For indeed he was sick nigh unto death // but God had mercy on him // and not on him only, but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow For indeed he was sick nigh unto death,.... It was not a mere rumour, or a false alarm, but was real matter of fact; and it was not a light disorder, ...
For indeed he was sick nigh unto death,.... It was not a mere rumour, or a false alarm, but was real matter of fact; and it was not a light disorder, a slight indisposition, but a very dangerous illness; though the sickness was not unto death, yet near it. Good men, such as Christ loves, as he did Lazarus, are sometimes sick; though their spiritual diseases are healed, and their sins forgiven, so that the inhabitants of Zion have no more reason to say that they are sick, since Christ has took their infirmities, and bore their sickness, yet they are not exempt from bodily disorders; and which are sometimes such as bring them to the brink of the grave, and, as it were, to the gates of death; and such was this good man's case:
but God had mercy on him: his disorder was such as was out of the reach of man; his recovery was not by man, but by God, and owing to his power, mercy, and goodness; and indeed, whenever means are made rise of, and they succeed to the restoration of health, it ought to be ascribed to the divine blessing on them. The raising up of this man is reckoned as an instance of mercy to him; as it was the removing of a grievous affliction, a return of him to his delightful work of the ministry, and the continuation of an useful life for the good of others; and so a mercy to him, and to the churches of Christ, and to the apostle also: who adds,
and not on him only, but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow: one affliction added to another; the death of this brother of his to his bonds: moreover the sickness of this companion of his filled him with sorrow: and had he died, it would have greatly increased it, and which would have had a fresh addition by the loss this church would sustain, and the grief and trouble they would be overwhelmed with: grace, and the doctrine of grace, though they regulate the passions, and restrain them from immoderate sorrow, they do not destroy them, nor deny the proper use of them. Christianity does not countenance a stoical apathy, but requires and encourages a Christian sympathy, and directs us to weep with them that weep within due bounds.

Gill: Phi 2:28 - I sent him therefore the more carefully // that when ye see him again ye may rejoice // and that I may be the less sorrowful I sent him therefore the more carefully,.... Or in greater haste, and as soon as possible:
that when ye see him again ye may rejoice; for this must...
I sent him therefore the more carefully,.... Or in greater haste, and as soon as possible:
that when ye see him again ye may rejoice; for this must greatly increase their joy, to see him again after he had been so long from them, and under such a disorder, which had made them to fear they should never see him more. The Syriac version renders it, "that when ye see him ye may rejoice again"; as they had done heretofore in his conversation and ministry, when among them:
and that I may be the less sorrowful; when he should hear of his safe arrival among them, and of their joyful reception of him to their mutual satisfaction, which would be an alleviation of the apostle's sorrow in his present circumstances; for he did not expect to be wholly without sorrow while in this life.

Gill: Phi 2:29 - Receive him therefore // in the Lord // with all gladness // And hold such in reputation Receive him therefore,.... Not only into their houses, where such as bring the doctrine of Christ should be admitted, and not others; but into their b...
Receive him therefore,.... Not only into their houses, where such as bring the doctrine of Christ should be admitted, and not others; but into their bosoms, into their hearts and affections, as he had reason to believe they would, and into their fellowship and communion, and to the exercise of his office among them, as their minister: and that
in the Lord; or "for the Lord", as the Arabic version renders it; for his sake, because he was one that was put into the ministry by him, was called unto it, and qualified for it, and sent forth to minister in it by him; or in the name of the Lord, as an ambassador of his, as representing him, and as if he himself was present; for he that receives a minister of Christ, receives Christ himself; see Luk 10:16,
with all gladness; with sincere affection, undissembled joy, perfect pleasure, and with all demonstrations of respect unto him, and delight in him at his return to them,
And hold such in reputation: account such as he precious and valuable; highly esteem of them for their works' sake; reckon them worthy of double honour, and give it to them.

Gill: Phi 2:30 - Because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death // not regarding his life // to supply your lack of service towards me Because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death,.... Meaning either the work the church sent him about, and which he cheerfully undertook, and f...
Because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death,.... Meaning either the work the church sent him about, and which he cheerfully undertook, and faithfully performed in carrying of a present to, and visiting the apostle in prison; which is called the work of Christ, because taken by Christ as if it was done to himself; and which, what with the long and fatiguing journey from Philippi to Rome, and the frequent visits he made to the apostle, and the much business besides that lay upon his hands, brought upon him a disorder which greatly threatened his life, and had almost issued in his death: or else the work of preaching the Gospel so frequently and constantly, and with so much zeal and vehemency at Rome; and which may be called the work of Christ, because it is what he calls unto, and qualities for, and in which his glory is greatly concerned; and on which this good man was so intent, gladly spending himself, and being spent in it, that he was brought through it to the brink of the grave:
not regarding his life: he was careless of that, and of his health; he loved not his life, nor counted it dear to himself; he rather despised it, and made no account of it, being very willing to deliver it up, and sacrifice it in such a good work and cause:
to supply your lack of service towards me; to do that in their name, room, and stead, which they, through absence, could not do in person; signifying, that what was done to him, and for him, was but a piece of service and duty to him; and which this good man and faithful minister and messenger of theirs having done for them to the hazard of his life, he ought therefore to be received by them with great joy, and to be highly honoured and respected.

buka semuaTafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki
NET Notes -> Phi 2:1; Phi 2:1; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:2; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:4; Phi 2:4; Phi 2:4; Phi 2:4; Phi 2:5; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:6; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:7; Phi 2:12; Phi 2:15; Phi 2:16; Phi 2:20; Phi 2:24; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:25; Phi 2:27; Phi 2:28; Phi 2:28; Phi 2:30
NET Notes: Phi 2:1 Grk “and any affection and mercy.” The Greek idea, however, is best expressed by “or” in English.

NET Notes: Phi 2:3 Grk “not according to selfish ambition.” There is no main verb in this verse; the subjunctive φρονῆτε ...

NET Notes: Phi 2:4 Verses 1-4 constitute one long conditional sentence in Greek. The protasis is in verse 1, while vv. 2-4 constitute the apodosis. There is but one verb...

NET Notes: Phi 2:5 Grk “Have this attitude in/among yourselves which also [was] in Christ Jesus,” or “Have this attitude in/among yourselves which [you...

NET Notes: Phi 2:6 The Greek term translated form indicates a correspondence with reality. Thus the meaning of this phrase is that Christ was truly God.

NET Notes: Phi 2:7 By sharing in human nature. This last line of v. 7 (line d) stands in tension with the previous line, line c (“by looking like other men”)...

NET Notes: Phi 2:12 Grk “with fear and trembling.” The Greek words φόβος and τρόμος both imply fear in ...

NET Notes: Phi 2:20 Grk “For I have no one who is like-minded who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare.”

NET Notes: Phi 2:24 The words “to see you” are not in the Greek text, but are implied, and are supplied in the translation for clarity.

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:1 If ( 1 ) [there be] therefore any consolation in ( a ) Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:2 Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the ( c ) same love, [being] of one accord, of one mind.
( c )...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:5 ( 2 ) Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
( 2 ) He sets before them a most perfect...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:6 Who, being in the ( d ) form of God, ( e ) thought it not robbery to be ( f ) equal with God:

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:7 But made himself of ( g ) no reputation, and took upon him the ( h ) form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of me...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:9 ( 3 ) Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a ( i ) name which is above every name:

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:10 That at the name of Jesus ( k ) every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth; ...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:11 And [that] ( l ) every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
( l )...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:12 ( 4 ) Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, ( m ) ...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:13 ( 5 ) For it is God which worketh in you both ( n ) to will and to do of [his] good pleasure.
( 5 )...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:14 ( 6 ) Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
( 6 ) He describes modesty by the contrary effec...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:15 ( 7 ) That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among wh...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:16 Holding forth the ( o ) word of life; ( 8 ) that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither ...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:17 Yea, and if I be offered upon the ( p ) sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.
( p...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:19 ( 9 ) But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may be of ( q ) good comfort, when I k...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:21 For ( r ) all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's.
( r ) The most part. ...

Geneva Bible: Phi 2:30 Because for the ( s ) work of Christ he was nigh unto death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me. ...

buka semuaTafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat
Maclaren -> Phi 2:1-4; Phi 2:3; Phi 2:5-8; Phi 2:9-11; Phi 2:12-13; Phi 2:14-16; Phi 2:16-18; Phi 2:19-24; Phi 2:25
Maclaren: Phi 2:1-4 - A Libation To Jehovah A Plea For Unity
If there Is therefore any comfort in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit...

Maclaren: Phi 2:3 - A Libation To Jehovah III. The Hindrances And Helps To Being Of The Same Mind.
The original has no verb in front of nothing' in ...

Maclaren: Phi 2:5-8 - A Libation To Jehovah The Descent Of The Word
Have this mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus: 6. Who, being in the form of God. counted i...

Maclaren: Phi 2:9-11 - A Libation To Jehovah The Ascent Of Jesus
Wherefore also God highly exalted Him and gave unto Him the name which is above every name; 10. That ...

Maclaren: Phi 2:12-13 - A Libation To Jehovah Work Out Your Own Salvation
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, 13. For it is God which worketh in you b...

Maclaren: Phi 2:14-16 - A Libation To Jehovah Copies Of Jesus
Do all things without murmurings and disputings; 15. That ye may be blameless and harmless, children of G...

Maclaren: Phi 2:16-18 - A Libation To Jehovah A Willing Sacrifice
That I may have whereof to glory in the day of Christ, that I did not run in vain neither labour in v...

Maclaren: Phi 2:19-24 - A Libation To Jehovah Paul And Timothy
But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy shortly unto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when ...

Maclaren: Phi 2:25 - A Libation To Jehovah I. The Prisoner's Longing And Hope.
The first point which strikes us in this self-revelation of Paul's is his conscious un...
MHCC: Phi 2:1-4 - --Here are further exhortations to Christian duties; to like-mindedness and lowly-mindedness, according to the example of the Lord Jesus. Kindness is...

MHCC: Phi 2:5-11 - --The example of our Lord Jesus Christ is set before us. We must resemble him in his life, if we would have the benefit of his death. Notice the two ...

MHCC: Phi 2:12-18 - --We must be diligent in the use of all the means which lead to our salvation, persevering therein to the end. With great care, lest, with all our ad...

MHCC: Phi 2:19-30 - --It is best with us, when our duty becomes natural to us. Naturally, that is, sincerely, and not in pretence only; with a willing heart and upright ...
Matthew Henry: Phi 2:1-11 - -- The apostle proceeds in this chapter where he left off in the last, with further exhortations to Christian duties. He presses them largely to lik...

Matthew Henry: Phi 2:12-13 - -- I. He exhorts them to diligence and seriousness in the Christian course: Work out your own salvation. It is the salvation ...

Matthew Henry: Phi 2:14-18 - -- The apostle exhorts them in these verses to adorn their Christian profession by a suitable temper and behaviour, in several instances. 1. By a ch...

Matthew Henry: Phi 2:19-30 - -- Paul takes particular notice of two good ministers; for though he was himself a great apostle, and laboured more abundantly than they all,...
Barclay -> Phi 2:1-4; Phi 2:1-4; Phi 2:5-11; Phi 2:5-11; Phi 2:5-11; Phi 2:12-18; Phi 2:12-18; Phi 2:12-18; Phi 2:19-24; Phi 2:25-30
Barclay: Phi 2:1-4 - "THE CAUSES OF DISUNITY" The one danger which threatened the Philippian church was that of disunity. There is a sense in which that is the danger of every healthy church. ...

Barclay: Phi 2:1-4 - "THE CURE OF DISUNITY" In face of this danger of disunity Paul sets down five considerations which ought to prevent disharmony.
(i) The fact that we are all in Chr...

Barclay: Phi 2:5-11 - "TRUE GODHEAD AND TRUE MANHOOD" In many ways this is the greatest and most moving passage Paul ever wrote about Jesus. It states a favourite thought of his. The essence of it is...

Barclay: Phi 2:5-11 - "HUMILIATION AND EXALTATION" It is always to be remembered that when Paul thought and spoke about Jesus, his interest and his intention were never primarily intellectual and s...

Barclay: Phi 2:5-11 - "ALL FOR GOD" Phi 2:11is one of the most important verses in the New Testament. In it we read that the aim of God...

Barclay: Phi 2:12-18 - "CO-OPERATION IN SALVATION" Paul's appeal to the Philippians is more than an appeal to live in unity in a given situation; it is an appeal to live a life which will lead to t...

Barclay: Phi 2:12-18 - "THE SIGNS OF SALVATION" When we examine the chain of thought in this passage, we see that Paul sets down five signs of salvation, as we may call them.
(i) There i...

Barclay: Phi 2:12-18 - "THE PICTURES OF PAUL" This passage concludes with two vivid pictures, which are typical of Paul's way of thinking.
(i) He longs for the Christian progress of the...

Barclay: Phi 2:19-24 - "THE FAITHFUL HENCHMAN" Since Paul cannot himself come to Philippi, it is his intention to send Timothy as his representative. There was no one so close to him as Timoth...

Barclay: Phi 2:25-30 - "THE COURTESY OF PAUL" There is a dramatic story behind this. When the Philippians heard that Paul was in prison, their warm hearts were moved to action. They sent a g...
Constable -> Phi 1:27--4:10; Phi 2:1-30; Phi 2:1-4; Phi 2:5-11; Phi 2:12-16; Phi 2:17-18; Phi 2:19-24; Phi 2:25-30
Constable: Phi 1:27--4:10 - --III. Partnership in the gospel 1:27--4:9
Paul had been saying he hop...

College -> Phi 2:1-30

buka semuaTafsiran/Catatan -- Lainnya
Evidence: Phi 2:8 The death of the cross . " Oh sinner, why provoke your Maker? Your judgment does not linger and your damnation does not slumber. When the La...

Evidence: Phi 2:13 " I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked if I might help Him. I ended up by asking Him to do His work through me." Hudson Taylor...

Evidence: Phi 2:15 Too often the Church becomes exclusive . We fellowship only with Christians—a monastery without walls. We become salt among salt, light amon...

Evidence: Phi 2:19 Preach Christ or nothing: don’t dispute or discuss except with your eye on the cross. CHARLES SPURGEON...